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Immune to crowd control!

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This game really needs to be set up so if you get stunned or knocked down there is a 4 to 5 second delay before it happens again.


I don't think this needs too much explaining as too why. Just gets kind of annoying the amount of times it happens and you can't do much to get off the ground until you die.

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As the posters above me tried to imply, there is a buff called [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability) as well as several skills and traits that allow you to [break stuns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun_break) in this game. Check the wiki pages I linked and try to incorporate more stability and/or stun breaks into your build if you are having a problem on that front.


Depending on your preferred playstyle and area it will also take a bit (or sometimes even a lot of) experience to know when and how to use or save your buffs and stun breaks, but once you have gotten the hang of it it is very satisfying to deal with foes that try to cc you to death.

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I'm not sure @"Sylent.3165" is asking about the stability boon, or stunbreakers skills.


I think it's more an issue of constant CC application from specific mobs, especially when you're fighting a pack of them, and they all toss their CC at the same time (which works also with sPvP to a certain extent). You can quickly be overwhelmed. The word is _stunlock_ and that's not something brand new...


It's very much like boon stripping. Against some mobs (and players), you can litteraly play full boonrip, and toss all you have, just to see the boons pop instantly each time you rip/corrupt them.


The spam really is an issue.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> This game really needs to be set up so if you get stunned or knocked down there is a 4 to 5 second delay before it happens again.


> I don't think this needs too much explaining as too why. Just gets kind of annoying the amount of times it happens and you can't do much to get off the ground until you die.


This has been suggested forever. It's obvious to players of other games that this should happen, but it seems central to Arenanet's philosophy to avoid this specific technique. It's a similar situation to the "you can't re-enter stealth while in-combat" - everybody knows that should be the case, but Arenanet won't implement these industry-standard checks and balances seemingly because of PRIDE - because they want their game to be unique and special, and it's a lack of these "features" that make it so.


Whether that's true or not is another question.

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> @"ThomasC.1056" said:

> I'm not sure @"Sylent.3165" is asking about the stability boon, or stunbreakers skills.


> (snip)


> The spam really is an issue.

I still think it's more a question of getting used to how this game plays than anything else. I've tried to think of any area of the game where I'm chain-cc'ed without any possible counter play, and the only time that happens is due to me not playing well enough. You can avoid a lot of cc by positioning, dodging, using your blocks and invulnerables. Of course this means you need to have a bit of experience of what the specific enemy might throw at you, their abilities and animations. You need to get a feel for when to use your stability and stunbreaks, and when not to use them because you can aford to just sit out the cc and save the break for later.


This is a game, not an interactive movie. It sometimes throws situations at me that I can't handle at first. If so, I sit back and try to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it, then try to use that to my advantage. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not the best player, and sometimes it takes me a lot of tries to get past obstacles because I can't seem to come up with the right ideas or put them into action. Still I don't think that's a game problem. It's a game, and as such requires some adjustment and trial-and-error at times, but crowd control effects and the tools we have to deal with them seem to be fine from my experience if you put a bit of thought and practice into how to deal with it.

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Getting stun-locked really is an issue, be it when fighting against monsters in pve or players in wvw/pvp.

The stun-break mechanic and stability-application was never put in line with how much hard-cc has become usable with high frequency.


The only solution is, as you have suggested, a short window of time where hard-cc can´t be applied anymore.

I would suggest to add such effect under the name of superarmor, to all stunbreaks and it should be applied after being cc´d for longer than 3 seconds.

After breaking out of cc, you will become immune to cc of any kind for a brief moment, like 1,5 seconds to 3 seconds, depending on how long the cc lasted.


Otherwise, it is urgent for Anet to look into each class´s skills and adjust cc-application, stunbreak availability and stability application.

In addition to adjusting, streamlining and reworking basically all skills available in this game, to bring this game up to a higher standard and make it more managable to balance at the same time.


But we know they won´t do that.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > This game really needs to be set up so if you get stunned or knocked down there is a 4 to 5 second delay before it happens again.

> >

> > I don't think this needs too much explaining as too why. Just gets kind of annoying the amount of times it happens and you can't do much to get off the ground until you die.


> This has been suggested forever. It's obvious to players of other games that this should happen, but it seems central to Arenanet's philosophy to avoid this specific technique. It's a similar situation to the "you can't re-enter stealth while in-combat" - everybody knows that should be the case, but Arenanet won't implement these industry-standard checks and balances seemingly because of PRIDE - because they want their game to be unique and special, and it's a lack of these "features" that make it so.


> Whether that's true or not is another question.


This is a great point. I have been playing this game so long I forget how willfully quirky and contrary it is.

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In the megaman-series, there was the famous invincibility mechanic. Whenever you got hit by an enemy or projectile, you got knocked back a few frames, lost some HP but turned invincible for 1-2 seconds while your armor was flashing. Sounds good in the first moment. But after a while, players figured out that the invulnerability could be abused. I used it a lot to walk impossible passages with spikes, which would normally kill you on touch. Especially in the early X series, it was possible to get a lot of power-ups way too early in the game.


With that memory in mind and knowing how creative our player-base is when it comes to exploits, the outcome would be imbalanced as kitten. Just trigger the cc-invincibility with a weak cc and then watch the enemy dishing out its most powerful knocks. A couple of us can stun/cc ourselves. We could just do that, stunbreak and then enjoy the show ^^.

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To me, "CC spam" in this game occurs when:


In PvE, some mobs "spam" soft CC like slow, chill or cripple. I find it easier to evade (etc.) mob hard CC, unless the blinding effect spam becomes an issue. As for soft CC fields, I carry anywhere from 1-3 cleanses depending on character. However, it's easy to accumulate a lengthy stacking soft CC effect while condition cleanse is on CD. This is primarily because mobs which apply these CC types, often come in multiples in a given setting; and because almost all PvE mobs have a few abilities which they rotate through. It is not always feasible to adjust build for every different trash mob encounter, so I usually use a "good-enough" build and live with the annoyance when I am hit with soft CC -- though this compromise tends to mean I am compromising on fun as well. I'm not sure that CC immunity would work in these cases, or whether a hypothetical immunity might apply to soft CC, or just hard. I could be wrong.


In WvW herd play, it's very possible to be chain-CC'd despite stability and as many stun breaks as it's possible to have. This is often because the other side outnumbers us, and quantity has a quality all its own. A short CC immunity would mitigate this effect to some extent. However, the problem with that is that any such immunity would of course apply to the other guys as well, and it can be that a smaller group's more-effective use of game mechanics, including CC, can be the difference allowing that smaller group to beat larger but less skilled groups.


As a PvP dabbler and voyeur, it looks to me like there are some builds which can apply more CC than most builds can equip stun breaks/cleanses to deal with. This looks to me like just another aspect of power creep over the life of the game. Access to CC by some professions far outstrips access to breaks by other professions. Better balance in access to CC and CC counter-measures would be an active solution. Immunity would be a passive solution. I'd rather the active one.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> As the posters above me tried to imply, there is a buff called [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability) as well as several skills and traits that allow you to [break stuns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun_break) in this game. Check the wiki pages I linked and try to incorporate more stability and/or stun breaks into your build if you are having a problem on that front.


> Depending on your preferred playstyle and area it will also take a bit (or sometimes even a lot of) experience to know when and how to use or save your buffs and stun breaks, but once you have gotten the hang of it it is very satisfying to deal with foes that try to cc you to death.


in zerg fights in WvW that can be practically useless depending on the situation. Stun Break is useless sometimes in WvW because of Server lag delay, but thats a different issue as well. a DR in WvW would be nice. In smaller scale PvP thats a different story. Need less CC overall and less CC immunity.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> In WvW herd play, it's very possible to be chain-CC'd despite stability and as many stun breaks as it's possible to have. This is often because the other side outnumbers us, and quantity has a quality all its own. A short CC immunity would mitigate this effect to some extent.

If only there was something like almost a second immunity between CC stab strips.

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> @"ThomasC.1056" said:

> I'm not sure @"Sylent.3165" is asking about the stability boon, or stunbreakers skills.


> I think it's more an issue of constant CC application from specific mobs, especially when you're fighting a pack of them, and they all toss their CC at the same time (which works also with sPvP to a certain extent). You can quickly be overwhelmed. The word is _stunlock_ and that's not something brand new...


> It's very much like boon stripping. Against some mobs (and players), you can litteraly play full boonrip, and toss all you have, just to see the boons pop instantly each time you rip/corrupt them.


> The spam really is an issue.


This. I am very aware of stun breaks and stability. But basically need to keep all my utility as those kind of skills which isn't much fun on my opinion when random mobs sometimes pop out of no where.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > In WvW herd play, it's very possible to be chain-CC'd despite stability and as many stun breaks as it's possible to have. This is often because the other side outnumbers us, and quantity has a quality all its own. A short CC immunity would mitigate this effect to some extent.

> If only there was something like almost a second immunity between CC stab strips.


If only there was a way to strip all 25 (max) stacks of stab from multiple players at once...


If only you had not cherry-picked part of my point to try to win points on the internet, you'd know that I am not advocating for immunity. But, congratulations on your "victory."

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > In WvW herd play, it's very possible to be chain-CC'd despite stability and as many stun breaks as it's possible to have. This is often because the other side outnumbers us, and quantity has a quality all its own. A short CC immunity would mitigate this effect to some extent.

> > If only there was something like almost a second immunity between CC stab strips.


> If only there was a way to strip all 25 (max) stacks of stab from multiple players at once...


> If only you had not cherry-picked part of my point to try to win points on the internet, you'd know that I am not advocating for immunity. But, congratulations on your "victory."

What did I win? Ah never mind, the joy only last 0.75s anyway.


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Don't be such white knights and accept that Guild Wars failed in its perma-CC. That or get out of PvE. In PvP and WvW perma stun and lock down should not be a thing. Players have been asking for this since day 1 in either competitive mode. What's worse is perma stun in PvE should actually be increased so that game mode would require the player-base to stack more breakouts like the other modes have to do.

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