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Good First Impressions


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I write this from the perspective of a Core engi main (with a bit of scrapper gameplay here and there)


I gotta say, after trying out the patch, losing the first few matches because I'm garbage at PvP, this feels much more fun as a whole. Big teamfights feel like teamfights. You'll still die if you get focused down in CC, but no longer do I see people drop dead from full in the span of 0.5 seconds.


Core Engi feels like it's worth playing. It's in an interesting spot where it actually has good sustain compared to the competition due to relatively few nerfs to med kit (Only med blaster got hit). Most of your healing came from comboing water fields anyway, and that actually feels like it's worth doing now. Kits didn't get a damage nerf so they're closer to the power level of the rest of the game. Since fights last longer, my damage has more time to ramp up, so I'm actually a threat if not focused. All that said, the issues of core engi still remain. Low stability, easy to lock down and kill, but now that everyone else has also lost a lot of that safety, it feels about on par with everyone else.


Overall, good first impressions. Keep up the good work.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> I've never had so much fun in a while, even if I miss some of the things that I had before. Most of my games have been incredibly engaging and way more intense than before because of the bigger thonk required to do anything.

100% agreed. Before the patch, I was caring more or less about the opponents boons. Now that stab is precious, I can t stop watching my enemy's boons.

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It is considerably better. It will take time to see what is up and what will need some fine-tuning. I can already see that CC trains are going to get popular as I've had one match where I literally melted down in a second and a half, but it took about 3-4 players in a coordinated assault and still I felt like I had time to react to it if I were just paying attention.


Still, rifle deadeyes are capable of nuking down players from afar and escaping fairly quickly. Now that damage and healing is lower, it would be worth to consider toning down stealth and mobility on the most mobile classes. This is the only thing that struck me, because with less heals it is easier for thieves to jump out of combat and re-think their combo before you have time to heal up. This might not be the case if thieves didn't jump out and into combat on demand every couple of seconds, playing the endless rinse'n'repeat.

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Feels a bit slower paced. But I have only played 1 match so far - on unranked Stronghold mode map. (Time ran out and the match still continued a bit after that.) Counted as "rated game win" still - which is nice. I don't like the death match 2 vs. on ranked atm (which goes on for a full month it seems) and I'm now going to play unranked for the dailies. (If the rated didn't count I'd do 1 PvE achievement instead.) For the "playing 3 rated matches a day" (which I'm still doing for Ascention meta) I'll wait until next season.


The 1-2 queue option for 2 vs. 2 is the same as having 1-5 in conquest btw. (Where it seems they limited it to 2 max.) Shouldn't now for the 2 vs. 2 deathmatch it be only 1 player allowed to queue up? (And why not having both modes at ranked? I guess with 2 vs. 2 and shorter matches - since it is death match- it would not take away too much players from conquest 5 vs. 5. Would be different if the death match was 5 vs. 5 as well.)

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > I enjoy the new changes with one caveat....this is going to turn into the CC meta; whoever can stack the most CC, wins.


> And people were saying CC was going to be useless because it does 0.01. They were wrong.


And this was the exact intend on reducing the damage on these CC skills. So like others have said, really great changes, with skill actually being back and all!

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Senile old person speaking here.

Thanks for the changes of the game - no power creep anymore. I can finally drive ppl mad with conditions again. Slowly but steadily.

Also I love the 2v2 - a welcome change in playstyle. Some bugs here and there, but I am used to that.

10/10 would patch again.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> I enjoy the new changes with one caveat....this is going to turn into the CC meta; whoever can stack the most CC, wins.


Actually I change my mind. The perma CC is ridiculous, combined with the fact that stability access has been handicapped and stunbreaks nerfed. I admit I still have to adjust my build entirely to the new meta, maybe investing more in toughness, but I haven't felt this frustrated in PvP in a long time.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > I enjoy the new changes with one caveat....this is going to turn into the CC meta; whoever can stack the most CC, wins.


> And people were saying CC was going to be useless because it does 0.01. They were wrong.


People were saying the skills who had high damage that were nerfed to 0.01 were going to be useless. And yeah, thats pretty accurate. They are useless. However, the CC skills that already had no damage are pretty busted. Mainly because the former had long cast times, the latter did not. Now the former have longer cast times for lower CC than the latter, with no benefit.

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