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What does WvW need to attract new and old players who have already abandoned the game?


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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

> * New WvW Maps.

> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

> * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

> * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

> * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

> * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

> * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

> * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

> * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

> * More WvW Achivements.

> * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

> 1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.


Or maybe pvp players need to stop being such dick so much toxic behavior wtf would anyone participate in that? fuck that WvW is dead im just surprise it didnt die sooner.

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* WvW needs new players who join and stay at a rate that matches those who move on.

* WvW could do with some form of progress based on skill.


1. There is too big a difference between the new players who try WvW for the first time and those who have years of practice, full masteries, and excellent skills. In PvE terms it's like matching casual F2P players against the teams that can clear a Raid wing in 30 minutes. The casual players get tired of being outclassed and the top players get bored looking for a decent fight. A handful will keep going, most will go do something else.


2. I'd like to see tiers meaning something more than just population coverage.

One way to do this would be to allow WvW guilds to dynamically rank up like players do in PvP seasons and then use the "Alliances" update to organise WvW match-ups based on Guild WvW rank as well as population activity. This could help veteran players find a decent challenge and create lower tiers that have a decent population at a skill level that would allow new players time to learn. Anet could also vary stuff like the amount of siege deployable in different tiers (for example diamond tier could be much more player based and bronze could have more "assistance"). Blend it smoothly as you go up the tiers and you have an experience that gets more challenging and requires better teamwork as you/your guild progresses higher.

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> @"God.2708" said:

> @"subversiontwo.7501" Speaks about it quite frequently. You need to be able to play with friends. Everything beyond that is just window dressing, and sure changing your curtains every now and then freshens up the house, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't share it with people.


As one of those old/returning players playing with a few friends, this is the reason we didn't even get a shot at trying WvW when we decided to play it. None of us are in realms that have much interest in WvW, so paying for transfers to another realm that wasn't going to have a great WvW community was a horrible value proposition. Most of the stuff in the OP is meaningless to us because we haven't even gotten to the point of playing WvW.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Remove mounts

> Remove food except food from the WvW provisioner (AKA remove t7 food).

> Nerf boons more, especially AoE boons.

> Nerf siege

> Remove guild banners

> Remove stacking stealth and then also remove the force-reveal from the sentry debuff

> Revert most of what was done this patch and instead just cut down the expansion-specific content like the elite spec traits/utils/new weapon coefficients/gear with too many stats/etc.

> Rework every single PoF specs completely from the ground up because they're anti-fun to play against and all failed concepts. ALL of them.


> It's nothing more than a wishlist. It basically mandates moving back more towards core game in the name of WvW. The raids community would throw a fit if their DPS went down, though, so it won't happen.


> So yeah, **I don't anticipate on coming back to seriously play the game**. Forum PvP is more satisfying.




I can compromise with this list with the addition of redesigning Thief Profession and Mesmer Profession with also giving each respectfully giving each profession their own roles and identity like Guild Wars.


Example: A Elementalist Profession Are Not A Guardian Profession Spec


The game itself need a complete rework and Anet is not willing to care to implement serious change to it.....so no anticipation for anyone to come back or to play either including myself too


Necromancer Profession is the best thing that happened in the patch update and that is not enough because the root cause problems continues to exist. ]


Toxic Stealth, Toxic +1 shot, Toxic Mechanic and Toxic Design Are Exempt From Any Serious Changes!!


Exceptions To Serious Changes Are Not Acceptable!!


**---Exceptions Are Excuses--**


8 Years Of Repetitive Continual Excuses Are No Longer Tolerable!!


So moving forward,


Excuses Are No Longer Tolerable!!


It Is No Longer Tolerable To Me Either



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Nothing teirs up, paper towers, paper keeps, etc. Soon as things hit T3 everyone logs out because its not worth the aids of sitting in siege.

Get rid of ACs, balis, cannons. If you cant defend your stuff, you should lose it.


Make the player vs player mode about fighting, not about who can hide on walls and spam the most siege..

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okay ehh, 4-5 hours 200 gold? that sounds like a dream number . maybe raids or tMax fractals, the spoiled brats of gw2 give that lol.


> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Rewards for killing players, game has too much pvd.


if u don't get the heavy loot bags, it's probably just you playing too much "player versus dolly"... player kills rewards are nearly better than the reward tracks lol. besides, it would be rewarded if they just (logically it is a have-to-be acutally) reward final ranks. player kills atm give u bags + your team points, so rewarding winning server would finally also reward that.

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Need more maps, and those maps need to be randomized weekly. Variety is the spice of life. As for players old and new....a better attitude from the base WvW player and the commanders. :) Wasn't too thrilled with being told, "pugs are the worst thing to happen to wvw", or "our scouts suck", or "this class stinks and i'm never going to allow them into my group...." dang...I don't know....poor community attitude towards players that aren't in a major WvW guild, doesn't help. Attacking people that weren't properly trained on how to give out Location of enemy forces and their numbers, and additional on the field information....doesn't help. Gee wiz, I run a class that was spat on for nearly 4 years running, in WvW….by a group of players and commanders that pretty much said that the class brings nothing to group play. Yah, that didn't help. Now trying to be a "Pug scout Ranger" that had to listen to it for wayyyyyy to many years. No, that did not help. You want new players. You want old players. Better attitude. We been slicing and dicing on the same maps. It's like eating the same meatloaf day after day for seven years straight....I don't mind meatloaf. Throw some chicken in there. Some pork. Come on, some meat and potatoes into this kitchen we call WvW. Hell, make a completely empty map, where we have to build our own walls and create our own towers, and keeps. Building gates at chokepoints. Crazy idea, eh?

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You're not going to get those that left back.

I've already replaced the time (three hours a night, five days a week) I spent with my guild on something else.


But if you wanted to keep and grow players.....

1. Make losing fun

2. Make it so that skill can beat numbers

3. Be more active in fixing WvW issues (skills, exploits, LAG, population, coverage, maps)

4. Support GvG

5. Make it so a low level new player can compete

6. Capes. Maybe not capes, but something unique to WvW only

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Rewards for killing players, game has too much pvd.


Lack of mechanics promoting fights.


New maps are needed where doesn’t exist bot trebing tower to keeps and vice versa, would be a start.

Guilds/alliances need to take care better of the keeps.

Home bl need to a be city map :p inside a very big castle.

Mechanics promoting small scale and havoc.


Keeps need to be something more important.


Guild halls need to be something else bedsides art show off :), an gvg arena with gw1 gamestylebat elas need to be added to the guild.






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* change participation ( it should trigger when i do or get damage ...)

* new buyable and obtainable **SKINS** for catas, arrow carts, ballis, golems, ....

* skins for camps / towers / keeps / castle

* change the claim priority ( the one with the longest time in circle should claim first (not the one with more guild member )

* reduce claim timer by 10 seconds. ( i hate it when i have to wait 30 seconds for 5 more supply ) make it 1 or 2 seconds and then the next one can claim.

* claim ( let us claim 1 camp 1 tower 1 keep and 1 castle with the same guild )

* make better small scale balance because 80% players are small scale players (you people in this forum do not represent the majority in my WvW) most people are not large scale players apart from the short prime time 1-3 hours a day. DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF, YOU KNOW I'm right

* do not change alpine borderline ( we all need some kind of de_dust2 ) instead remove / change desert map.

* do not change ebg ( we all need some kind of de_dust ) instead change / remove desert map

* increase rewards by 50-100 %

* reduce supply cost for Superior Catapult Blueprints and Superior rams. It is BAD for small scale players ! reduce supply to 40 for Superior Catapult and Superior Rams. Reduce supply for Guild Catas and Guild rams to 30 or 35.

* remove Guild_Objective_Aura_VIII from WvW or reduce ALL stats apart the xp buff from it. It is BAD for small scale / roaming.

* stable the netcode ( its unhealthy for the game when you have to deal with skill lags or even cannot cast a skill apart from auto attack )

* increase the level 0 supply count to 150 or 200 for camps and towers.

* add a timer for Outnumbered buff



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dont let the ones that come from lower tiers have the desert map.

Because the one that gets red in the last tier, will stay red until next linking. Its the worst map to defend & the worst to play with north spawn.

Together with the loss of Trebbing Stonemist from the ebg keep, red is extremely screwed.


Dont let the "worst" team be red.

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I quit about a year and a half ago. I used to play on a popular T1/T2 server.


For me, implementing the new worlds/alliance system they've been talking about for 3 years. The current system was always meant to be temporary. They said that. My biggest issue is lack of people to play with/against. I popped in for a couple weeks maybe 3 months ago. Things were pretty dead.


Proper balance. I understand this last patch did a lot towards balance, especially when it comes to power creep. This needs to happen with more frequency and with smart changes that are rational.


All new maps. All the maps need to be replaced. Playing on the same maps for 7.5 years is ridiculous. I mean just plain criminal. They're able to come out with a whole new map for PvE every 3 or 4 months plus a raid map every 9 months to a year. Yes, I understand that a WvW map is a bit more complicated (LS still needs new dialouge, new monsters, new mechanics, all kinds of new stuff other than a map that requires manpower), but having only 1 new map since launch is disgraceful, negligent, and disrespectful. Yes, they might be shell-shocked over the DBL, but that was well deserved and they need to get over it. They didn't listen to feedback and got a huge backlash when it was released. It took them about 9 months to address all the issues with the map. They need to do better and not half-ass things with a new map like they did with DBL.


Give WvW respect. Having only 1 new map since launch and having it be a disaster and taking forever to fix it is direct evidence they don't care that much about WvW. Not having anything major come out with PoF and keep BSing us with delays for anything major for WvW is disrespectful. Yes, they have done a great deal if you add everything up over the years. But it's always been late, the last, or after years of complaining that something is finally implemented (squad system, reward track, etc). Actually having a few more people dedicated to WvW to implement changes or quickly change clear issues that have crept into the game would go a long way to attracting old players and player retention.

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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> You're not going to get those that left back.

> I've already replaced the time (three hours a night, five days a week) I spent with my guild on something else.


> But if you wanted to keep and grow players.....

> 1. Make losing fun

> 2. Make it so that skill can beat numbers

> 3. Be more active in fixing WvW issues (skills, exploits, LAG, population, coverage, maps)

> 4. Support GvG

> 5. Make it so a low level new player can compete

> 6. Capes. Maybe not capes, but something unique to WvW only


this ^^^

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There is nothing that can bring me back to WvW. It takes a larger time investment than sPvP (need to gear toons) and the return on fun just isn't there for the effort. The few times I do hop in just to look around it's either zergs owning the map or empty. If they actually supported the mode and had some part of it be dedicated to solo/small scale than I might consider it. That absolutely will not happen though. Yeah yeah, it's suppose to be large group v large group but if you want an "open world" style pvp experience WvW is as close to that as you can get and it doesn't have much for the people who are not about the zerg life.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> There is nothing that can bring me back to WvW. It takes a larger time investment than sPvP (need to gear toons) and the return on fun just isn't there for the effort. The few times I do hop in just to look around it's either zergs owning the map or empty. If they actually supported the mode and had some part of it be dedicated to solo/small scale than I might consider it. That absolutely will not happen though. Yeah yeah, it's suppose to be large group v large group but if you want an "open world" style pvp experience WvW is as close to that as you can get and it doesn't have much for the people who are not about the zerg life.

One pretty interesting aspect of population balance / nightcapping / scoring is that splitting up actually is more effective. People are actually not zerging because it is more effective, they are zerging because it is easier and because being effective doesn't matter due to population balance, nightcapping and the like. The core design of the system actually does reward players for splitting up and adapting their scale to the available content. That you don't see that many different scales leading to an "open world feeling" or more smaller-scale objectives is simply the result of no objectives mattering and any content produced in an organized manner is just a question of finding a matchup. Fewer people do eg., 5v5 because there are fewer groups of 5 for your 5 to v. That's not a scale problem, it's a mode problem and everyone suffers from it whether it is 1, 5, 15, 30 or 50. Some groups have just been more resillient than others, for example 15 and 50. They have survived to a higher degree through the lack of support or outright discouragement.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > There is nothing that can bring me back to WvW. It takes a larger time investment than sPvP (need to gear toons) and the return on fun just isn't there for the effort. The few times I do hop in just to look around it's either zergs owning the map or empty. If they actually supported the mode and had some part of it be dedicated to solo/small scale than I might consider it. That absolutely will not happen though. Yeah yeah, it's suppose to be large group v large group but if you want an "open world" style pvp experience WvW is as close to that as you can get and it doesn't have much for the people who are not about the zerg life.

> One pretty interesting aspect of population balance / nightcapping / scoring is that splitting up actually is more effective. People are actually not zerging because it is more effective, they are zerging because it is easier and because being effective doesn't matter due to population balance, nightcapping and the like. The core design of the system actually does reward players for splitting up and adapting their scale to the available content. That you don't see that many different scales leading to an "open world feeling" or more smaller-scale objectives is simply the result of no objectives mattering and any content produced in an organized manner is just a question of finding a matchup. Fewer people do eg., 5v5 because there are fewer groups of 5 for your 5 to v. That's not a scale problem, it's a mode problem and everyone suffers from it whether it is 1, 5, 15, 30 or 50. Some groups have just been more resillient than others, for example 15 and 50. They have survived to a higher degree through the lack of support or outright discouragement.



This is true, but I sometimes wonder just how strong the incentive to win would have to be to overcome all the convenience and safety a zerg offers players.


Then even if such an incentive were introduced, would players still remember how to split up and play WvW optimally? People have been zerg-bots for so long


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