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Expansion Elite Specialization Thread


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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > > > > I'd like Vampiric theme the most, they can tie it in with Hopping Vampires from Echovald Forest.

> > > > > Ritualist is a big no for Necromancer I'm afraid.

> > > >

> > > > Well then I don't want ritualist to show up at all... I really don't want rev to be forced into that role. I say let the necromance have it and get a slight theme change with spirits, ashes and so on maybe get some Bone shields and wall spells as well. Heck maybe let them get sword and shield and make them something of a warrior, that takes the ritualists teachings and uses it to hold the line.

> > > >

> > > > Revenants need something a bit cooler, something not so limited. Ritualists are super close to both guardians and necromancers within this game; I feel like Revenant really can get anything (Kalla had nothing to do with PoF)

> > >

> > > Revenant already has the most in common thematically with the Ritualist, whether you or some other Necromancers on this forum would like to admit. But that's not the topic here, if you like there's one in the Revenant section.

> >

> > I don't really care for necromancer in guild wars 2 (Was much better in GW1), Im a rev main and as a rev main I don't want ritualist on this class mainly because Its too samey. We have the aesthetic sure but just because we have blind folds doesn't mean we are the same. If you go by that logic than demon hunters from wow are essentially ritualists as well, blind-fold parties all around! In all seriousness though they use two different types of magic, Ritualists use souls and tap into the dead and not the mists themselves where as the mists are an inbetween of infinite realities and memories of said realities. For example Shiro exists in the mists, but the shiro we know was sealed and or killed within the domain of anguish and his soul was freed and allowed to pass into its true destination (Whatever that may be) in a side quest.

> >

> > Revenants are not Ritualists and they have little in common outside of aesthetic in their armor, to some degree. But Ritualists are just a different form of necromancy which is probably why they are not their own class; You could see them working Rit into necromancer easily. The ashes could be their ulities functioning similarly to Glint's up-keep skills where you need soul energy (Shroud) to keep them going. Your passive summons spirits through you and brings them to the physical world who will remain while your in combat, and based on trait decisions they can be damage or support or a hybrid of both.

> >

> > Then your shroud skills could be perhaps a mixture of skills such as splintered weapons, and other boons as well combat effects such as "Sacrifice" where you mark an enemy and deal more damage to them while constantly siphoning essence and health from them. Then your weapon skills could be your channeling spells this way the whole class is represented and is not limited by features, If you go with rev you will loose a lot of that. Mainly because I doubt they will remove the legend swap mechanic and you'd have to fit it into what we already have. Plus Ritualist was a light armor class, necromancer is as well and with Ritualist we could get mobility which is something necromancers lack and it opens the door for the ritualist to be our highly mobile, sustained-burst/support dps spec. They then could rework scourge to be strictly support or dps and reaper would be your frontline spec. The first two e-specs and core lack the mobility and sustained punching power, but make up for it in burst and utility that is unique to them.

> >

> > Plus there are no legendary figures outside of Togo and Razah who fit the bill for a legendary rit, and Razah could become ANY class and was not limited to remaining as a rit so I doubt it would be him. And togo would be a boring choice and one Id hate, which means we would be stuck with another meh character that would bring nothing new to the revenant... however the spec WOULD bring new mechanics and gameplay to the necro..

> >

> > Look at it like this, A-net will do whatever makes it the most new and interesting. Revenant would not be that for this spec infact Id dare to say that it would feel much like core revenant if not a little more limited. Necromancer would not only fit the theme better but would also give the spec some more wiggle room due to core having some interesting mechanics, imagine a death magic/soul-reaping/ritualist build? Or one with blood magic utilizing their restoration skills. The possibilities are endless and the theory craft is vast (plus they could give you ritualist cosmetics for the necromancer, change its coloring for the new specs skills to be a more blueish green and there. Bam. Ready to go.)


> Like i already said, if you want to continue this discussion move it to the Ritualist thread in the Revenant section.


I've already posted there I believe, I don't see the reason why it can't continue here. Its very much on topic~ But whatever

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > > I'd like Vampiric theme the most, they can tie it in with Hopping Vampires from Echovald Forest.

> > > Ritualist is a big no for Necromancer I'm afraid.

> >

> > Well then I don't want ritualist to show up at all... I really don't want rev to be forced into that role. I say let the necromance have it and get a slight theme change with spirits, ashes and so on maybe get some Bone shields and wall spells as well. Heck maybe let them get sword and shield and make them something of a warrior, that takes the ritualists teachings and uses it to hold the line.

> >

> > Revenants need something a bit cooler, something not so limited. Ritualists are super close to both guardians and necromancers within this game; I feel like Revenant really can get anything (Kalla had nothing to do with PoF)


> Revenant already has the most in common thematically with the Ritualist, whether you or some other Necromancers on this forum would like to admit. But that's not the topic here, if you like there's one in the Revenant section.


They actually don't. Show me the proof of that. Because I can point to their design, marketing, in game texts, skill icons/names and effects. You can even look at some in game dialog from Heros/henchmen to see just how obsessed with death they are. And compare that to the modern GW2 necromancer's dialog. You can point to the mists as a glue factor for your argument. However the Fact is the Necromancer references the mists as well and breaches it. The thing that distinguishes the Revenant from the Ritualist/Necromancer is the fact the revenant has the ability to breach other aspects of the mist aside from the Dead. Ritualist/Necromancer does not or cannot breach other parts of the mists.


Both Necromancer and Revenant breach the Mists. We have two very good examples from GW2 and I'll show you them. For necromancer we have [Ghastly Breach](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Breach) and Revenant we have [Citadel Bombardment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Citadel_Bombardment) . Notice something pretty strange and interesting about these two skills? Notice how each of them are described in their flavor? Take a real look at them because this will be on the test.


Ghastly Breach: "Breach into the realm of torment for a brief time"

Citadel Bombardment: "Open a portal through the mists of time, unleashing a storm of artillery from the united legions."


Lets go deeper! the [Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Mists): _"Before there were humans or dwarves, before there were even worlds or the stars that light the night sky, there was but one thing in the universe—the Mists. The Mists touch all things. They are what binds the universe together, past, present, and future. They are the source of all good and evil, of all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place."_


What I absolutely despise about this discussion is that the "rev=rit" players is they are asking to Hyper limit the scope of the Revenant when their abilities are far beyond that of the Ritualist. The ritualist isn't an elite spec of the revenant, their methods are different. Ritualist use the threads left over by the dead to connect to the spirit realm. The Revenant directly breaches the Mists and is capable of finding legends beyond the vial of time and space itself. You quite litterally have the power of the universe and you want to take the powers of the Necromancer/Ritualist. Why? Why when the theme of the revenant is already so awesome. You should embrace this reality bending, Cosmic class. Embrace its unnatural and otherworldly powers. You don't need to steal from the Necro/Rit to be amazing.

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Anet just please don't make a minion spec. It is an horrendous playstyle because relying on ai to fight it is bad and uncontrllable. Just look at how bad are the minions we have now. Spare yourself the trouble and go for whatever else except minion base elite spec.


As I posted before my hope would be for a double sword single target power duelist that use life force to gain block,evade and mobility.

Life force can be spent to dodge -> Necromantic Evade: spend 15% of life force to get an extra dodge. With an internal cd.

Gain new abilities that enhance your weapons attacks after performing a the special dodge.

Shroud now becomes a resource pool for casting skills to defend yourself and gain mobility.

The 5 shroud abilities should be an auto(no life force consume), 2 a leap, 3 an evade with condi clear, 4 channeled attack with fast cast no more then 2s, 5 block with shroud gain on being attacked. Utilities idk yet, a 1200 tele breakstun for sure



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> @"MorgothLich.1253" said:

> Anet just please don't make a minion spec. It is an horrendous playstyle because relying on ai to fight it is bad and uncontrllable. Just look at how bad are the minions we have now. Spare yourself the trouble and go for whatever else except minion base elite spec.


> As I posted before my hope would be for a double sword single target power duelist that use life force to gain block,evade and mobility.

> Life force can be spent to dodge -> Necromantic Evade: spend 15% of life force to get an extra dodge. With an internal cd.

> Gain new abilities that enhance your weapons attacks after performing a the special dodge.

> Shroud now becomes a resource pool for casting skills to defend yourself and gain mobility.

> The 5 shroud abilities should be an auto(no life force consume), 2 a leap, 3 an evade with condi clear, 4 channeled attack with fast cast no more then 2s, 5 block with shroud gain on being attacked. Utilities idk yet, a 1200 tele breakstun for sure




Minion AI isn't that bad anymore. The issues they have can be solved with more control abilities. And honestly I don't feel the same way as you. And I especially don't want another melee spec so soon after reaper.


"But Lily, scourge came after reaper..."




Necromancers are magic casters. I'd prefer this to be the dominant play style of the Class. Reaper melee bruiser should be it until the 4th set of elite specs. Then I'll be okay with a second melee spec.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"MorgothLich.1253" said:

> > Anet just please don't make a minion spec. It is an horrendous playstyle because relying on ai to fight it is bad and uncontrllable. Just look at how bad are the minions we have now. Spare yourself the trouble and go for whatever else except minion base elite spec.

> >

> > As I posted before my hope would be for a double sword single target power duelist that use life force to gain block,evade and mobility.

> > Life force can be spent to dodge -> Necromantic Evade: spend 15% of life force to get an extra dodge. With an internal cd.

> > Gain new abilities that enhance your weapons attacks after performing a the special dodge.

> > Shroud now becomes a resource pool for casting skills to defend yourself and gain mobility.

> > The 5 shroud abilities should be an auto(no life force consume), 2 a leap, 3 an evade with condi clear, 4 channeled attack with fast cast no more then 2s, 5 block with shroud gain on being attacked. Utilities idk yet, a 1200 tele breakstun for sure

> >

> >


> Minion AI isn't that bad anymore. The issues they have can be solved with more control abilities. And honestly I don't feel the same way as you. And I especially don't want another melee spec so soon after reaper.


> "But Lily, scourge came after reaper..."




> Necromancers are magic casters. I'd prefer this to be the dominant play style of the Class. Reaper melee bruiser should be it until the 4th set of elite specs. Then I'll be okay with a second melee spec.


Why not a mobile necro spec?


maybe something like make a teleport and leave fear puddle on ground fearing people? I just want a mobile spec that isn't rooted to having to be hit on to tank and be gimped.



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Why not a mobile necro spec?


It's unlikely. "Mobility" is out of the necromancer's character as ANet designed it. Just like "block" or "boon" support is out of it.

Beside, ANet have to cope with core necromancer as it is so any more mobility than it already have will be labelled as "powercreep".



In my opinion, the next e-spec will revolve around either of these thematics: Minions or Self-ailment.


There is plenty of ways to implement a true minion e-spec by introducing passive (nature spirit/turret) or AI minions. They do have a place on an e-spec utility bar (since it would basically just add variety to the current choice of minions) and sacrificing the "shroud" for minion(s) doesn't totally feel out of place either.


As for self-ailment, be it by drawing conditions from allies or by self inflicted conditions like _corruptions_ does, it feel like it would be so unexpected that it's realistic. An e-spec refining this kind of mechanism wouldn't directly add "powercreep" since _corruptions_ already exist and I doubt anybody would complain about necromancer killing himself faster.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> My main issue with summoner is that our current minions don’t look cool and evil.

> The overall design of our minions look cute rather than dark and scary.

> Would prefer Diablo styled minions tbh.


Oh yes this. So much of this!!!!!


I miss the GW1 flesh golem so much compared to what we have in GW2!

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There are not many distinct capability improvements that do not directly contradict Arenanet's Necromancer design principles.


* Low mobility

* Best / only boon corruption

* High sustain

* Lowest dps and burst

* Lowest boon access

* Most number of pets

* Best at managing conditions (Is this accurate anymore?)

* Weak to Control Effects and low CE access

* No blocks or reflects (reliant on shroud, 2 dodges and limited interrupts)


The community had to complain a lot to get cleave and group health support. The complaints spanned years and years to produce results that allowed group PvE.


Blood Magic had a major rework to add Vampiric Presence, which failed to make Necro attractive, and Transfusion, which helped in PUGs. MH dagger was also changed to cleave a single additional target in its short range. These changes were welcome but Necro still underperformed in PvE by a large amount.


Years of complaints finally made a difference with HoT and PoF. First was Reaper that got Necro into groups vs large hit box bosses. Second was Scourge, which added health support without competing with Druid, Ele, or other heal support.


Arenanet had to break with their original design mantra for the last two expansions but really struggled with it. What will they do next, make a boon-spam elite? They tried doubling down on corruption and had to reverse that. The same is true for minions, burning (twice), condi AoE, shroud sustain, maybe others like terror/fear or stability.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Why not a mobile necro spec?


> It's unlikely. "Mobility" is out of the necromancer's character as ANet designed it. Just like "block" or "boon" support is out of it.

> Beside, ANet have to cope with core necromancer as it is so any more mobility than it already have will be labelled as "powercreep".


> Edit:

> In my opinion, the next e-spec will revolve around either of these thematics: Minions or Self-ailment.


> There is plenty of ways to implement a true minion e-spec by introducing passive (nature spirit/turret) or AI minions. They do have a place on an e-spec utility bar (since it would basically just add variety to the current choice of minions) and sacrificing the "shroud" for minion(s) doesn't totally feel out of place either.


> As for self-ailment, be it by drawing conditions from allies or by self inflicted conditions like _corruptions_ does, it feel like it would be so unexpected that it's realistic. An e-spec refining this kind of mechanism wouldn't directly add "powercreep" since _corruptions_ already exist and I doubt anybody would complain about necromancer killing himself faster.


Not different enough to really be an elite spec.


Elite specs should be something new and a new way to play a class. We already have minions and a minion trait line as well as self harm and a bunch of skills that synergise with it.


"It could be a new type of minion AI or different self harm" doesn't change the fact that these are themes the class already had and are covered and don't really fit what the specs are about.

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I think "reanimation" would be the way to go. You create minions by reanimating things you have killed. The amount of life force needed depends on the level of the creature/player. If a minion is killed you can reanimate it again, if you have enough life force. The very simplest case would be the reanimated corpse attacks like it has been taunted, but you specify the target. It seems like it would be reasonably easy to implement and consistent with existing mechanisms.


More complicated control systems are possible of course.


P.S. See the web comic "solo leveling" for inspiration. sololeveling dot net

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> Not different enough to really be an elite spec.


> Elite specs should be something new and a new way to play a class. We already have minions and a minion trait line as well as self harm and a bunch of skills that synergise with it.


> "It could be a new type of minion AI or different self harm" doesn't change the fact that these are themes the class already had and are covered and don't really fit what the specs are about.


Because you truly think that reaper or scourge's theme added something new?

Reaper is basically a shroud thematic with a bit of chill while scourge is all about corruption (it's flooded with corruption) and sharing the "shroud".

It's because it's themes that the core profession already have that it's likely that they would be expanded into e-spec.


An elite spec use what's already here and twist it in such a way that the profession become more proficient in it. Nothing more nothing less. It's more than possible to expand on the minion's thematic just like it is possible to expand on the self harm mechanism. There is plenty of ways for both options to generate new way to play the profession.

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Hey, I had a thought regarding a function for Necro in the next expansion. One of the most serious deficiencies Necro has is the inability to lay down useful combination fields or finish combination fields.


An elite trait line made just to focus on combinations could be useful.


Combo fields also cannot be modified and simply stack under one another. What if Necro's large number of fields could modify and strengthen those of other types?


I also expect at least one profession to have a new buff or debuff but am not confident Necro is likely to get it.


Also, Necro has not been very good at sharing its condition management skills. Well of Power feels like an abandoned concept, as do other condition removal or flipping skills.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Perhaps we need a minion spec that uses new minions as slower, seeking attacks and AoE. You don't need much better AI if they just have to track a target or make their way to a location. Suicide attacks by the undead are already in the necromancer lore and you could easily do something like a shade that has a 100% movement bonus and curses anyone they pass through (i.e. piercing, but maybe with a different effect) while chasing their target. Slower than most abilities and dependent on target selection, but if they're dangerous enough it could put a lot of pressure on their target to use active defenses. Such a minion master could be the ranged equivalent of the reaper's base slow hits that take skill to land and hurt when they do. Make our enemies have to choose between using active defenses or running from fear! (Literally, that hypothetical shade inflicting fear and chill would be absolutely classic for ghosts.)


Give us a partially-ranged playstyle that's highly positional and requires some skill, but gets a mechanic that makes us more mobile in bursts and really rewards timing & situational awareness. I want minions that feel consequential, as if demons & the dead are actually something to be feared instead a weak DoT you cleanse with damage.

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> @"Ceit.1869" said:

> Perhaps we need a minion spec that uses new minions as slower, seeking attacks and AoE. You don't need much better AI if they just have to track a target or make their way to a location. Suicide attacks by the undead are already in the necromancer lore and you could easily do something like a shade that has a 100% movement bonus and curses anyone they pass through (i.e. piercing, but maybe with a different effect) while chasing their target. Slower than most abilities and dependent on target selection, but if they're dangerous enough it could put a lot of pressure on their target to use active defenses. Such a minion master could be the ranged equivalent of the reaper's base slow hits that take skill to land and hurt when they do. Make our enemies have to choose between using active defenses or running from fear! (Literally, that hypothetical shade inflicting fear and chill would be absolutely classic for ghosts.)


> Give us a partially-ranged playstyle that's highly positional and requires some skill, but gets a mechanic that makes us more mobile in bursts and really rewards timing & situational awareness. I want minions that feel consequential, as if demons & the dead are actually something to be feared instead a weak DoT you cleanse with damage.


Look up the complaints about Blast Gyro when it was still a minion type. Even if the only purpose of a minion is to walk to a target and destruct themselves, it seems that Anet has problems implementing such a mechanic in a good way.

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Once again my optimism about the code betrays me. I'm not sure why, I'm a programmer myself and generally really cynical about everyone's code. Apparently I just assume too much because GW2 is less blatantly buggy than WoW used to be.

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What is with this nonsense about revenant being more suited to a ritualist spec than necromancer? Hello? Necro is a light armor spellcaster, themed around the dead and the occult. Revenant is a heavy armor melee/support hybrid that channels legendary figures from Tyria's past. The most it has in common with ritualist is they both wear a blindfold and they both start with R.


Alright fine, I will concede there is some nontrivial thematic overlap between rev and rit. But revenant has always been about new concepts, because it is the newest class, and rit is such an obvious choice for a necro spec in this expansion. Make it a support build that summons buffing spirits that can also be used offensively, perhaps with shroud mechanic. Other necro minions are pretty useless, but stationary spirits that give buffs, kind of like ranger but sufficiently differentiated with other utilities, could be an exception to that, if they did it right. Obviously Summon Spirits (i.e. to your location) would be a key part of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sword mainhand. Instead of having a shroud skill set, it will cause your weapon skills to inherit shroud traits. Activating shroud consumes all your life force, granting a duration based upon the amount consumed. The lack of extra health bar/barrier will allow us access to those much sought after abilities of other classes such as evade/block.

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> @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> We need a support ritualistic necro or a dps/utility one that can reanimate and command a zerg of dead mobs (killed by yourself)


These niches are already filled, tho.


Scourge is obviously necromancers support elite spec, while reaper got changed after release to fit more into the dps niche.

Looking at the usual roles Anet has given out as elite spec (dps, support, and bruiser), necromancer is missing a bruiser elite spec.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> > We need a support ritualistic necro or a dps/utility one that can reanimate and command a zerg of dead mobs (killed by yourself)


> These niches are already filled, tho.


> Scourge is obviously necromancers support elite spec, while reaper got changed after release to fit more into the dps niche.

> Looking at the usual roles Anet has given out as elite spec (dps, support, and bruiser), necromancer is missing a bruiser elite spec.


Is bruiser supposed to be low dps, high sustain or something different?

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> > > We need a support ritualistic necro or a dps/utility one that can reanimate and command a zerg of dead mobs (killed by yourself)

> >

> > These niches are already filled, tho.

> >

> > Scourge is obviously necromancers support elite spec, while reaper got changed after release to fit more into the dps niche.

> > Looking at the usual roles Anet has given out as elite spec (dps, support, and bruiser), necromancer is missing a bruiser elite spec.


> Is bruiser supposed to be low dps, high sustain or something different?


I would say medium dps, high sustain. Examples of already established bruiser elite specs are scrapper, spellbreaker, daredevil....

Basically specs with good defensive mechanics, while also being able to dish out some damage. There are different ways to achieve this, tho, like daredevil gets most of his survivability through dodge mechanics.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> > > > We need a support ritualistic necro or a dps/utility one that can reanimate and command a zerg of dead mobs (killed by yourself)

> > >

> > > These niches are already filled, tho.

> > >

> > > Scourge is obviously necromancers support elite spec, while reaper got changed after release to fit more into the dps niche.

> > > Looking at the usual roles Anet has given out as elite spec (dps, support, and bruiser), necromancer is missing a bruiser elite spec.

> >

> > Is bruiser supposed to be low dps, high sustain or something different?


> I would say medium dps, high sustain. Examples of already established bruiser elite specs are scrapper, spellbreaker, daredevil....

> Basically specs with good defensive mechanics, while also being able to dish out some damage. There are different ways to achieve this, tho, like daredevil gets most of his survivability through dodge mechanics.


Ah, thanks. This appears to go back to Necro not having skills that provide the same immunity regardless of the number of attackers. Shroud gives damage immunity up to the amount of Life Force available but Health takes spill-over damage after being bursted from Shroud. For example, multiple trash mobs can burn off Shroud's shield of LF in an instant so the skill effectiveness decreases as incoming dps increases.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > > > @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> > > > > We need a support ritualistic necro or a dps/utility one that can reanimate and command a zerg of dead mobs (killed by yourself)

> > > >

> > > > These niches are already filled, tho.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge is obviously necromancers support elite spec, while reaper got changed after release to fit more into the dps niche.

> > > > Looking at the usual roles Anet has given out as elite spec (dps, support, and bruiser), necromancer is missing a bruiser elite spec.

> > >

> > > Is bruiser supposed to be low dps, high sustain or something different?

> >

> > I would say medium dps, high sustain. Examples of already established bruiser elite specs are scrapper, spellbreaker, daredevil....

> > Basically specs with good defensive mechanics, while also being able to dish out some damage. There are different ways to achieve this, tho, like daredevil gets most of his survivability through dodge mechanics.


> Ah, thanks. This appears to go back to Necro not having skills that provide the same immunity regardless of the number of attackers. Shroud gives damage immunity up to the amount of Life Force available but Health takes spill-over damage after being bursted from Shroud. For example, multiple trash mobs can burn off Shroud's shield of LF in an instant so the skill effectiveness decreases as incoming dps increases.


Agreed, while the scrapper does something that is kinda close with the permanent barrier build up through dealing damage, he still also has access to defensive mechanics which are able to withstand potentially unlimited damage for that time frame like evades and blocks.


Would be great to give necromancers a bruiser elite spec that also gets access to such mechanics (thematically, putting evades and blocks into necromancer would be quite easy), in exchange to changing the shroud so that their survivability does't become too overbearing in competitive modes.

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