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Can we please get a stat combination for pure support?

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There are unfulfilled stat combinations that many full service supports (those that are dedicated to boons and healing) might benefit from. Main healing power or concentration, with the other as an off stat, and vitality as the third stat.


Existing stat combinations with both healing power and concentration work, but aren't ideal. Harrier is main power, which is of no significant benefit to dedicated healers and pushes the support stats down into the secondary slots. Giver's suffers from the same issue while also affecting aggro in some fights (fine if you're the tank, but otherwise problematic). Minstrel is more flexible than giver's but still pumps toughness a lot. Plaguedoctor is nice as a building block for hybrids but doesn't give enough conc/healing power for dedicated supports.


Can you make do somehow with what's available? Certainly, and I have done so for 3 years of raids, but I would immediately switch over to Con+Heals/Vit or Heals+Conc/Vit if either were available. Those are the only three stats that I want as a pure support, so it would be nice to see them all available in the same package.


Like it or not, role specialization is here to stay in endgame content and it would be lovely if support mains got a proper stat combination for their jobs--something that isn't main toughness or a DPS stat.


(Purists can argue that vit is "wasted" but the dps increase for healers from unfocused dps stats is trivial and toughness produces the aforementioned aggro problems. So outside of speedrunning, vit seems like the least useless of the three for a pure healer. More options in this case to suit different purposes would be better.)

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this. a thousand times this. having a stat combo that is pure support/healing would be amazing. Magi's could be considered to be however it doesn't include Concentration which is necessary for druids, might tempests, healbrands, boon thieves, and any other support class that gives boons. I run minstrel's now because it has the best overall usage of stats but then that puts me in the position of being tank as well because many classes that are meant to tank are using other stat combos that don't give them enough toughness to go higher than mine. I would really love to be able to join raids and maximize my efficiency as a healer with a healing primary stat and still have vitality and concentration WITHOUT it being necessary to maximize toughness as well.

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Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

Best u can do to support ur Group is to deal any dmg. Adding stats like power prec fero, healing power MAY shift meta anyhow (didnt do any theorycrafying, just guessing)

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

That's for open-world PvE and dungeons. Raids and T4 fractals use dedicated, non-DPSing healers, often in Magi gear.


And WvW does exist, but who cares about that. :<

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

> That's for open-world PvE and dungeons. Raids and T4 fractals use dedicated, non-DPSing healers, often in Magi gear.


> And WvW does exist, but who cares about that. :<


> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

> That's for open-world PvE and dungeons. Raids and T4 fractals use dedicated, non-DPSing healers, often in Magi gear.


> And WvW does exist, but who cares about that. :<


sry didnt consider open world to much but imo, its easy enough to go harrier, u dont need much def stats. wvw actually has memestrel ( oh god how much i wish it disappear)

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

> That's for open-world PvE and dungeons. Raids and T4 fractals use dedicated, non-DPSing healers, often in Magi gear.


> And WvW does exist, but who cares about that. :<


In raids healers dont use magis, also healer dps matters

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Stop replying unless you know what you're talking about. I'm not in the mood today. You DON'T go full Harrier's because there's other ways to get boon duration, and Magi's is the only set with max Healing Power that doesn't draw aggro.


> Minstrel is an extremely inefficient support combination distribution, it wastes alot of points in defense (mainly Toughness), and doesn't even have max Healing Power and Concentration is only a secondary stat on it (the only set where its main being Diviner's).


> Replying to threads with misinformation just because you want to be right is not helpful. Its like you didn't even read OP's post.


Looks harriers to me https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/ranger/druid/heal/

Now stop this nonsense when it comes to raiding. Every meta healer use full harriers or harriers with 1-2 magis pieces. And yes, group dps matters which means that support classes dps matters aswell, thats why condi druid saw use in encounters that has less preasure.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > Stop replying unless you know what you're talking about. I'm not in the mood today. You DON'T go full Harrier's because there's other ways to get boon duration, and Magi's is the only set with max Healing Power that doesn't draw aggro.

> >

> > Minstrel is an extremely inefficient support combination distribution, it wastes alot of points in defense (mainly Toughness), and doesn't even have max Healing Power and Concentration is only a secondary stat on it (the only set where its main being Diviner's).

> >

> > Replying to threads with misinformation just because you want to be right is not helpful. Its like you didn't even read OP's post.


> Looks harriers to me https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/ranger/druid/heal/

> Now stop this nonsense when it comes to raiding. Every meta healer use full harriers or harriers with 1-2 magis pieces. And yes, group dps matters which means that support classes dps matters aswell, thats why condi druid saw use in encounters that has less preasure.


Snow Crows clearly didn't consult Hannelore.8153 when they made those guides then. I guess they don't know what they are talking about.


I wonder if Hannelore is in the mood today.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Every stat combination consist at least 3 diffrent stats. What else, outside of conc and healing power, do u consider as support stats? Gw2 is all about maximising party dps, so by Going vitality u basicly kinda leech, same for toughness.

> That's for open-world PvE and dungeons. Raids and T4 fractals use dedicated, non-DPSing healers, often in Magi gear.


> And WvW does exist, but who cares about that. :<


No raid uses non dpsing healers. Sure. You can go only healing and boons. You can go minstrel for chrono tank with 100% bd. Yet experianced chronos tank with 1251/1005 toughness and less bd to maximise dps. Healers do the same thing

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I've been happily ignoring my dps as a minstrel druid for almost 3 years now. I've been in multiple statics and pug groups and in over 2,000 kills not one person has paid any attention to my personal dps. I've also yet to run into a single condi druid, except one that got kicked from a group because he wasn't providing might/heals. I recognize that my experience IS NOT fully representative of all raiders, but neither is that of speedrunners--most groups I've seen don't run those kinds of hyperaggressive comps, they have a proper tank and specialized healers. The only support that would about their dps is the firebrigade/offchrono/etc.


Everyone would be completely free to keep using whatever existing stats they please if new ones get introduced. I would like the option to take a pure support stat because ignoring my dps and minmaxing for heals/boons has worked perfectly for me for raids and t4s. If it would break spvp, don't add it to spvp. Wvw I'm not sure of, but I would hazard a guess that minstrel could still be competitive with a 3-stat support combo there.

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Currently healers with Harrier's and such are already way overhealing, so might as well take that extra power and contribute some damage.

The only way to die in Raids with a competent support already is just terrible positioning or severely messing up mechanics, which won't change if you can outheal the usual damage by a magnitude of 5-20 instead of 3-8.


For reference, some Raid Bosses like Samarog have an average pressure of just ~500 damage per second to the party. Some Healers currently can already heal for about 6000 Health per second with Harrier.

More heals won't save more people in 99% of cases. What kills people is being off stack and failing mechanics, as healers already carry incredibly hard, making full support stat sets irrelevant.

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If you guys really wanted optimized stat set for support, it'd be HP+Condi/conc+exp or Power/hp+fero. Full heals and condi/power dps in same stat set but that'd be way too broken.

And when it comes to maximizing dps as support, it's pretty much go diviner's/viper's with suitable runes or go harrier's / magi's / minstrel's. Especially when raiding, you're usually better off playing either dps-esque or heals as trait- and skillwise good healing and dps options are usually mutually exclusive and there's only a couple classes with well-functioning hybrid builds. Trying to greed dps with harrier's is kinda bad idea 'cause it lacks prec and fero to make it hit more than a wet cloth and quite often healer seriously greeding personal dps to add 1-2% to squad's total dps is more squad dps lost to lower scholar and boon uptimes. And if you use staff as healer even part-time, greeding is pretty much non-sense since staff skills in healing setup are the lowest damage you can do in this game.

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It doesnt make sense to me that they have:

Minstrel- Tough/HP > Conc/Vit

Givers- Tough > HP/Conc


Why have toughness as a primary for healer/support for PVE? It is way more likely for you to pull aggro with a full set. It makes very little sense from the way that they have assigned threat. My only conclusion is that this is for PVP/WVW. So I think rolling out a new stat set would be nice.


And as far as Snowcrows go: I get it, Harriers is great. But not all healers like running at ~13K HP. It dont think it would hurt anything, so why not give something like a modified Menders to pve [that has concentration instead of precision]?


Power/HP > Conc/Vit would be good for PVE

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> They probably won't do that as it'd totally kill a bunch of other stat combos (harrier's, giver's, minstrel's, magi's, cleric's etc...). CondiHPconcexp would be another similar stat combo that'd be uberstrong if we had it. And ofc Powerhpfero would be nice for powerhealreaper.


there's already "dead stats" ..so what is more?


and ir probably wont..as pure support isn't needed in good team.


OP, I also want a healing concentration and vitality stat combo.

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