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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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> @"Kynara.7823" said:

> Not sure how it could work as cultural armor could break it but is it possible to have different skins on each slot for legendary gear?


The base armor skin will be in the armory, and when you choose the armor for your character, you will have the base look. Then, from there you can probably transmitate the way you want. So I bet it can look different per character.


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As long as the new legendary armory can allow for the same legendary armor to have different skins in different loadouts/characters, I'm all for it.


The current system already allows for the same piece of legendary gear to have different infusions, sigils, and stats in different loadouts, so I have no concerns on that end. Cosmetics is the only thing that can't currently be separated between loadouts, and thus it's the only thing I need to know this new system can do.

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This is great news! :+1:

Few cents from me:

Like everyone else said, this will only be great if it allows for having different skins per character, otherwise pretty much useless for me. While we're at it, would be even more cool if we could assign different skins per equipment set, in the "customize" menu. Only for the legendaries of course. Some people here mentioned that the armory should also be hosting ascended equipment, since it, too, is account (not soul-) bound, with which I disagree - Legendaries need more areas in which they are better than ascended stuff and stat-swap is not enough. So the armory should only be for legendaries, not ascended equipment.

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Interesting, with people on the skin thing too.


I don't have many legendaries.. mostly don't care for them due to unpleasent skins or investment cost being way to high to justify them.


This system changes that secondary factor a lot though.

If I am able to use the same legend on mulitple characters with each character using different skins, stats, sigils etc then Legendaries just got a whole lot more worth it regardless of most being a visual eyesore or just plain hideous.


Looking forward to seeing how it goes, might decide to make some more in the coming years because of this ^^

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> @"Macello.9276" said:

> You could just create a sub menu in the bank, where we could just claim soulbound copies of legendary items when they were crafted and account bound once.


Just like they did/do with the achievement weapons/armor skins, now with wardrobe it's kinda useless but you can still get a copy of those skins in the achievement tab.

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One thing got me thinking. I'm assuming with the armory you can get copies of the legendary, just like with the free skins for achievements, with the limitation to 1 per character (otherwise it would completely invalidate the 'Twice-told Legend' achievement). Now, what about Eternity? As it is now, you have to pretty much combine 2 legendaries to have 1. With the armory, after crafting Eternity would that make you end up with 3 legendaries instead of 1? You would still keep the Sunrise and Twilight in the armory, AND have the Eternity.

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> @"PsiQss.6927" said:

> One thing got me thinking. I'm assuming with the armory you can get copies of the legendary, just like with the free skins for achievements, with the limitation to 1 per character (otherwise it would completely invalidate the 'Twice-told Legend' achievement). Now, what about Eternity? As it is now, you have to pretty much combine 2 legendaries to have 1. With the armory, after crafting Eternity would that make you end up with 3 legendaries instead of 1? You would still keep the Sunrise and Twilight in the armory, AND have the Eternity.


Currently you take any gear, and place it into the equipment template tab #1. You can then open tab #2 and put the same equipment in those slots, and when you switch back and forth, that equipment will be there. Legendary equipment is different because you can change the stats, upgrades and infusions so that they are different when you swap from #1 to #2.


But if you put a Legendary Sword (Bolt) in your main hand, you can't then copy it to your offhand as well, regardless of tab #1 or #2. You only have 1 legendary sword.


As it seems to me, the Legendary Armory will work the exact same way, except now every character can select that legendary item and choose the stats, upgrades and infusions - but if you only have 1 legendary sword on your account, you still would only have 1 legendary sword to equip on any character.


So to your example, to create Eternity you to sacrifice Sunrise and Twilight to the mystic forge. You keep the skins unlocked, but the legendary weapons themselves are gone, as they are technically precursors for Eternity. That means you would only have Eternity available in your armory, though you choose to transmute it to look like any of the 3.

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Not a fervent poster on the forums and probably not going to make myself popular with this one by going in against the crowd, but I have some concerns about this and hope the consequences of implementing this are addressed as well. For the moment, people either have to do: half a year of wvw, 3 pvp seasons + repeating byzantium chest 24 times or 6-10 weeks for the raid version depending if they convert divinations or not. Is that too much to ask for a full set of legendary armor on a character? Is it really necessary to unlock that for all the alts with the same weight gear? Legendary gear already is plenty rewarding as it is now, at least it was with the former arcdps templates. The problem with legendary gear is rather the way how the current template system uses them, than the legendary armor itself.


As for weapons, is it that bad to choose one char where you can swap it's stats? We can already transmute the shiny skins on all our alts with zero cost. There used to be a time before transmutation charges when people actually made 2 of the same legendaries just to be able to equip dual skins, when there wasn't even any stat swap available.


It feels like the more the game is ageing, the more everything has to become available to everyone for zero effort, which is a dangerous turn and will have consequences for the older player base. What do they have left to play for if everything becomes available at the slightest effort? What if we continue to neglect that the biggest part of achieving something, is the actual way towards it rather than the reward itself? One of my greatest memories was making Sunrise, much more than all the other legendaries that followed, because of the amount of effort I had to put into Sunrise, while I could just get those that followed with little to no effort.


Sure, it promotes to play with alts, but I have over 50 alts too and I just use ascended boxes from fracts to play different builds on those that I want. I don't have legendary armor simply because there's not really any need for it. Personally I was considering to go for the raid version, even though I have the pvp and wvw stuff to straight out get 3 full sets, because of the way towards it. But if this armory becomes a reality, people like me can just slot full legendary on all their chars with no additional effort at present except the gold sink which is just a trivial matter since the old playerbase is sitting on thousands of gold and new people can easily farm it by doing meta farms or sw farm. So yes, you will get people to go for legendary gear, but this will render ascended drops useless and I hope that fact hasn't been overlooked because that brings me to the following:


What will happen to the current ascended armor/weapons, and the places that drop it? People are drawn into fracts because it's decent gold, but most of all, it frequently drops ascended armor/weapon boxes to gear up alts. That's the main reason the endgame playerbase does it but if they shift their focus to just getting a mere 3 legendary sets, fractals become rather pointless to do and might become "dead" content like dungeons. Will there be any change to the salvage result of ascended armor or a way to liquidate ascended boxes to keep people interested into actually playing existing/future content that grants ascended stuff?

What with people who currently have legendary sets on some chars and ascended sets on plenty of alts that will become useless? What with pvp and wvw pip tracks that grant grandmaster marks and grandmaster mark shards? These will all become junk items to people with legendary sets instead of stuff they can spend to gear up alts.


I really hope this isn't something that's decided on a whim and it is well thought through what the consequences will be for existing content/rewards. Granting the wishes of the majority of the playerbase isn't always what's best for the game itself. Look at how Runescape dug its own grave by upgrading the game in favour of the masses, but away from the core things that made it worth playing for the dedicated players. They had to make oldschool servers with the old state of the game because these players just didn't want to play game at it's current state any longer, even if that meant they had to start over from scratch again. I can only hope Gw2 isn't going down that same road of hasty decisions to make everything so accessible, that the game won't be worth playing simply because there will not be any sense of achievement anymore. It has already evolved to a state where all the old open world content can be done by just pressing 1 because they don't get upgraded to the current amount of damage and healing people can do compared to what people could do when that content was created. So please be careful with the big implications changes like this armory will bring as a lot of exotic geared chars will now become legendary geared chars with extra dmg/healing output as well.




A very concerned Tyrian who's been playing daily since launch


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> @"evlover.6270" said:

> For the moment, people either have to do: half a year of wvw, 3 pvp seasons + repeating byzantium chest 24 times or 6-10 weeks for the raid version depending if they convert divinations or not. Is that too much to ask for a full set of legendary armor on a character? Is it really necessary to unlock that for all the alts with the same weight gear?


Well, in my opinion, this IS too much trouble for an ability to swap stats, which is pretty much the only rewarding thing about legendaries now. Otherwise, you're better off just making different ascended sets which are exactly as powerful. Legendaries DO need to be made worth the effort.


> Legendary gear already is plenty rewarding as it is now, at least it was with the former arcdps templates.


We should not be forced to use third party programs to fully utilize our gear. I've never used arcdps and do not want to use any third party software for this game.

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> @"PsiQss.6927" said:

> > @"evlover.6270" said:

> > For the moment, people either have to do: half a year of wvw, 3 pvp seasons + repeating byzantium chest 24 times or 6-10 weeks for the raid version depending if they convert divinations or not. Is that too much to ask for a full set of legendary armor on a character? Is it really necessary to unlock that for all the alts with the same weight gear?


> Well, in my opinion, this IS too much trouble for an ability to swap stats, which is pretty much the only rewarding thing about legendaries now. Otherwise, you're better off just making different ascended sets which are exactly as powerful. Legendaries DO need to be made worth the effort.


> > Legendary gear already is plenty rewarding as it is now, at least it was with the former arcdps templates.


> We should not be forced to use third party programs to fully utilize our gear. I've never used arcdps and do not want to use any third party software for this game.


Apart from stat swaps, legendaries are also about the skins. Look at why people buy endgame infusions for way more gold than a legendary set, are those not worth getting either? If the skin, stat swap and rune/sigil choice isn't rewarding enough, it's more a matter of wanting to be spoiled. It might look awesome at the moment but it will remove a lot of purpose for playing the game.


I'm not saying you should use arcdps, I'm not using it either but some people I play with do and all say it worked way better than the current system as it automatically swapped legendary armor to the right stats as well apparently. Hence why I said the problem isn't the legendary armor itself but the way templates are currently using it, as you still have to manually swap stats now.

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> @"evlover.6270" said:

> Apart from stat swaps, legendaries are also about the skins. Look at why people buy endgame infusions for way more gold than a legendary set, are those not worth getting either? If the skin, stat swap and rune/sigil choice isn't rewarding enough, it's more a matter of wanting to be spoiled. It might look awesome at the moment but it will remove a lot of purpose for playing the game.

People also buy skins, much better looking and much cheaper than legendaries. Infusions are just for show (and eyesore, mostly), it's like having expensive jewelry - you have it either for people to see that you can afford it, or for your own satisfaction. And that's a different story, because aside from gen1 weapons I cannot just buy the new legendaries in one day, no matter how much gold I have. It also requires to play modes that I might not be interested in. So IMO crafting a legendary should be more rewarding than it is now.


> @"evlover.6270" said:

> I'm not saying you should use arcdps, I'm not using it either but some people I play with do and all say it worked way better than the current system as it automatically swapped legendary armor to the right stats as well apparently. Hence why I said the problem isn't the legendary armor itself but the way templates are currently using it, as you still have to manually swap stats now.


Sorry then, I've misinterpreted that part. I might be a bit triggered by all these people bringing up arcdps and how the template system is trash, now that we finally got it.. ;P

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Oh wow I did put that in the QoL awhile back had no idea they would actually do it rofl. Now all they need to do is give us back our deleted classes in wvw so we can use the legendary stuff again. Sort of the other catch to this spending that time and money on stuff just for it to become useless I mean I can still play thief but its kind of annoying that dodge rolling around stealing health from them is the only way to do it kind of is stupid and all the people laughing as I backstab someone 20 times before they use a heal skill and start the process all over again.

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One concern...um, I would like think that I'm a practical person...what will this do to the economy? Will this cause more people to craft legendaries? Will this cause those who craft them for personal use to stop crafting multiples beyond say a dual wielder? What I mean is, are plans in work to give folks something to do after they have made a legendary for every slot possible? I assume a huge part of the economy is based on crafting items for alts. Will this also potentially put a huge dent in ascended crafting also?

Hmm, I don't care if fractals, raids, pvp and wvw hands out ascended like candy....the crafting still has a place currently no? If you no longer have to gear any alts because now you own three sets of armor...that has to have an impact right?

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Throwing my two cents to toot again on couple times already requested items...


This sounds great, but I do wish as well to be able to control which legendary footsteps I could use.

Even if it was as simple as just choosing which of the currently active legendaries footsteps you currently use.

Silver tier would be to have the first but also the ability to turn them on and off as well.

Gold-tier would be to be able to have both footsteps from both feet.

Platinum tier is all of the before-mentioned options as something I could control from said lege templates.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


> We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.


> Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.


> Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:


> * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.


> Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!




This sounds awesome... But what would be MORE awesome would be to make it a "PHYSICAL" thing... Give us a room in EotN or our home instances where all our legendaries are displayed.Honestly that would make me go back into the game just to make legendary stuff.

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> @"evlover.6270" said:

> Sure, it promotes to play with alts, but I have over 50 alts too and I just use ascended boxes from fracts to play different builds on those that I want. I don't have legendary armor simply because there's not really any need for it. Personally I was considering to go for the raid version, even though I have the pvp and wvw stuff to straight out get 3 full sets, because of the way towards it. But if this armory becomes a reality, people like me can just slot full legendary on all their chars with no additional effort at present except the gold sink which is just a trivial matter since the old playerbase is sitting on thousands of gold and new people can easily farm it by doing meta farms or sw farm. So yes, you will get people to go for legendary gear, but this will render ascended drops useless and I hope that fact hasn't been overlooked because that brings me to the following:


> What will happen to the current ascended armor/weapons, and the places that drop it? People are drawn into fracts because it's decent gold, but most of all, it frequently drops ascended armor/weapon boxes to gear up alts. That's the main reason the endgame playerbase does it but if they shift their focus to just getting a mere 3 legendary sets, fractals become rather pointless to do and might become "dead" content like dungeons. Will there be any change to the salvage result of ascended armor or a way to liquidate ascended boxes to keep people interested into actually playing existing/future content that grants ascended stuff?

> What with people who currently have legendary sets on some chars and ascended sets on plenty of alts that will become useless? What with pvp and wvw pip tracks that grant grandmaster marks and grandmaster mark shards? These will all become junk items to people with legendary sets instead of stuff they can spend to gear up alts.


I have some fewer alts than you do, but still plenty. Over time I have managed to equip all of them with ascended armor and bloodstone trinkets/back items or my few legendary items on at least one build and almost all have a second build with at least ascended trinkets and back items. I have another full set of ascended armor boxes in the bank and enough currency to buy a second when I want. I say that only to show that I personally have no need for additional ascended armor as drops. I personally have continued to raid, do T4 fractals, strike missions, WvW for their respective benefits apart from ascended drops. Yes, I agree this will change motivation for some, it will inspire others to start making legendaries, but I do not believe that having ascended drops lose their value for some portion of the population will prevent them from playing different modes.


Fractals were updated some time ago with some account wide incentives that will take years of regular play to fully achieve. Raids still have other rewards like infusions to keep players coming back.


> I really hope this isn't something that's decided on a whim and it is well thought through what the consequences will be for existing content/rewards. Granting the wishes of the majority of the playerbase isn't always what's best for the game itself. Look at how Runescape dug its own grave by upgrading the game in favour of the masses, but away from the core things that made it worth playing for the dedicated players. They had to make oldschool servers with the old state of the game because these players just didn't want to play game at it's current state any longer, even if that meant they had to start over from scratch again. I can only hope Gw2 isn't going down that same road of hasty decisions to make everything so accessible, that the game won't be worth playing simply because there will not be any sense of achievement anymore. It has already evolved to a state where all the old open world content can be done by just pressing 1 because they don't get upgraded to the current amount of damage and healing people can do compared to what people could do when that content was created. So please be careful with the big implications changes like this armory will bring as a lot of exotic geared chars will now become legendary geared chars with extra dmg/healing output as well.


I don't think that this feature they are adding is quite the same as dire as your presentation of playing PvE open world. Yes it will change the economy, with effects that primarily impact those of us who play the challenging content regularly, but I think it is also important that a game does continue to evolve over time. Otherwise it stagnates and dies.

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I would personally like to see armor and weapons skins being tied to the equipment tab itself. I might be the only one (probably not) but I love that every set of gear for every build has a different look and you can't currently do that with legendaries (well you can but you would have to always switch the skins and dyes everytime you swap gear). I also feel like the different look ofr each build makes it easier to orient yourself. I will never get confused when my character has a different look for condi, for power, for support build. So that is something I am looking for in some upcoming patch.


I personally have not yet crafter any legendary armor and all the legendaries I made are unique weapons so I don't even have two of the same weapon type so I only have a lot to gain but I'm not sure how much I like the idea even though I recognize the benefit of it for most of the community.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > The very fact that if they had implemented this BEFORE or WITH the introduction of Legendary Armor would have greatly affected people's decisions to make multiple sets. I for one would not have made multiple sets. So this DOES affect me and others in my situation greatly. Why can't YOU be more mature and recognize that? Being cheated out of money and wanting it back is quite a sensible reaction.

> >

> > You're not being "cheated" out of anything. You made use of a benefit that existed at the time. Now, years later the system is changing. You don't get to demand refunding for something you used for potentially years now that something is changing.


> This is true.


> I made multiple swords over the years because of all my characters that used swords. I dont feel cheated at all. i got alot of use out of that 2k gold over 4 years.


yeah, that's the same question I have for @"Fire Attunement.9835" and the rest of the dev team


1. Does that mean Twice Told Legend will become a historic achievement?


2. How does this affects dual wielding, the most popular you see people running around is dual Incinerators


3. The economic impact on Gen 1 legendary weapons and their precursors on TP; it is not uncommon for people having multiple copies of legendaries on the higher end.


My recommendation if this is going ahead, do armor first, then work out the logistics for weapons


My thoughts on how the legendary armor should work compare to fixed stats gear

(haven't got 1, but will be soon, almost ready for a PvP set, someone with legendary armor sets can correct me if it is already done)

whereas fixed stats armor sets will occupy a single equipment template, legendary one when equipped, it will fill across all templates with it.

Each armor load out slot needs to have a skin load out slot so we can visually know if we are running the correct template (i usually run skins for different stat sets)

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to the point will these be sold like shared inventory slots or is this going to be given to the community ( I shall now hold my breath until I get an answer)


and do we have an estimated date or is this kinda something that will get worked on when the opportunity arises.


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