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It’s time to roll out! “Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire” is now live.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> [Welcome to the warband](http://guildwars2.com/en/news/visions-of-the-past-steel-and-fire-is-live/).



Does the missions "scale" in terms of difficulty based on number of players?

**Very good gameplay, a few UI Suggestions if I may** :)


![mission join UI suggestion](https://i.imgur.com/4NdicWL.jpg "")


![strike mission UI suggestion](https://i.imgur.com/2IBKrAe.jpg "")


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The main npcs of the warband are really awesome, I love Nicabar and Vishen. Sad they are with ryland. I like their personalities. Grindsteel and Cinder are cool too. I noticed at the start of the instance there is an helicopter, a similar one than the one seen in core maps, would be an interesting thing to start a mission within that helicopter to be after launch to the place of action. The tank is also playing metal legion songs it's a really nice touch. That kind of format is very interesting because it's a type of interactice fractal: you have a main line but you can participate in it how you want: helping to brew weird drinks for a tonicholic, sniping enemies with a rifle that really feel like a deadeye rifle, repairing the tank or simply using tank weapons to kill everything. I definitely have a lot of fun doing them, and have nothing to compalin about the steel warband vision in itself, so here is another clap for the devs who designed it. : +1 :heart: :grin:

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.

> Actually there was communication on raid development as recent as early february of this year in the [message from Andrew Gray](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97028/a-message-from-andrew-gray/p1):

> > - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, **the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract**.

> To me that translates to _we can't afford to spend resources on raid development until we have more people raiding but hope to find them via strike missions_.


Correct, but this was also said right around the release of W7.


"We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season." - ANet Jason


Basically my issue is from the backpedaling in February that you are referencing. I'm pissed they gave us hope, then waited 8 months to just rip it away again. Honestly, I really only play the game to raid at this point. What's the point in staying faithful to the game and spending any money on the gem store if all they're are gonna do is change their mind like the wind changes direction? They killed dungeons with raids and now they're gonna kill raids with strikes which are joke fights that offer no satisfaction to people looking for a challenge.

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Loving the update. Knocked it out of the park in my opinion. I loved the new Strike. Fairly easy, but the map is wonderful and it's a nice sightseeing trip. We have a few difficult Strikes now, so another more casual one feels nice at this point. Normally I don't love having other players in my story instances, but since we were all transformed into Charr it wasn't immersion breaking at all, which is usually my main peeve. The sudden appearance of those enemies in the strike really floored me too, from a lore standpoint.


I thought the challenge of the boss fight in Darkrime Delves was perfect. Kept me on my toes, and made the character feel appropriately kickass, but wasn't *frustratingly* difficult so I could keep the story moving along more or less cinematically.


I'm loving the Eye of the North as a Strike hub, the Priority Strikes finally gave me the push to try Boneskinner and Whisper for the first time. Boneskinner took my PUG a few tries, but we finally managed it!

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Now that I've played the Season 1 instances, I really have to wonder: Why? Who are they for?

I started GW2 in 2015, way past LS1, but I am one of those players who do go to youtube and have a general idea what the season was about. Still, couldn't you have added a little more context to these instances? The instances by themselves are not very impressive. A few mobs, then a boss fight, well. They were supposed to introduce us to the characters, I think, but they fail at this since they basically expect us to already know them by this point. And then they often end with cliffhangers that cannot be addressed further, because this is all we have from LS1 now.

I'm seriously confused about this move. The instances add little to the characters' backgrounds and are not overly impressive instances by themselves either.


I mean, thanks for adding at least a bit of LS1 back, I guess, but still.... Huh.


OTOH, I absolutely agree that the music for the new missions is great. ^^

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> Now that I've played the Season 1 instances, I really have to wonder: Why? Who are they for?

> I started GW2 in 2015, way past LS1, but I am one of those players who do go to youtube and have a general idea what the season was about. Still, couldn't you have added a little more context to these instances? The instances by themselves are not very impressive. A few mobs, then a boss fight, well. They were supposed to introduce us to the characters, I think, but they fail at this since they basically expect us to already know them by this point. And then they often end with cliffhangers that cannot be addressed further, because this is all we have from LS1 now.

> I'm seriously confused about this move. The instances add little to the characters' backgrounds and are not overly impressive instances by themselves either.


I played season 1 back in the days and the fights where harder in my memory than they are now (I still hate the canach-fight :) ). Sure, a reason is, I wasn't experienced at that time and we now have elite specs and "power-creep".


And it is confusing, that the dialogues are not adjusted even a little bit to the new situation that they are now stand-alone instances.


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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > > I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.

> > Actually there was communication on raid development as recent as early february of this year in the [message from Andrew Gray](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97028/a-message-from-andrew-gray/p1):

> > > - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, **the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract**.

> > To me that translates to _we can't afford to spend resources on raid development until we have more people raiding but hope to find them via strike missions_.


> Correct, but this was also said right around the release of W7.


> "We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season." - ANet Jason


> Basically my issue is from the backpedaling in February that you are referencing. I'm pissed they gave us hope, then waited 8 months to just rip it away again. Honestly, I really only play the game to raid at this point. What's the point in staying faithful to the game and spending any money on the gem store if all they're are gonna do is change their mind like the wind changes direction? They killed dungeons with raids and now they're gonna kill raids with strikes which are joke fights that offer no satisfaction to people looking for a challenge.


A word of advice: Anet is a company that has to make money. It is not a charity and it is not a kickstarter-project. Buy only things if you like them now. But do not buy things now just because you hope they maybe will make something in the future that you like. Because you have no saying in what they do with their money (that was your money before).


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Well was expecting a reply by someone. I get your point, and frankly I don't like shouting to be heard, It's just that when I written my answers, I was angered by seeing that strikes missions are used in collections or achievement. I also put too much caps-lock will surely edit that. So I edited the original post, but I kept it very similar.

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> >Why? What exactly makes you think this is NOT okay? Why is a PvE collection (most of them are btw, no idea why you had to put emphasis on this) not fine to >require to you play this type of content? This reads like textbook entitlement to me and I'll need to you to explain this one to me because I can't figure anything else >out from this.


> ->So for the first point, Strike missions isn't PVE, it's forcing players to do raid content, raid isn't equal to pve, like fractal isn't equal to pve, it's sub-categories of that content, as I said, you can't force players that used to play for a certain way for long time (even if it's non meta build) to simply go on snowcrow or metabattle to change their dps in order to complete a strike boss. Many will prefer to simply keep their low dps build, if it's the build where they have the more fun with. A PVE collection, it requires thing PRESENT in the maps and collectable/ doable within them, not instanced content present in those maps; PVE is equal to world bosses, finding an item around in a map, killing an enemy in the map, using vista, doing jumping puzzle, NOT AN INSTANCED CONTENT. (at least this is how I see and some other see it, but I respect your opinion on that)


> ---


> >Which achievements are there in particular that you struggle with? From a cursory glance I've not seen any that seemed too difficult? Just a lot of grinding maybe.


> ->I should have explained: I speak about the ryland steelcatcher footstep, it literally require you to do several strike missions. Someone can confirm me if other footsteps also require strikes or not, but as example, I just discovered that the vishen one, involve 0 strikes mission, so I can give them that good point. But the point here is that you are basically condemning some achiev because players can't do part of them. Here in vishen you have to complete khan ur jp, and you know there is some peoples that hate jumping puzzles. There is always exception or peoples not liking a type of content, and those footsteps achiev are "forcing them".


> ---


> > I think they thought a lot about their playerbase when they figured it would be nice to give us another cape to earn. Keyword: Earn. This is a game. It shouldn't be >"available to everyone", in a sense it already is. Nobody has a guy standing in front of them saying "No, you cannot do that" when they try to load into the map or >look up a guide. Price will surely drop as more weapons are available. Are they really at fault for wanting people to play what they create? Play it more than once? I >dare say no, not at all.


> ->Here I was speaking about some of the weapon item costing a lot due to requiring stabilizing prophet crystal, but I agree the cost will go down with time.

> I'm also for them pushing players to play a content, or orienting them to a specific content they created, but the achiev is basically asking you to complete the strike, not trying to. The whole group will have someone if front on them saying "Nope you can't have that" if they aren't pro of their specialization role.

> What bother me is that they keep insisting on the fact that their strikes will magically convert pve players to raiders. It's impossible, and they simply should stop adding them as part of main collections. Having achievs for them sure, rewards for intensive players killing them efficiently sure, but in another story. I'm not the first one saying that, remember the thread about bjora marches meta achievement requiring strikes?


> ---


> >This is the first time after... Cooking 500? Skyscale? Was introduced that something required a bit of your gold and again it is too much, unfair etc. Looking at that, the >gemstones are the only thing with a real price attached to them and they've been available to us to farm every day for how many years now? It's about time they got >another sink that wasn't legendary weapons.


> Well, the cost is 250 quartz, 50 amalgamated gemstones, 1 charged quartz, 99995 karmas. It's okay frankly, But would have preferred to be able to use POF substitutes like elegy mosaics. Also one for karma like gold coins. Or LWS5 (icebrood saga) currencies.


> ---


> Well no worries, I can agree with disagreeing and I'm sure peoples see the weekly timegate of the chest, the cost required or the execution as normal. Currently I can't unlock the prototype thingy to gather cape shards because the steel warband is completely bugged, doesn't start, can't have the item related to speaking with vishen at the end.

> I can't also have the aurene item of the emissary chest, because I opened it and it doesn't give it to me because it was before the related footstep achievement considered that I was doing it. /facepalm


> I definitely think that something has to be done with strikes. I mean, just do the shiverpass one, see how easy it is as 5 men or 10 men, just see the big difficulty difference between that and the others. They should consider adding an hard version to shiverpass, and an easy version to Fraenir/claw/boneskinner/whisper.

> I completed shiverpass rapidly, with a group that would be qualified as "Unoptimized" by dps meter runners, I got 75 silvers + several stuff and ice shards. Why can't I do the others the same way? I let you think what you want, but that content will not last long if it shatter the community even more between raiders / non raiders or should I say "I care about dps and efficiency" and "I just want to have fun".


> Is there is one big change I want to happens, it's to transfer collection items contained in emissary chest to be transferred into the chest at the end of the steel warband vision.


> ---


> >I don't want to silence you in any way, it's great that you're making yourself heard so that they can adjust things are necessary. I just don't agree with what was said, so >don't view this as an attack. Ty.


> Maybe I have such bad reputation, but I'm not for silencing or reporting posters disagreeing with me. (Can see it in my signature links). You exposed your opinions on the different points and it's a good thing so Ty to you to. I'm all for discussion if it's in a constructive and respectful manner. Dunno what you think I will see that as an attack but it seems like another proof that mankind only remember bad sides of persons and not the good sides.



> My post isn't just to be harsh and rude toward devs, the steel warband visions is really awesome, and my opinion is wanting to see more visions than more strikes. Because I can complete visions, not the case with strike, and I feel like I have a STOP sign in front of me. And I'm required to do a lot of them to have prophet crystal shards to unlock the chest and anything it may contains, including items tied to a collection.


generally only wisper and boneskinner are considered the harder ones. (and they are very much doable without any specialized dps builds. just more mechanic dependent than the others.)


These strikes don't require raidlike competence /buildcraft at all just a little mechanical awareness of everyone.


I hope you can find a group that works for you.

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How does , starting a Public Raid works ?

You get teleported into the instance ?

Or you get a mini Commander icon(that you cannot see - but if someone else hover over your Icon, he can see : ''Going for xxx Strike mIssion'') and you are placed in the middle of the open world , where everyone can see and join ? And if not many join , the system puts other random Commanders in your group , or the system list you into the LFG without you even knowing and you cannot be wispered?

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> @"yann.1946" said:


> generally only wisper and boneskinner are considered the harder ones. (and they are very much doable without any specialized dps builds. just more mechanic dependent than the others.)


> These strikes don't require raidlike competence /buildcraft at all just a little mechanical awareness of everyone.


> I hope you can find a group that works for you.


Yeah, whisper and boneskinner and the hardest, but fraenir can be little hard with not enough healing or dps too. I think it's more about the group composition, I finally completed the boneskinner yesterday woohoo, we complety ignored torches and everything and stacked on it, we were 5 dps and 5 healers and it felt simple, tried it one week ago with guild with everyone it's non specialized pve build and got a bad time everyone wiped out in first seconds. I think the display is playing a role too, boneskinner and whispers you have aoes, arrows and ui everywhere at point you can start wondering what they are for. I think DPS have a role, and it's kill or be killed. And since many of those boss are for me DPS monsters you need several healing too. (Apart for claws, shiverpass and maybe fraenir). You can't do a strike like you do a world boss. It's closer to raid imho.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > Now that I've played the Season 1 instances, I really have to wonder: Why? Who are they for?

> > I started GW2 in 2015, way past LS1, but I am one of those players who do go to youtube and have a general idea what the season was about. Still, couldn't you have added a little more context to these instances? The instances by themselves are not very impressive. A few mobs, then a boss fight, well. They were supposed to introduce us to the characters, I think, but they fail at this since they basically expect us to already know them by this point. And then they often end with cliffhangers that cannot be addressed further, because this is all we have from LS1 now.

> > I'm seriously confused about this move. The instances add little to the characters' backgrounds and are not overly impressive instances by themselves either.


> I played season 1 back in the days and the fights where harder in my memory than they are now (I still hate the canach-fight :) ). Sure, a reason is, I wasn't experienced at that time and we now have elite specs and "power-creep".


> And it is confusing, that the dialogues are not adjusted even a little bit to the new situation that they are now stand-alone instances.


I'm pretty sure they really just copy-pasted the old instances here. Apparently the season was not completely deleted. In the German version Braham's VA changed at the start of Season 4, but here in the LS1 instances the old VA is back. I'm sure they just used the old files here.

A little bit of adjustment would have been appreciated. But well, maybe this is just the start? Maybe we can hope for more LS1 story stuff via future visions? :)


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> @"Captain Kuro.8937" said:

> How does , starting a Public Raid works ?

> You get teleported into the instance ?

> Or you get a mini Commander icon(that you cannot see - but if someone else hover over your Icon, he can see : ''Going for xxx Strike mIssion'') and you are placed in the middle of the open world , where everyone can see and join ? And if not many join , the system puts other random Commanders in your group , or the system list you into the LFG without you even knowing and you cannot be wispered?


You are sent to the instance, and once it fills up the 'mission' starts, more or less. There is no Commander icon, visible or invisible, no LFG, nothing unusual.

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Had this funny incident in "Darkrime Delves". Got myself trapped under the elevator while its coming down. Was trying to get the hidden chest beneath and unable to reach the switch after :lol:. Had to restart the story all over and this time got stucked "in" the elevator. Instead of crushing my character, it got me stucked. Similar to those inside the wall bug :lol:

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I thank Arena Net for the new Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire BUT as you all know anything before the word BUT doesn't mean anything. So the point is, "BUT" I don't like it at all. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I hate this new free content. I liked a lot of things that they've come up with and this isn't one of them. And I'm sure there are those out there that will line up to tell players who don't like Steel and Fire that it is good when I believe it's not. I'm disappointed.


Why am I disappointed?


Other than being forced to be a charr to grind EVENTS and META's that I could do elsewhere. It brings nothing new other than MORE ACHIEVEMENTS that some players and YOUTUBERS will grind for hours on end to get. I would have preferred if they just hadn't made this one. But they did. So I refuse to play it. Sampled it, didn't like it, if I could give it an F I would.

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Playing more, love this patch, finally a reason to do the Strikes, well done ArenaNet, this is the kind of reward structure I wanted from the start but I get that you had to get the pieces in place before you could introduce it. I hope you build on it further as you add to the Strikes. Still haven't done the Season One missions again but I hope that you add more back in future releases and eventually find a way to stitch them together into a workable Season One.


Finally, please fix the "Moving Up the Ranks" achievement, I've got Imperator at least twice but no achievement pop.

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Personally, I loved the episode with everything included. The Strike missions are sweet, the achievements mostly doable and plenty of fun things to do otherwise (I have to say, this one and Ep 1 Whispers In the Dark and this one were the best for me in a long time storywise, especially Ep 1)


I have but one request, it's a small thing perhaps, but it drives me to not wish to achieve everything and ruins the new set for me; it's this texture glitch in the light version of the new Runic armorset. https://imgur.com/a/jP9k5dW


Please Anet, I swear I hardly ever complain in reality and I love this game, just this kind of thing seriously ruined so many sets for me, and I'd love to put in the gameplay time and effort into getting the set; just please fix the glitch on the pants!

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I like all of it. I thought it was a lot of fun rather than the usual map with currency to grind. Ive actually liked everything in LS5. Cant say there has been anything I didn't like. The Strikes are fun it feels like the 8 man raids in FFXIV which are basically a single boss encounter just like this. If I wanted to solo shit I could go play Witcher 3 or Skyrim or something. I honestly think most people enjoy the grouping content, instanced and open world. Like why even play an MMO? Plus you can solo it anyway so stop trying to ruin it for everyone else. This forum just tends to attract the vocal minority.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late to the party, but I just want to point out how much I love this release. It is great. Spawning in the first instance and it being group content with events was a bit confusing at first, but it is a great mission. The music is great, the dialogue is awesome, I like the map. It did feel like we were part of a quirky warband.

Playing it as a group with other players was nice, a good way to mix up regular story. It can be a bit chaotic at the boss, but if you go with the lfg feature, the groups usually are coordinated.

Darkrime Delves was a long instance and maybe I would have given it an end reward that was a little bigger, not sure though. I mean, you can just loot the chests everywhere for more rewards. I haven't played the original gw, but this instance looked gorgeous and it also gave interesting perspectives into the relation between Ryland and Bangar, was a nice addition to the story. Good achievements.

Now, the Eye of the North, I agree looks kind of empty. Still, I greatly appreciate the ability to upgrade it.

I have to say, the Season 1 instances were a bit weird. I mean, they were okay, but it is obvious how much better the instances are nowadays. And you just played them completely out of context, it didn't quite fit right. Still, overall, they were good enough.

Now, Strike Missions. I didn't really play these at first but got into them with this patch. I am pretty amazed. The lfg feature, again, does wonders here. I feel like they are actually a good bridge to raids, with some being very easy and some having a bit more mechanics. I actually feel compelled to try out some raids though, at some point in future (even though raids are much less accessible, I'll see). To all the people saying they are too hard, I don't even know what to say. It is okay to need a few tries, what did you expect, just auto attacking a boss for 5 minutes and then being rewarded a cape? I mean, go to open world bosses, then. And if you feel like you're dying too much, maybe just read the mechanics on the wiki? It takes two minutes to learn everything you need to know about the Whisper.

I also really like farming for the cape, it is a nice reward. Someone in this thread saying that 50g of materials is too much for the achievement? Like, what? When you are able to get the gemstones required through all kinds of metas? How is 50g much, for a cape that would cost like 700 gems on the BL Trading Post? What were they supposed to charge, nothing at all?

Oh, lastly, the footsteps achievements are pretty cool. It really did feel like I was exploring the characters and journeys of the warband members. They're nice, I like them. Again, I'm confused about that one person saying they should neither require jumping puzzles nor strike missions. What should they require instead? Just a lot of farming? The truth is, no content will be liked or is accessible to everyone. And farming sounds pretty boring to me, which is why I'm happy that they went with more exciting options.


So, yeah, overall, a great release. Very well done. Having a lot of fun with Strike Missions. And I felt like holding against the overall negativity in this thread because people don't feel like playing with other players in an MMO. Well done! Loving the saga so far, you are doing a great job.

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