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A Message from Andrew Gray

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since this thread is about living world; i would like to drop this here and to be taken seriously. (I'm not a fan of Wooden Potatoes but am considering it now) Lately, i've noticed Wooden Potatoes taking part in streaming with other players who shares different mind set and views about guild wars 2 unhealthiness and non competitiveness.


I've noticed him allowing himself to understand their views more and allowing himself to be more acceptive and receptive to the Truth. Fast forward, i'll let the Truth speak for itself.


by the way, Thank You! Wooden Pototatoes for your patience, hard work, empathy, commitment and most importantly for taking your time to experience other players experiences




'Anet need to pay very much attention'




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I posted that on spanish forum, about all the messaged exposed by Andrew to me the best is... "_I can't go into a ton of details on episodes three and four because, you know, spoilers and all, but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting_".


But... i'm worried about we never talk about the vanilla dungeons... why not include a new dungeon on some HoT or PoF map... Fractals are funny and i think that is supplement... but I never understood why the development of dungeons was discarded...


Another point really interesting... why since 2012 the housing system isn't modified? Why don't revamp the guild housing? the current system have many deficiencies... All Guild halls are huge but its space is not usable for anything other than a jump puzzle or a bettle track... "_and honestly the reward about the time spent to make that, it's nothing..._"


Some weeks ago we have a chat by twitter talking about guild halls and follow i show some ideas...


* Improved access to the hall, everyone knows that more than 10 users on a house is a madness to be all in the same map...

* Why no include an improvement to rent or purchase a black lion merchant?

* Why no include an improvement to rent a workshop for other disciples in same hall, "there are only scribe workshop..."?

* Why no include an option to purchase more nodes? maybe by quests, gems or gold...

* A basic thing... more NPC that fill the room with life, some conversations... random things... now it all focused at same location... it's boring to be on hall...

* Improvement to guild arena ... in order to allow that to use in Guild vs Guild of 10 or 15 users ... currently the terrain is very small despite the guild hall is too large ...


Changing the point... Activites... why this content is forgotten? why you doesn't use it on festivals or make with some of them an olympic games? There are so funny dinamics like Southsun Survival "_hunger games_" wasted... Maybe a guild tournament with Keg Brawl with some toys like reward?


Talking in lore... new reputation system on orders... "Priory, Whispers, Vigil", making a focused missons on the speciality of every order and growing your level to get skins, or some special item from them... It can involve you more whit the orders. "New order?"


And finally... **Guilds**...


Please, make the meaning of Guild a reality! Now a days be part of guild doesn't reward you... the guild missions doesn't changed since HoT... the range system is very broad but impractical... some samples...

* Why not include a system that to raise the level of the guild depends on the experience donated by its members?

* Why not include some guild skill or domain?

* Why not include a mode "Siegue castle" to fight guild vs guild?

* War system between guilds to make pk on maps? "maybe that is some lol sample hahaha".


All news about changes and improvements is welcome, but there are so many forgotten things...

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What I would like you to consider is a suggested build menu, and maybe suggested armor stats menu for variod game modes. As Anet divorces the game modes from each other in terms of traits and builds and whatnot, I will feel even more at a loss at what I need and when. You guys took what little direction we had in pvp when you retired that build menu in favor of the one in the main menu. Now I don't even have a starting point. I try the ones on websites, but it is time consuming and I don't have a lot of extra time to mess with stuff. I really want to know what to focus my efforts toward so I am not making gear that it not appropriate to what I want to do, and maybe I can get someone to give me a chance in raids.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> **On the topic of Fractals…**


> - Reports of their death have been greatly exaggerated, though I apologize that our silence on the topic raised that concern.

> - I am personally committed to Fractals and see them as an area that deserves _more_ focus and attention going forward. I'm happy to announce that Cameron Rich, who worked on Fractals during Season Three, will be taking the reins on a new Fractal as he rolls off his current duties. This Fractal will feature a challenge mode. Beyond that, I'm working with the Systems Design team on more plans to keep Fractals fresh and exciting. I'm excited and when everything is ready to share, we'll have more details.



Can we maybe get the option to let it maybe render down ,so we can actually do something alone or with less than the MAXIMUM amount of players without wasting tons of time?


Like in blade&soul the mushin tower .... thats content many people here wanna see. 1player things.



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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > **On the topic of Fractals…**

> >

> > - Reports of their death have been greatly exaggerated, though I apologize that our silence on the topic raised that concern.

> > - I am personally committed to Fractals and see them as an area that deserves _more_ focus and attention going forward. I'm happy to announce that Cameron Rich, who worked on Fractals during Season Three, will be taking the reins on a new Fractal as he rolls off his current duties. This Fractal will feature a challenge mode. Beyond that, I'm working with the Systems Design team on more plans to keep Fractals fresh and exciting. I'm excited and when everything is ready to share, we'll have more details.

> >


> Can we maybe get the option to let it maybe render down ,so we can actually do something alone or with less than the MAXIMUM amount of players without wasting tons of time?


> Like in blade&soul the mushin tower .... thats content many people here wanna see. 1player things.




I don't think I have ever sat in GW and went "I want single player things"

One of the reasons I have such love and passion for this game is that people are always coming together to do things.

I never feel alone in this game.


I have never been apart of another MMORPG community that brings people together the way this game does.

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I genuinely think Raid could have been solved with a proper difficulty scaling with proper rewards based on difficulty. There was no need for Strike Missions. Higher difficulties providing better rewards in a difficulty scaling situation means that if players are still not confident with their skills to do raids, then they can stay within comfort zone whilst those who actually feel like they are ready to take on the harder challenges for better rewards can do so. That puts less pressure between those who are more casual and those who are more hardcore when it comes to raids. They both get the same rewards, but doing something on a lower difficulty means you have to do more runs of that lower difficulty than someone who is doing higher difficulty runs. One scenario is more casual and can take their time, the other is more hardcore and would go through more difficult tasks to get to the goal much faster, but both will be on the same knowledge base if they talk mechanics.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> - Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.


Except that this does not justify the decision to mandate players to participate in SM in order to complete the meta-achievement for episode 2. Couldn't SM be assigned to another achievement category, just like fractals and raids instead?

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > @"Komodoro.7154" said:

> > Will I be able to achiev the achievment of killing (downing ingame) a dev anywhere near? (I'm in Europe) >_>

> >


> A quick note on this: we have a weekly Let's Play WvW livestream every Thursday at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8). Our devs alternate between NA and EU worlds each week, so you have a regular shot at it! You can watch live on twitch.tv/guildwars2



So midnight CET between Thursdays and Fridays then. Looks like I have to take Fridays off from work.

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Raids attract very little because the game isnt rewarding. You beat on a pillar and rely on rotating a reflect or an immune to declare skill. There is no trinity in this game, so raiding will always attract the lowest number in the game, not keep players attention, and be BORING to watch or even care about.


WoW did raiding right. GW2 did not due to its class design and PVE mechanics.


While some may like it, they are a minority in the gaming community, and you shouldnt aim to make those vocal few happy, but look forwards to making your game successful.


Also no mentions of elite specs.


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With raids, the issue isn't the difficulty. I enjoy difficult content. The issue is that you allowed players to determine who did the raids in the past and by how much by introducing LI.


There is a reason why mmorpg group content thrives in places where the abilities and skill of a player remains unquantified before they have the chance to try and participate. The same happened in wow and the same happened here. The second players get something like LI or Gearscore it is almost impossible to get into a raid for someone who doesn't have the points already. It has nothing to do with actual skill or the difficulty of the content.


Bottom line - remove LI. Force people to take chances with new players and watch the participation numbers grow.


I need you to understand this message, i really, really do. Please consider this. Lowering the difficulty leads eventually to grindy content nobody enjoys because its not just repeatable but also completely non challenging.


Lack of challenge > boredom.

Lack of access (gate keeping with LI)> no play > boredom.


Remove LI from the game or make it easy to get outside of raids so it no longer quantifies successful boss kills. Don't allow people to reject players without even letting them try to fight the bosses.



PS: Players who have not been allowed to access raids don't even know if they are hard or easy so first lets let them in and see how they find it.

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> @"Corvus.2831" said:

> With raids, the issue isn't the difficulty. I enjoy difficult content. The issue is that you allowed players to determine who did the raids in the past and by how much by introducing LI.


> There is a reason why mmorpg group content thrives in places where the abilities and skill of a player remains unquantified before they have the chance to try and participate. The same happened in wow and the same happened here. The second players get something like LI or Gearscore it is almost impossible to get into a raid for someone who doesn't have the points already. It has nothing to do with actual skill or the difficulty of the content.


> Bottom line - remove LI. Force people to take chances with new players and watch the participation numbers grow.


Forcing people in a computer game to do something they do not want is never a good idea.


If LI would be removed, nothing would be changed to the better. There will always be people, that want some form of kill-proof of proof of experience when they play with strangers/PUGs.


Back in the days before raids, when dungeons and fractals where used more, AP was used as a proof of experience. Yes, I know, AP is not a proof of experience with dungeons/fractals, but because there was nothing better, AP was used by some groups in the hope that a player with at least 5000 AP should know how it works.


No one asks for LI when it is just a training run.


But if 9 players look for a 10th and want to maximize their chances for a smooth raid run, I guess its OK it they look for an experienced player and that they do not want to turn their run into a training-run for the 10th.


If Anet would had better LFG-tools for raiding and players could select in LFG several types like "training run", "experienced run " etc. etc., then like-minded players could better find themselves with less conflicts.


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Sounds familiar: promises of grand content, only to end up in disappointment. I quit the game a day after the last episode was released, and it will take more than pretty words to lure me back. The lack of foresight and a sense of what could have made the game the biggest success on the MMORPG market doesn't fill me with particular hope regarding its future. Still, good luck.

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I'm interested in the future of fractals as it's typically less boss timer focused overall , people overall tend to be more casual and less likely to skip entire mechanics if it's not a CM or speedclear group. There's room for five more without retiring existing ones (Aquatic is probably a prime candidate to be dropped or rotated even after rework) or making the tier numbering different. I think that making necromancers more wanted by having offensive boons on enemies could be a helpful addition: right now the main use for necromancers is with "No Pain No Gain" and Vengeance instabilities but spellbreakers are favored. Outflanked is really punishing on Siren's Reef when paired with Frailty, Hamstrung, and Boon Overload due to the added mobs on the boat sometimes coinciding with the wind gust / green circle mechanic, so ultimately I think that if there's instabilities the interaction should be thought out especially if it is not boons or conditions that can be removed (the common counter to We Bleed Fire/Toxic trail). That's one place scourge is used often however.

* Typical groups favor guardian(both specs)/renegade revenant/warrior (all types)/melee soulbeast and weaver/chrono/tempest/holosmith/daredevil to lesser extent : unlike in strikes/raids AoE and cleave potential actually means something

* Might flips into weakness ; Vigor into bleeding ; Fury into blindness ; Swiftness into cripple. Having a necromancer to flip those offensive boons means less need for heals on higher fractal tiers.

* Instabilities add variance into the fractals that isn't present in other PvE content

* If the bar for failure isn't on a timer or on wiping (provided people aren't outright incompetent), there isn't as much animosity among the playerbase. Finishing slightly faster becomes a pleasant surprise rather than a benchmark.

* Fractal armor that requires fractal pages is typically not worthwhile due to grandmaster marks' inflation: maybe give it a superior stat-change option using fractal relics or pristine fractal relics in lieu of ectoplasm and keep the "mist-touched" moniker. This should take minimal changes as the item link is different to crafted gear or ones from named boxes that give one stat choice. It's the one mode where ascended armor is necessary to progress.


As far as repeatable content: How about bringing the dual faction Alliance battles and Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry concept from GW1 into GW2? That is probably the best way to link PvE into WvW as well so new players know how to use siege in WvW to attack/defend objectives if they skipped the older PvE content. Silverwastes is highly played during content lulls due to loot (even when Istan farming was rampant) and incentivizes defense of supply lines; likewise there's players that are in WvW trying to karma train more than fight other players or tier up objectives so perhaps Alliances should reflect a capture the flag/ siege /tower defense experience more. The Urban Battleground fractal shows players how much arrowcarts , ballistae, and burning oil hurt so it's one of the few areas that prepares players for WvW de-sieging; the cannons in Siren's Reef function similar to cannons in WvW. There's probably a siege golem in the PvE mode I'm not remembering as well. Currently EOTM (Edge of the Mists) shows that people are really turned off by lack of skirmish rewards but having a PvE way to introduce players to WvW concepts would drop that limitation. A WvW-lite mode akin to EOTM where the team/faction is determined by what choice you pick in a particular Living World/story instance would be another way to influence the story in a way. We have had something similar in the Vigil/Priory/Order of Whispers story arc selection. If having a player vs player type of engagement is an issue, maybe a coop version where the choice you pick allows you to only use the siege/structure of that type and the opposing team/faction/alliance is scripted content.


I think we could do better with respect to introducing PvE players into WvW. If strikes are the "introduction to raids" , perhaps that WvW-like content can prepare players for WvW. Every reset night is usually a showcase of fighting tooth and nail to capture or maintain control of structures, whereas during the week once coverage is a far greater issue it becomes much less engaging when often k-training and steamrolling outmanned fights occur (as evidenced in Arenanet's own streams created during offhours).


Another thing that should be considered is the equipment templates system if WvW (or any form of support spec or toughness is warranted in PvE content whether it is fractals, strikes, raids or otherwise) is ever a focus. Currently most people will be inclined to have berserker's + viper's only so the healing role as well as the alacrity/quickness role is harder to fill. If there was a discount for purchasing multiple equipment templates similar to every other thing that is a consumable then people would have more flexibility in roles, especially because stats such as Marauder , Celestial, or Minstrel are typically not used in PvE content and Harrier or Diviner is rarely used in openworld. For the bugged boneskinner mission this week that had people putting up LFG for 1900+ toughness trailblazer scourges and minstrel firebrands, basically only WvW players with full minstrel from WvW, WvW/PvP players with legendary armor + weapon and possibly some toughness trinkets, and raiders with legendary armor+weapon that happened to have spare trinkets actually bothered.


As far as raids and strike missions, once people get them done (with achievements if the person is an AP hunter) they are typically not treated as fun repeatable content by the majority of the playerbase. There's much more time to get 10 people together than 5 typically and unless you run 2 subgroups there's clunkiness in many skills that were not designed for 10 allied players. Because arcdps is a third party tool , there's also an issue of presenting the damage and boon uptime of players. Even without such tools you still see players camping longbow on ranger, pistol mainhand on thief, or greatsword on mesmer which does not bode well at all for any form of timed content. I'm sure you've read about players doing less than Berserker's gear on autoattack; with the 10% damage bug on dragonhunter zealous blade (since July 2019's removal per patchnotes it it still ingame) I would not be surprised if a dragonhunter using spear of justice + "Feel my Wrath" and autoing on greatsword or warrior dropping 2 banners and auto attacking on greatsword or double axe does more than some suboptimal weapon + gear + traits. With the expansion of eitrite ingot availability in the western Bjora Marches, I've seen far fewer LFG groups for strike missions. Even something easy such as the Grothmar strike mission isn't widely considered entertaining or worthwhile , especially due to heavy randomness of loot. (Strike mission tokens would present as a new killproof of sorts, so something like a built in "pity timer" after 100 repeats a guaranteed drop with 0 achievement points and no title would be a decent way around that. The other way would be a new wallet currency.) The latest strike , Whisper of Jormag, also doesn't communicate what the chains do that well and there's no textual warning other than the bomb icon and chains appearing (which is horrible if the player is stacked). The Freezie boss in the Snowman lair during Wintersday was by far more communicative and had more player completion.


I know people who would rather spend much more time in WvW than to redo PvE content over and over because each WvW encounter is typically fresh and different unless it's a prearranged GvG against the same group; PvP is debatable due to scale and the solo/duo in ranked. For instance, most people will remember a 50 golem rush on a keep for ages to come, semi-random openfield fights versus similar minded groups (until inevitable relinks happen), GvG versus a notorious guild, or defending garrison or stone mist castle versus overwhelming larger numbers, but finishing a strike/raid minutes faster generally isn't memorable. WvW is also content that will have more viewers than any PvE content because each grouping of players has a different playstyle even if running similar builds. After someone learns a raid or strike or a cumbersome/difficult story instance there's basically zero reason to watch any content on it.


Also if you reference the cross-section of people that put in a certain number of hours versus real dollars spent on gems I would not be surprised if living world generates more revenue. Living world is more conducive to casual players or people that don't play daily, with an appeal to those that like single player RPGs , exploration , or one-off content. Heavy WvW players likely generate more value than the "vocal minority" raiding community because WvW ingame profitability is low and requires major guild investment for WvW tactics, guild/ superior siege, and food/utility consumables in organized groups that aren't as easily recouped. Somehow even though warclaw skins are only usable in WvW I see many players with it as well. WvW doesn't require as many dev resources to it in comparison to releasing new maps and content for PvE which needs coding for pathing, activation triggers, voice acting, environment artists, story creation, etc. WvW is in essence player-driven, player-made content. WvW appeals more to players of RTS (real time strategy), 4X (strategy), capture-the-flag/sieging type games, and MOBAs. PvP appeals more to competitive , brawling /action/fighting game players due to player count. Who does the raiding community entail? Probably MMO veterans , which means there's more competition for attention from other companies' offerings that focus on PvE endgame.


TL;DR: if you want replayable content that actually generates revenue focus on WvW bugfixes (for example hammer 2 aiming on rev is still bugged since October) and outstanding balance issues , keeping an eye on major outliers in PvP, while continuing to push out Living World which satisfies a different section of the playerbase.

As it's a post by the Content Lead , I would say trying to "bridge the gap" to raiding is a fruitless endeavor for repeatable content.




> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> Raids attract very little because the game isnt rewarding. You beat on a pillar and rely on rotating a reflect or an immune to declare skill. There is no trinity in this game, so raiding will always attract the lowest number in the game, not keep players attention, and be BORING to watch or even care about.


Raids are very rewarding loot-wise, I think you mean they aren't fun.

> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > I believe Guild Wars 2 still has great potential to become an all time great like CoD, GTA or FIFA, but that needs some good marketing moves in 2020. ArenaNet should focus on the competetive aspect of Guild Wars 2 and by that I mean PvP - competetive games are what gets and keeps people hooked. Pay a top streamer to play PvP, give him/her access to cool skins to show off and let them team up with top PvP players. What we can learn from Minecrafts resurgence is that content creators playing games and people creating memes out of them is what makes games spike in popularity. Therefore ArenaNet should:

> >

> > - keep the meta healthy

> > - pay content creator/s (Youtubers/Streamers) to play Guild Wars 2 and allow them access to skins as advertisement. I am literally talking about people like Tyler1 who are used to 5v5 games and have HUGE potential of creating new memes while playing it

> > - develop the PvP menu, create additions to Heart Of The Mist and ease the process of obtaining skins via PvP

> > - reestablish the payed esport aspect of Guild Wars 2 by partnering with an esports league - see the 1st place of a tournament as „expense“ for an extra marketing employee, because the winning team is basically that - support in advertisement

> > - tell your marketing team to create some fire memes that are actually funny, partner with popular sites on Instagram and Twitter and share them

> > - kids love free games and hate getting destroyed - allow „Free2Play“ people access to single elite specializations through purchase via the gem store. Trying the elite specs will make them buy the Ad-ons. Add also free 7 day trails for each elite spec

> > - support actual Guild Wars 2 content creators by letting top PvP players create YouTube/Twitch accounts & let them group up with paid content creators as PvP teams to increase their reach

> >

> > I played Guild Wars since I was 13 years old, now I am 25, work in business administration and when I think back on what made me hooked on it was that it was a literal game about wars between guilds, about the Hall Of Heroes and the sick life action movie like ads Guild Wars came with. We should go back to that concept and let Guild Wars finally get the fame it deserves with it‘s graphics and lore.


> IMO, this would practically lose the entire casual community in GW2.

PvP only really needs balance dev and matchmaking (programming) support, it doesn't take away resources from PvE much. If the game has any hope of "esports" it's the PvP (2v2, 5v5, 10v10) and GvG (WvW sized 15v15 or 20v20) side of it.


> @"Bish.8627" said:

> WvW style, like sivlerwastes, amazing. Can we also get track rewards for maps like WvW? Open world is my favourite mode and I feel like you are limited to rewards available unless you raid/fractal or WvW.


That's basically "map bonus rewards" which can be gained also by Pact Scout's Mapping Materials.

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RAID, CMS and recently the strike ... little by little certain players take over these game modes and leaving out new players since there is no control with by GW2, a pairing system for players where the game is game that determines whether or not you can do it. Practically a group of players determines whether or not you can play by asking for "LI", "KP" ... etc, limiting many to be able to accide part of the game content that is supposed to be for everyone.

How is it possible that they ask for "250 LI" to be able to do the Valley Guardian? when the raid is supposed to recommend new players to start playing !!

**Question: "Hello, sorry I would like to make a riad, I already have a good equipment and a META build, how can I start?"

answer: "search for" LI "

Question: "How do I look for LI."

Answer: "Making Raids."**





"LI", "KP" ... etc all these currencies should not be used to condition the game mode.

They announced a new fractal with CM ... Those who do not have "KP" will not be able to do it so sad this is.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that **there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content**, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.


> This part I'm a bit confused with, can't really put all Raid encounters in the same basket, just like you can't put all Fractals, or Strike Missions together.

> There are Raid bosses that are easier than some Fractal bosses, and if we add CM Fractals -a LOT- of the Raid bosses are easier. Even Whisper of Jormag is harder than let's say Cairn or Mursaat Overseer. What you could've done is "mark" Raid bosses or entire Wings with their difficulty, to tell players which ones to try first, like what you are trying to do with Strikes now. Give them some progression, as Raids are all over the place. Making the bosses in a wing progressively harder would also help, they are a bit of a mess with easy encounters after hard encounters and so on. But probably nothing can be done to fix all those issues, it's a shame though. I guess Strikes is the future.


What is the use of 80% of the players that are easier than a fractal boss ... when the friendly cumunity asks you for "500 LI"?

The problem is that the average player cannot make a riad.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > **Raids**

> >

> > - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

> > - Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.

> I'm afraid it's not that simple. The gap exists not because there's no middle content (although there isn't one, which is bad - and strikes do not bridge that gap, for a multitude of reasons, one of them due to them being a 10-man content). It exists, because the game system magnifies even tiny differences in gear, build and skill. The game as it is cannot realistically help players bridge that gap. All it can do (and what you're doing with strikes) is to try to incentivize players to get better. Problem is, the players need to learn _how_ to get better on their own - and those players that know how to do that (and have a mindset that is required to follow through with that learning, which most players _do not_ have) are improving already, without the need for strikes. For everyone else, it will just be more and more aggravating, as they will just see more and more content placed in front of them, but just outside their reach.





I agree with much of what you say, but ...

"For everyone else, it will just be more and more aggravating, as they will just see more and more content placed in front of them, but just outside their reach." Is it because they don't want to learn? Or is it because to make a Raid they ask me 500 LI? and you know how many raids I have to do to have 500 li?

you find the logic ?????????????

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> @"Odysseus.6317" said:

> I agree with much of what you say, but ...

> "For everyone else, it will just be more and more aggravating, as they will just see more and more content placed in front of them, but just outside their reach." Is it because they don't want to learn? Or is it because to make a Raid they ask me 500 LI? and you know how many raids I have to do to have 500 li?

> you find the logic ?????????????

Trust me, as someone that is not fond of Raids (and the community divide they created, or at least made much worse) in general, and thus someone that is definitely not going to blindly defend anything about raids, i can honestly tell you, that LIs are the _least_ of the problems, and a barrier that is the easiest to cross if you're serious about the content.


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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We've got our footing and we have exciting plans for the future of _GW2_. I can't talk about what I'm most excited for yet, but I can tell you 2020 is laying the groundwork for an exciting future.


Sounds... familiar.


> - I can't go into a ton of details on episodes three and four because, you know, spoilers and all, but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting. We want maps this season to bring something to them that makes them a permanent part of your play experience. That's why the culmination of Bjora Marches is a world boss and we're striving for high replayability for the episodes three and four map. We want it to be a unique, fun, and rewarding experience that will be part of your daily/weekly play cycle.


Are they going to continue the current pattern of long drawn out events full of mobs that drop no loot culminating in a boss fight that gives two pieces of unidentified gear and about the same amount of bric-a-brac that you'd get from a couple of Lost Bandit Chests in the Silverwastes?


I don't see these kind of events as having a high replayability. I sure won't bother with Drakkar again after getting the achievements and seeing that there's been no improvement to the rewards there.


> - Generally, as a team, we are placing a greater emphasis on repeatable content (open world events, world bosses, WvW, and yes, even Fractals (hint hint)). We want to make the types of content that have a lasting, positive impact on the game, so expect that design approach to focus on that more going forward.


> - Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids.


How can you _continue_ to bring out content with such terrible rewards? Once you complete the achievements there is no reason to do these Strike Missions right now. How did you think that launching this kind of content without a meaningful reward structure was a good idea?

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**but I can tell you the map is meta-focused with a push-and-pull feel similar to WvW in a PvE setting.**


Yeah that there will never bring me back as pver i detest WvW and meta so having it as a core pve experience is like saying leave GW2 and uninstal, which i feel after reading that i should.. That sounds terrible.. as is WvW to this day.


I for one just wanted more core tyria experiences..

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I think I echo so many of the other readers out there. We have heard for a long time about changes coming to WvW. But, then it all seemed to drop off. Many of us love this game inside and out. We look forward to having a great time with friends old and new. It is a good community for the most part. We do need some serious love and attention to WvW. Cheaters are out there and some of us just roll with the facts that very little is done to curb them. From guilds that allow some of their players to use Bots to builds that no one can touch. Then we have pairing that seems to be stacked by guild "Tanking" to drop tiers so they can bag farm. It does put a sour taste in many mouths, but we press on because we enjoy the game.

I for one am excited about the up and coming balance patch and how it will change the gameplay for a short time. But this is not the way to breathe fresh life into this game mode. I think I speak for many when I ask for a road map to the future of this game mode. Even if there is no plan we would like to know.


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