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Strider Pj.2193

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> It is really disappointing that the world restructuring wasn't even mentioned . . .


> > @"Joshhh.2076" said:

> > Ever get the feeling they added the Warclaw so they could spend a year fixing it and saying "look everyone, updates"?


> This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_



You have the right of it there. We need not only what they are going to change but also some clear picture of what's it's role. Without that it just seems like catering to whoever did the most posts.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_


That answer to date has been: _to monetize WvW by selling mount skins._

And to this point, the devs have not offered any contradictory or even supplementary statements as to why it was added to the game.



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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > It is really disappointing that the world restructuring wasn't even mentioned . . .

> >

> > > @"Joshhh.2076" said:

> > > Ever get the feeling they added the Warclaw so they could spend a year fixing it and saying "look everyone, updates"?

> >

> > This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_

> >


> You have the right of it there. We need not only what they are going to change but also some clear picture of what's it's role. Without that it just seems like catering to whoever did the most posts.


That's a trouble with wvw generally tbh . . .


> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_

> >

> That answer to date has been: _to monetize WvW by selling mount skins._

> And to this point, the devs have not offered any contradictory or even supplementary statements as to why it was added to the game.




I'd have no problem with it if that is the goal, but if that is the case then why continue to tinker with it . . ?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_

> >

> That answer to date has been: _to monetize WvW by selling mount skins._

> And to this point, the devs have not offered any contradictory or even supplementary statements as to why it was added to the game.




That may be part of it, but before that people were asking for some of the following:

* More mobility

* Bigger maps (which in turn leads to more mobility)

* Reasons to want to control, and hold, objectives

* More options to get to a fight

* Downstate changes

* More balance between zerg/havoc/roamer play


Granted my WvW game before this was Warhammer and we did have mounts in RvR, but the logic was if you took damage you were put into combat and dismounted. So it was a pure movement speed tool, which did work. Could still see it working here but if we end up with a person on foot is faster than a mount then that too would be a fail in my opinion. So again, will come down to what they define its role to be. Having it faster in your own territory granted owning an objective a bit more strategic and sometimes taking a target was less about it and more about creating quicker passage thru an area. Hate to see any more reasons to discourage people from defending and this lends itself to that argument. But let's see the bigger picture.

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warclaw just made more ppl leave wvw, tis funny that alot of ppl think it improved the game mode somehow. another example of anet catering to blobs imo.


meanwhile anet makes gem sales from the sheep that are left


ps - warclaw would probably be fine if it was just a vehicle to move u around a teeny bit quicker, without mount stomp or any dmg abiltiy, but no... had to add gimmicks.. just like dbl and its gimmicks, and every other so called wvw update/improvement... filled with unnecessary gimmicks. ( extra siege - spaceship avbove sm - stealth fountains - tactivators - dbl transform into an eagle and fly around - etc etc )


wvw should jus be about the combat - and the struggle for map control... but no all this extra bs gets addded , and guess what.... wvw is at its lowest point, least amount of players playing.... i wonder why.............................. ( i didnt even mention power creep - stats - bufffs - or stale fb-scourge meta )



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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Not just warclaw please. The damage scaling in WvW is wayyy to high to be fun right now.

> Let me just say Anet, it is not ok, never ever ok to be hit by something that does 18k+ damage. Bring it down, and delete cheese specs to make it more enjoyable please.


Put a cap on damage modifiers including from crit damage. Make it not more than 300%.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_

> > >

> > That answer to date has been: _to monetize WvW by selling mount skins._

> > And to this point, the devs have not offered any contradictory or even supplementary statements as to why it was added to the game.

> >

> >


> That may be part of it, but before that people were asking for some of the following:

> * More mobility

> * Bigger maps (which in turn leads to more mobility)

> * Reasons to want to control, and hold, objectives

> * More options to get to a fight

> * Downstate changes

> * More balance between zerg/havoc/roamer play


> Granted my WvW game before this was Warhammer and we did have mounts in RvR, but the logic was if you took damage you were put into combat and dismounted. So it was a pure movement speed tool, which did work. Could still see it working here but if we end up with a person on foot is faster than a mount then that too would be a fail in my opinion. So again, will come down to what they define its role to be. Having it faster in your own territory granted owning an objective a bit more strategic and sometimes taking a target was less about it and more about creating quicker passage thru an area. Hate to see any more reasons to discourage people from defending and this lends itself to that argument. But let's see the bigger picture.


And in almost every game mounts have only been for movement, nothing else, but anet thinks every mount needs to be unique with it's own skills and passive talents. I still can't believe they put in mount stomp and basically killed off stomp finishers, granted it probably wasn't a big market there, but still it's killing off one store item for another, oh and also gliders barely needed in wvw anymore, but I guess that's ok to them since mounts is their main skin source of sales this expansion.


If they're going to keep mount stomp they should at least, as someone else suggested, let the finishers auto pop from them, and it would probably rejuv the finishers sales again, who wouldn't want to see something funny like 5 unicorn or chicken tornado finishers flashing up at once in a zerg fight. The mount should have been limited to just get you from point a to b faster in own territory is fine, no stomping, no third dodge, no sieging, not faster than swiftness, etc.

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Two sides to every coin right? Zerg people with builds built for a role want to skip the fights that they know they will lose. While Roamers want to murder anyone they see. Without the chase. While I see the validity of both views my opinion comes from a view point of what game modes this game provides. Since there is a mode for smaller sided fights (PvP) I tend to sway the way of the Zergling in this scenario. If I am completely honest you get the same amount of gratification from killing a scale in pve as a roamer gets killing a zergling trying to run back to their zerg. So whats the point? To annoy someone? Perhaps.


I still believe that you should have buffs for areas you control while on a warclaw. It is your territory and typically you should be stronger in these cases.


If you want to take buffs away do it completely across the board right? No advantage for your territory is what we are going after here. Fair is Fair. While I don't agree with what I just mentioned but just said it to prove a point.


In my mind I think it should be hard to remove someone off a mount but not impossible while in their own controlled territory. And while someone is traversing in your territory they should be easier to get people off their mount and on the ground. I know others have different beliefs but this is how I feel. Give the warclaw better dismounting skills in areas that you control and lose them in areas that you do not. M2C.

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There should still be risk to running around solo in your zerg build, a zerg support guard is terrible in a solo fight but is highly needed in any group, there's a trade off there, it's up to you to not put yourself in situations you're not suited for. There is a point to killing a zergling running back to their zerg, it's not for gratification, it's to kill the reinforcements so your side has a better chance to win whatever fighting they were running back to.


The only people who would complain about getting ganked while running back to fight in zerg builds are people who go in a straight line from spawn to fight and want everyone to ignore them until they get back to their zerg. Knowing the terrain, the area you control, and shortcuts, using scouting information, and maneuvering around enemies is part of the game, that open world part of wvw should not be ignored and taken away because people are too lazy to figure things out.






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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > Yet more disappointing decision-making by the developers. It's just sad that they prioritise the gankers instead of normal people.

> > > Yeah, this. The only people mad about the warclaw are gankers who don't like that they actually have to put a little effort into preying on people now instead of just casually butchering them.

> >

> > The only people happy about the warclaw are gank groups who like that they don't have to put any effort into running down solo players that are stuck in combat instead of that person actually having a chance to get away.


> That's not a gank group. That's hey we finally got to chase that guy down that tried to pick off the tail 17 times. What makes less sense it watching 5 guys on mounts have to chase a dude unmounted across half the map cause unmounted players should be able to outrun 5 mounts/survive. The same guys that got away every single time pre mounts and will again most likely with the next warclaw nerf.


Funny how when a roamer ganks a zergling, it's some horrible crime, but when a group ganks a roamer it's not a gank and the roamer somehow brought it upon themselves. Maybe those 5 players should try doing something useful instead of chasing 1 random guy across the map?

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > > Yet more disappointing decision-making by the developers. It's just sad that they prioritise the gankers instead of normal people.

> > > > Yeah, this. The only people mad about the warclaw are gankers who don't like that they actually have to put a little effort into preying on people now instead of just casually butchering them.

> > >

> > > The only people happy about the warclaw are gank groups who like that they don't have to put any effort into running down solo players that are stuck in combat instead of that person actually having a chance to get away.

> >

> > That's not a gank group. That's hey we finally got to chase that guy down that tried to pick off the tail 17 times. What makes less sense it watching 5 guys on mounts have to chase a dude unmounted across half the map cause unmounted players should be able to outrun 5 mounts/survive. The same guys that got away every single time pre mounts and will again most likely with the next warclaw nerf.


> Funny how when a roamer ganks a zergling, it's some horrible crime, but when a group ganks a roamer it's not a gank and the roamer somehow brought it upon themselves. Maybe those 5 players should try doing something useful instead of chasing 1 random guy across the map?


But how else will i distract small groups of people(i mean before i get frustrated they are constantly following me and i leave wvw.) I love my warclaw because it lets me escape from those small groups you mentioned, but and the sad part is ive started playing Deadeye only in wvw just because all i do is roam. I dont even attack players while doing it. Scouting, and taking small objectives is way more fun for me than bursting down that poor warrior who got split of from the zerg. :/

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > This is what has always bothered me. I don't really care how the mount works. Buff it, nerf it, w/e, I'll adapt, it will be fine. But _what was it introduced for . . ?_

> > >

> > That answer to date has been: _to monetize WvW by selling mount skins._

> > And to this point, the devs have not offered any contradictory or even supplementary statements as to why it was added to the game.

> >

> >


> That may be part of it, but before that people were asking for some of the following:

> * More mobility

> * Bigger maps (which in turn leads to more mobility)

> * Reasons to want to control, and hold, objectives

> * More options to get to a fight

> * Downstate changes

> * More balance between zerg/havoc/roamer play


> Granted my WvW game before this was Warhammer and we did have mounts in RvR, but the logic was if you took damage you were put into combat and dismounted. So it was a pure movement speed tool, which did work. Could still see it working here but if we end up with a person on foot is faster than a mount then that too would be a fail in my opinion. So again, will come down to what they define its role to be. Having it faster in your own territory granted owning an objective a bit more strategic and sometimes taking a target was less about it and more about creating quicker passage thru an area. Hate to see any more reasons to discourage people from defending and this lends itself to that argument. But let's see the bigger picture.


Warhammer was amazing compared to this game even with the lack of good team behind it, nowhere near the disaster wvw in gw2 is regarding balance.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> warclaw just made more ppl leave wvw, tis funny that alot of ppl think it improved the game mode somehow. another example of anet catering to blobs imo.


> meanwhile anet makes gem sales from the sheep that are left


> ps - warclaw would probably be fine if it was just a vehicle to move u around a teeny bit quicker, without mount stomp or any dmg abiltiy, but no... had to add gimmicks.. just like dbl and its gimmicks, and every other so called wvw update/improvement... filled with unnecessary gimmicks. ( extra siege - spaceship avbove sm - stealth fountains - tactivators - dbl transform into an eagle and fly around - etc etc )


> wvw should jus be about the combat - and the struggle for map control... but no all this extra bs gets addded , and guess what.... wvw is at its lowest point, least amount of players playing.... i wonder why.............................. ( i didnt even mention power creep - stats - bufffs - or stale fb-scourge meta )




Anet loves to add new gimmicks with every new LS release. It stands to reason that they think they need to add it to wvw as well. Its a shame they're efforts simply led to more gimmicks, more power creep and dwindling population. Fits the definition of insanity.

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> @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> "We’re reviewing every skill and trait in the game to bring them more in line with our goals"

> Still waiting for the rework of all dungeons :D -.-* And not a word on Alliances and WvW System rework, gg


Dungeon rework will not happen, anet dropped dungeons. They said so themselves.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> warclaw just made more ppl leave wvw, tis funny that alot of ppl think it improved the game mode somehow. another example of anet catering to blobs imo.


That's a really worthless statement until you can prove it. Let me play this game with you. Revenant just made more people leave wvw.



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> @"AlexXI.2584" said:

> Hey Anet, after u done with nerfing, already claw less warclaw, don't forget rename it to WARDONKEY and create a new ride **WARTURTLE** with half of speed of foot soldiers and a lot of skins, please.


Well, they already have Warturtles in GW1. They were quite slow, but you could have multiple players on it.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> warclaw just made more ppl leave wvw, tis funny that alot of ppl think it improved the game mode somehow. another example of anet catering to blobs imo.


> meanwhile anet makes gem sales from the sheep that are left


> ps - warclaw would probably be fine if it was just a vehicle to move u around a teeny bit quicker, without mount stomp or any dmg abiltiy, but no... had to add gimmicks.. just like dbl and its gimmicks, and every other so called wvw update/improvement... filled with unnecessary gimmicks. ( extra siege - spaceship avbove sm - stealth fountains - tactivators - dbl transform into an eagle and fly around - etc etc )


> wvw should jus be about the combat - and the struggle for map control... but no all this extra bs gets addded , and guess what.... wvw is at its lowest point, least amount of players playing.... i wonder why.............................. ( i didnt even mention power creep - stats - bufffs - or stale fb-scourge meta )



Spot on my good man.



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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> warclaw just made more ppl leave wvw, tis funny that alot of ppl think it improved the game mode somehow. another example of anet catering to blobs imo.


> meanwhile anet makes gem sales from the sheep that are left


> ps - warclaw would probably be fine if it was just a vehicle to move u around a teeny bit quicker, without mount stomp or any dmg abiltiy, but no... had to add gimmicks.. just like dbl and its gimmicks, and every other so called wvw update/improvement... filled with unnecessary gimmicks. ( extra siege - spaceship avbove sm - stealth fountains - tactivators - dbl transform into an eagle and fly around - etc etc )


> wvw should jus be about the combat - and the struggle for map control... but no all this extra bs gets addded , and guess what.... wvw is at its lowest point, least amount of players playing.... i wonder why.............................. ( i didnt even mention power creep - stats - bufffs - or stale fb-scourge meta )




Did the opposite, brought more people into WvW. It also did exactly what you stated WvW should be about, combat. It gets people to combat quicker, while getting roamers to their objectives quicker. It then in turn gets defenders to those places quicker to defend. Does it allow people to outrun gankers? Indeed it does, and that's exactly what this is about. The very first thing you mentioned after moving someone around quicker is mount stomp (surprise, surprise, surprise), because this is ultimately what is grinding the gankers. They do not like the idea that the moment they go down, they are insta-killed and have no chance to rally off an ambient creature (another abused tactic that should not exist in WvW), then run away.


Remember, people started leaving the mode en-mass prior to HoT when everything was basically back at square 1, so why was that? Trashy melee meta nobody wanted because it alienated too many classes. Then now, the major problem with the mode today, the one thing holding everything back, the one thing completely screwing over any semblance of balance in WvW, the Guardian, and probably more-so the Firebrand. Removing them from the equation, everything changes drastically. They do too much, and they do it too well, and they are the sole reason the meta exists as it does today. They cause the pirate ship because any number difference and trying to engage melee is met with a giant sustaining boon-ball. At the same time, 1 guardian can nullify most of the pirate ship via 1 wall of reflect. They are the reason for the high sustain, either by directly healing their allies themselves or keeping alive the hardcore healers. They are the reason why when any type of CC is tossed into a group it's met with immune. They are the reason why if any conditions are tossed in a group is met with immune. They are the reason why if you are to click on anyone in a group and see the entire gambit of boons on them, whether it be by directly applying them or keeping those alive spec'd to apply them. If you're firing into a group and killing yourself, again, you can thank the guardian. If you've dropped some sort of AoE on a group and are damaging or killed yourself via retaliation, again, you can thank the Guardian. If one has dropped traps and has suddenly died 4000 range away the second they're triggered, again, you can thank the guardian.


They solely and single-handedly screw up the entire game mode. They not only alienate whole classes from WvW but they are basically holding back the entire game mode from being properly balanced. Place the blame where it's warranted, on the Guardian class, not warclaw.

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