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any way to help without making people mad?


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i am starting to get in more matches where team mates are fighting off point. i will be trying to cap and i look at map and only every now and again at least one other caps then moves on to fight off point again. i cant count how many times the other team has had 2 caps most of the match because of this. i want to try to asking people in chat to fight on point. i stopped doing that a few years ago because of the hate and insults i would get after doing so. anyone know another way to get them to start fighting on cap with out asking them to?

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> @"Crozame.4098" said:

> You are the one who needs help... Point is not life, kills and surviving are more important than always fighting on point. What some AT final games.




You can always spot the beginner in the team; they're the one spamming "fight on point" every 10 seconds.

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> @"trunks.5249" said:

> i am starting to get in more matches where team mates are fighting off point. i will be trying to cap and i look at map and only every now and again at least one other caps then moves on to fight off point again. i cant count how many times the other team has had 2 caps most of the match because of this. i want to try to asking people in chat to fight on point. i stopped doing that a few years ago because of the hate and insults i would get after doing so. anyone know another way to get them to start fighting on cap with out asking them to?


I remember watching from YouTube few years ago of someone giving tips on gw2 sPvP for beginners saying along these lines of ,"... you should always fight on node.", who seemed pretty credible and was on plat so that video got lots of likes, and I'm assuming hundreds if not thousands of players actually followed that poor advice.


Fighting on node is truly situational like if you're playing a bunker class that does nearly nothing in team fights or if the game is super close and you desperately need to hold the node to get the win. It doesn't matter if you have the node, if your team is losing or wiping from clashes or skirmishes you will lose the node eventually because you're not gonna hold a node if you're outnumbered or dead in the first place. And you should remember that some classes or builds can't just simply "fight on point", e.g. holosmith vs longbow ranger/soulbeast, they simply can't just stand on node and take free hits, they may be able to temporarily hold the node but they will die soon enough and lose the cap anyway cos they tried to "fight" on node. Now just apply that in a bigger scale like 2v2s, 3v3s, 4v4s or 5v5s, it will get chaotic and you simply can't expect 10 people stack inside a node and get cleaved by random power and condi dps in every direction.


This may sound obvious but I feel like beginners forget the fact that dying means you can't hold or cap a node. Dying also means somewhere in the map your team will be outnumbered. Basically, kills > node.


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Please don't try and help your teammates from fighting off point. No reasonable chance of people listening constructively, and even if people listened the results would not be good.


Matches are won from snowballing multiple kills. A player's awareness should be focused on securing kill momentum first and points as a secondary goal.


If you're a support, save a fight.

If you're a roamer, push a kill.


There's nearly a perfect correlation between the winning team and the team who gets vastly more kills (and prevents decaps when possible.)

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It really depends on how the game is going. Sometimes a team is wiping the other team but isn’t rotating and the other team is managing to hold points and stay ahead. Then mid game they get marginally better at not dying and they pull ahead and take the win.


Most of the time, however, it’s best to give up a point and secure a lot of kills. Even if you lose a few points for a short time you can just backcap while your team ambushes respawns.


If you do need to tell people to fight on point I’d focus on asking a specific player to guard a point to prevent decap or at least quickly recap after a decap. They need to be mobile enough to move between points quickly and able to brawl a bit. A warrior or Soulbeast is a decent choice. BUT, they also need to know when to stay and help secure a kill instead of running to save home. So ask them that player to keep an eye on home and rotate there when it makes sense to do so.


Basically, best way to communicate with your team is to convey a degree of trust in their decision making.

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To op: ignore most of what u get as reply's from these forums as gw2 pvp is what it is not just because the devs left it to stagnate.

The priority to kill is high and doesn't always lead to fighting on point but capping should still remain a priority after and obviously if ur closer to a point the decap will happen faster but dying means u get neither.

With that said yes u will get teammates that value kills above all and totally disregard the node mechanics all while facing a team of actual good players who focus on securing kills AND decapping/capping points leading to them destroying ur team. Funny thing is if u have a thief or any mobile class on ur team the rest of the team will rage on them that they aren't decapping enough as if now the loss is all due to nodes not being decapped or capped cuz u kno NOW their a priority lol.

Remember what game ur playing, it's not a serious competitive pvp game nor are the players regardless of the champs they think they are lol. Just play, have fun and when u don't log off and move on, games on last leg anyway.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Stop acting like you should never fight on or near points and this dude low tier because of that. It's situational. I mean you don't just sit on a point but you also can get sucked into fights and get capped and lose. Sure if your wrecking them you gonna have the points too but I've def seem matches we should easily win turn close or take forever cause we go tunnel vision fight no where near points and 1 dude on that team just caps/decaps and you like why this match so close



This is why actual good players rage.

Nothing like seeing

2 or even 3 of ur teammates chasing

1 guy way off point well other team outnumbers rest of ur team while capping the points leading to a easy slaughter lol people need to realize it's not a team deathmatch mode. Like I said though they always blame their mobile class for not carrying the match thru their tunnel vision.

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ITT> people who could get kited way out into the middle of the map chasing a soulbeast who isnt going to die right away while their points get capped, then when they finally kill him the points tick for more than the kill was worth three times over.


Ijs. Situational is situational. If your opponent is sitting on a capped point and is a bruiser that knows how to live, and he can distract you and one other guy in the middle of the map **while that point ticks for him** , you're not smart for fighting him off point. You're not assisting the team by eventually adding him to spawn q while he's done his job, if you even get to that point. What's going to happen is, while that point is ticking for him, if your teammates lose their skirmish, you're going to:


*Down the guy late at which point you will get wiped off the map by teammates of his coming back to his point.to aid him, or contested before you can decap it


*Get +ed before you can down him, lose the skirmish **and** make no headway



If you happen to down him early, he only needs to distract you for 5 ticks for that skirmish to break even on that interaction.

sometimes fighting off point is beneficial. Sometimes it **absolutely isnt** though, and if someone is saying that odds are someone on your team is being taken on a field trip 1v1ing or 1v2ing off in a corner vs something -built to stall them- while their map control is evaporating.


I dont understand how people came to the conclusion that pushing kills is more important than conquest. Snowballing doesnt happen unless the teams are egregiously imbalanced, and if you do that vs a cohesive group you're going to get outrotated. Quick +ing a fight in a lane is fine, especially if you get the down, but equating suggesting people avoid throwing themselves at brick walls for 5 points while their points and objectives get taken a low rank strat is insane.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> ITT> people who could get kited way out into the middle of the map chasing a soulbeast who isnt going to die right away while their points get capped, then when they finally kill him the points tick for more than the kill was worth three times over.


> Ijs. Situational is situational. If your opponent is sitting on a capped point and is a bruiser that knows how to live, and he can distract you and one other guy in the middle of the map **while that point ticks for him** , you're not smart for fighting him off point. You're not assisting the team by eventually adding him to spawn q while he's done his job, if you even get to that point. What's going to happen is, while that point is ticking for him, if your teammates lose their skirmish, you're going to:


> *Down the guy late at which point you will get wiped off the map by teammates of his coming back to his point.to aid him, or contested before you can decap it

> or

> *Get +ed before you can down him, lose the skirmish **and** make no headway



> If you happen to down him early, he only needs to distract you for 5 ticks for that skirmish to be virtually worthless for you.

> sometimes fighting off point is beneficial. Sometimes it **absolutely isnt** though, and if someone is saying that odds are someone on your team is being taken on a field trip 1v1ing or 1v2ing off in a corner while their map control is evaporating.




This is exactly what I dislike seeing. Having three of my team herp derp after a soulbeast/theif across the entire map while we have no nodes, letting the rest of their team wipe the two of use that are left trying to cap and wonder why when they get back from their vacation they lose the team fight. As a lot of others have said, fighting on point is situational but too many times have I seen people get baited into playing chase with someone while the node that someone was guarding just keeps on ticking away.

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Actually addressing the OP now. Here are a few things I do to keep my team from tilting and try to encourage good play.


* Address the team as "we", don't single people out. Example: "We need to make sure we're caping points and not chasing too far"

* If you goof, take responsibility for it real quick. Just drop a "Sorry, that was my bad". THis takes the steam out of people throwing blame. This also works in team fights, even if it wasn't your fault.

* Ask, don't tell. Example: " Hey, so-and-so, do you think you could manage to take far?"

* Listen to your team mates as well. They may actually be better than you and have better suggestions. You're not always the most right.

* Lastly, even if you lose, tell everyone they did a great job and wish them luck their next game. If you get them on your team again they will remember you as a positive person.

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Playing a 1v1 duelist class, what I normally do is decap the point if it's been capped then move to help get the kill quick while it's neutral. At least that way, nobody is getting points for it. Decapping is also very quick, so there is 0 harm in doing that imo. Particularly if you're playing thief/roamer you should be doing this.


If it's a friendly node, i'll definitely help with the kill but save mobility skills and also keep my eye on the node incase it starts getting backcapped during that time.


When it comes to fighting on node; unless they're a bunker, and so long as they aren't throwing away points it's generally fine and the goal of either side to keep it friendly then neutral as long as possible. Full-capping takes quite a while as well as a person to do, so kiting and chasing are both good strats. So long as the person chasing doesn't chase too far and they're confident they can finish the kill quick then it's useful, even if there's two people doing it.

By the time that kill respawns you can easily have the node and you might even stagger their team.


Like instead of asking people to fight/die on point, a better reminder is "please don't chase the thief across the map" or "that fight might be taking too long." It's still probably going to make people mad in all honesty, but you can't really do much to change a mindset/personality.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Sovari.7246" said:

> > I notice a lot of people who give advice are the ones who never have never finished at top 250


> How do I check if a player has been top 250 ever?


I ask and they usually don't know what that even is or ask them to show me how far they've gotten via title and they usually have a fit say that titles are all obtained by wintrading

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I can't give you a guaranteed method, but the method that works best for me is to establish a positive atmosphere from the start.


Say hello at the start. Coordinate who gets home, who goes mid, who goes far. Avoid saying anything that could be interpreted as an attack. For example, instead of saying "Why go mid?" or "Why 2 people far?" A better option is "Play sides" or "Ele far rest home". You may not intend your message to come off aggressively, but when people are losing, they're prone to tilt. People get irrational when they tilt, anything that resembles criticism is taken personally.


For example, your message "Why 2 people far?" is interpreted as "Why'd you go far you brainless ape? Obviously that was a bad idea, anyone with half a brain cell could've seen that"


You may also try typing an uplifting message as you attempt to lead your team to victory. You could try:


"We can recover. Hold home and mid" or "Gj so far, lets take home back"


Some people will tilt and flame no matter what you say, but these people, thankfully, are in the minority. With the right attitude someone you might otherwise write off as an idiot, troll, or waste of time, might just surprise you. You're all here to win after all.


Source: Played League of Legends for 5 years.

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