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What size did you make your character and why?


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> @Hakata.6742 said:

> I'm on a max-sized Charr at the moment, and I'm considering using a make-over kit to make him the smallest size.


> What was going through your mind when you decided on your character's sizes?


Max-height for two reasons:


1) Character details are more clearly visible.

2) RL biases are actually amplified in the online world (e.g. there are no obese or unattractive characters). And tall people are just more liked/respected/trusted on a deeply ingrained, subconscious level.

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I use the maximum height for my Norn because if I wanted to play a shorty, I'd play a human. : P

I did use a makeover kit to make her smaller for awhile when I first started playing in order to do some of the harder jumping puzzles, but it made me feel inadequate every time I was in Hoelbrak, so I changed her back once I got map completion.


My main character currently is Sylvari, and she's average height. Maybe a touch over middle height.


I had an Asura. She was minimum height, but I deleted her. It was fun being the shortest thing around. She was cute. But I prefer playing on my Sylvari or Norn.

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The only height that I actually thought of was my thief. I thought asura. Well because thief. Your trying to steel stuff. Just making someone 3 ft running around and stabbing people makes it harder for people to see. Other then that I just don't care about my other height. Unless it's a warrior. I want a freak in strength. So make my character a giant lol.

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Depends on the character. I have a specific concept in mind when I make them and everything ties into that.


* Human ranger - she's a bit of a mary-sue in some ways, so she always (I use her in lots of games) has 3 things in common with me: she has long hair, grey eyes and she's short. In GW2 I put the slider 1/2 way between the middle and the bottom.

* Norn engineer: She's supposed to be big, even by norn standards, so I put the slider to max.

* Charr thief: He was the runt of the litter and always got picked on (which helped him learn to avoid attention) - I put the slider almost to the bottom and gave him the next to skinniest body type.

* Asuran guardian - I found guardian quite boring but I thought the novelty of a tiny girl holding off the enemy with a hammer would make it more interesting, so I made her the minimum height.

* Norn revenant: He's supposed to look quite imposing, without being huge so I made him just slightly taller than average.

* Sylvari Warrior - I wanted him to look quite dramatic, so I made him tall but not quite the max because it looked silly.

* Asuran necromancer - I wanted him to look completely average (for an asura) and not suspicious in any way, so I made him exactly medium height.


I can't actually remember for my two female sylvari - the theme for one of them was the GW1 Maguuma Jungle and for the other it's silver birch trees, neither of which suggests a specific height to me, and I can't remember what I picked.


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My biggest issue with heights for characters is finding one where their running gate looks smooth. For me I can't stand that weird head bobbing forward that humans do so I made the shortest norn female for two of my mains because the model is forced to be more fluid, plus you can keep your tattoos.. For my asura ele I wanted to see the weapons better and the running animation seems best around 3 ticks below the top bar on the height slider. I know I'm neurotic :-) but so many heights have a I'm about to trip on myself look from the side view.

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I play mostly Charr and they are all on the small end of the scale. Now though, I'm not so sure I like them small for the simple reason of mounts. Mounts seem to be scaled to the character size scale, ignoring race. Meaning, my smallish Charr (much much larger than the largest Asura) is riding a mount half the size of a full height Asura mount. It looks kind of silly to me, but I'm getting used to it.

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> @Hakata.6742 said:

> I'm on a max-sized Charr at the moment, and I'm considering using a make-over kit to make him the smallest size.


> What was going through your mind when you decided on your character's sizes?


lol guessing you seen the problem like i did haha. Exactly what i done and had to do with my charr aswell.

What i thought at the time, was to make him look scarier. Because he was a necro man that was a mistake. I never realized at the time how bulky the charr model was even at small size. It's hard to really get an idea how large or small a char will be in the creation screen, because one has nothing to compare to. I think anet needs give char creation screen a back ground, a setting some tables doors etc like a majority of char creation screens in other rpgs do. It really helps when making a char. Much more effective and accurate to what one is after, because atleast we have something to compare to, to get an idea on how big small bulky etc the char will be after creation.


Now my charr is a dwarf named Tyrion Lannister lol (joking though that be fitting name because he is a dwarf)

Rest my chars most are humanoids, males are bout 75% on height with avg builds because really hate bulky shoulders unarmored looks fine but with certain armors makes shoulder armor look weird and just not something i care for. Females I have 1 norn 1 sylvarie but she's set at min sylvarie bout avg maybe lil less thicker body structure to give her little booty effect haha. (she actually looks a bit creepy because how i did her skin tone her face reminds me of some sadistic witch from a horror movie may redo her some day then again might just keep it to be different we'll see) The asura thief tiny as I could go thieves should be tiny nimble looking classes in my opinion subtle like.

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Originally, I made all my characters either the smallest possible height or about 75% towards the 'small' end of the spectrum. Why? That is traditionally the best way to distinguish my toons from others, since most people like to go large or go home.


However, after playing with shinier and shinier weapons and armor, I realized: I can't see skritt of the designs I worked hard to obtain, including contrasting or complementary colors (from fancy dyes) etc. So now, if I makeover (or start a new toon), I go large or go home. (Norns I might shrink a bit.)


The only time "too big" is an issue might be in JPs, in which case: [Endless Miniature Tonic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Miniature_Tonic "Endless Miniature Tonic") ftw.

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