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Are you guys doing Metas events because you find it fun or because of the amalgated stone?

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To give a vaguely serious answer: I don't do metas daily, and almost never plan what to play around when metas happen. Mostly I do any metas I run in to (like standing in the Lily of the Elon and see Blitz is on) and find more fun than I'm currently doing.


Somewhat of an exception when I'm actively working on a gen 2 legendary, but still far from multiple per day - I just get a bit better att checking which are actully up at what points.

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I always prefer to do the things I like to do and use what gold comes to advance other goals. I don't think I've ever done anything specifically as a means of farming gold, a gold equivalent or anything that can be purchased with gold. The only things I 'farm' are things that cannot be purchased directly with gold . . .

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I don't do any metas on a daily basis, but when I do join in with one (or more) it's almost always because I find it fun. If I don't feel like doing it then I generally don't. Sometimes I'll go out of my way to do one because I need a reward I can't get another way, but that includes finding a time when I feel like doing it. Sometimes I'll do it because I'm on the map, they're saying they need more people and I don't have a good reason not to help, but that's the nearest I'll come to doing one I'm not expecting to enjoy.


When I needed amalgamated gemstones I'd pick them as the reward, but as other people have said there's much better ways to get them. I made most of them in the mystic forge, checking the Wiki to see which gem stones or crests were cheapest. I didn't do the whole lot in one go, just a few at a time because I was spreading out gathering Funerary Incense through the whole process (again, doing it as and when I felt like it). Actually joining in with the metas, or bounties or whatever else other people were doing was one way to break up the monotony of doing the same 5 hearts. (That's one of the things I like about MMOs, I go to a map for a specific purpose, get drawn into what everyone else is doing and end up doing something I never even thought about.)

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I am not a big PvEr, but the times I do meta events are never for an amalgamated gemstone. Personally, it is not worth sitting around simply for a ~1g reward that I could instead earn another way. I've mostly spent my time doing metas farming currencies for legendaries. It's not that I don't enjoy metas--I actually find the HoT metas pretty cool--I just have a hard time committing the time to them when I could be doing something in game that I enjoy more. Dragon's Stand in particular has always been a painful one for me; while well-made and enjoyable, it burns me out from the game by the end of it. It is the biggest thing that keeps me away from wanting to grind for more Gen 2 legendaries.

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I think the one I've done the most is Chak Gerent, and I've probably only done it about five times. I find big group events are enjoyable for the spectacle, but not for the gameplay. In fact, I think the gameplay in this game is best in a very small group (about three or less). I'm well aware that this isn't a common opinion though...

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In general, I do metas when I need something from them. I typically enjoy them, so it's not like I'm forced to do something I don't like doing. But I wouldn't do them for enjoyment alone. There is always something I want or need, whether it be map currency, a particular achievement, or a Amal gemstone.

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I do a meta when I feel like it (and then I choose one I find most fun), I do a meta when I need resources (and choose a meta that is rewarding and fun) and when I am just past one thats started and there are other players I usually tag on for fun.


For some reason that usually makes me end up on HoT maps over PoF maps as I like those meta's better. And some living world exceptions I like to tag along now and then.

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