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WvW is not playable


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> @"psyt.9415" said:


> Grass is always greener. I’m not excusing Anet because they can do better but so can every other mmo. You wont find a single mmo that is balanced or doesnt have server issues unless you have access to the same skills and gear for every character. Go to any other forum and youll see the same thing that devs don’t know how to balance or cant balance or don’t care and servers are kitten. ESO, WoW, FFXIV, take your pick they are all complaining and threatening to play other games. Nearly everyone is on Amazon servers now to so that may be the problem for some.



On BDO I don't have these problems.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> A good bit of guessing going on here by people.


> The lag is skill lag, which is not the same as FPS lag, I have FPS plots and trace routes going at the same time, FPS will still be over 100FPS, however responses from the server, and I DON'T mean the back bone, but the actual anet servers, now hosted with AWS is where the response time will sky rocket. Along with it being the only online game I play that has this issue. 9900k@5.2GHz, custom water cooled, 2070 super, etc etc, 1Gbps/1Gbps fiber. Do some people have FPS lag that is 100% client side related? Yes. However many people and those here are talking about SKILL LAG, you push a button and have time to stand there and watch an insta cast skill just blink, and blink and blink and then never cast, or cast at random LONG after using the skill.


> This is due to how skills, boons and dmg are calculated by the servers, it is back end related, and they had someone come in to find out where the bottlenecks were, and boons and dmg calculations were at the top. This could also be further exacerbated by how much they are willing to spend on hosting, AWS has about all the processing power you could want, and scales with load....However you have to be willing to pay for it, if you put a cap on how much you are willing to pay in high load situations, well, performance is going to be even worse. You have a bottleneck, so new skills and events are being sent to the servers by all the connected clients, that bottleneck causes those new actions to go into a queue in RAM, once that fills up things start timing out, as it can't add anything else to the queue and you get large sections of time where it's like everyone disconnected (everyone else running in straight lines or into walls etc etc) when it gets really bad and then it's like someone hits fast forward as all those queued actions get processed.


> And I will say like I do at the end of most of these posts, if someone from anet has more or new information on these issues and willing to share, PLEASE DO. If this information is no longer accurate due to changes that might have happened, please let us know, we all would like some updated information on the problems, even if in the end the final answer is "we are not going to do anything", at least people will know then and not see posts every day about it.


Yup, it's a money issue.

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> Players shouldn’t have to change their play style (zerging or roaming) or play times to fix the problem themselves.

Players should, ofc if they want solve problem, but not try do ''hype"


> Many ppl have been experiencing skill lag, lag spikes, and overall lag on all the servers I’m on.

yes, some people have not good connection. So they can choose - take solo camp, or update pc and/or provaider, check settings, and etc.



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once again, it all comes down to the huge investments in the increase of special effects with flashy lightning animation effects. This is one of the most culprit in Guild Wars 2 designs that has negatively affected the game performance which also helped contribute other players leaving the game due to harming their health such as eye sore, seizure, headaches and traumas etc...


My question is, is there a health department which works with the animation and design team to make sure health factors are considered and prioritized?


- Guild Wars 2 drains 78% percent of my Cpu and 52% of my computer memory, without having anything running in the background, all because of this?? I can run 3 mmo games at maximum graphic settings without barely any lags or disconnects, what's so special about them? Absolutely, nothing


Somehow, it is evident that increasing lightning bloodshot special animation effects will increase sales and increase players retention....it ain't so. Health issues factors including server draining should have been considered as a priority and should have be taken seriously at the top level and once again, it is being disregarded as we speak.


There has been no effort or having any care to lesson this Toxicity. It is in the experience which attracts retention, growth and results in an increases of prosperity, **NOT IN FLASHY EYE PIERCING BLOODSHOT SHINNY ANIMATION EFFECTS!!**


lastly, i'll leave Kroof to explain it all over again and again until there is Change



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> once again, it all comes down to the huge investments in the increase of special effects with flashy lightning animation effects. This is one of the most culprit in Guild Wars 2 designs that has negatively affected the game performance which also helped contribute other players leaving the game due to harming their health such as eye sore, seizure, headaches and traumas etc...


> My question is, is there a health department which works with the animation and design team to make sure health factors are considered and prioritized?


> - Guild Wars 2 drains 78% percent of my Cpu and 52% of my computer memory, without having anything running in the background, all because of this?? I can run 3 mmo games at maximum graphic settings without barely any lags or disconnects, what's so special about them? Absolutely, nothing


> Somehow, it is evident that increasing lightning bloodshot special animation effects will increase sales and increase players retention....it ain't so. Health issues factors including server draining should have been considered as a priority and should have be taken seriously at the top level and once again, it is being disregarded as we speak.


> There has been no effort or having any care to lesson this Toxicity. It is in the experience which attracts retention, growth and results in an increases of prosperity, **NOT IN FLASHY EYE PIERCING BLOODSHOT SHINNY ANIMATION EFFECTS!!**


> lastly, i'll leave Kroof to explain it all over again and again until there is Change





The game is running on Dx9 so mainly ur framerate will depend on your CPU clock


Animation isnt the issue of lag in WvW ( there is more people doing tequalt than people doing trifaction on SMC) the issue of WvW Lag comes from server bottleneck.


The issue is that there is too many request in fight (condi/dmg/boon/healing/evade etc...) that the server cannot compute every action at the same time then comes the lag we see.


The issue is that condi/boon and healing as been much more spammable and stackable than everbefore and WvW at start was not design to handle that much request. there is 3 option:

1 Recode everything to reduce latency and lag.

2 decrease number of people on each map

3 rework/balance condi/boon/healing spam and stack.



Srry for my poor english

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> once again, it all comes down to the huge investments in the increase of special effects with flashy lightning animation effects. This is one of the most culprit in Guild Wars 2 designs that has negatively affected the game performance which also helped contribute other players leaving the game due to harming their health such as eye sore, seizure, headaches and traumas etc...


> My question is, is there a health department which works with the animation and design team to make sure health factors are considered and prioritized?


> - Guild Wars 2 drains 78% percent of my Cpu and 52% of my computer memory, without having anything running in the background, all because of this?? I can run 3 mmo games at maximum graphic settings without barely any lags or disconnects, what's so special about them? Absolutely, nothing


> Somehow, it is evident that increasing lightning bloodshot special animation effects will increase sales and increase players retention....it ain't so. Health issues factors including server draining should have been considered as a priority and should have be taken seriously at the top level and once again, it is being disregarded as we speak.


> There has been no effort or having any care to lesson this Toxicity. It is in the experience which attracts retention, growth and results in an increases of prosperity, **NOT IN FLASHY EYE PIERCING BLOODSHOT SHINNY ANIMATION EFFECTS!!**


> lastly, i'll leave Kroof to explain it all over again and again until there is Change





I'll just leave this here...



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> @"Rod.6581" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > once again, it all comes down to the huge investments in the increase of special effects with flashy lightning animation effects. This is one of the most culprit in Guild Wars 2 designs that has negatively affected the game performance which also helped contribute other players leaving the game due to harming their health such as eye sore, seizure, headaches and traumas etc...

> >

> > My question is, is there a health department which works with the animation and design team to make sure health factors are considered and prioritized?

> >

> > - Guild Wars 2 drains 78% percent of my Cpu and 52% of my computer memory, without having anything running in the background, all because of this?? I can run 3 mmo games at maximum graphic settings without barely any lags or disconnects, what's so special about them? Absolutely, nothing

> >

> > Somehow, it is evident that increasing lightning bloodshot special animation effects will increase sales and increase players retention....it ain't so. Health issues factors including server draining should have been considered as a priority and should have be taken seriously at the top level and once again, it is being disregarded as we speak.

> >

> > There has been no effort or having any care to lesson this Toxicity. It is in the experience which attracts retention, growth and results in an increases of prosperity, **NOT IN FLASHY EYE PIERCING BLOODSHOT SHINNY ANIMATION EFFECTS!!**

> >

> > lastly, i'll leave Kroof to explain it all over again and again until there is Change

> >

> >

> >


> I'll just leave this here...


> https://imgur.com/a/8TI0SOc




in addition, we lost a lot of good streamers due to the exact reasons and they complaint about it vigorously all the time until they just couldn't put up with it anymore. Myself, i remember having to put sunglasses on just to dim out the light flashes, i'm surprised they didn't put them on too while streaming.


There must be Change or everyone will eventually start seeing light flashes in their eyes and will be forced to not play just to save their health

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> @"Redponey.8352" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > once again, it all comes down to the huge investments in the increase of special effects with flashy lightning animation effects. This is one of the most culprit in Guild Wars 2 designs that has negatively affected the game performance which also helped contribute other players leaving the game due to harming their health such as eye sore, seizure, headaches and traumas etc...

> >

> > My question is, is there a health department which works with the animation and design team to make sure health factors are considered and prioritized?

> >

> > - Guild Wars 2 drains 78% percent of my Cpu and 52% of my computer memory, without having anything running in the background, all because of this?? I can run 3 mmo games at maximum graphic settings without barely any lags or disconnects, what's so special about them? Absolutely, nothing

> >

> > Somehow, it is evident that increasing lightning bloodshot special animation effects will increase sales and increase players retention....it ain't so. Health issues factors including server draining should have been considered as a priority and should have be taken seriously at the top level and once again, it is being disregarded as we speak.

> >

> > There has been no effort or having any care to lesson this Toxicity. It is in the experience which attracts retention, growth and results in an increases of prosperity, **NOT IN FLASHY EYE PIERCING BLOODSHOT SHINNY ANIMATION EFFECTS!!**

> >

> > lastly, i'll leave Kroof to explain it all over again and again until there is Change

> >

> >

> >


> The game is running on Dx9 so mainly ur framerate will depend on your CPU clock


> Animation isnt the issue of lag in WvW ( there is more people doing tequalt than people doing trifaction on SMC) the issue of WvW Lag comes from server bottleneck.


> The issue is that there is too many request in fight (condi/dmg/boon/healing/evade etc...) that the server cannot compute every action at the same time then comes the lag we see.


> The issue is that condi/boon and healing as been much more spammable and stackable than everbefore and WvW at start was not design to handle that much request. there is 3 option:

> 1 Recode everything to reduce latency and lag.

> 2 decrease number of people on each map

> 3 rework/balance condi/boon/healing spam and stack.



> Srry for my poor english




Also remember, Kroof also suggested Anet in giving us tools to decrease those effects too. Which would help them in pinpointing what skills that are being spammed, stacked...as you stated in option 3


(your english is good) :)

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Been noticing more skill lag/high ping spikes lately as well, mostly in wvw but also else where, like Tequatl. Sometimes my latency will be normal, but skills just don't fire off, then all of a sudden it all catches up and I'm dead.


I can't believe that server monitoring doesn't show all these 100% processing spikes in various map instances. Maybe no one is looking.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> A good bit of guessing going on here by people.


> The lag is skill lag, which is not the same as FPS lag, I have FPS plots and trace routes going at the same time, FPS will still be over 100FPS, however responses from the server, and I DON'T mean the back bone, but the actual anet servers, now hosted with AWS is where the response time will sky rocket. Along with it being the only online game I play that has this issue. 9900k@5.2GHz, custom water cooled, 2070 super, etc etc, 1Gbps/1Gbps fiber. Do some people have FPS lag that is 100% client side related? Yes. However many people and those here are talking about SKILL LAG, you push a button and have time to stand there and watch an insta cast skill just blink, and blink and blink and then never cast, or cast at random LONG after using the skill.


> This is due to how skills, boons and dmg are calculated by the servers, it is back end related, and they had someone come in to find out where the bottlenecks were, and boons and dmg calculations were at the top. This could also be further exacerbated by how much they are willing to spend on hosting, AWS has about all the processing power you could want, and scales with load....However you have to be willing to pay for it, if you put a cap on how much you are willing to pay in high load situations, well, performance is going to be even worse. You have a bottleneck, so new skills and events are being sent to the servers by all the connected clients, that bottleneck causes those new actions to go into a queue in RAM, once that fills up things start timing out, as it can't add anything else to the queue and you get large sections of time where it's like everyone disconnected (everyone else running in straight lines or into walls etc etc) when it gets really bad and then it's like someone hits fast forward as all those queued actions get processed.


> And I will say like I do at the end of most of these posts, if someone from anet has more or new information on these issues and willing to share, PLEASE DO. If this information is no longer accurate due to changes that might have happened, please let us know, we all would like some updated information on the problems, even if in the end the final answer is "we are not going to do anything", at least people will know then and not see posts every day about it.


This guy explained it very well, thank you.


Unlike this guy who does not understand networking technology or why people with jobs play on primetime with thier guilds.

> @"lare.5129" said:

> 1)there is NO any lag, if you have cool pc and good connection. I don't have any lag any time in any zerg.

> 2) don't have both or still lag - do not play prime day and prime days. Don't run near zerg. Find small party and do chill runs.

> Hope problem solved ?


Your PC and your internet connection are irrelevant for the lag that we encounter. You can research it yourself with tools avialable to everyone.


type /ip and you get the ip address of the current server, research the web and you will recognize this is an AWS (Amazon Web Service) ip-adress.

Use your cmd tracert or linux shell #traceroute and you will see on what router your packets leave your internet provider.

You will see there are no networking issues at all. AWS has very very big connections to all major ISPs. Alot companies host thier stuff on AWS or plan to move to AWS , microsoft azure, OTC, Alibaba etc. Anet just dont want to pay for that extra perfomance which is needed for WvW. I hope this is the reason. If thier code is the problem, we are screwed.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> 1)there is NO any lag, if you have cool pc and good connection. I don't have any lag any time in any zerg.

> 2) don't have both or still lag - do not play prime day and prime days. Don't run near zerg. Find small party and do chill runs.

> Hope problem solved ?


youre probably only playing off hours..

all ur saying is complete bull... in PvE i dont have skill lag during some boss events i dont have fps lags etc.


but yet on our amazing WvW server i use skill from blood magic to pull deads, nothing happends 5 to 10 seconds later they are getting pulled to spot where i used skill >.< ye helpful really..

i use shadowshot on thief nothing happends i click again and again and then all of sudden im using skill 3 times in row and im out of ini. ye nice im loving it..


this whole lag thing is just pushing me into sPvP which will push me away from game again cus u dont have the freedom in sPvP as u do in WvW.

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Ironically im still not noticing much lag in WvW if any.. but I am noticing a drastic lag increase in PvE lately..

It's especially playing hell with enemy target leap/dash skills.. sometimes I'm jumping in the complete wrong direction to my target or straight up missing them despite hitting the enemy model.

Very annoying.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> > >

> > > You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.

> >

> > Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

> > Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

> > I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

> > Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.

> >

> >

> Thats not how reality works. WvW has been a lagfest in 3-ways since GW2 release.



Actually, as someone who worked as a network admin, it def is a thing. Not all internet connections are dedicated. Some are essentially shared through neighborhoods. Less people who are using it, better the connection is and vice versa. Another actual thing is throttling.


Luckily I have fibreop so I have a dedicated connection.

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In T2 EU on reset it was bad on the borders. Yes it's obviously laggy if there are 3 way fights, but when there is one zerg not even using any skills, it still majorly rubberbands.


You can push into a zerg, as they can't cast any big CDs either and then it seems to come down to luck, who can use their skills first.


Whilst you can still move and dodge unless you get stuck in immobilize, it often can't be cleansed due to the lag.



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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> > > >

> > > > You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.

> > >

> > > Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

> > > Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

> > > I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

> > > Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.

> > >

> > >

> > Thats not how reality works. WvW has been a lagfest in 3-ways since GW2 release.

> >


> Actually, as someone who worked as a network admin, it def is a thing. Not all internet connections are dedicated. Some are essentially shared through neighborhoods. Less people who are using it, better the connection is and vice versa. Another actual thing is throttling.


> Luckily I have fibreop so I have a dedicated connection.


isn't it very expensive?

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> > > > >

> > > > > You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.

> > > >

> > > > Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

> > > > Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

> > > > I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

> > > > Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > Thats not how reality works. WvW has been a lagfest in 3-ways since GW2 release.

> > >

> >

> > Actually, as someone who worked as a network admin, it def is a thing. Not all internet connections are dedicated. Some are essentially shared through neighborhoods. Less people who are using it, better the connection is and vice versa. Another actual thing is throttling.

> >

> > Luckily I have fibreop so I have a dedicated connection.


> isn't it very expensive?

Keep in mind that many developed EU countries have like 80% of households on fiber, unlike undeveloped backwater countries such the United States. Its not really expensive when its the baseline access.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.

> > > > >

> > > > > Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

> > > > > Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

> > > > > I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

> > > > > Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > Thats not how reality works. WvW has been a lagfest in 3-ways since GW2 release.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Actually, as someone who worked as a network admin, it def is a thing. Not all internet connections are dedicated. Some are essentially shared through neighborhoods. Less people who are using it, better the connection is and vice versa. Another actual thing is throttling.

> > >

> > > Luckily I have fibreop so I have a dedicated connection.

> >

> > isn't it very expensive?

> Keep in mind that many developed EU countries have like 80% of households on fiber, unlike undeveloped backwater countries such the United States. Its not really expensive when its the baseline access.



Depends on location really, lot of country in some parts of Europe.


Most of the high population areas have fiber but there are some places where there is no internet access at all.

My parents live in such a place where they only get limited internet access through their phones.. so I can't game with my brothers online at all because of that.. it sucks.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> That being said, were against a large WvW oriented server and last night (reset ofc) I havent seen skill lag like I had in a while


How about lagging so bad.. having a 1 single burn stack on you that is blinking like it's going to go away but the timer doesn't actually count down, but yet you still take damage per second.. because the damage is local and not server side :(

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