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Let's say if we do get a future Expansion, what's some Do's and Donts?

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At the top of my head.


No more silly foes like mushrooms.

Please do make it a little more serious.

Not overpowered foes, with infinite evade and constant knock down.

That's not challenging, it's just f annoying.


Add decent allies. More team play.

Incentivate squads for actual story instances.

Get rid of braham once and for all.


Add new weapons. One exclusive per class.

Eg. Land spear for Guardians, only. Etc...


New mount.

Maybe seige devourer.

Also make skyscale actually be able to climb walls.


Add. Grab ledge, and shimmy to all classes. Makes jumping puzzles a lot more fun.


Better drops this time. Including ascended, and a small chance of a legendary even.


That's all for the moment.

Will add more later.

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Next xpac should be about Asura or Charr. I consider the saga to be a poor rxpac without especs and without big maps and without mind blowing feature. I Agree with Dante, I think that, even if an asura xpac is made, it should be axed around their past and Primordius. For resolving, let's use the orders individually for once and not the Pact: putting priory under spotlight as example... And old characters met in personal stories with dialogues taking account of your choices and races.


About the stunning mechanic, why not henchman or accessing to the underground of each map.. Or a big new addition of new currency and exclusive rewards plus mini dungeons with high repeatability... A third expansion closer to the core game and the charm of personal story/core maps. And of course elite specs, allowing players to re-experience the contents with a new eye, elaborating new strategies.


As example, scrapper showcased the mechanical part of the engineer, holosmith the energetic part and sci-fi, but what is left on the side is the mad scientist/inventor part of it, I think as a third spec about "Creator", able to create steam golem/creatures and devices but also buffing itself by self installing crappy inventions (on arm or whatever upgrades/bionics) inflicting negative effects for a gain of damages/armor. At least, I think it's a path to dig in/ seek in it. After mechanic and heat it's time to return to the core of it. The main capacity would be "resources" more you hit your foe, more resources you have (imagine that scraps are falling from your foe like armor debris or whatever)

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balance expansion maps and reward to dont repeat PoF fiasco that existed for 1year more: low reusability of a expansion map is a **primordial shoot in the foot** and thats why ppl less than 2 years of a expansion launch is asking for a new one. Dragon Stand is still more played meta event, than Serpents Ire, for example.

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Don't make maps too big with too many particle effects.


See. Core maps = fine, season 2 = fine.

HoT and PoF onwards, huh huh, no no no.

Too open, without map zoning or cull distance = awful lag.


Not all of us have the latest ultimate gamer's machine with a trillion VRam and a GForce XXXG XXXS XYZ HD Armageddon apocalypse graphics card.

A gazillion bites of Ram, and a 10000 Megheartz 10 core processor that gets 300 fps.


Some of us can only afford punny computers... but we also buy from gem store, even if it is only a few times a year.


Wonder why most of those maps are empty all the time?

That just might be your answer, right there.


Please don't rush the map making.

Rather take your time to optimise them.

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don't add even more hearts as they add absolutely nothing

don't add mounts with a huge grind behind it

don't make 3 maps into one, we have enough cluster fests

don't focus on meta's

don't put any meta on places where you need to go for story like in the last map, it kinda ruined the experience.


do add quests, loads of quests

do add proper dynamic events

do make maps as natural as possible, even if that means splitting up a map in 4 zones.

do make natural animals react properly

do make the environment interesting, filled with lore and yet-to-be-known historical facts.

do add a city that feels like ppl actually live in it. (ebon hawke is the only single town that even remotely looks like a proper town/city.)

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* Different mechanics to challenge the players on big encounters (more like the strike ones but more difficult)

* Fun achievements that also require personal effort, like instanced fight with a big boss, (no more talk to this guy or collect coins that are spread all over the map like someone threw a bag of gold from an airplane)

* Dungeons! There are two POI (one in grothmar one in bjora) that are exactly where two of GW1 dungeons were at!!

* Add different rewards to old dungeons so people have a reason to get back to do them (like obby shards, and also super rare drops like from the final bosses.. like AC final boss could be a raptor skin)

* Bring back the Marionette fight on a fractal

* Bring the final fight against Scarlet on a fractal


DON'T ...

* Make more bosses that are "just hit until it dies" like the current giant on bjora or the strikes

* More hearts, they really add nothing to the gameplay, it always did and always will feel like a chore

* Make more maps that will become farm points.. we already have enough to spread the community

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > It kind of depends on where the Expansion goes, mainly if it’s land or water. But one thing I can say either way is elite specs, and the most important part of them being new weapons. It’s pretty clear how much people want more


> What's the "Donts"



Well don’t skip out on adding SOMETHING to classes. If not full specs I’ve always thought just new weapons could suffice too.


And don’t rush the story with Taimi fixing everything or a plot like aurenes dead being fixed in one episode, etc

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i actually like the hearts, it's like dynamic events but we can choose when to do them. to each their own I guess.

Also, DO's

do make sure in dynamic events that diferent NPCs dialogues aren't stacking on top of eachother, sometimes I can hardly understand what's happening because there's more than npc talking for the event at the same time.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i actually like the hearts, it's like dynamic events but we can choose when to do them. to each their own I guess.

> Also, DO's

> do make sure in dynamic events that diferent NPCs dialogues aren't stacking on top of eachother, sometimes I can hardly understand what's happening because there's more than npc talking for the event at the same time.


Look at it from a postive angle.

If you get two events crossing over one another, and if they are both successful, you get twice as much the rewards for it.

Just for being in the zone and sometimes all it takes is a single hit on a foe.


But hey, each to their own, I suppose.

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Well, I think the greatest challenge for the next expansion would be a feature that's desired enough and that can be monetized (see glider skins for hot, mount skins for pof). I can't think of anything that fits that bill currently.


Some have suggested to add player housing, though I find that somewhat niche, I wonder how many players would actually care about it?

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