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Soulbeast Damage Adjustments

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> My only gripe is that you're only considering zerker soulbeast with longbow/gs and not the other power options. Granted the Sic 'em build is by far the best right now, but this change just buries the less bursty ranger builds even further.

To be honest, that is an issue on any class. The game is pretty much zerker/marauder and damage modifiers now if you don't want your experience look like fighting 80% bunker builds you can't kill in less than 2 minutes.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > So when the kitten are you gonna touch condi thieves plaguing WvW?

> >

> > Or are we just catering to people who still cry about losing to a ranger?


> I haven't even seen one in wvw since the condi thief nerf half yr ago or so, they still around? Do u mean condi DE?


Can confirm I have seen them

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Funny thing is, the core Ranger Marksmanship build is almost as broken, less dmg but still too much by being way more tanky. When the problematic traits are in core traitlines then you have to nerf the problematic core traits. It is rly simple... but you prefer to butcher elites for whatever reasons...

Anyway good thing is, i just started with core Ranger, so i can still be carried by it. :joy: Meanwhile i prefered to face a Ranger over any Ele, FB, Necro because at least they can die...

Passive Pet skills need a rework already, also you can give Soulbeast pet swap back it became a pretty boring spec in my view and delete revive by merging ability instead then. Also my beloved Necro stays in cringe braindead state just as Ele and FB. Mirage not fixed. Pretty disappointing patch today.

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> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> Hi Everyone,


> Outside of various bugfixes, the main balance tweaks we have in today’s build are some adjustments to Soulbeast damage, most notably the single-hit potential of both Maul and Worldly Impact, but also reducing Soulbeast damage output in general. We’ve seen a lot of discussion on the topic and a lot of discussion on what adjustments make sense to bring the damage down, so we wanted to provide some details around what we did and why.


> There were a handful of things that were considered:

> * Marksmanship traits (Moment of Clarity+Remorseless)

> * Sic’Em

> * Beastmastery attribute bonuses while merged

> * Merged attribute bonuses from ferocious pets

> * Power coefficients of Maul and Worldly Impact


> Marksmanship adjustments were dismissed pretty early due to the impact they would have on other ranger builds, notably core ranger builds that rely more heavily on marksmanship due to the absence of Sic’Em, other multipliers from the soulbeast traitline, and the stat bonuses from merging. In addition, we’re currently less concerned with the build of soulbeast, beastmastery, marksmanship. This is the glassiest iteration of soulbeast and while it hits the largest numbers, it's also extremely vulnerable to enemy pressure. We’ll definitely be keeping an eye on the build moving forward as it will still be able to have massive single hits under ideal conditions, but in general we expect it to be held in check by more balanced builds in the meta.


> Moving on, we essentially had two choices. Shaving coefficients of Maul and Worldly impact was definitely warranted, so the remaining question was whether we hit Sic’Em or the soulbeast merge bonuses to make up the remaining damage reduction. We went with the attribute adjustments due to how free they are, or rather the lack of opportunity cost. Beastmastery is full of valuable traits and is a strong choice even in the absence of the soulbeast specialization, so the bonus attributes while merged are just bonus value on top. Similarly, many of the ferocious pets like gazelle and smokescale are already competitive options before considering the extra 200 power and 100 ferocity while merged. Sic’Em, while a powerful utility skill (and probably still a bit overtuned relative to where we want offensive utilities to be), does require a slot on the skill bar, and we’d rather see players continue to slot Sic’Em to maximize damage than simply replace it with something else had we nerfed it and left the merge buffs alone. For some frame of reference, the combination of changes we made is a slightly heavier nerf than if we reduced the Sic’Em multiplier from 25% to 15%, plus the shaves to power coefficients on top of that.


> These changes may be a bit light overall, but as we talked about previously our plan is to make smaller, more controlled adjustments more often and re-evaluate as needed with the goal of improving balance in the long run.


> That's all for today's update. There's definitely more to discuss balance-wise than just soulbeast, and we'll have more to talk about in a future post.



> -The Systems Team



> Here are the relevant soulbeast changes for anyone who doesn't want to cross-check with the update notes, but definitely go check out the notes for the full list of bugfixes.

> * Pack Alpha: Reduced stats granted to merged soulbeasts from 150 to 75 in PvP and WvW.

> * Pet's Prowess: Reduced ferocity granted to merged soulbeasts from 300 to 150 in PvP and WvW.

> * Ferocious (Soulbeast Pet Archetype Effect): Reduced power granted from 200 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

> * Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.

> * Worldly Impact: Reduced power coefficient from 1.512 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.




I'm really glad the changes are in both competitive modes. It used to be this would be a PvP only change meaning whatever class the changes concerned would continue to run around in small scale WvW being disgusting to play against, which caused me and a lot of my friends to simply stop playing.


Easy thumbs up, well done.

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> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> Hi Everyone,


> Outside of various bugfixes, the main balance tweaks we have in today’s build are some adjustments to Soulbeast damage, most notably the single-hit potential of both Maul and Worldly Impact, but also reducing Soulbeast damage output in general. We’ve seen a lot of discussion on the topic and a lot of discussion on what adjustments make sense to bring the damage down, so we wanted to provide some details around what we did and why.


> There were a handful of things that were considered:

> * Marksmanship traits (Moment of Clarity+Remorseless)

> * Sic’Em

> * Beastmastery attribute bonuses while merged

> * Merged attribute bonuses from ferocious pets

> * Power coefficients of Maul and Worldly Impact


> Marksmanship adjustments were dismissed pretty early due to the impact they would have on other ranger builds, notably core ranger builds that rely more heavily on marksmanship due to the absence of Sic’Em, other multipliers from the soulbeast traitline, and the stat bonuses from merging. In addition, we’re currently less concerned with the build of soulbeast, beastmastery, marksmanship. This is the glassiest iteration of soulbeast and while it hits the largest numbers, it's also extremely vulnerable to enemy pressure. We’ll definitely be keeping an eye on the build moving forward as it will still be able to have massive single hits under ideal conditions, but in general we expect it to be held in check by more balanced builds in the meta.


> Moving on, we essentially had two choices. Shaving coefficients of Maul and Worldly impact was definitely warranted, so the remaining question was whether we hit Sic’Em or the soulbeast merge bonuses to make up the remaining damage reduction. We went with the attribute adjustments due to how free they are, or rather the lack of opportunity cost. Beastmastery is full of valuable traits and is a strong choice even in the absence of the soulbeast specialization, so the bonus attributes while merged are just bonus value on top. Similarly, many of the ferocious pets like gazelle and smokescale are already competitive options before considering the extra 200 power and 100 ferocity while merged. Sic’Em, while a powerful utility skill (and probably still a bit overtuned relative to where we want offensive utilities to be), does require a slot on the skill bar, and we’d rather see players continue to slot Sic’Em to maximize damage than simply replace it with something else had we nerfed it and left the merge buffs alone. For some frame of reference, the combination of changes we made is a slightly heavier nerf than if we reduced the Sic’Em multiplier from 25% to 15%, plus the shaves to power coefficients on top of that.


> These changes may be a bit light overall, but as we talked about previously our plan is to make smaller, more controlled adjustments more often and re-evaluate as needed with the goal of improving balance in the long run.


> That's all for today's update. There's definitely more to discuss balance-wise than just soulbeast, and we'll have more to talk about in a future post.



> -The Systems Team



> Here are the relevant soulbeast changes for anyone who doesn't want to cross-check with the update notes, but definitely go check out the notes for the full list of bugfixes.

> * Pack Alpha: Reduced stats granted to merged soulbeasts from 150 to 75 in PvP and WvW.

> * Pet's Prowess: Reduced ferocity granted to merged soulbeasts from 300 to 150 in PvP and WvW.

> * Ferocious (Soulbeast Pet Archetype Effect): Reduced power granted from 200 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

> * Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.

> * Worldly Impact: Reduced power coefficient from 1.512 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.




Exciting! I'm thinking we are now 1 step closer to some major improvements and buffs to profession stuff that needs it!

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > So when the kitten are you gonna touch condi thieves plaguing WvW?

> >

> > Or are we just catering to people who still cry about losing to a ranger?


> I haven't even seen one in wvw since the condi thief nerf half yr ago or so, they still around? Do u mean condi DE?


The only thieves I see not playing condi evade cheese are pew pew rangers who migrated to rifle deadeye builds

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > So when the kitten are you gonna touch condi thieves plaguing WvW?

> > >

> > > Or are we just catering to people who still cry about losing to a ranger?

> >

> > I haven't even seen one in wvw since the condi thief nerf half yr ago or so, they still around? Do u mean condi DE?


> The only thieves I see not playing condi evade cheese are pew pew rangers who migrated to rifle deadeye builds


Lol I'm behind the times on sa DD dp

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> @"Bossun.2046" said:

> such a well reasoned nerf to slb. attacked where it would only affect one build good job.

How Rangers are happy some op builds escaped the deserved nerf hammer by Anet avoiding to nerf core traites even though they are the root problem xD Seems like sacrificing an elite spec in hope to keep at least core in a strong state is the new way to go for main class player...

No clue why the new balance team hates elite specs that much... and prefer to not touch braindead and/ or op stuff in core traitlines (and pets)



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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> What about the pets and their passive CC's?


The swap mechanics of pets make them often more of an active effect than a passive one for all but the lowest tiers of gameplay. Hell, I'm a pretty casual player, but I even know how to manage when I un-merge to get a knockdown from my pet.

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I think you broke the tooltip for Maul with these changes.

It says it does less damage when ferocious-merged than when un-merged.

A couple of quick tests suggest that isn't the case though and only a tooltip issue.


Also, you might want to consider giving them something else in return. Damage changes that smooth things out and address things that stick out are fine, that is the purpose of your changes after all. However, it's a rather under-used class overall (in WvW) and there are things you could give in terms of utility to shape a role for it when playing with other classes. The application and utility on both core, Druid and Soulbeast is often clunky and leaves more to be desired. The staff-mechanics which are very PvE/pet oriented, the power-to-user friendliness balance of glyphs (which are rather weak for how clunky they are) and things like the pre-nerfed state of stance-sharing comes to mind.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> So, since commanders in WvW already hate rangers and routinely kick us, rangers were left to be the premier roamers, in part because of our DPS. @Cal Cohen, Tell me then, now that you have double nerfed Rangers, first with the tuning down that everybody received and now this, what role in WvW do you envision for Rangers? Surely you haven't adopted the meta opinion that Rangers have no place in WvW, and yet by listening to all the opposition to Rangers on the forums you are stripping away the last role in which playing ranger shined.


Chrono/Mirage wave at you. Welcome, care for some tea?

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> can you fix pet damage?


This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.


It's worth a look.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > can you fix pet damage?


> This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.


> It's worth a look.



"Birds hitting for 9-10k"


What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?


Do you people have that much of a personal beef with the class?


Pets have never been able to hit for this much outside of the very old smokescale and bugged gazelle and nothing has been done to them to make them hit this hard now


Ranger is simultaneously the most OP class in the game while half the playerbase is running some kind of burn guard these days


Doesn't make much sense to me

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > can you fix pet damage?

> >

> > This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.

> >

> > It's worth a look.

> >


> "Birds hitting for 9-10k"


> What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?


> Do you people have that much of a personal beef with the class?


> Pets have never been able to hit for this much outside of the very old smokescale and bugged gazelle and nothing has been done to them to make them hit this hard now


> Ranger is simultaneously the most OP class in the game while half the playerbase is running some kind of burn guard these days


> **Doesn't make much sense to me**

You arent making sense


Still did maul on zerk core ranger 9800 on engi, good nerf /s

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > can you fix pet damage?

> > >

> > > This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.

> > >

> > > It's worth a look.

> > >

> >

> > "Birds hitting for 9-10k"

> >

> > What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?

> >

> > Do you people have that much of a personal beef with the class?

> >

> > Pets have never been able to hit for this much outside of the very old smokescale and bugged gazelle and nothing has been done to them to make them hit this hard now

> >

> > Ranger is simultaneously the most OP class in the game while half the playerbase is running some kind of burn guard these days

> >

> > **Doesn't make much sense to me**

> You arent making sense

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99760/kitten-fix-this-kitten-pets-coefficients-already#latest

> Still did maul on zerk core ranger 9800 on engi, good nerf /s


"Slash, 6 hits"


So you let a bird hit you 3 times for ~2k damage each time and that's OP?


Maybe actually attack the bird? It will die in like 2 hits from whatever glass you're running.


Stop crying for anet to nerf it into irrelevance because you want to ignore it instead of learning to play

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See the link on my post where F2 did 13k may be?


There is another shows pounce 12k, just in case you would want to call someone a liar again, kiddo.

You are clearly suck at math, it did 3 hits roughly 4k each (and he had no sic em even, pet damage is alrdy through the roof). Which is pretty much the same if bird **autos** would be replaced with maul. Bird doesnt die from 2 hits either, you are just bad player that defend this BS. pets hit way harder than zerk players, rofl

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > So, since commanders in WvW already hate rangers and routinely kick us, rangers were left to be the premier roamers, in part because of our DPS. @Cal Cohen, Tell me then, now that you have double nerfed Rangers, first with the tuning down that everybody received and now this, what role in WvW do you envision for Rangers? Surely you haven't adopted the meta opinion that Rangers have no place in WvW, and yet by listening to all the opposition to Rangers on the forums you are stripping away the last role in which playing ranger shined.


> Chrono/Mirage wave at you. Welcome, care for some tea?


Veil and portal have alsways been good in a zerg and there was a good period of time when gravity well was top tier CC


Just because they don't need more than 1 mesmer per 30 or so players doesn't mean mesmer is anywhere nearly as loathed as ranger in a zerg


Even thieves never got as shat on, especially back when they could just obliterate a backline with vault spam

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Good job nerfing one of the few specs that was able to _punish_ misplaying bunker pugs to a reasonable degree. Meanwhile, guardians, revenants, eles and necros can keep on being drooling pepegas while doing business as usual.


You're acting like bunker classes cant get hotfixed if they're immortal and that having 13k mauls was fair because they existed, when they could easily use that maul on a glass spec and erase them from existence.


glass specs still exist that don't have to rely on 5 digit strikes. If they can't move bunkers, that can always get fixed. You dont need to have single moves that do 6k on the lowend and 14k when the stars align.


The balance team already proved they have no issues shaving bunkers. They'll get to it.


> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> Stop crying for anet to nerf it into irrelevance because you want to ignore it instead of learning to play


An add not maybe not doing 5 digit strikes while the player it is allied to actively attacks you isn't "nerfing it into irrelevance." If it did half that damage it would still be useful.

@"Odik.4587" Is right on this.


>What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?


:/ Where's the lie?

It's not hard to fact check me instead of accusing me of lying. Odik has screenshots though. Pounce for tiger hits about that hard too.

No matter which way you slice it, a pet autoing for 90% of the low health pool class' lineup's max HP isn't balanced. We can address any bunkers that have infinite hp after.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > Stop crying for anet to nerf it into irrelevance because you want to ignore it instead of learning to play


> An add not maybe not doing 5 digit strikes while the player it is allied to actively attacks you isn't "nerfing it into irrelevance." If it did half that it would still be useful.

> @"Odik.4587" Is right on this.


> >What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?


> :astonished:

> It's not hard to fact check me instead of accusing me of lying. Odik has screenshots though. Pounce for tiger hits about that hard too.


Bro, look at the pic. It says right there that it hit 6 times with slash which means it hit with 3 separate attacks that do 2 packets of damage each.


It didn't hit once for 13k.


No it doesn't, Tiger pounce douesn't even hit that hard in PvE


And even if it did, we're talking about a dumb melee npc that has 16k health and nearly no armor meaning they can't even survive ambient aoe damage in group fights


It's just one thing after another. Base game pet's haven't seen a major buff since anet fixed their melee attack range allowing them to actually hit a moving target but suddenly now they do "too much damage"


Apparently even base ranger isn't allowed to be useful in pvp

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

Bruh, I gave him 2 threads with screens on its damage sources, pounce/F2 on bird/autos on bird 4k EACH and still deny it... if he cant reach that damage because he doesnt know how .... which translates to be bad at his own class... I just took them here, feel free to use them :D

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/rzkCzgX.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/aE6YKEM.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/HYlPncJ.png "")

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