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Balance Patch Preview - Global

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Opinion on the changes listed here:

- General: the changes on unblockable were long due, thank you!

- Elementalist: I can see myself having some fun with the "new" elementals in PvE.

- Engineer: the changes just make me wonder why the explosive traitline shift that much into personal sustain.

- Guardian: I expect a skill named _deflective shot_ to be used to deflect projectiles not to knock back foes. The DH skill kit just don't have knock back effects, why not just modify the traits that proc on knock back to proc on something that the DH is proficient into?

- Mesmer: the changes to GS seem interesting, that said, I don't think that increasing the frequency of the GS burst is th proper way to thread.

- Necromancer: Nothing fancy here, thank you for the JP QoL due to the reduced CD of _spectral walk_.

- Ranger: quite a few PvE new options here. The change on the SB special mechanism seem interesting, yet some core trait might not work with the specialization (_spirited arrival_)

- Revenant: to many changes to give any true opinions on that.

- Thief: Like the necromancer, nothing really fancy there. The buff to the bundle are nice, especially the reduced cast time.

- Warrior: again, nothing fancy there, but I'm not a fan of the amunition system in general, so it can't be helped.


NB.: it would have been good to have the number of stacks given for the skills that give unblockable. (I know it's not really usefull in PvE but still it would have been nice to see)

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Mirage changes completely missed the mark once again.


Focusing on dodge and Elusive Mind - effectively killing this spec in WvW and PvP right now. EM doesn't even pair well with one dodge so increasing condition cleanse is all but useless. Make it so it regenerates endurance 25% faster. Give Mirage's a reason to take something other than IH depending on the build.


Relying pretty much solely on mirrors is a clunky mechanic. It's as if you don't have any direction with Mirage nor know how to balance it. I'm a little taken back that such little thought went into these changes.


I won't even bring up Chrono but this team should be embarrassed on the changes they've made to it and it not being "fixed" in this update.

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Engineer aim assit rocket, must be 450 range or greater? Really did I read well? So you take out my cake bomb, my mine sweap, and now your making aim assit and orbital strike umcompatible with holosmith and scrapper? Ok... It must be a typo right guy? I meam surely you dont want me to spam rifle 1-1-1-1, etc or force me to play with this akward poorly design not fun mortar, to have my toys back? Surely its a troll...


Oh and why corona wont give stab anymore? I mean its not like engineer can give itself a lot of stab? Did you ever play with an engineer, ok you mist since you design the game. But really?

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> @"DrKonfusselnuss.7129" said:

> Holosmith = Melee

> Melee = Stability

> No Crystal Configuration: Eclipse = No stability


> Conclusion:

> You will have a pretty rough time fighting close range. Not to say it could be impossible, because you get stun-chained.


> Anet please reconsider your decision.



Welcome to necromancer life.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"DrKonfusselnuss.7129" said:

> > Holosmith = Melee

> > Melee = Stability

> > No Crystal Configuration: Eclipse = No stability

> >

> > Conclusion:

> > You will have a pretty rough time fighting close range. Not to say it could be impossible, because you get stun-chained.

> >

> > Anet please reconsider your decision.

> >


> Welcome to necromancer life.


Engineer is already weaker than necro in all game modes, maybe in PvP they're similar, Reaper is strong but slow. But in PvE/WvW Necro is by far stronger (condi, support, power reaper and utilities like kitter scourge)

Oh, and Reaper has stab.

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> @"ZolracAtrox.2908" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"DrKonfusselnuss.7129" said:

> > > Holosmith = Melee

> > > Melee = Stability

> > > No Crystal Configuration: Eclipse = No stability

> > >

> > > Conclusion:

> > > You will have a pretty rough time fighting close range. Not to say it could be impossible, because you get stun-chained.

> > >

> > > Anet please reconsider your decision.

> > >

> >

> > Welcome to necromancer life.


> Engineer is already weaker than necro in all game modes.

> Oh, and Reaper has stab.


I didn't say reaper. And I can assure you it isn't.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> # General:

> # Thief:

> _Thief pistol has been updated some to better smooth its gameplay and its associated trait (and harpoon gun's), Ankle Shots, has been replaced with a new trait - Deadly Aim, which causes attacks from those weapons to pierce, allowing for strategic movement and positioning relative to your foes._



The problem with piercing is that it works horribly with elevation differences, its extremly unreliable, borderline unworkable in all but flat ground. Nothing smooth about that.


How about reworking old ricochet to this?



Pistol shots bounce to additional targets, dealing less damage with every bounce.


Trigger Chance: 100% <- old 50%

Maximum Additional Bounces: 2 <- old 3

Damage decrease per Bounce: 10% <- old didnt decrease

Range Increase: 0 <- old 150

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I think bake the pierce into unload skill itself then re-balance it and think of something else for Deadly aim. Its really the only pistol skill you want to pierce outside of autos and then only in a condi build (maybe bake 2 target ricochet into autos) while others skills which have CC effects might benefit too much. Maybe deadly aim could give 5% dmg for every pistol equipped (+10% for harpoon) for instance.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> _eg. Many bosses and creatures in instanced content focus attacks on the player with the highest toughness. A minor trait, Stone Flesh gives an Elementalist additional toughness while attuned to earth and can cut off both going into Earth attunement and selecting the Earth traitline. So we're changing that trait to grant 7% damage reduction instead of 150 Toughness, allowing it to play well with that type of content and expand some build options._


Can you please expand this change to Signet of Earth and Rock Barrier and maybe even Elemental Polyphony.

I wait for that change for years now and you do one each year (already did the one on Weave Self). Why not do all of them right now?


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> @"ZolracAtrox.2908" said:

> > @"JETWING.2759" said:

> > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > # Engineer:

> > > * Overheat: Instead of disabling all toolbelt skills until all heat is lost, this skill now adds 15 seconds to the recharge of toolbelt skills other than Photon Forge. Photon Forge remains disabled until all heat is lost.

> > A 3rd penality... It's already loses half of HP (1st penality) and become unable to reenter on Photon Forge until the cooling time finishes (2nd penality). Holosmith stills overpenalized.

> > What happens if the player on purpose overheats to get access to 6 extra stacks of Solar Focusing Lens?

> > Serious that the player will still unable to Drop Elixir S (for stealth) nor Drop Elxir B (for Stability) nor use Rumble (for Stability, break stun) nor Bandage Self (Medic Kit Heal) nor any other sustain skill?

> > Some skills and traits stills uncompatible. This near breaks the Holosmith Elite.

> > > * Photonic Blasting Module: When this trait is equipped, the additional recharge penalty from Overheat is reduced from 15 seconds to 5 seconds.

> > What the point of equip a trait that forces the player to have his profession mechanics locked and loss access to damage and self sustain?

> > Stills uncompatible! Conflicting! Nigh broken!

> > > * Crystal Configuration: Eclipse: This trait no longer causes Corona Burst to grant stability. Increased base barrier granted from 374 to 991 in PvE and 748 in competitive modes.

> > This closes the coffin door and buries the Holosmith!

> > What the point of play a melee type that can't face CC?

> > What the point of Crystal Configuration: Zephyr or Crystal Configuration: Storm?

> > What the point of Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit?

> > Still without tier 3 (100+ heat) exceed skills.

> > Sword still not fine (or worse with nerf).

> > Self burn on f1...


> > But the 450 distance requeriment make it unusable with Bomb Kit, Flamethrower, Tool Kit, Photon Forge and Scrapper... May be healthy remove this distance requeriment.

> >

> > Please, look the Engineer sub forum. There are severals suggestions to make Engineer Profession fun to play and capable of bring more players.

> > Do not abandon the Engineer!


> You're right, I can't understand why Anet stills making engineer useless in all game modes, but classes like guardian are meta(or almost meta) since HoT release.

> It's so stupid, this game literally makes you always play guardian if you wanna be in a serious PvE group. I really wanna play engineer again.


> Range requeriment is really a senseless buff, the kitten class is a melee class; and what's the point in having an overheat trait if it stills blocking you 5 secs? so, for cc phases, u have to save heat making a big dps loss; classes like DH only has to save elite trap, and the dps loss stills a joke... and they have signets & greatsword 5 for emergencies (they also have mobility with greatsword and F2, they have strong blocks pressing f3, condicleanse, the healing skill is broken too, they have range with scepter, autobuff, aoe, a stupid high burst) It is so hard to remove the kitten cooldown? "We want high risk with high rewards for holo" Oh, seriously?, 'cause your class doesn't have high reward, and why people should want to play with high risks if they can play guardian, No risk, extreme rewards.


> Now, Condition engineer... another dead class that doesn't have attention... and it's the same story, why people would want to play a class with a piano rotation? without big burst, without autobuff, sustain, mobility, utilities if you can play firebrand? FB's rotation is a joke, he also has high burst, big sustain, big autobuff, useful utilites... swap runes, "feel my wrath" and some rings and now he is a dps-support with almost the same dps and a even more easier rotation.


> Support Scrapper... It goes without saying why it is useless, and why it is a joke if you compare it with a firebrand or a druid. "In WvW is meta", yeah, I enjoy the 1-1-1-1-1 medit kit spam, great gameplay.


> I repeat it again, GW2 = Guardian Wars 2.





Yeah I play support scrapper in pvp, and it carries just fine.

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Here is a friendly reminder, that turrets exist. Please, it is time for those skills, here since 7 years ago to be revamped and fixed. Remake them interesting, call it the turret update:


1-Make traits affecting turrets.

->In inventions, there is only one trait affecting turrets! They should have at least 2 more in addition of [Experimental turret]. Increase of attack speed? Piercing?


2-Make turrets able to receive boons. And re-enable overcharge.

->Like protection, might, fury.... Overcharging will damage the turrets, but giving it healing boon will repair it.


3-Update their skins, they should have a look reflecting the race used. The models exist and are used by foes. Asuran Turrets, Plant turrets, Charr ones...

->Should have been here since launch, it his also sad that the kit backpacks have been removed.

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> * Head Shot: Increased the daze caused by this skill from 0.25 to 2 seconds, in PvE only.

> * Black Powder: Increased the radius of the area of blinding and smoke field around the thief from 120 to 180. Updated the description of this skill.

> * Ankle Shots: This trait has been replaced by Deadly Aim.

> * Deadly Aim (NEW): This trait causes your pistol and harpoon gun abilities to pierce, affecting up to five enemies, but reducing damage inflicted by those skills by 5%.


Sounds good to me. But I just gotta play this through before giving any reactions.

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Okay so, these changes are really interesting and I am looking forward especially when it comes to WvW/PvP.

I am still hoping that there will some revisiting of instant cast skills so they can be used mid-air. There is a bunch of skills that have an instant cast or break stun mechanic and aren't able to be used mid-air (Celestial Avatar, Particle Accelerator, Photon Forge, etc). These skills must be revisited and addressed.

Also, it would be cool if you guys could take a better look at skills descriptions, I feel like some skills lack a lot on their descriptions like Fumigate which doesn't tell you that this skill affects only allies or how many enemies/allies it affects at all. While we still have wiki for such, I'd still think that in-game descriptions should try to be as much consistent and explanatory they can.

And please, do something about Ranger Allies' Aid, this trait was already bad before the resurrection traits nerfs and now it is absolutely garbage.

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I felt like giving some feedback today. For pistol 5% seems like a lot. If you're only attacking one enemy it's not good. I think a better choice (keeping with the function of the trait) would be to have the first enemy hit take full damage and additional enemies take 5% less damage. This would make it useful for both single target and multiple targets. Ok so, stolen skills. Stolen skills aren't very good most of the time. They are random (within a set table per enemy) and some of them have long aftercast. I've had the idea for a long time to make base game stolen skills selectable through a dropdown box in F2 (this wouldn't apply to raids or strikes) that gets 1 charge when you use steal. This would eliminate the random aspect and allow people to create builds around certain stolen skills. That would create more impact already, but on top of that it would allow for more in-depth playing with selecting the best stolen skill for a fight. On a side note it would be nice for you to gain stolen skills even if the target absorbs the steal (invulnerable enemies)

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> # Guardian:

> _Dragonhunters are solid damage dealers, but there were a couple spots that needed some tuning. Deflecting shot, in particular, had a very short cast time and became crowd control when traited with Heavy Light. We've rolled the crowd control into the skill itself and increased its cast time to ensure that it feels reasonable for its effect. Several traits have also been improved for ease of understanding, like Dulled Senses affecting any foe you crowd control, not simply those you knock back. A couple particularly unused traits in the core Virtues specialization have been retired and replaced with fresh options._


> * Heavy Light: This trait no longer causes Deflecting Shot to knock back. This trait now grants stability whenever you disable an enemy, not just when you knockback. You additionally deal increased damage to disabled foes.


Can we get some retaliation on that trait too. if only for PvE only.

**"Grants stability and retaliation whenever you disable an enemy. You additionally deal increased damage to disabled foes."**

It does have to compete with the "Big game Hunter" trait in terms usefulness and damage, I feel this trait won't be used much otherwise, it needs something unique and good on it to make it stand out, it is a Grandmaster trait after all.


I say this from a Raid/Fractal point of view.


For ages now you've been expecting Dragonhunter's get the retaliation buff on it to deal damage for power builds.

BUT Dragonhunter **DOESN'T** actually have a way within the elite spec to get retaliation on itself.

The only weapon we can use to get retaliation is Greatsword. I spend most of my time using a Greatsword because its only way to deal a lot of damage.

I need all my Utility skills are all needed to damge foes, so its not option switch them out.


You slightly buffed Guardian's sword recently for PvE but its still not appealing to most players, like myself I still use scepter over Sword in PvE.

If you put retaliation into that trait for PvE only, it would allow Dragonhunter's to get some retaliation from sword 2 (Symbol of Blades) as Blinding a foe is counted as disabling it, Therefore Dragonhunter will have a way to upkeep its retaliation duration outside using Greatsword.

Not every Fractal group will have some way of giving retaliation as only really Power Gaurdians need it, so most you have provide your own as a Dragonhunter which is rather limited.


Dragonhunter's really do need someway of getting retaliation within it's traitline or its Utility skills.

You aren't going to shove retaliation onto natively onto sword to make more useful for Dragonhunter's in PvE.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> _Soulbeasts, long standing without a tradeoff, are now receiving theirs - they lose combat access to a second pet and must choose carefully which pet they are going to be bonded with in battle._


I hope you are planning to fix the way soulbeast interacts with water and mounts when it is merged because it is glitchy.

Half the time I am merged with a pet and go into water and get out of the Pet skills or the beast skills arent there.


This is annoying in WvW because I have been chasing someone in a keep and they go into the water so i chase them and then get out and.... OH look i can't use either my beast skills or my pets because the top skill bar has disappear and when i hit the merge button, it goes on cooldown. (most of the time)

Seriously trying to fight someone and some of skills are gone at a critial time.

This should have been fixed a LONG time ago.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> # General:

> #

> # Necromancer:

> _Necromancer has always been designed to be a resilient profession that was light on Stability. Since this update specifically is removing some stability from their traits we made sure to buff their stunbreak skills appropriately in response. Additionally we've fixed a few issues with minion responsiveness and buffed a few of the weaker minion command skills._


Why don't ANet try to remove Necro altogether?!?!

Are they love to torture Necro players?!

Scourge is devastated with last update, after this "patch" it would be unplayable...

Reaper will get so much nerf, that i will only farm ore with my necros.

Power is going down big time, so power necro is not a sure thing anymore.

This game is turning to "manga style farming" game.

T4 fractals for necro? instead of creating T5, ANet cut your dmg... interesting strategy

Raids for necro are not an option even now... imagine after this "patch"...

Soooo, we'll see how it'll go with dungeons....

Necro is removed from endgame... eradicated....

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> @"Dzheen.5291" said:

> In next patch we will loose 15% single target damage with pistols because of Ankle shot trait changes.

Cripple isn't 100% uptime anyway, 3 seconds of cripple every 8 seconds (keep in mind you need to crit too) is 37.5% cripple uptime or a damage increase of 6.875% if you're alone. There's also no requirement to take the new trait. The alternative, Practiced Tolerance, which gives you ferocity based on a percentage of your precision, gives 191 ferocity in full ascended Berserker gear. This amounts to 13.06% Critical Damage, making the difference in taking one trait over the other for dps minimal.

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> @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > # General:

> > #

> > # Necromancer:

> > _Necromancer has always been designed to be a resilient profession that was light on Stability. Since this update specifically is removing some stability from their traits we made sure to buff their stunbreak skills appropriately in response. Additionally we've fixed a few issues with minion responsiveness and buffed a few of the weaker minion command skills._


> Why don't ANet try to remove Necro altogether?!?!

> Are they love to torture Necro players?!

> Scourge is devastated with last update, after this "patch" it would be unplayable...

> Reaper will get so much nerf, that i will only farm ore with my necros.

> Power is going down big time, so power necro is not a sure thing anymore.

> This game is turning to "manga style farming" game.

> T4 fractals for necro? instead of creating T5, ANet cut your dmg... interesting strategy

> Raids for necro are not an option even now... imagine after this "patch"...

> Soooo, we'll see how it'll go with dungeons....

> Necro is removed from endgame... eradicated....




Oh how the necromancer has fallen from grace. The best necromancer in any game, gw1 necro, to one of the worst, gw2.

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