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A Message from Andrew Gray

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> **but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting.**


> Yeah that there will never bring me back as pver i detest WvW and meta so having it as a core pve experience is like saying leave GW2 and uninstal, which i feel after reading that i should.. That sounds terrible.. as is WvW to this day.


> I for one just wanted more core tyria experiences..


Do You hate Silverwastes as well?

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Wow! so I am not the only one having problems with the raid. I got the HoT ultimate edition but couldnt do a single raid. I had jobs to do when the dlc released so couldnt play. After couple weeks when I returned, people learnt the raid mechanics were kicking unexperienced people. Since then I lost my courage to join a squad. Yeah sorry but difficulty is not the problem its the raid community. I see squads selling raids for gold I even considered to join them but dont trust such people. Its not just this game, in every other game having such competetive content (timed, challenging, no reward when faild, farming gold efficiency) I stay away cuz challenging contents attract elitists and toxic people.

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I'm not a raider. Gave up on it when I left WoW in 2012, gave the GW2 version a good try with a friendly guild but we couldn't even beat escort. I only got escort done when one of the guild pm'd me there was a pug slot open and I slipped in without mentioning I'd never beaten a raid boss. Got the rest of the masteries done in open world HoT. With a new, also friendly guild, in the company of an accomplished raider, tried another boss or two just to see them, didn't even come close to a win.


And that was enough. I've never raided with toxic people, though, always with folks I already knew. And I know that the aforementioned accomplished raider is in a static that has a lot of fun and doesn't get nasty about mistakes. So I guess what I'm saying is, it is possible to avoid the attitude players. However, my attention span and energy level just aren't what they used to be, my reflexes were never great, and something about my mouse setup is making it very hard to move precisely in a hurry without time to readjust (must troubleshoot that, it's annoying in, say, the Drakkar fight to get rooted in place because my cursor's gone off to the other monitor). I am interested in strike missions but not really until my guild decides to spend some time on them, which is infrequent.


I do want that /shiver, though. So eventually. One day. When I get around to it. ... who am I kidding, I'm a superb procrastinator in things large and small. Organized group content that I can't just walk away from once begun if something else calls to me? No longer my thing.


But on the OP of this whole thread: Sounds very exciting! If you get us another Silverwastes-quality map, I'm in :) I'm also intrigued by whatever the big stuff is you can't talk about yet. I played WoW for seven years; then GW2 was the game that broke me of the WoW habit over seven years ago, and nothing else has managed to come close to prying me away from GW2 even when they had some bits that were superior to this game. None of them ever were superior enough in toto to swerve me their way. I'll try other MMORPGs for sure, but as long as you keep putting out new PvE content, I don't really expect to go anywhere.

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> @"Odysseus.6317" said:

> RAID, CMS and recently the strike ... little by little certain players take over these game modes and leaving out new players since there is no control with by GW2, a pairing system for players where the game is game that determines whether or not you can do it. Practically a group of players determines whether or not you can play by asking for "LI", "KP" ... etc, limiting many to be able to accide part of the game content that is supposed to be for everyone.

> How is it possible that they ask for "250 LI" to be able to do the Valley Guardian? when the raid is supposed to recommend new players to start playing !!

> **Question: "Hello, sorry I would like to make a riad, I already have a good equipment and a META build, how can I start?"

> answer: "search for" LI "

> Question: "How do I look for LI."

> Answer: "Making Raids."**

> -_-




> "LI", "KP" ... etc all these currencies should not be used to condition the game mode.

> They announced a new fractal with CM ... Those who do not have "KP" will not be able to do it so sad this is.


LI and KP group are not training group hence the requirement.

If you want to train there is a lot on lfg or you can join some discord server to learn.

There is a few on snowcrow website:



However if you are like many and join a training hoping to get a kill and leave after 1 try you will waste anyone time. In which case i would recommend to use the proper PL system and farm MC to buy your kill, you can easily find sellers in lfg too ;)


> @"Odysseus.6317" said:

> What is the use of 80% of the players that are easier than a fractal boss ... when the friendly cumunity asks you for "500 LI"?

> The problem is that the average player cannot make a riad.


Anybody can play raid you just need to be willing to learn and improve yourself. No special skills are required nor being a pgm, all boss are easy you just need to get use to their mech and do your task

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This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.


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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

> The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.



Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.


Agree on the different areas to go to.


id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

> > The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.

> >


> Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.


> Agree on the different areas to go to.


> id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.


I think 3 new classes would be great. 2 new specs, think of the new character slots people could buy! Cantha is and will always be my choice of paid expansion, no one is asking you to buy it if you don't want.

I mean I'd even embrace level progress and new armour stats to match if it came available. Maybe an Aion based PvP armour for that open world pvp no one wants!

My point is no one wants to embrace change of ANY kind, unless it means less work/hassle or if that fails get* your* guild to moan on the forum so things gets nerfed.

Such a same that I actually enjoyed the skyscale collections and tasks, then watched it being nerfed. All my hard work shoved back at me to please the few. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again.



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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

> > > The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.

> > >

> >

> > Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.

> >

> > Agree on the different areas to go to.

> >

> > id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.


> I think 3 new classes would be great. 2 new specs, think of the new character slots people could buy! Cantha is and will always be my choice of paid expansion, no one is asking you to buy it if you don't want.

> I mean I'd even embrace level progress and new armour stats to match if it came available. Maybe an Aion based PvP armour for that open world pvp no one wants!

> My point is no one wants to embrace change of ANY kind, unless it means less work/hassle or if that fails get* your* guild to moan on the forum so things gets nerfed.

> Such a same that I actually enjoyed the skyscale collections and tasks, then watched it being nerfed. All my hard work shoved back at me to please the few. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again.




Was it the few? Was it really though? or does anet have metrics you dont know about.


No to a new armor tier and no to open world pvp, just no. that would obliterate this games population. People want change, but nobody can agree on what changes they want, its not a bad thing either.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

> - Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.

I would like to offer an alternative approach to this topic and apply it in a more general sense. Personally I feel that a large part of the difficulty already lies in the class skill/trait system rather than the content. This game relies heavily on boon or buff stacking and on various synergies between the weapon choices that determine fixed skill sets and specializations and trait choices that are actually much more complicated than the content requires. The word I could use is convoluted but the more descriptive version is unnecessarily complex.


Part of the issue is the enormous impact of the weapon choice which also goes against a fun element of flavour. Where for example I like to use a staff or wand/focus for spell casters, I find that in a lot of cases that equates to hurting your effectiveness. I think it's a core mistake in this game to put flavour in direct opposition to effectiveness. A lot of people care about their characters, their background, their looks, etc. But to have to choose weapon sets that you may not like very much or not at all within your character concepts, does effectively mean that you choose not to do structured group content, because you'll get in trouble with groups when you are not optimized "properly". In short, there is a lot of player choice, but most of it is not viable and makes it so you can't really participate in harder content unless you conform.


In other MMOs I raided a lot and I prefer to be a healer. Not having the known trinity is a choice that you can defend but it also comes with downsides. I cannot play a healer in this game because the few healer builds as they are know do not remotely resemble healing in the usual context. And so I cannot play my preferred role here. That's just a side note but I do want to point out that raiding means something different here than in other MMOs and that can be seen as a good thing but also can be a letdown for people who come from other games that enjoy certain elements and get into a system that is mostly about upkeeping buffs and dodging damage. I know it's more than that but not that much more and though there is certainly skill involved for the players, I find the way the combat system works less interesting. Again there's too much complexity in it for what the game actually requires.


What I would suggest is a system for character building that is not so dependent on the weapon choice but also doesn't have so many skills with long cooldowns. It's what causes people to just auto attack a lot as well because what's going on with other skills is just whatever to them. And because it's so built around complex synergies that really put you into just a few viable choices among the hundreds (thousands?) of choices you have to combine thing, it's mostly superfluous therefore and only leads to confusion. It's an illusion of choice that creates huge gaps between players in effectiveness. The fact that the gap can be that big is already a weakness of the system.


But please understand that I want to enjoy playing my characters and if it means that I have to use weapons that I do not care for or specializations that I don't like then I wonder why I have that choice to begin with. There is just too big a difference in player effectiveness and your system allows and enables it. That is my core point if you will.


It's the same with stat sets. There's dozens of them but most should be avoided when it comes down to it but a lot of things like stat sets have a certain flavour and were made with specific classes in mind even, but aren't used and when you do use them you are punished for that. Somewhere down the line, I hope you will address this issue from your side.


You can't really expect people to be interested in doing better with the current set up. That's my view on it but as much as I think that skillful players should be rewarded in their output for being good, I don't think that not being so good a player or wanting to play with certain weapons for example should be nearly as punitive as it is now or always has been for that matter. Honestly, people like to blame players but the game is made more with casuals in mind but at the same time it's set up in a way that actually punishes casual players at the same time. As long as people can wing it with skill 1, that'll work out, but if you want people to be a bit more skilled and care about that sort of thing that really has to change I think.


Just my 2 cents. Make of it what you will.

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So, is there anything actually exciting to look forward to for 2020? Nothing reads as such. You can't just take a whole year to set up something when there was so little last year.

Don't hold back....your audience is shrinking and there are gonna be fewer and fewer around waiting for that exciting surprise.


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> @"Corvus.2831" said:

> With raids, the issue isn't the difficulty. I enjoy difficult content. The issue is that you allowed players to determine who did the raids in the past and by how much by introducing LI.


> There is a reason why mmorpg group content thrives in places where the abilities and skill of a player remains unquantified before they have the chance to try and participate. The same happened in wow and the same happened here. The second players get something like LI or Gearscore it is almost impossible to get into a raid for someone who doesn't have the points already. It has nothing to do with actual skill or the difficulty of the content.


> Bottom line - remove LI. Force people to take chances with new players and watch the participation numbers grow.


> I need you to understand this message, i really, really do. Please consider this. Lowering the difficulty leads eventually to grindy content nobody enjoys because its not just repeatable but also completely non challenging.


> Lack of challenge > boredom.

> Lack of access (gate keeping with LI)> no play > boredom.


> Remove LI from the game or make it easy to get outside of raids so it no longer quantifies successful boss kills. Don't allow people to reject players without even letting them try to fight the bosses.



> PS: Players who have not been allowed to access raids don't even know if they are hard or easy so first lets let them in and see how they find it.


I started raid 4 month ago with 1Li (i think i did an escort one day long ago). And guess what I had no problem to start raiding.

Li group are not meant to be training group, for training you need to join group called "training" or without li/kp requirement and struggle on the bosses. Or you can join a community that organise training where you most often are guided and end up being much more efficient than groups in lfg.

But if you really want to start in a group where is kill is guaranted and put not much work or effort in it there is also a wide variety of alliances doing so in exchange of few mystic coins ?


If with all that you cannot get started maybe your place ain't in raid and to be fair its better to have LI or KP to make selection than waste anyone time kicking people over and over because they don't match the expectations (wich would be seen anyway with the tool available) imo will be toxicity 10 fold if you remove LI & KP

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting. We want maps this season to bring something to them that makes them a permanent part of your play experience.

I use to discuss with my friends and colleagues why ANet never capitalized on its WvW assets in a PvE environment. Dry Top was a successful addition to GW2 that started to introduce that concept, but you never expanded on it. Dragon Stand was also a successful map, having incorporated the DOTA lane system and AI waves that offered fun replayability even though it lacked the tower defence element and player progression system that DOTA offers every match. I would love to have a map with the ability to gather materials, build up and repair forts at unique locations, build and equip them with siege, have waves of AI / horde mechanics to keep players occupied as our forts/castle come under siege, as well as lay siege to enemy forts/castles. If that's the kind of direction you're heading in, then that would entice me to come back to GW2.


> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> ... the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

I don't see difficulty as a barrier. HoT open world metas and bosses were difficult, as was the Tequatl revamp. That didn't stop the majority of people from doing them (they are still popular metas even today). the only requirement for those metas were that you arrived on time, which is why I consider accessibility the number one factor with raiding. Why schedule a game or sit around for several minutes forming a group, with hopefully non-toxic people, for an activity you may or may not complete when there are plenty of open world metas that you can jump into and start playing/socializing immediately. Even with your new "ramp-up" Strikes and instance matchmaking, the last one I did I sat around for 5 minutes with no one showing up, not even the LFG had anyone who cared to do them. That's not how I want to invest my time, and it's why I don't raid in this game, or Destiny, or run Trials in ESO. There's far better and more entertaining activities to invest my time.

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it doesn't matter you want to delete the LI, KP, LD, etc, etc when raiding. it all useless. they will find another way to ask you proof them that you "EXP" at raiding. Maybe they will asked you for Leg Armor, or maybe they will asked you for CM title. Because no matter how you change the content, how you nerfed the boss, skill, mechanic, etc, raid will always for elitist and will always be. Mostly the thing that attracting new ppl that coming to Raid is just that achievement for Leg armor or the leg trinkets coalesence, they want to "play" the content but since it filled with this elitists then most of them changed their mind.


Strike Mission, I think the dev can see by themself how many traffic that user actually playing that new content. it basically raid that straight to the boss. nothing special and nothing different.


the actually still exciting content for GW2 actually PVP, WVW and Fractal. Fractal is basically gold farming so everyone doing it, it easy with just 5 ppl and the map's difficulty still "make sense" compared to the rewards that you get. And for WVW, it is a very massive battle arena, ppl are even spending thousands of gems just to change to big servers to get bigger fights. but lately ppl also leaving WVW since there is nothing "new" for WVW for a long time.


just a suggestion, for raid, elitist will be elitist no matter how you change the content, the one that you need to make difference is how to attract new ppl to join that Raid. For now ppl still interested Raiding just because maybe just achievement for Leg armor and Leg trinkets, but if that is impossible to get then Raid's and Strike mission's fate will soon like Dungeon content


And for the rest, i Do hope the new content creator can make something new for WvW and fractal, like new map or new achievement, leg stuff, etc


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> @"Vainkilla.9671" said:

> it doesn't matter you want to delete the LI, KP, LD, etc, etc when raiding. it all useless. they will find another way to ask you proof them that you "EXP" at raiding. Maybe they will asked you for Leg Armor, or maybe they will asked you for CM title. Because no matter how you change the content, how you nerfed the boss, skill, mechanic, etc, raid will always for elitist and will always be. Mostly the thing that attracting new ppl that coming to Raid is just that achievement for Leg armor or the leg trinkets coalesence, they want to "play" the content but since it filled with this elitists then most of them changed their mind.


I think it is totally legit, that players want to choose with whoom they want to play instanced content. And it is also legit (and NOT elitist) if experienced players want to play with other experienced players if they want a fast, smooth run. And that, if they play with strangers, they want some kind of "proof of experience" that can not be faked easily.


So players choose, however bad it is, what the game offers, to try to estimate the skill-level of other players. This is not new and this did not start with raids. In the old dungeon-days a requirement often was AP (achievement points). Of course APs tell nothing about a players skill level in dungeons. But a small correlation between "AP" and "skill level" was enough to use it as a requirement.


In (a lot of) other games you have to work up your way up the tier-ladder, because only with doing a tier you get the gear that is needed for the next tear.


A big problem in GW2 with raids is: There is not ramp/ladder a new player can climb up and gain experience on the way, there are no raid-tiers, so players can get experience in low-tiers and if they reach the highest-raid-tier, most of them will have the required skill and experience.


Raids in GW2 are all "top-tier". Yes I know, the different wings have quite different difficulty, but there is no visible "tier" that could guide a new player to the easy ones. And there are no "entry-tier-level" raids in GW2.


And even the strike-missions, that are intended as a ramp-up in difficulty, have no visibly signs in the game about their difficulty or tier-level and players do not need to work their way up the ladder but can jump in directly into the hardest ones (and create frustration for themself and the other team-members).


Anet tried the tier/ladder-concept in fractals with ascended gear and the agony resistance infusions. Both you get by playing fractals. So the more you play, the more you get that helps you in higher levels/tiers and if your reach the maximun level, you have the requiered gear and experience. That was the theory. And agony was at first not the only gear-check that was planned. Anet had more ideas, but they never were realized.


If raids would have had tiers and significant different diffculty levels and if the game itself would guide players that are new to raids (and similar content), to work up the tier-ladder and if the game would make sure by itself, that a player can only enter, for example, tier-2 after gaining enough experience/skill in tier-1, to be ready for tier-2, than a lot of the behaviour that is seen as "elitist" or "toxic" would be reduced drastically.


Players will always be players, but how the game is designed, influences a lot how players interact. Example: In the Openworld-PvE we play cooperatively because there is (normally) no "kill-stealing", no open-world-PvP and the basic game-design idea is "you should be happy when you see other players".


The biggest error that Anet made with raids is, that they just put it in the game without thinking it through and hoping that everything will be sorted out, somehow, by itself. And the actual statement of Anet does not really make me confident, that they understand the real underlaying problems.


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> **Raids**


> - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

> - Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.

> - Regardless of if that succeeds or not, we understand the importance of balancing our efforts between accessible content with broad appeal, and content that appeals to the more hard core audience, and recognize that we need to do a better job of supporting the latter.




What you need is

1) Story mode for raids, to pull in casuals. (for less rewards). I would love to know all that White Mantle lore, but cant because i dont raid.

2) Remove elitism ("kill proofs)

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> @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:

> 2) Remove elitism ("kill proofs)


Its not elitism, it is asking for a minimum of knowledge before the run. If you cannot prove it then you go in training runs. If you cannot kill the boss in training run maybe look at you dps or boons or heal to see if you were doing ok or not and if not work on it. And as i said before removing kp or li won't change anything, people will look at dps table or boon table and kick anyway because most likely beginers won't match expectations.

Its nice to have some intermediate stuff like strike but I'm affraid it cannot fix delusional player that think they are good dps and refuse to improve themself when dealing less damage than a chrono boon or worse druid heal...


A story mode raid like? 80% of players won't be able to complete story because those "elitist" will refuse to carry them for free and play together. If not elitist player try to do it together it won't work due to lack of boon or dps or heal. Prepare your mystic coin to complete story ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andrew has got it badly wrong with raids, people won't gravitate towards raids because of some skill stepping stone in the way of strikes. The reason people dont raid is because gw2 has a much more cauial player base that just does not care for the rote/burn into memory muscle/move into circle x at event y game play with the min maxing alongside this (and yes at times elitism and bullying)


Difficult levels is the answer, easier mode to open up the content in a different style, i. E a 10 man dungeon In effect.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > **but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting.**

> >

> > Yeah that there will never bring me back as pver i detest WvW and meta so having it as a core pve experience is like saying leave GW2 and uninstal, which i feel after reading that i should.. That sounds terrible.. as is WvW to this day.

> >

> > I for one just wanted more core tyria experiences..


> Do You hate Silverwastes as well?


Very much so i avoid it like a plague unless hot story forces me there.. I only do hot for map completions on alts... i also avoid the other map below it as well.


Sorry for the late reply i moved on from GW2 as i said above, i just popped back to see if anything changed.. i seems only nerfs for pvp again.. yes that will bring customers back for sure.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

> > > > The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.

> > >

> > > Agree on the different areas to go to.

> > >

> > > id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.

> >

> > I think 3 new classes would be great. 2 new specs, think of the new character slots people could buy! Cantha is and will always be my choice of paid expansion, no one is asking you to buy it if you don't want.

> > I mean I'd even embrace level progress and new armour stats to match if it came available. Maybe an Aion based PvP armour for that open world pvp no one wants!

> > My point is no one wants to embrace change of ANY kind, unless it means less work/hassle or if that fails get* your* guild to moan on the forum so things gets nerfed.

> > Such a same that I actually enjoyed the skyscale collections and tasks, then watched it being nerfed. All my hard work shoved back at me to please the few. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again.

> >

> >


> Was it the few? Was it really though? or does anet have metrics you dont know about.


> No to a new armor tier and no to open world pvp, just no. that would obliterate this games population. People want change, but nobody can agree on what changes they want, its not a bad thing either.


Oh dear. So what changes would you want? no new maps per episode? No collection based achievements? oh they did the map thing.

Yes it was bloody annoying that the SS got nerfed because people were too lazy to press F by a node while exploring a new map, when I had done it how it was set out. Never should of been nerfed. Tough.

The game is stagnant. By listening to everyone the game is an absolute mess of trolling , stupidity and botting.

I didn't like having to get millions of xp to level in aion and yes getting new gear was a pain of sorts.

But at least it gave people something to do.

I know they won't bring that in. They said that at the start. shame really.

One of the number one moans 'I have nothing to do'



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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > > This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

> > > > > The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.

> > > >

> > > > Agree on the different areas to go to.

> > > >

> > > > id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.

> > >

> > > I think 3 new classes would be great. 2 new specs, think of the new character slots people could buy! Cantha is and will always be my choice of paid expansion, no one is asking you to buy it if you don't want.

> > > I mean I'd even embrace level progress and new armour stats to match if it came available. Maybe an Aion based PvP armour for that open world pvp no one wants!

> > > My point is no one wants to embrace change of ANY kind, unless it means less work/hassle or if that fails get* your* guild to moan on the forum so things gets nerfed.

> > > Such a same that I actually enjoyed the skyscale collections and tasks, then watched it being nerfed. All my hard work shoved back at me to please the few. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Was it the few? Was it really though? or does anet have metrics you dont know about.

> >

> > No to a new armor tier and no to open world pvp, just no. that would obliterate this games population. People want change, but nobody can agree on what changes they want, its not a bad thing either.


> Oh dear. So what changes would you want? no new maps per episode? No collection based achievements? oh they did the map thing.


Didnt see your reply, i wouldnt have done the SS achievement as it was, i despise time games in any game to the point that i reset my clock over and over in NMS just to skip the time gates in that game. Its not fun, and overly restrictive.


They did the map thing with Silver Wastes and Drytop too years ago, and arguably some of the most played maps in the game. The goofed with the new maps, they didnt make the events worthwhile or fun to do over and over like they did SW.


New maps are fine per episode. I want new weapon types(Great Axes, Pole arms, Scythes, Spears, Crossbows.) But we wont get them so im settling on getting weapons that function and have the skins of other weapons. Give greatswords skins that look like Axes, Staffs that look like Spears and Scythes, rifles that look like Crossbows, not just one or two here and there a large group at once, give classes Elite Specs that are themed around those new skin appearances.


But my opinions on Open world PVP, Gear tiers, etc will never ever change. they arent needed, they arent required and i dont enjoy them.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > **but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting.**

> >

> > Yeah that there will never bring me back as pver i detest WvW and meta so having it as a core pve experience is like saying leave GW2 and uninstal, which i feel after reading that i should.. That sounds terrible.. as is WvW to this day.

> >

> > I for one just wanted more core tyria experiences..


> Do You hate Silverwastes as well?


Yes with a passion.

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