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Making gold in wvw


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back in the days some people told me they mainly make money through wvw. I know alot of ppl just run around in zergs and sell the bags they get from killing other people, but those who told me almost never play to zerg-times.


But are there any good ways besides running around in zergs? I would like to hear some of your ways to make gold here^^

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If you are looking for gold and rewards, WvW is not the right place for you, as sad as that may be.


PvE (even if you don't straight up go farming) is more profitable by almost a full magnitude.


In WvW you can be happy if you run with a zerg which practically farms the enemy, meaning you don't have to run back from spawn every time your zerg wiped, but in that case it is pretty much a given that after doing so for some time, the enemy will disband and leave. Not to mention, if your zerg kills too quickly, it becomes difficult to actually tag the enemies for the loot. It may be a mediocre source of profit, but at most only for a short time.

Flipping objectives isn't a way to get loot either, you might be lucky and get some ascended stuff, but overall WvW just isn't anywhere near as profitable as PvE is.


Back when Dragonfall came out I did some PvE again after doing WvW for so long ... I'd say I got more stuff from two hours of running that map than I did for 8 hours of WvW (2h each day at prime time).

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If you want to make gold in WvW use gw2efficiency and the wiki to maximize profits when selling. Use gw2efficiency to watch trends and sell when the item is high. Once you've accumulated some gold, watch trends and invest. Buy low, sell high. The more you invest, the more you can make (or lose).


For reward track. Use the wiki to see what each offers and use gw2efficiency to judge worth.


You can get almost everything for gen1 legendaries in WvW. Suffer through map completion (or buy someone's) and overtime craft a legendary or 2 and sell them.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Back in the days, lol? There is 10x loot today compared to the first years.


> i meant 1-2 years ago or so^^


They would be talking about EOTM, it was good as far as WvW rewards go, but didn't last long once they nerfed the rewards and it's now a ghost town that most people forget even exists.


Rewards are better than back in the day in WvW, however you will need to zerg only really, don't spend gold on upgrades, food, siege etc etc, however you will still not even get close to what you can get out of PvE.


So if the goal is to make gold and nothing else, you are wasting time in WvW. If you just want to play WvW and make some gold at the same time, it's more than doable.

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