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Ban oversized characters from Winter Wonderland!

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Tbh I don't think most people think about it all that much.


Yeah it is annoying when another player's avatar does inconvinience you and mess with your perception.. it's lead me at least to refrain from doing this kind of content on Norn and Charr when large numbers of players are about.


I think the better method would be to do what they did with Mad King's clocktower.

Make the other players avatars into some kind of substitute..


The problem with that is that in Winter Wonderland you need to be able to see other players so you don't jump on a snowflake that's about to vanish because of another player.

So the trick is to make players invisible so not to mess with your view but also keep them easily visible so you can still see where they are.


First thing that comes to mind is some kind of transparant ghost effect or something.

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I don´t think people do it in purpose, but it is really annoying when someone plays with a huge char using the largest armor available.

It is impossible to see where you are and you must "guess" where you are stepping. Even worse, some of them are completely lagged and keep appearing and disappearing right above you.

As some have stated, something similar to the clock tower should be adopted.


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I like seeing the other characters in the jumping puzzle, and actually miss it in the Clocktower. That said, adding a transformation would be the best solution, wisps may not be the ideal option. Maybe a new snowman model, or the elf from GW1; grentches would be fun but they do not fit the theme. I will add, that once you get a solid feel for the JP the larger characters are much less of an issue.

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It can be obnoxious but with enough practice, you could practically feel the platforms when you're going through the same JP for the 3rd time in one sitting. At some point I practically become the charr that's completely covering my little sylvari character and doing the same exact jumps on the path.

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> @"Nidarrock.5692" said:

> I like seeing the other characters in the jumping puzzle, and actually miss it in the Clocktower. That said, adding a transformation would be the best solution, wisps may not be the ideal option. Maybe a new snowman model, or the elf from GW1; grentches would be fun but they do not fit the theme. I will add, that once you get a solid feel for the JP the larger characters are much less of an issue.


It'd be hilarious if they use little festive skritt models for other players; it'd fit the theme of scrambling to the top to get shiny presents. xD

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> Or the option to turn of default character models in Holiday event maps.


This is the best solution. Solves the problem with the lowest dev cost. It's already a pvp map . . .


I'm also surprised at how many ppl seem to think players don't do this intentionally to troll. Players come in all sorts, if an opportunity exists to troll other players, there are ofc players who will exploit it . . .


I don't really see this as a huge deal though. Unless someone is intentionally falling every time you do so they can chase you around you're just losing one run, about seventy-five seconds, I think? It's just not that much of an issue . . .

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Charr and Norn (especially male norn) usually block the view in the Winter Wonderland JP, which makes it harder to see the JP path for Asura, Sylvari, and Human. I've done the JP myself and I've had to go through that situation. Its very annoying. Anet should at least give us a option to make Norn and Charr a bit smaller. Because the rest of the races cant see the path of the JP. Or Charr and Norn can be transparent in the JP.

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> @"StellarFox.1462" said:

> Charr and Norn (especially male norn) usually block the view in the Winter Wonderland JP, which makes it harder to see the JP path for Asura, Sylvari, and Human. I've done the JP myself and I've had to go through that situation. Its very annoying. Anet should at least give us a option to make Norn and Charr a bit smaller. Because the rest of the races cant see the path of the JP. Or Charr and Norn can be transparent in the JP.


Its funny, cause uh..i see tons of humans, asura, and sylvari doing the JP just fine while i run it with my Charr, i feel like this is an issue for a small small portion of people and never once has anyone said anything IG about it.

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Nah, your anguish gives me strength, and every woe about large characters in the JP only serves to make me all the more powerful!


Which would explain why I've been feeking kinda 'meh' this Wintersday season: I don't think I've seen a single complaint about large characters in-game while running the JP this year. Just a couple posts here on the forum. Come on, people! How can I feed off your woes if you don't give me any woes to feed off of in the first place?

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> You could just wait a moment for them to run ahead before you go. That way they won't be in your way.


The question is why should people wait? Especially in Wintersday JP where simply letting someone in front of you means you might end up losing time while waiting for presents to respawn.


The issue is simple. Bigger characters models have a clear advantage over the smaller ones. I've done the JP a couple of thousand times and after all these years it still bothers me to no end to see someone oblivious or on purpose use bigger models just to annoy others.


Normalized models like in sPvP ot the whisps from the Mad King's JP should solve the issue.

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I think that there are several solutions possible: Same than in Clock Tower, all morphed into something same size, character above a certain size morphed into smaller version of selves, and so on... However, I believe it has no high priority for Anet for now.

For big size characters: Don't underestimate the trolls! Some do it on purpose, putting extra large shoulder/helmet/armor (I witnessed talks about it, where players were explaining how they do it to max their size and laughing at how much fun they get at doing that). Aside of trolls, there are also some who have a charr or a norn set to max size only to be "above" others and be sure that nobody can obstruct their view. All in all, best for now is to achieve to ignore what we have around. I agree that it can be quite difficult though.

No matter, I still do love that JP! :3

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Wish it was more like the Halloween JP.

Other players are interfering way too much with your own experience in this one - in more ways than one.


It's also a bit annoying how people who are already good at the JP dictate the pace of the harder paths when they start skipping snowflakes :disappointed:


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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> You could just wait a moment for them to run ahead before you go. That way they won't be in your way.


and then another turns up..how long do you wait for?


O want players to morph into something like they do on clocktower..I really don't see the reason this hasn't been done.



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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Wish it was more like the Halloween JP.

> Other players are interfering way too much with your own experience in this one - in more ways than one.


> It's also a bit annoying how people who are already good at the JP dictate the pace of the harder paths when they start skipping snowflakes :disappointed:



They don't. the snow flakes dissapearing/appearing time(all of them) is based from the very first jump..... they're just saving time by using those skips.

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