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Raven Ceremonial armor - how?


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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.


Could be possible. Maybe the drop rates are higher and we had a massive efflux of players over the last months. Reading here and on reddit it's not unlikely that many players aren't playing the content on a regular basis any longer which would result in low amount of drops. Guess we'll have to monitor that a bit more.

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> And this one just now. Notice the chestpiece is just gone. Supply isn't exactly very high.

> I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.


Given that the chestpiece only seems to have 2 dye slots, I'm not sure i'm willing to pay that much.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Xenon.4537" said:

> > I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.


> Could be possible. Maybe the drop rates are higher and we had a massive efflux of players over the last months. Reading here and on reddit it's not unlikely that many players aren't playing the content on a regular basis any longer which would result in low amount of drops. Guess we'll have to monitor that a bit more.


We can monitor all we want, anet wont change it because -we- think its to low. They "doubled" the drop rate of the khan ur helmet, and yet the most ive seen for sale is 5. -So- either players are getting them and using them constantly or they still are just..annoyingly rare for a cultural armor piece.

That raven garb is probably gonna end up the same way given the difficulty of the strike its attached to, unless its obtainable from the Drakkar map meta.

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> @"Jables.4659" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:


> > I don't really follow your argument, but (perhaps by coincidence) you're right in this case that the designer was female: Kristen Perry. And guess what? She agrees that the female version looks better! See page 7 of [this](https://kristenperryart.com/projects/bGXav). About the male design, she says\


> Its a pretty easy argument to follow. The designers are female, so they understand the female perspective. The result is that the female armors look like they were designed by someone who would actually want to wear them on their characters, and the male armors look like after thoughts.


No, that argument takes as its premise that the designers are female, and infers from that that the female designs would be better than the male ones. The inference you were making before - as far as I can tell - was in the opposite direction: your premise was that the female designs were better, and your conclusion was that the designer was female. Those are different arguments. The part I object to, in both arguments, is the sweeping generalisation that female designers would only care about what the female designs look like (and, presumably, that male designers would only care about what the male designs look like).


> Also, you presented the information about this woman agreeing that the female armor looks better as if it was a "gotcha", but that basically just proves my point. Even the designer knows that the male armor is lackluster.


I did nothing of the sort, and I really hadn't expected such a hostile response to a post that actually confirmed what you suspected.

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> I took this screen shot earlier today

> test


> And this one just now. Notice the chestpiece is just gone. Supply isn't exactly very high.

> test


> And just for kicks I looked up that charr helmet that's also pure RNG.

> test


> I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.

Same, I was excited about finally getting this armour in game too as it’s something I’ve wanted for awhile now.


Pretty disappointed with how it’s aquired so far. Only have managed to get the pants since release because Sanctifier is buggy and I don’t have the gold to to buy everything else for Boreal(or even that tp price Jesus)


I think would have preferred it to either be rotating on the vendor or require more achieves to collect. Could have even made it craftable too.


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> @"Zalani.9827" said:

> > @"Xenon.4537" said:

> > I took this screen shot earlier today

> > test

> >

> > And this one just now. Notice the chestpiece is just gone. Supply isn't exactly very high.

> > test

> >

> > And just for kicks I looked up that charr helmet that's also pure RNG.

> > test

> >

> > I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.

> Same, I was so excited about finally getting this armour in game too as I’ve been asking since I saw it in 2012.


> Really disappointed with how it’s aquired so far. Only have managed to get the pants since release because Sanctifier is buggy and I don’t have the gold to to buy everything else for Boreal(or even that tp price Jesus)



This is probably going to be cheaper long run, if for no other reason that's it is not locked behind a very annoying jumping puzzle. Between the daily chances and event completion its not going to be as rare as a once a day loot chest at the back end of a easy to screw up JP.

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> @"Head Kracker.4790" said:

> > @"Zalani.9827" said:

> > > @"Xenon.4537" said:

> > > I took this screen shot earlier today

> > > test

> > >

> > > And this one just now. Notice the chestpiece is just gone. Supply isn't exactly very high.

> > > test

> > >

> > > And just for kicks I looked up that charr helmet that's also pure RNG.

> > > test

> > >

> > > I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.

> > Same, I was so excited about finally getting this armour in game too as I’ve been asking since I saw it in 2012.

> >

> > Really disappointed with how it’s aquired so far. Only have managed to get the pants since release because Sanctifier is buggy and I don’t have the gold to to buy everything else for Boreal(or even that tp price Jesus)

> >


> This is probably going to be cheaper long run, if for no other reason that's it is not locked behind a very annoying jumping puzzle. Between the daily chances and event completion its not going to be as rare as a once a day loot chest at the back end of a easy to screw up JP.


the..khan ur helmet isnt locked behind a puzzle either. You collect keys and open the door, the drop rate for the item is just god awful low.

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> @"Head Kracker.4790" said:

> > @"Zalani.9827" said:

> > > @"Xenon.4537" said:

> > > I took this screen shot earlier today

> > > test

> > >

> > > And this one just now. Notice the chestpiece is just gone. Supply isn't exactly very high.

> > > test

> > >

> > > And just for kicks I looked up that charr helmet that's also pure RNG.

> > > test

> > >

> > > I'm worried that the raven armor is going to look like this in 2 or 4 months.

> > Same, I was so excited about finally getting this armour in game too as I’ve been asking since I saw it in 2012.

> >

> > Really disappointed with how it’s aquired so far. Only have managed to get the pants since release because Sanctifier is buggy and I don’t have the gold to to buy everything else for Boreal(or even that tp price Jesus)

> >


> This is probably going to be cheaper long run, if for no other reason that's it is not locked behind a very annoying jumping puzzle. Between the daily chances and event completion its not going to be as rare as a once a day loot chest at the back end of a easy to screw up JP.


Yeah I’m hoping that’s true, it’s just seeing that current large price for both of them is a banger to my wallet. X.x


Gonna keep trying the rng way, at least Drakkar getting better drops as well soon.


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Unfortunately Anet's idea of "earning something in game" amounts to either an insane grind or dropping tons of in-game gold just to purchase it. I had considered trying to get this armor, but if its going to be this grindy to get it, I'm just going to pass on it. There are other games out there that respect my time a bit more as far as ROI of that time. Thank you OP for shining a spotlight on this for me. You've saved me some frustration.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for the bump, but I've noticed that the price for the Ceremonial Garb (aka the chestpiece) has been shooting up a lot, and it coincides with the change of the strike missions to the new format via EotN. According to the Wiki, the Garb drops from the Whisper of Jormag strike mission, but when I previewed the Strong Echo of Whispers box, the Garb is NOT one of the possible drops from the Echo. Given that the Echo is supposed to be a reflection of the possible drops from the strikes, is it possible that the Garb was erroneously removed from the drop list for the Whisper strike (meaning that there is now no way to obtain more copies, which would explain the surging price)? Can somebody from ANet look into this?

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I wish there was an alternative way to obtain the hood and the garb other that RNG. Make it purchasable for 1000 eternal ice after you killed Drakkar and Whisper, or something. It's not that shiny of an armor, but I would help complete my Ritualist look :)

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> @"Mouse.7382" said:

> I got the chest loot box to drop from daily strike mission the other day


Thanks for the confirmation. :) Still, it is odd that the chest box isn't included in the Echoes box, since the Raven chest box is basically THE most valuable reward for doing the Whisper strike. ANet, I'd consider adding it to the Echoes box as well if you want to increase/sustain player interest in the tougher strikes.

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I really wish they wouldn't advertise content like this. Let it be a pleasant surprise when it occasionally drops instead of saying there will be a new armor set in the next release while failing to mention how rare and difficult it will be to acquire. Why get our hopes up when the rng is this extreme?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> don't see any problem,

> 1)this is not part of some collection

> 2)it is exist on TP


Wouldn't be a problem if they would advertise it as a difficult to get bonus in upcoming content and not as a feature. "This next release will have a new set of armor" does not prepare us for what we actually got which is "This next release will have a new set of armor for all of you that enjoy a grind."

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> Not everyone has multiple thousand gold to spent though, like the prices are for the bare foot skins.

price as for me valid. So anyone can choose - go and try luck each day. Don't believe ? But anyway want this non collectable item ASAP ?


Most expensive Reliquary of the Raven Ceremonial Garb. Current price 1600 gold aprox. No one cant stop you buy gems, convert to gold, and get that Raven Ceremonial Garb.


> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Wouldn't be a problem if they would advertise it as a difficult to get bonus in upcoming content and not as a feature.

This can be be a problem if this is part of meta achievement, or part of some collection. But not. This is not. So not any problem expect "ou, I want this".

Want but not want try? Buy. Or demand. 1k current.


> "This next release will have a new set of armor for all of you that enjoy a grind."

Like grind? Joke ?The current buy price is only 1600 gold. This is 53 hours action. People who like grind do grind years, but not hours.

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You look at that top and think it's worth $100? One hundred dollars of REAL money? Who has that kind of money to spend just on ONE item that's not even ascended rated? I mean I know that rich people spend that kind of money like nothing, but making decisions that only benefit rich gamers and people with infinite amounts of time and willing to waste it all doing the same thing over and over in vain hope the abysmally low drop rate will favor them today, is pretty whack.


This whole set should have been acquirable the way other armors always were, especially after pushing it as a selling point for the new content. It's about how they presented it, and then broke all precedent on how armor sets are acquired. It's a tease, and it feels completely unfair to all but those who are obviously rolling in cash right now and can spend it on frivolities without any worry. They didn't do this with Runic, they didn't do this with Warlord. I don't think it's because they learned their lesson, it feels like they were scrambling to find rewards for the chapter and cannibalized the armor set for it rather than make something worth repeatedly coming back for in the SM.

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> @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

> You look at that top and think it's worth $100? One hundred dollars of REAL money?

Why not??? Why not $1000 ?? People buy toy for cats whit same price. And if most can't do same no one cry.


>Who has that kind of money to spend just on ONE item that's not even ascended rated?

someone who think that he need that item.


>I mean I know that rich people spend that kind of money like nothing

So you ask why title "I am rich" is so expensive?? :) They have and they spend. Should I ask why people buy Bentley and Ferraro, and I have only bus pass ??


>but making decisions that only benefit rich gamers

don't feel like loser - pay or play. And again, make attention, that this item is **not part of any collection** . **You can imagine it as expensive item in gem shop and feel more easy.**



> This whole set should have been acquirable the way other armors always were, especially after pushing it as a selling point for the new content.

It is already very easy acquirable. Part from achievement, other part from TP. It cost less than one legendary weapon .. Make it totally free no any reason for me.



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Eh... if a single skin is going to cost hundreds or thousands of gold, it better be something so dazzling that the whole map can't help but stare at one. Like legendary weapons are meant to stand out.


The design for this armor set just doesn't seem to get there. I find it pretty ridiculous when a skin is more expensive than a precursor, but nobody else but yourself is going to notice it.


But then again, it's ANet's prerogative to determine how valuable they want an item to be, as they have the means to adjust acquisition rates.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> It is already very easy acquirable. Part from achievement, other part from TP. It cost less than one legendary weapon .. Make it totally free no any reason for me.


It seems you didn't grasp the core of the problem:

Many people want to actually be able to work towards their armour pieces and **not be at the mercy of pitifully low RNG drop chances**.

And no, farming gold doesn't count as working towards such a goal.


It's the same with the bare foot skins, that are victim to **pitifully low drop chances** and only available in **outdated content**.

And these aren't even special like the Raven tatters. These literally just hide an armour piece and should have been a toggle.

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