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sPvP balance in WvW


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Hi! I actually wonder if it is possible but would you guys like to see a downgrade of the average powercreep/sustain of classes through making WvW a bit more sPvP balanced (not especially wirh amulets but more with reducing the amount of stats given by armor and also giving the sigil/runes that sPvP has).

I think that this would be a great idea, not only for making things more balanced and funnier to play, but also get a really "competitive gamemode".

I don't really know if this is doable but also we could have a week test, as the no downstate week, to give us an idea about how it would impact the gamemode.

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It really depends on what you mean by it.


I think it is perfectly possible to create a unified PvP balance (as opposed to a PvE balance) where certain aspects of sPvP balance passes takes WvW into account. I believe that they have more points in common than anything else. Similarily they could also divide balance into two parts based on scale. One balance for instanced scale and one balance for open scales since open world PvE have very low balance demands so WvW could be the focal point in one such split. Overall I believe it would benefit the developer to make some kind of two-split rather than a three-split that they may have trouble keeping up with long term. Splitting it PvP/PvE makes scalability important. Splitting it instanced/open makes NPC/player behaviour in content design important.


While I'm not necessarily entirely convinced I also believe that bringing the amulet system to WvW would be entirely possible and also possibly that the positives would outweigh the negatives (and that is comming from a 7-year vet who has built entire accounts around amassing WvW-gear). WvW is the mode in the game that most likely has the highest demand on stat flexibility. At the same time, much of the progression available for WvW players is to adapt their gear based on meta changes and experiments. So it is a bit of a double-edged sword.

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Open sPvP up to 40v40 and then ask if its a balanced system. On top of that WvW is endgame, gear and builds should matter. Now as for balance, there will never be a balance when you have 40v40 and gear involved. But that's part of WvW's charm, the unknown of what players will mix and match and come up with. The issue with balance in WvW isn't in the 1v1 fights nor the havocs as much, its issue with zerg play. And there are other issues there when you mix in downstate and defeated that people might lump into the term balance.

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No. The reason is simple, so many people seem to think that bringing gear parity or lowering stats etc would somehow bring "balance" to WvW. It won't. I have played WvW since launch and generally speaking I ignore things like food/utility buffs due to my own cheapness. There has been exactly one time over these many years where I lost a fight because the enemy had 1% more health than me. In all other fights I've been in there was a clear winner either due to superior numbers or superior skill. I mean I have actually won a fight even though I was wearing only masterwork armor and no trinkets, against a shiny looking enemy that definitely has at least full exotics, and probably ascended given how shiny they were. Similarly I've lost fights against people who I ambushed and took by surprise, because they were a lot more skilled than I am.


People like to use "stats" as an excuse for why they lost, because they don't want to take ownership of their own failings. They didn't lose because of stats, they lost because they had the inferior skill or inferior numbers or both. You can't improve your skill if you refuse to properly analyse and accept that you lack skill. And modifying stats won't do anything to the difference in numbers.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> i think gw1 had the right idea. separate pvp and pve


I disagree. Look at Revenant Ventari's tablet for an example of what's wrong with this idea. Ventari os one of the least used legends for a reason, and it's by far worst in SPvP. Bringing over that design to WvW would be a killing blow to whatever was left of the Tablet.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > i think gw1 had the right idea. separate pvp and pve


> I disagree. Look at Revenant Ventari's tablet for an example of what's wrong with this idea. Ventari os one of the least used legends for a reason, and it's by far worst in SPvP. Bringing over that design to WvW would be a killing blow to whatever was left of the Tablet.


Why? Ventari is an extremely strong legend in wvw for healers. Explain

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > i think gw1 had the right idea. separate pvp and pve

> >

> > I disagree. Look at Revenant Ventari's tablet for an example of what's wrong with this idea. Ventari os one of the least used legends for a reason, and it's by far worst in SPvP. Bringing over that design to WvW would be a killing blow to whatever was left of the Tablet.


> Why? Ventari is an extremely strong legend in wvw for healers. Explain


Strong how? In what context you talking about?

Because until Firebrand and Scrapper gets nerfed they will still be Meta.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > i think gw1 had the right idea. separate pvp and pve

> > >

> > > I disagree. Look at Revenant Ventari's tablet for an example of what's wrong with this idea. Ventari os one of the least used legends for a reason, and it's by far worst in SPvP. Bringing over that design to WvW would be a killing blow to whatever was left of the Tablet.

> >

> > Why? Ventari is an extremely strong legend in wvw for healers. Explain


> Strong how? In what context you talking about?

> Because until Firebrand and Scrapper gets nerfed they will still be Meta.


Almost perma block.


Heal burst every few seconds the effect of 7k up.


Cleanse every now and then.


Alacrity spam.


And ventari is not the only thing can be core ventari x herald or renegade :)

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not sure; the fights are on the end of the day the least thing that matters on the current state of wvw. u can even remove the ruins and the bloodlust stuff, nobody will miss that.


usually numbers win, in most cases you can pull off 6v4 battles, even if the six are randoms and the 4 a coordinated group. means also outnumbered groups are capable of winning if they just got a "better quality" of players (not to be taken as offense, but equal powered players would not win 4-5 vs 15-18 etc, which happens and is needed)

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Keeping in mind that there's a rebalance on the way already, I'm opposed to this on a philosophical level, even if it might occasionally work on a practical one.


sPvP balance is designed for 5v5 combat. There are many things you can do with 10 players on the field that might not work so well on WvW numbers.

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