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Massivelyop's review of gw2 2019


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A second article is also there




It sums up a general-but-not-necs-inclusive-of-everyone attitude of players loving the game and a sadness to see where it currently is sitting. Sure not everyone thinks there is an issue, but there is a common feeling on platforms and with many people in game that something is "off". And it is a culmination of many factors

No real sign of a lot of expected things, build templates are what they are, communication and leadership has now gone completely in a time where they are needed more than ever. This isnt MI6, we don't need an official secrets Act in place.


To be honest, both links give a fairly fair analysis. The last chapter had moments, but lacked variety and enough interesting things. The story has been off kilter for a long time, culminating in whatever nonsense that last LS4 episode was trying to put out. Now we have tiny, bite size teaser chunks (except the Prologue - that was really good imo).


I want to see a return to form. I think its heyday is past, but I don't think it is done and dusted either. There is enough talent in Anet to salvage something. But it has to do better in 2020.


Drakkar is where my hopes currently lie. A nice big, Tequatl/Wurm level of World Boss (just ditch the visual noise!!)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> A second article is also there


> https://massivelyop.com/2019/12/19/massively-ops-2019-awards-biggest-disappointment/


> It sums up a general-but-not-necs-inclusive-of-everyone attitude of players loving the game and a sadness to see where it currently is sitting. Sure not everyone thinks there is an issue, but there is a common feeling on platforms and with many people in game that something is "off". And it is a culmination of many factors

> No real sign of a lot of expected things, build templates are what they are, communication and leadership has now gone completely in a time where they are needed more than ever. This isnt MI6, we don't need an official secrets Act in place.


> To be honest, both links give a fairly fair analysis. The last chapter had moments, but lacked variety and enough interesting things. The story has been off kilter for a long time, culminating in whatever nonsense that last LS4 episode was trying to put out. Now we have tiny, bite size teaser chunks (except the Prologue - that was really good imo).


> I want to see a return to form. I think its heyday is past, but I don't think it is done and dusted either. There is enough talent in Anet to salvage something. But it has to do better in 2020.


> Drakkar is where my hopes currently lie. A nice big, Tequatl/Wurm level of World Boss (just ditch the visual noise!!)


Hey, we're winning! Oh wait...

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Very good article linked by Randulf. It sums up really well the situation. I know that at the start, I recommended the game. I can't anymore. I already said that the ls4 end was the start of the downfall if they start another ls. I was right. How long until reaching 0 population? End of ls5 or mid ls6?! It's not new, WvW world population decreasing, the episodes completion rate too... The layoffs.... All the signs.....


I arrive at the end of the journey. Soon maybe in less than 1 year I will stop posting there. Maybe will progressively stop playing. Forgetting about any hopes of seeing sab w3 & 4 or fractal of battle of lion's arch/marionette. I even think I will never visit the old LA ever again.


Yeah yeah if I leave the good ol' "can I have you stuff" comment will pop. But sadly I couldn't give you anything since everything is account bound. Better to say can I have your account?


Anyway, I think we are near the end, the game is more and more moot. Why still playing? Unrealistic and stupid hope of making a gen 2 legendary that is so badly designed to acquire that it is clearly a chore. Strongly disapointed by those nasty incenses and condensed gifts. Would have been better to make like gen 1 with a little nice story and stuffs to do around the world instead of a boring crappy legendary shards farm. Guess I will never have binding of ipos, at least I've managed to craft predator....


I don't see any redemption apart releasing an expansion and adding elite specs.


/rant end


Anyway, the ones who still love this game, good luck to you, I can't stand that downfall anymore, let's stop lying to ourselves.

Randulf's article said it all.


I'm so disapointed and sad for a lot of devs and anet staffs. Mike Z, Clayton , Ruby, Gaile, Josh Foreman (sniff), Stephane lo Presti, Cameron Rich....


But also specials thanks to sound engineer and map designers doing an awesome job.


The end. Will continue to play the game until the next sab for sure, after will depend of the qol updates and rpisodes quality.

6 good years for me.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Very good article linked by Randulf. It sums up really well the situation. I know that at the start, I recommended the game. I can't anymore. I already said that the ls4 end was the start of the downfall if they start another ls. I was right. How long until reaching 0 population? End of ls5 or mid ls6?! It's not new, WvW world population decreasing, the episodes completion rate too... The layoffs.... All the signs.....


> I arrive at the end of the journey. Soon maybe in less than 1 year I will stop posting there. Maybe will progressively stop playing. Forgetting about any hopes of seeing sab w3 & 4 or fractal of battle of lion's arch/marionette. I even think I will never visit the old LA ever again.


> Yeah yeah if I leave the good ol' "can I have you stuff" comment will pop. But sadly I couldn't give you anything since everything is account bound. Better to say can I have your account?


> Anyway, I think we are near the end, the game is more and more moot. Why still playing? Unrealistic and stupid hope of making a gen 2 legendary that is so badly designed to acquire that it is clearly a chore. Strongly disapointed by those nasty incenses and condensed gifts. Would have been better to make like gen 1 with a little nice story and stuffs to do around the world instead of a boring crappy legendary shards farm. Guess I will never have binding of ipos, at least I've managed to craft predator....


> I don't see any redemption apart releasing an expansion and adding elite specs.


> /rant end


> Anyway, the ones who still love this game, good luck to you, I can't stand that downfall anymore, let's stop lying to ourselves.

> Randulf's article said it all.


> I'm so disapointed and sad for a lot of devs and anet staffs. Mike Z, Clayton , Ruby, Gaile, Josh Foreman (sniff), Stephane lo Presti, Cameron Rich....


> But also specials thanks to sound engineer and map designers doing an awesome job.


> The end. Will continue to play the game until the next sab for sure, after will depend of the qol updates and rpisodes quality.

> 6 good years for me.


Those devs you list...plenty are still with Anet.


I don’t think we are near the end, I just think they’ve lost their way.


Communication and strong leadership will right the boat. The game has plenty of life left and a talented enough dev team to do it.

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The articles both sound like a bitchfest that refuses to acknowledge the good things that Anet has done.


There are lots of things that Anet has done well, but people like to complain.


I think a lot of people have just outgrown MMOs...they aren't made happy by any of them anymore. I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how disatisfying everything is to them.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how dissatisfying everything is to them.

As I understand your point of about the constant, noisy complaints towards Guild wars 2 talking about the same problem over and over again to the point it looks like nitpicking, never forget **why** people complain. _Liking the game does not make the game more healthy when valid complaints about abandoned game designs and content must be considered "annoying fests"._


Not every complaint must be looked at "people like to complain for the sake of complaining". Complainers can also just click on **Exit to Desktop** and be never seen again in the game if that is what you want.


I mean look at WvW. So many passionate Commanders, Guilds and roamers have left the game and suddenly like what you want, they have stopped complaining. Not because the game "has become old", it is because terrible design choices like a WvW mount and overtuned classes. People complain because they want to make the game to a better state in certain areas compared to what some areas are right now, because people don't want to lie to their self (as said previously above).


## Examples of good game designs?

1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)

2. Dungeons

3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this **myth**)


Did these game designs get (**proper**(because Eotm 1v1 arena was forgotten within a week)) updates to keep content played by a good amount of people? No.

So people complain on the forums and make all kinds of suggestions wanting to see any changes, reworks and improvements to these game designs. **FOR YEARS**. It just seems like no risk have been taken. Instead the action that will be taken is to just end the content-line and...well...continue living world episodes that generate hype for 3 days, people play it at the rate of the slowest turtle on the planet and still finish the episode before they leave their cookies bake too long in the oven.


You can praise Anet all you want about the good things done in this **living world episode** or good things done since release, but they will be making updates like this for this game catered to a desolate community if all the complainers that want to see improvement and life in this game just pack their backs and go.

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> @"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how dissatisfying everything is to them.

> As I understand your point of about the constant, noisy complaints towards Guild wars 2 talking about the same problem over and over again to the point it looks like nitpicking, never forget **why** people complain. _Liking the game does not make the game more healthy when valid complaints about abandoned game designs and content must be considered "annoying fests"._


> Not every complaint must be looked at "people like to complain for the sake of complaining". Complainers can also just click on **Exit to Desktop** and be never seen again in the game if that is what you want.


> I mean look at WvW. So many passionate Commanders, Guilds and roamers have left the game and suddenly like what you want, they have stopped complaining. Not because the game "has become old", it is because terrible design choices like a WvW mount and overtuned classes. People complain because they want to make the game to a better state in certain areas compared to what some areas are right now, because people don't want to lie to their self (as said previously above).


> ## Examples of good game designs?

> 1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)

> 2. Dungeons

> 3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this **myth**)


> Did these game designs get (**proper**(because Eotm 1v1 arena was forgotten within a week)) updates to keep content played by a good amount of people? No.

> So people complain on the forums and make all kinds of suggestions wanting to see any changes, reworks and improvements to these game designs. **FOR YEARS**. It just seems like no risk have been taken. Instead the action that will be taken is to just end the content-line and...well...continue living world episodes that generate hype for 3 days, people play it at the rate of the slowest turtle on the planet and still finish the episode before they leave their cookies bake too long in the oven.


> You can praise Anet all you want about the good things done in this **living world episode** or good things done since release, but they will be making updates like this for this game catered to a desolate community if all the complainers that want to see improvement and life in this game just pack their backs and go.


You misquoted me by dropping the rest of the thought. I wonder if any mmo makes you happy?


Or is this the one that makes you most happy?


If it is the one that makes you the happiest, why only focus on the negative?


And if it truly is atrocious, why are you still self-inflicting?


Honest questions which I doubt you will answer.

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I think both articles are ... relatively reasonable. There's still a few things that bother me about their wording which makes this seem more like a fansite than a proper journal.


>**Eliot Lefebvre:**

>... (And the fact that ArenaNet basically ceded control of the studio to Reddit did not endear it to me.)


Any journalist would not confuse a fact with an opinion. Until Reddit is actually on the payroll, this ain't a fact.


>**Colin Henry:**

>Personally, I’m satisfied with the system we got, but I’m the type who is always looking for an excuse to make new characters, so just a couple of templates is plenty for me. I can definitely understand, though, that not everyone feels the same...


Another rule of thumb for journalism is you don't put yourself in the story. It might be relevant to the topic at hand, but when you're reporting on community reaction it looks more professional to quote other community members, comparing their views, instead of inserting your own.


Yeah, I have this thing about Massively OP. Sorry. But hey, at least the grammar was passable this time around.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Very good article linked by Randulf. It sums up really well the situation. I know that at the start, I recommended the game. I can't anymore. I already said that the ls4 end was the start of the downfall if they start another ls. I was right. How long until reaching 0 population? End of ls5 or mid ls6?! It's not new, WvW world population decreasing, the episodes completion rate too... The layoffs.... All the signs.....

> >

> > I arrive at the end of the journey. Soon maybe in less than 1 year I will stop posting there. Maybe will progressively stop playing. Forgetting about any hopes of seeing sab w3 & 4 or fractal of battle of lion's arch/marionette. I even think I will never visit the old LA ever again.

> >

> > Yeah yeah if I leave the good ol' "can I have you stuff" comment will pop. But sadly I couldn't give you anything since everything is account bound. Better to say can I have your account?

> >

> > Anyway, I think we are near the end, the game is more and more moot. Why still playing? Unrealistic and stupid hope of making a gen 2 legendary that is so badly designed to acquire that it is clearly a chore. Strongly disapointed by those nasty incenses and condensed gifts. Would have been better to make like gen 1 with a little nice story and stuffs to do around the world instead of a boring crappy legendary shards farm. Guess I will never have binding of ipos, at least I've managed to craft predator....

> >

> > I don't see any redemption apart releasing an expansion and adding elite specs.

> >

> > /rant end

> >

> > Anyway, the ones who still love this game, good luck to you, I can't stand that downfall anymore, let's stop lying to ourselves.

> > Randulf's article said it all.

> >

> > I'm so disapointed and sad for a lot of devs and anet staffs. Mike Z, Clayton , Ruby, Gaile, Josh Foreman (sniff), Stephane lo Presti, Cameron Rich....

> >

> > But also specials thanks to sound engineer and map designers doing an awesome job.

> >

> > The end. Will continue to play the game until the next sab for sure, after will depend of the qol updates and rpisodes quality.

> > 6 good years for me.


> Those devs you list...plenty are still with Anet.


> I don’t think we are near the end, I just think they’ve lost their way.


> Communication and strong leadership will right the boat. The game has plenty of life left and a talented enough dev team to do it.


Well, I have no doubt they will still release good maps through the episodes in the future, what bump me is the decrease on communication here on the forum.


Since Gaile left, no dev speak randomly in several threads because they like them like Gaile did. They are silent, and only speaks with release notes / bugs.


Also sad that AFC disapeared I loved them, It was the only place /moments where you could interact with devs. It's better than guild chat because they answers during days on the forums chats instead of a few minutes in guild chat.


Again the communication is bad, tons of players are speaking of WvW, alliances, specs, new guild missions, housing....

0 answers, not even a post. I don't see how I can trust the future of the game if the Devs themselves don't even speak about their game and future. It just makes my fear grow bigger.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> The articles both sound like a bitchfest that refuses to acknowledge the good things that Anet has done.


> There are lots of things that Anet has done well, but people like to complain.


> I think a lot of people have just outgrown MMOs...they aren't made happy by any of them anymore. I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how disatisfying everything is to them.


To be fair many are doing exactly that, stop talking about their dissatisfaction and just quit the game. If everyone was that way though, the developers, and the community, wouldn't know why players quit in the first place and be living in their happy little bubble, till there was nobody playing. Constructive criticism is how games can improve. Now I'll admit most doom and gloom posts aren't constructive, but just moaning. I'm sure the developers, and forum posters alike, can filter those and focus on the constructive posts instead. Imagine if nobody voiced their concern about the mount adoption license, imagine if nobody voiced their concern about the structure of Heart of Thorns meta events. Did Anet do good things? Yes but honestly who cares, it's the bad things that send players away and it's the bad things that need fixing.


I like the darker and more serious tone of the story, but how much can I praise it? On the other hand if I don't like something in the game, I'll be more vocal about it because it's what prevents me from liking the game. It's why negatives always get more attention than positives.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> >**Eliot Lefebvre:**

> >... (And the fact that ArenaNet basically ceded control of the studio to Reddit did not endear it to me.)


> Any journalist would not confuse a fact with an opinion. Until Reddit is actually on the payroll, this ain't a fact.


This is the part that really stood out to me. I don't read Reddit so I have no idea what they're even talking about here. Any chance someone could fill me in?


> I think both articles are ... relatively reasonable. There's still a few things that bother me about their wording which makes this seem more like a fansite than a proper journal.

> ...

> Yeah, I have this thing about Massively OP. Sorry. But hey, at least the grammar was passable this time around.


I think I feel the same – I don't really see any reason why I should treat Massively OP's "articles" as any more credible or worthy of attention than any random opinion post on a forum. And apart from that comment about ceding control to Reddit, I feel like I've read everything in these articles before.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> We fell for the misdirection that is the Sunpear Sanctuary. We fell for it again with this season being expansion levels of content.


That's true. As the articles stated correctly, this game never lived up to its full potential and obviously never will, because if it hasn't after seven years it is unlikely it will in the next seven. All the things they introduced this year (build "templates", dyeable back items, a somewhat more customizable UI, etc) came too late in my book, as much as I appreciate their introduction. There are things that should have been a given from the start, as we already had them in GW1, and even in a much better state.


The game isn't dead, but it's still a disappointment in many departments. The writing has improved immensely, but if that's the only good thing the game has to offer, then serving the story in small bits and putting it on hold for 2-3 months is not helping in keeping veteran players excited about the game. I'm becoming more and more of a casual GW2 player. My last spark of hope lays within the next year, which I believe will decide about its future.

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So uh... This year of GW2 has been worse than Fallout 76?


Yeah. Right. Makes sense.


Either way the sample size of that vote is just tiny. We have more participated polls on this forum that's GW2 alone and I find it somewhat... diffuse... that the vote is for its "seeming" decline. Pretty sure a disappointment is something more substantial.


But I suppose it's a matter of perspective. As a mostly WvW player I can say that I have noticed little to no change in Anets "disappointing" behaviour this last year compared to other years.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > @"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:

> > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how dissatisfying everything is to them.

> > As I understand your point of about the constant, noisy complaints towards Guild wars 2 talking about the same problem over and over again to the point it looks like nitpicking, never forget **why** people complain. _Liking the game does not make the game more healthy when valid complaints about abandoned game designs and content must be considered "annoying fests"._

> >

> > Not every complaint must be looked at "people like to complain for the sake of complaining". Complainers can also just click on **Exit to Desktop** and be never seen again in the game if that is what you want.

> >

> > I mean look at WvW. So many passionate Commanders, Guilds and roamers have left the game and suddenly like what you want, they have stopped complaining. Not because the game "has become old", it is because terrible design choices like a WvW mount and overtuned classes. People complain because they want to make the game to a better state in certain areas compared to what some areas are right now, because people don't want to lie to their self (as said previously above).

> >

> > ## Examples of good game designs?

> > 1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)

> > 2. Dungeons

> > 3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this **myth**)

> >

> > Did these game designs get (**proper**(because Eotm 1v1 arena was forgotten within a week)) updates to keep content played by a good amount of people? No.

> > So people complain on the forums and make all kinds of suggestions wanting to see any changes, reworks and improvements to these game designs. **FOR YEARS**. It just seems like no risk have been taken. Instead the action that will be taken is to just end the content-line and...well...continue living world episodes that generate hype for 3 days, people play it at the rate of the slowest turtle on the planet and still finish the episode before they leave their cookies bake too long in the oven.

> >

> > You can praise Anet all you want about the good things done in this **living world episode** or good things done since release, but they will be making updates like this for this game catered to a desolate community if all the complainers that want to see improvement and life in this game just pack their backs and go.


> You misquoted me by dropping the rest of the thought. I wonder if any mmo makes you happy?


> Or is this the one that makes you most happy?


> If it is the one that makes you the happiest, why only focus on the negative?


> And if it truly is atrocious, why are you still self-inflicting?


> Honest questions which I doubt you will answer.


lots of mmos are very solid, havent you ever stop to think why ppl talk about eso, wow, ff14 hell even bdo almost weekly yet its a desert when it comes to gw2's online presence?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > The articles both sound like a bitchfest that refuses to acknowledge the good things that Anet has done.

> >

> > There are lots of things that Anet has done well, but people like to complain.

> >

> > I think a lot of people have just outgrown MMOs...they aren't made happy by any of them anymore. I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how disatisfying everything is to them.


> To be fair many are doing exactly that, stop talking about their dissatisfaction and just quit the game. If everyone was that way though, the developers, and the community, wouldn't know why players quit in the first place and be living in their happy little bubble, till there was nobody playing. Constructive criticism is how games can improve. Now I'll admit most doom and gloom posts aren't constructive, but just moaning. I'm sure the developers, and forum posters alike, can filter those and focus on the constructive posts instead. Imagine if nobody voiced their concern about the mount adoption license, imagine if nobody voiced their concern about the structure of Heart of Thorns meta events. Did Anet do good things? Yes but honestly who cares, it's the bad things that send players away and it's the bad things that need fixing.


> I like the darker and more serious tone of the story, but how much can I praise it? On the other hand if I don't like something in the game, I'll be more vocal about it because it's what prevents me from liking the game. It's why negatives always get more attention than positives.


subjective i guess but compaired to hot's meta structure what we got with pof was a straight downgrade.

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I guess it's Picknick time

> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> You misquoted me by dropping the rest of the thought. I wonder if any mmo makes you happy?


A lot of MMOs, Black desert, Blade and soul, Guild wars 1, WoW (classic and normal), ESO, FF14. Almost every MMO I have played and they made me happy. Did I care to drop complaints and criticism about those games when there were terrible and abandoned areas? No.

I simply just left without any complaint and with all the happiness you ask for as a video game consumer. And also, not every complainer is a brick wall with only one emotion. People can still complain and be satisfied with the rest of game.

And in this case of GW2, that is how you maintain happiness for a diverse playerbase, by updating the game-modes I mentioned before so that not just one group is satisfied, but everyone is. **Not everything is living world**

Especially when a game like Guild Wars 2 has so many routes you can go to.


> Or is this the one that makes you most happy?


Hmm...it's hard to tell **after 7 years.** Of course it makes me the most happy because I can jump in and play WvW, HoT content, Dungeons, Fractals and open world whenever I want. What area of the game makes me unhappy? SPvP, so I have the freedom to choose not to play that game mode.

> If it is the one that makes you the happiest, why only focus on the negative?


Is pointing out what is wrong and abandoned **focusing only on the negative** to you? I am simply telling what the bad and abandoned content are in this game good MMO I spent almost a decade on and that suddenly makes me and others super negative? I do like what Anet **DID** with the game up until 2017 where a huge living world season episode got released (PoF). From that point I started to question the decisions made for the future of Guild Wars 2.

> And if it truly is atrocious, why are you still self-inflicting?


Did I land in a doctor phil episode what is this question?

> Honest questions which I doubt you will answer.


If people would've outgrown MMOs like what your speculation has said, people would not even bother complaining. They would just leave.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> subjective i guess but compaired to hot's meta structure what we got with pof was a straight downgrade.

That's because Anet heavily misunderstood what the many people felt was a problem with HoT metas. And, of course, what we've got with PoF was quite unrewarding on top of it, so had next to zero replayability value.


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > @"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:

> > > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > > I'd prefer if they would just stop talking about how dissatisfying everything is to them.

> > > As I understand your point of about the constant, noisy complaints towards Guild wars 2 talking about the same problem over and over again to the point it looks like nitpicking, never forget **why** people complain. _Liking the game does not make the game more healthy when valid complaints about abandoned game designs and content must be considered "annoying fests"._

> > >

> > > Not every complaint must be looked at "people like to complain for the sake of complaining". Complainers can also just click on **Exit to Desktop** and be never seen again in the game if that is what you want.

> > >

> > > I mean look at WvW. So many passionate Commanders, Guilds and roamers have left the game and suddenly like what you want, they have stopped complaining. Not because the game "has become old", it is because terrible design choices like a WvW mount and overtuned classes. People complain because they want to make the game to a better state in certain areas compared to what some areas are right now, because people don't want to lie to their self (as said previously above).

> > >

> > > ## Examples of good game designs?

> > > 1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)

> > > 2. Dungeons

> > > 3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this **myth**)

> > >

> > > Did these game designs get (**proper**(because Eotm 1v1 arena was forgotten within a week)) updates to keep content played by a good amount of people? No.

> > > So people complain on the forums and make all kinds of suggestions wanting to see any changes, reworks and improvements to these game designs. **FOR YEARS**. It just seems like no risk have been taken. Instead the action that will be taken is to just end the content-line and...well...continue living world episodes that generate hype for 3 days, people play it at the rate of the slowest turtle on the planet and still finish the episode before they leave their cookies bake too long in the oven.

> > >

> > > You can praise Anet all you want about the good things done in this **living world episode** or good things done since release, but they will be making updates like this for this game catered to a desolate community if all the complainers that want to see improvement and life in this game just pack their backs and go.

> >

> > You misquoted me by dropping the rest of the thought. I wonder if any mmo makes you happy?

> >

> > Or is this the one that makes you most happy?

> >

> > If it is the one that makes you the happiest, why only focus on the negative?

> >

> > And if it truly is atrocious, why are you still self-inflicting?

> >

> > Honest questions which I doubt you will answer.


> lots of mmos are very solid, havent you ever stop to think why ppl talk about eso, wow, ff14 hell even bdo almost weekly yet its a desert when it comes to gw2's online presence?


I hear more complaining about wow than I do gw2, same with ESO. Not sure your point reflects reality.

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> @"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:

> I guess it's Picknick time

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > You misquoted me by dropping the rest of the thought. I wonder if any mmo makes you happy?

> >

> A lot of MMOs, Black desert, Blade and soul, Guild wars 1, WoW (classic and normal), ESO, FF14. Almost every MMO I have played and they made me happy. Did I care to drop complaints and criticism about those games when there were terrible and abandoned areas? No.

> I simply just left without any complaint and with all the happiness you ask for as a video game consumer. And also, not every complainer is a brick wall with only one emotion. People can still complain and be satisfied with the rest of game.

> And in this case of GW2, that is how you maintain happiness for a diverse playerbase, by updating the game-modes I mentioned before so that not just one group is satisfied, but everyone is. **Not everything is living world**

> Especially when a game like Guild Wars 2 has so many routes you can go to.


> > Or is this the one that makes you most happy?

> >

> Hmm...it's hard to tell **after 7 years.** Of course it makes me the most happy because I can jump in and play WvW, HoT content, Dungeons, Fractals and open world whenever I want. What area of the game makes me unhappy? SPvP, so I have the freedom to choose not to play that game mode.

> > If it is the one that makes you the happiest, why only focus on the negative?

> >

> Is pointing out what is wrong and abandoned **focusing only on the negative** to you? I am simply telling what the bad and abandoned content are in this game good MMO I spent almost a decade on and that suddenly makes me and others super negative? I do like what Anet **DID** with the game up until 2017 where a huge living world season episode got released (PoF). From that point I started to question the decisions made for the future of Guild Wars 2.

> > And if it truly is atrocious, why are you still self-inflicting?

> >

> Did I land in a doctor phil episode what is this question?

> > Honest questions which I doubt you will answer.

> Done.

> If people would've outgrown MMOs like what your speculation has said, people would not even bother complaining. They would just leave.




So of BD, ESO, Wow Retail, and Wow classic, you never complained about them, you simply left.


But GW2 has brought you 7 years of joy, yet all you can do is jump on the "everything is awful" train?


I don't care if people complain about the game, but you cant say that they are on a bad trajectory with everything if you are being fair.


It folks like you that are sending a message that the game is only negative and that you hate it when you don't balance what you say.

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