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@ANet: Please Unhide Nimble Onslaught Achievement

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Context: Nimble Onslaught was removed in today's patch and replaced with Truly Nimble Onslaught. Old achievement is now missing if you hadn't already finished it.


AP hunting is a major part of why I play GW2, and generally speaking I focus on other areas of the game than LW because LW achievements are always there for me to get... Usually. The Nimble Onslaught achievement being removed _**without notification **_in this patch is a really big hit for that given the fact that to-date I have never missed a LW achievement across all expansions and all LW seasons.


As I understand from other threads, there was some exploit that caused an issue here that has since been addressed. Regardless, in the past cases where this has been a problem (_ie. W4 Raid CMs_), the old achievement has been left in while the new achievement was added. This is the right approach here so that no one misses that AP even if they get to it later.


I'd really like it if ANet would add it back. There is zero logical reason to remove the old achievement and make it unobtainable.

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As I previously intimated in another topic... we are seeing some old-fashioned player-hostile choices making their way back into the game. Removal of AP without advance warning to players and having those points forever lost to them is something I haven't seen since 2014. Was it coincidence that the creation of unobtainable historical AP has been frozen for the past 5 years, or did Anet only recently forget that it was something to be avoided?

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> AP hunters who somehow didn't finish the drakkar meta in 2 weeks. I don't even know if they removed the 5 AP or if you didn't get 5 AP for the 2nd if you already got the 5 AP before. I and 10,000 other non AP hunters got that achieve somehow


Like me? I would describe myself as an "AP hunter" - nearly 38k. I've had other things I wanted to do during my play time the past couple of weeks. I did finish the meta once or twice but not with credit for this achievement. Not everyone does or can accomplish everything right away.


Anyway, I agree with the OP - the right approach would be to either allow people to obtain both, or to either/or the AP and grant the same rewards for completion of either achievement. Removing an achievement but allowing the points to be kept with no warning after years of avoiding that design is an unfriendly step back, especially with such a small window to get the original AP, and I hope they change this decision.

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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> As I previously intimated in another topic... we are seeing some old-fashioned player-hostile choices making their way back into the game. Removal of AP without advance warning to players and having those points forever lost to them is something I haven't seen since 2014. Was it coincidence that the creation of unobtainable historical AP has been frozen for the past 5 years, or did Anet only recently forget that it was something to be avoided?

Is this true? I thought that at least some of that 'mystic forge researcher' stuff last year was for a limited time only? Either way, I agree, bad form to remove the ap if that is what happened. Perhaps it is like the other poster said and you only get credit for one cheeve or the other, even if you do both . . ?

> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> AP hunters who somehow didn't finish the drakkar meta in 2 weeks. I don't even know if they removed the 5 AP or if you didn't get 5 AP for the 2nd if you already got the 5 AP before. I and 10,000 other non AP hunters got that achieve somehow

Hopefully, for all our sakes, there are ap hunters to be in the world who have never even heard of gw2 yet . . .

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I had gotten the achievement but was not watching my total points so I am not sure if they removed points when they hid the achievement. Either way, I am not sure how they could run the two achievements at the same time, especially since they changed some of the fight dynamics. I am usually a AP hunter and just was not watching because I was trying for so many Achieves at the same time. But if they took off the points for this particular achievement I don't think it will bother me too much as I can see why they made the changes they did.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > Ap was not removed, if you had it before the update, you have the ap and the achievement.


> How can you tell? I mean who notices a loss of 5 AP but you also need to show you can get AP from both so someone who has it done needs to do the new one and see before a thread like this cause who knows maybe anet coded you get no new AP from the truely nimble if you got the old one


My AP didn’t change after the update and I gained AP after finishing the new one.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > As I previously intimated in another topic... we are seeing some old-fashioned player-hostile choices making their way back into the game. Removal of AP without advance warning to players and having those points forever lost to them is something I haven't seen since 2014. Was it coincidence that the creation of unobtainable historical AP has been frozen for the past 5 years, or did Anet only recently forget that it was something to be avoided?

> Is this true? I thought that at least some of that 'mystic forge researcher' stuff last year was for a limited time only? Either way, I agree, bad form to remove the ap if that is what happened. Perhaps it is like the other poster said and you only get credit for one cheeve or the other, even if you do both . . ?


They have limited availability like a festival, but are not historical as far as I know. You could still earn the same achievements when a new round of MF events were running. As long as Anet continues hosting these events in the future the AP is still available to earn.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > Ap was not removed, if you had it before the update, you have the ap and the achievement.


> How can you tell? I mean who notices a loss of 5 AP but you also need to show you can get AP from both


I log my AP with gw2gh.com, I had the achievement "Nimble Onslaught" before the patch, and my total AP was not reduced after the patch.


And when you look at the API data: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/achievements?ids=5147,5148


Achievement 5147 (Nimble Onslaught) gives 5 AP and achievement 5148 (Truly Nimble Onslaught) gives 5 AP.


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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > Ap was not removed, if you had it before the update, you have the ap and the achievement.


> How can you tell? I mean who notices a loss of 5 AP but you also need to show you can get AP from both so someone who has it done needs to do the new one and see before a thread like this cause who knows maybe anet coded you get no new AP from the truely nimble if you got the old one


When you are ap farmer in the top 10, you notice these things.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Also, the Devs would not remove the 5 AP because that would cause some players to be able to receive Achievement Reward Chests more than once.

It doesn't work like that - or at least it didn't for a very long time already. Otherwise i'd be getting chests every time HoM achieves get bugged again (which still happens quite frequently).



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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Instead of making the old one available again, i'd rather have them remove the new one aswell. When i did Drakkar today, there were like 15-20 people afking up on the ledge. I dont think we need more achies that encourage such behaviour :/

And it is so easy if you range it now anyway.... Ledge leeches need to be locked out of achieves and rewards. They fixed the mount issue, but not this....


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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Leablo.2651" said:

> > > As I previously intimated in another topic... we are seeing some old-fashioned player-hostile choices making their way back into the game. Removal of AP without advance warning to players and having those points forever lost to them is something I haven't seen since 2014. Was it coincidence that the creation of unobtainable historical AP has been frozen for the past 5 years, or did Anet only recently forget that it was something to be avoided?

> > Is this true? I thought that at least some of that 'mystic forge researcher' stuff last year was for a limited time only? Either way, I agree, bad form to remove the ap if that is what happened. Perhaps it is like the other poster said and you only get credit for one cheeve or the other, even if you do both . . ?


> They have limited availability like a festival, but are not historical as far as I know. You could still earn the same achievements when a new round of MF events were running. As long as Anet continues hosting these events in the future the AP is still available to earn.


Oh, kk. I was under the impression that they were done with that content, did not realize it was returning . . .

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Yeah... just put it back in ANet, please. I mean, neither version was hard to cheese, just afk on the ledge.... I'm sure hundreds if not thousands of players got this one without knowing what they were doing. Removing this achievement is only rewarding its faulty design - add it back in and for the next release, be a little more sensitive about the mechanics involved =)

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Well, I won't play a game when they punish AP hunters, who don't finish all the new content 2 weeks after a big update (1 new episode, 1 new world boss, etc.). I say "all the new content" because there was no way to know which achievement will be deleted, and no way to know there would be an achievement deleted !

It's not about the amount of AP, it could be 1 AP, it would be the same problem for me.

They make AP a big part of the game, and now they delete a way to gain a few AP like it's nothing. I'm sure there is a simple way to address this without punishing late players. But they chose this way, who thought it was a good idea ?

Sure I'm overreacting, but it's not the only mistake we can find, and this one is too much for me.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> Guys, we are talking about 5 points from an episode that added 300 to the game. (250 in the story journal + 50 in the rare collections)

> It's half a daily. You'll live.


It might not be important to you, but it is clearly important to others .. My end game is hunting AP. For me this is an important thing ... Everyone plays the (end) game the way they want, my goal is to hunt AP ...


So this is an important issue for AP hunters. I'm at a point where I have to put a lot of effort to get 1 AP, so for me 5 AP is a big difference.


This is demotivating.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Julian.9473" said:

> > Well, I won't play a game when they punish AP hunters, who don't finish all the new content 2 weeks after a big update (1 new episode, 1 new world boss, etc.). I say "all the new content" because there was no way to know which achievement will be deleted, and no way to know there would be an achievement deleted !

> > It's not about the amount of AP, it could be 1 AP, it would be the same problem for me.

> > They make AP a big part of the game, and now they delete a way to gain a few AP like it's nothing. I'm sure there is a simple way to address this without punishing late players. But they chose this way, who thought it was a good idea ?

> > Sure I'm overreacting, but it's not the only mistake we can find, and this one is too much for me.


> So you got 41kish? You got all pvp wvw ones done? You legit farmed crab toss keg brawl survivor sanctum sprint for those ap? You got all the raids? I mean if you one of those guys then yeah be upset. But if you aren't and quit over that then you were just looking for a reason to quit. Anet could even fix this. I just finished Drakk with 19 stacks not being a lookie loo cheat ledge dude so if say you finish with 13 or more stacks you would proc the old one you missed. But they need to only put the counter if you are down fighting the kitten thing from beginning to end alive not like now.


It is not because this is not important to you that it cannot be important to me. Everyone has their own priorities and plays the game the way they want.

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