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Balance Patch Preview - WvW

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> Of particular note is how Anet is falling all over themselves to make rangers as useless as possible. They're, quite literally, saying to all us folks who like to play rangers, "Ranger has been made garbage - we don't want you to play anymore - please take your money elsewhere."


Rangers started out this way in wvw. They were pretty bad and useless in a lot of battle scenarios a few years back. Then they made some changes that made the Ranger useful.


And now we're back to ground zero on the Ranger. Not surprising, really, after all the layoffs Anet did awhile back.


I'll check back in a few months and see if my main is still an afterthought out there. Sad, as it is a really fun class to play when the class can actually hold its own when played well. Sounds like those days are gone, again.


I frankly think that Anet would rather have everyone just play PvE so that they don't have to commit any resources to wvw anymore.

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> @"hayabusafmw.9370" said:

> > @"ruwani.8624" said:

> > deleted game :) thank you anet


> I swear i just did the same thing. I have tons of games i didn't touch since i re-installed gw2. Took a 1 year+ hiatus and this time i dunno when if ever i will come back. Was fun though.


I have gotten into RDR2 lately...great game, and the online mode is even pretty good. Very immersive and entertaining game. This patch just pushes me more towards RDR2. I might still do my dailies here, but I won't commit much time to this game anymore. Maybe check back in a few months to see if anything has changed for the positive in wvw, but I certainly won't hold my breath.


This sort of thing seems to happen too often to mmorpgs that are approaching the decade mark. Dark Age of Camelot comes to mind.


Ah well, it's just a game, and I have lots of others that I will be able to commit more time to, now. :)

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Why is it when you think of balancing a class system you MESS WITH US RANGERS!!!!!!!? I have played this game since the beginning and you all keep lowering us over cries and whines. You do realize as Devs our pets are our main defense and fighting? STOP MESSING WITH US!!! 2 thumbs down on your idea of a good balance. WE are nerfed enough. I don't normally go off like this but after 8 years someone had to say it. Oh and this no swapping pets during combat? HORRID!!!

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> i need more popcorn.


> this balance is a kittenshow. ???




There you go. Its buttered


> @"koribas.7386" said:

> Why is it when you think of balancing a class system you MESS WITH US RANGERS!!!!!!!? I have played this game since the beginning and you all keep lowering us over cries and whines. You do realize as Devs our pets are our main defense and fighting? STOP MESSING WITH US!!! 2 thumbs down on your idea of a good balance. WE are nerfed enough. I don't normally go off like this but after 8 years someone had to say it. Oh and this no swapping pets during combat? HORRID!!!


Every class got hit. This wasn’t about ranger.

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Abandoned ranger since it is now the weakest class by far, but was stunned by how much they nerfed Necromancers, which are now the second weakest class. Took 3 times as long to kill a sentry - A SENTRY - with Twilight, no less. I have to run from other players since I can't even damage them anymore, unless they're playing ranger or necro. Necro vs necro used to be a really interesting fight, but it's just sad how easily I can kill other necros now. And where is the sense in making the Warclaw so slow that I can outrun it on foot? Mounts are supposed to be *faster* not *slower*.

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> @"Nunya.4920" said:

> I'm killing off all my toons tonight so I wont be able to come back, because I couldn't afford to get everything back and, I'd have no fun as a level nothing. I don't need this kitten from a game that doesn't give 2 kittens that I have loyally supported it for years.


I respect your decision. Please send me your stuff before you delete everything. So its not wasted. Thanks.



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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> Abandoned ranger since it is now the weakest class by far, but was stunned by how much they nerfed Necromancers, which are now the second weakest class. Took 3 times as long to kill a sentry - A SENTRY - with Twilight, no less. I have to run from other players since I can't even damage them anymore, unless they're playing ranger or necro. Necro vs necro used to be a really interesting fight, but it's just sad how easily I can kill other necros now. And where is the sense in making the Warclaw so slow that I can outrun it on foot? Mounts are supposed to be *faster* not *slower*.


I don’t know... Glass Reaper was a lot of fun in small group play last night...


I only regretted not having enough cleanse as we weren’t comped ideally..

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> @"Laurencius.9258" said:

> Abandoned ranger since it is now the weakest class by far, but was stunned by how much they nerfed Necromancers, which are now the second weakest class. Took 3 times as long to kill a sentry - A SENTRY - with Twilight, no less. I have to run from other players since I can't even damage them anymore, unless they're playing ranger or necro. Necro vs necro used to be a really interesting fight, but it's just sad how easily I can kill other necros now. And where is the sense in making the Warclaw so slow that I can outrun it on foot? Mounts are supposed to be *faster* not *slower*.

They nerfed Twilight?!?!?!


Just dye yourself in all Shadow Abyss and you'll do 3x damage again.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > i need more popcorn.

> >

> > this balance is a kittenshow. ???


> ?


> There you go. Its buttered


> > @"koribas.7386" said:

> > Why is it when you think of balancing a class system you MESS WITH US RANGERS!!!!!!!? I have played this game since the beginning and you all keep lowering us over cries and whines. You do realize as Devs our pets are our main defense and fighting? STOP MESSING WITH US!!! 2 thumbs down on your idea of a good balance. WE are nerfed enough. I don't normally go off like this but after 8 years someone had to say it. Oh and this no swapping pets during combat? HORRID!!!


> Every class got hit. This wasn’t about ranger.


Ranger didn't really get hit either, marginal builds got made appropriately marginal. No more sustain AND damage AND mobility.


Now you have to pick a role and build into it fully, it's a good thing. An unfortunate side affect for Anet is lots of folks were abusing the outlier builds and they're understandably upset.

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Some changes have worked out reasonably well, others not so much. The major problems are that whoever made the changes clearly needs to play WvW more often in a variety of roles with a variety of professions. Power and precision builds across the board seem to have been made thoroughly unsatisfying as there has been no corresponding nerf to condition damage (and in WvW the primary problem dates back to the stack changes waaay back in the day ... stop (or nerf) condi stacks in WvW and a lot of the issues that were (and still are) a problem when in larger scale fights will go away) so that meta is king right now. Some thief builds can, of course, remain in perma-stealth and burst-kill pretty much anyone, and of course with their portal they can still completely reverse a successful defense with very little chance of being stopped ... it's probably not entirely skill-free but that hardly matters, the profession has waaay too much potential to affect outcomes in WvW right now.


And when an allied Warrior runs past my Warclaw in my own territory, that suggests that maybe you nerfed the speed a bit too hard.

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> @"binidj.5734" said:

> Some changes have worked out reasonably well, others not so much. The major problems are that whoever made the changes clearly needs to play WvW more often in a variety of roles with a variety of professions. Power and precision builds across the board seem to have been made thoroughly unsatisfying as there has been no corresponding nerf to condition damage (and in WvW the primary problem dates back to the stack changes waaay back in the day ... stop (or nerf) condi stacks in WvW and a lot of the issues that were (and still are) a problem when in larger scale fights will go away) so that meta is king right now. Some thief builds can, of course, remain in perma-stealth and burst-kill pretty much anyone, and of course with their portal they can still completely reverse a successful defense with very little chance of being stopped ... it's probably not entirely skill-free but that hardly matters, the profession has waaay too much potential to affect outcomes in WvW right now.


> And when an allied Warrior runs past my Warclaw in my own territory, that suggests that maybe you nerfed the speed a bit too hard.


Actually power is still doing fine. Our enemies as well as we ourselves have done well on power. But it is true that with less cleanses and less nerfs to condi, it has become more attractive to more players.

What I really find problematic is, that it's become very hard to do something on melee classes. I don't know how hard it is for the fb, but for warrior this new meta is extremely dangerous. You misstep once, and you get CCd to hell. Even 4 stunbreaks might not be enough to get away. And when you get CCd, you're pretty much dead. I experience that even on support spb. I mean mostly I am doing fine, but it's still one misstep and it's pretty much over. Doesn't feel good, really.

On DPS spb it's even harder. Push slightly out of position and you might isntantly keel over.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> What I really find problematic is, that it's become very hard to do something on melee classes. I don't know how hard it is for the fb, but for warrior this new meta is extremely dangerous. You misstep once, and you get CCd to hell. Even 4 stunbreaks might not be enough to get away. And when you get CCd, you're pretty much dead. I experience that even on support spb. I mean mostly I am doing fine, but it's still one misstep and it's pretty much over. Doesn't feel good, really.

> On DPS spb it's even harder. Push slightly out of position and you might isntantly keel over.

Main FB here, and yeah, it's been harder to keep your squad and yourself alive in face of the abundance of CC and condi stacks. I don't really feel stability got nerfed that much, it's just that our enemies atm are only ~~abusing~~ running burn guardians, core necros and classes that only deals heavy CC and nothing else. (Apparently burning damage and necro lifeforce were not scaled back correctly?) You just can't give enough stability to counter all that, and I'm focusing more on cleaning all these condis as much as I could on that first zerg clash. And as you said, one misstep, and you get knockback like 5 or 6 times around like a ragdoll, allowing the condi damage ticks to hit and downing you fast. There's this weird thing where the conditions would stack but not deal much damage on the first 1 or 2 seconds of a clash, and only after that (and after getting like 25 stacks/max stacks on several conditions) that the damage tick starts. At least, from my experience. It's like a grace period for clearing all those conditions and hopefully wasting our enemies' initial bomb for a counterpush.


And funnily enough, my minstrel FB deals what feels like a healthy 500 burn damage per tick with Purging Flames, so much so it's a viable skill to waste enemies' cleanse skills. I switched mace/shield to mace/torch just because of the bonus burning damage, on top of the condi cleanse on torch 5. And I honestly had more fun playing a burn firebrand recently, usually seeing close to 10k burning damage ticks and close to 500 retaliation damage ticks only using Carrion and Shaman stuffs and on max food and oil lol. So yeah, the power, healing and stability nerfs may be negotiable, but condi bunker builds are just so much attractive to play as atm


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