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New aura effects on PVE - feedback

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I get it - new auras on PvP and WvW make sense and I love them. But on PVE they cause more problems than benefits. Yesterday on Deimos I could barely see the orange oil indicator through all these giant, glowing auras. We either need an option to tone down their effect significantly or they should have a previous effect on PVE. IMO it makes this game even more unplayable than before. It is really TOO flashy and TOO big.

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Auras: Aura effects have been updated to be larger and more noticeable. _The previous, more subtle aura effects are now used for auras on allies and for all characters viewed by PvP spectators **when the Effect LOD option is checked** in the graphics settings._ Effect icons used for auras have been updated for consistency.


I haven't tested it yet, but shouldn't that solve the problem?


edit: Ok just tested it, don't see any difference no matter if that option is checked or not...

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> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> Auras: Aura effects have been updated to be larger and more noticeable. _The previous, more subtle aura effects are now used for auras on allies and for all characters viewed by PvP spectators **when the Effect LOD option is checked** in the graphics settings._ Effect icons used for auras have been updated for consistency.


> I haven't tested it yet, but shouldn't that solve the problem?


> edit: Ok just tested it, don't see any difference no matter if that option is checked or not...


Besides, sometimes you need to turn off effect lod on Deimos so you can see greens.

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PLEASE, bring back the old light aura


i play dragonhunter and i get the aura if u make a jump in a light field like all time, and this new aura skin is NOT good, NOT good for player what create all 10 sec light aura, its TOO big TOO shiny and TOO bright, pls give us a option for the old light aura or delete this, i can understand other classes what jump into a light field to become a WOOOOSH ultra aura with shiny kitten, but NOT a class what create this all times, it dont look good for eternity playing

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I see I’m getting in after the “visual noise hurts me” comment.

I appreciate the new shiny aura, and the standardization of it, but it’s three times as wide as my character, and I’m not sure when LOD effects kick in, but to 4 players close to me in PVE with the option on, I see these massive bubbles around them too.

I think I prefer the 2012 effect better for the size of it.

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Sometimes flashy things are fine and sometimes they get in the way. I'd really enjoy a QoL update that adds more visual/audio options like:


- Show/Hide other player mounts (would display the base skin/colors when hidden)

- Show/Hide other player infusions

- Show/Hide other player effects (Attack animations, lights, etc.)

- Mute/Unmute other player sounds (Level-up scrolls, attack sounds, mini pet sounds)


Make auras and mounts as huge and annoying as you like, just give people the option to squint and edge away from them with minimal fuss.


EDIT: Regarding auras specifically, old auras used to be as big as they are now; this is a reinstating, not a new feature. They were originally removed to 'reduce visual noise' but then the game devs shifted their stance. Just another reason to add options so people can have it whichever way they prefer.

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The new light aura is FREAKING DISQUSTING

this new aura is not even an aura more like a dome ( not round at all btw , with all the edges in bigger models ) with light spike coming out of it


The old aura had all these incredible colors , the light spikes were emiting through it , like it was emiting from you , it has a perfect round shape no matter the character model, you could feel the beautifull radiance , it was an A U R A and a very well designed at that


as a guardian it was my joy to just make light auras bloom, as a ranger it was a privilige to sword hop throught the field just for the aura effect


i feel discusted when this abomination of a light aura spawns


to be fair though, the overall radius needed a bit change cause some of them were to small , like magnetic aura

fire aura feels like a FIRE aura good job on that

dark aura is simply amazing if i get them to spawn i just spam them

i dont remember how the old frost aura was vs the new, still seems good


but this abomination of a light aura is simply not apealing to me

i feel it just doesnt belong with the overall aesthetic of the game or the class most asociated with the aura (guardian), it just a not well done dome and a ugly one at that

the old light aura was much more beatifull and fluid

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How about adding an extra option to make us see the big effect on ourself and the little ones on other players?

Most of the time I'd like to be able to easly know if our heal ele is giving me a magnetic aura, but I'm not that interested in noticing all the the big effects on other party members too.

So 3 options:

1. Big effects on everyone.

2. Big effects on myself, small effects on other party members.

3. Small effects on everyone.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> I dislike the amount of flashy effects in group content too :/

> It makes it much harder or near impossible to see some mechanics and just contributes to the FPS drops...


Open Option and go to graphic settings tab. There turn off post processing. It should reduce lightning effects incl aura effects.

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