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Ascend vs Exotic solo content


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It helps, but it's almost never going to be the deciding factor between being able to solo something and being killed by it instead. Not all champions are equal, some are relatively simple to fight and therefore relatively easy to beat, others are extremely difficult to fight, even in a group.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> It helps, but it's almost never going to be the deciding factor between being able to solo something and being killed by it instead. Not all champions are equal, some are relatively simple to fight and therefore relatively easy to beat, others are extremely difficult to fight, even in a group.


Noted hehe, own experience xD.

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> The differece between ascend and exotic for defense status do they really help when soloing world bosses like champs or the difference isnt that big and it's all about player skill? cause some champs I can solo and others dont, I'm full exotic.


Difference is about 5%. Unless there is a dps check, no, it makes no difference.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > The differece between ascend and exotic for defense status do they really help when soloing world bosses like champs or the difference isnt that big and it's all about player skill? cause some champs I can solo and others dont, I'm full exotic.


> Difference is about 5%. Unless there is a dps check, no, it makes no difference.


For damage the difference is about 500-800+ without trinkets I wanted to know for defence.

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Short answer: it makes no substantial difference.


Medium answer:

- armor upgrade is nearly useless from a pure performance increase (only really needed for agony resistance)

- Weapon and trinket upgrades add up to approximately a 10-15% difference between full exotic and full ascended. They are worth getting, but not mandatory


Long answer:

- the stat difference between exotic and ascended armor is approximately 2%. The main benefit comes in form of having higher armor value and being able to slot infusions

- the stat difference between exotic and ascended weapons is around 6% in pure stats (on 3 stat combos). The main benefit here is the higher weapon damage though, which makes weapons even with a small stat increase, a worthy upgrade

- the stat difference for trinkets is around 10-12% (varying in which trinket, with backpiece being the lowest difference). This is where the main stat advantage comes from between exotic and ascended gear. The relative cheap and wide availability of trinkets makes this upgrade recommended


All that said, obviously many small benefits will add up. Going from complete exotic gear with no ascended items at all to full ascended with stat infusions will obviously result in a noticeable performance increase. This performance increase is far below what practice and knowledge of game mechanics and rotations will provide, so for any player who hopes they will magically become better at the game because they moved up to ascended gear, guess again.

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > > The differece between ascend and exotic for defense status do they really help when soloing world bosses like champs or the difference isnt that big and it's all about player skill? cause some champs I can solo and others dont, I'm full exotic.

> >

> > Difference is about 5%. Unless there is a dps check, no, it makes no difference.


> For damage the difference is about 500-800+ without trinkets I wanted to know for defence.


For all intents and purposes, none whatsoever.

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > > The differece between ascend and exotic for defense status do they really help when soloing world bosses like champs or the difference isnt that big and it's all about player skill? cause some champs I can solo and others dont, I'm full exotic.

> >

> > Difference is about 5%. Unless there is a dps check, no, it makes no difference.


> For damage the difference is about 500-800+ without trinkets I wanted to know for defence.


Cynija covered. Weapons do make the most difference. If you get weapons and accessories you r like in 2% range.

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Pretty much got the whole thing covered by Cycninja. Personal advice, if you're going for high tier Fractals, then feel free to work towards full ascended. If not, then Ascended trinkets is something you want to work towards at the very least, and with the all of the LW seasons we got, it's even easier than before to get ascended trinkets with the right stats.


Ascended weapons come close second but I wouldn't prioritize them over ascended trinkets cuz ascended weapons aren't exactly as easy as the trinkets to get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> The differece between ascend and exotic for defense status do they really help when soloing world bosses like champs or the difference isnt that big and it's all about player skill? cause some champs I can solo and others dont, I'm full exotic.


I was never able to try to solo world bosses, because there were always other players around, that were also doing the world boss. :)


In the open-world the difference between exotic and ascended is not really that big. With an all-exotic char I could do the same bosses/events like I did with an indentically skilled full-ascended char without any problems. With the full ascended char I had more crits and killing bosses and mobs felt a little bit faster.


If you feel, you need more defense for some bosses/events, then change armor or trinkets to more defensive stats until you feel comfortable. And don't forget the right buff food.


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From a long time Open World PvE player, I'll say this, the breakdown of equipment vs. other factors is what makes the difference. Think of it like this:


Player Skill/Build - 70%

Knowing the encounter - 10%

Equipment - 5%

Solo or With Others - 15%

I've been able to play through a lot of content in the game with greens and blues on a character with little difficulty because the other factors were in my favor. Those numbers will change a bit depending on what the encounter is (HoT content) but for the most part, this is my experience.


I have a main with Ascended gear and it doesn't feel that much stronger than my other characters. Build and Class are the big ones IMO.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> From a long time Open World PvE player, I'll say this, the breakdown of equipment vs. other factors is what makes the difference. Think of it like this:


> Player Skill/Build - 70%

> Knowing the encounter - 10%

> Equipment - 5%

> Solo or With Others - 15%

> I've been able to play through a lot of content in the game with greens and blues on a character with little difficulty because the other factors were in my favor. Those numbers will change a bit depending on what the encounter is (HoT content) but for the most part, this is my experience.


> I have a main with Ascended gear and it doesn't feel that much stronger than my other characters. Build and Class are the big ones IMO.


^This. It's all about having the right build and playing it well. I have been soloing all sorts of champions on the weaver I've been learning and I'm in mostly exotics (legendary weapons, ascended backpack and amulet). As usual, when I was very new to it I struggled with a lot of things that are now pretty effortless because I've practiced and gotten comfortable with the build.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said: a moot question because you should never stay in full exotics for long-- can get rings/amulet from the laurel vendor.


> Back then I never even bought exotic trinkets (got rares) because I knew they'd be obsolete in less than a month. Living story also can get you trinkets.


I don't believe exotics are ever obsolete. I have builds that are full exotic and never feel pressure in open world PvE to upgrade. Fractals and Raids are a different matter, but I don't think that is what the OP was concerned about.


Getting Ascended trinkets is also easier than a full set of armor and IMO sufficient for most content.


Learning your build is going to be the biggest and best thing you can do. Wooden Potatoes has a really well put together breakdown of PvE builds that I have found very helpful: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdxmChRD2epfS9j4gS8D-tdQbPAajODOv](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdxmChRD2epfS9j4gS8D-tdQbPAajODOv)

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Ascended is nice but unless you are into fractals you don't need it. Stat wise full ascended over full exotics is an 11% increase. How those stat transfer into damage output, or support output is a whole other calculation. I can't seem to find the math behind it but I remember them saying it was about 5%.


Also the better you play the more impact it will have. Take my zerker DH, It can put out 30k DPS on certain bosses. If I was running full exotics I would be putting out somewhere around 28.5k That's a 1500 DPS difference, more than what some people put out and nothing to scoff at but if I didn't know how to maximize my DPS and only put out 12k the difference would only be 600. Solo you might see the difference but in a group fight 600 is a minuscule difference.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: a moot question because you should never stay in full exotics for long-- can get rings/amulet from the laurel vendor.

> >

> > Back then I never even bought exotic trinkets (got rares) because I knew they'd be obsolete in less than a month. Living story also can get you trinkets.


> I don't believe exotics are ever obsolete. I have builds that are full exotic and never feel pressure in open world PvE to upgrade. Fractals and Raids are a different matter, but I don't think that is what the OP was concerned about.


> Getting Ascended trinkets is also easier than a full set of armor and IMO sufficient for most content.


> Learning your build is going to be the biggest and best thing you can do. Wooden Potatoes has a really well put together breakdown of PvE builds that I have found very helpful: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdxmChRD2epfS9j4gS8D-tdQbPAajODOv](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdxmChRD2epfS9j4gS8D-tdQbPAajODOv)


Agree! Also, there's no way I'm spending Laurels on Asended trinkets with Season 3 & 4 available. I've invested in the Home Instance nodes and simply get trinkets for my alts as materials accumulate.

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