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How you do people choose!?

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I've not played this game for 2 years since I've bought it because I can't decide on anything. At first I couldn't choose a class, but then I picked encromancer because its usually my style, but then I realized I hate it so I tried ranger but the pet system makes me angry so I finally realized I like elementalist but now I hate the fact that I picked charr because everyone hates charr and they're going to hate me just because I picked charr so now I have to start all over again and now I don't know what race I can be..



How do you people choose!!??

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at first i started 2015 with an big norn warrior, cuz i thought it was fitting. Wasnt much fun at that point so me&the group took a break from gw2.


We came back i think 2017 or so. I was going on with the thought "i wanna play a cat" (charr) and saw an new profession "revenant".


So i was able to make easy decisions then^^

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do you perhaps suffer from OCD ? seriously I had a friend like this once who even 6 years in to the game keeps stressing over things about his char and changing his mains all the time he obsessed about small things about his chars from the look of outfits on races to his char names, kept deleting chars are restarting them he was stuck on idea of finding some fort of fabled main character and it was all down to OCD.


I wouldn't stress about it so much make one of every class and every race play them through buy more char slots if you need its highly recommended because good players in this game don't really stick to one class and can change to suit there party


But when it comes to race I always say "asura is the master race" not just because of our superior intellect and mastery of technology and magic but they have a practicality to them in jumping puzzles being small can be a huge advantage with tight camera angles, and I do love the racial utility skill techno-bauble for instant CC

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> I've not played this game for 2 years since I've bought it because I can't decide on anything. At first I couldn't choose a class, but then I picked encromancer because its usually my style, but then I realized I hate it so I tried ranger but the pet system makes me angry so I finally realized I like elementalist but now I hate the fact that I picked charr because everyone hates charr and they're going to hate me just because I picked charr so now I have to start all over again and now I don't know what race I can be..



> How do you people choose!!??


LoL Relax! Choose whatever you want! You'll never know if you like anything until you try it!


You like elementalist? Me too! It's such a cool and unique take on the wizard archetype. I especially enjoy the attunement swapping aspect of the design, especially with the weaver elite spec. It just feels very complex and fun to play for me!


The thing is, I can't tell you which type of elementalist you'd like to play (if any!). I am very fond of the fire weaver (sword/focus) build right now. It's effective in PvP, WvW roaming, and PvE. But maybe you would like tempest auramancer healer/support type builds? Or core ele with daggers? Who knows? All I can do is show you what I like. It's up to you to figure it out from there!


Anyway, if you want to see the build I use and some video of it in action in various game modes, check out this thread. I just put up some video there for PvP, WvW, and open world play with sword/focus fire/arcane weaver.



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> @"thefinnster.7105" said:

> do you perhaps suffer from OCD ?



No, I don't suffer from anything as far as I know.





> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> *snip*



This is sort of helpful, thanks.


I don't mean to sound so flustered but this really hasn't been a problem in any other game for me and its been stressing me out.


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I went with Ranger because I wanted to collect all the pets as I played, now I just enjoy their playstyle.

First experience with Necromancer wasn't positive either.. didn't care for them at first despite main Gw1 character being a Necromancer.

But now they're one of my favourite classes.



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I have one of each profession, it took longer on some than others, but eventually found a build or two that I enjoyed in all of them. At first I tried having all races equally represented, a few years later I got tired of the non human, so I deleted around half my rooster to end with six humans and three norns. Last year I realized I actually like the sylvari body types, so I again deleted two norns to convert them.


As long as you don't have an urge to delete and remake every other week, there's no harm in changing things around every once in a while. Getting a new character to 80 doesn't take long, and gearing in exotics even less. And because there are things like full character remaker items in the gem store, it should be easier to correct any mishaps when designing your character.


If you like elementalist but can't set your mind on the race, then just make five elementalists, one for each race until you settle your mind. :D

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**tl&dr;** mistakes happen to all of us, if you feel like re-rolling a character, do it. You cannot play a character you do not like. Learn from the past and make everything better. When I make new characters I go step by step: pick a theme => pick mechanics (class, skills & traits, weapons) => pick a style => pick a race


Tried out Engineer on a female Norn, similar to my old crafter in my last MMORPG. Really enjoyed it, but finally realized I picked the wrong race. Back then, my build used the racial skills of humans and the connected toolbelt skills, which seemed to me to be extremely useful. Problem was, I already maxed out one crafting profession on the norn. Anyway I decided to delete the norn and reroll on the human, starting from scratch again. I planed to salvage the gear of the norn, but made a huge mistake and just stored it in my bank = unable to pick up and salvage. So I ended up deleting my precious gear and starting from scratch for real.


I kept the build and elements of it for a long time and grew a special bond to that character, which is my main until today. While I have plenty of utility-characters, I really only play this one.


At the moment, when I want to make a new character, which I would like to keep for longer, I have a simple strategy. Usually I have an idea for that character like:

- weapon theme (e. g. Hammer/Longbow)

- appearance theme (e. g. Dante of Devil May Cry)

- utility theme (e. g. to farm Jumping Puzzles)


Then I go through the optional classes and see what mechanics would work with that idea. First only core-mechanics, then Elite mechanics. Either I use one of my existing characters and try out some builds, or I make a new one and go to the Heart of the Mists (PvP lobby) and test skills & traits on dummies. This process can take a while, especially if you are unfamiliar with the classes. After 7+ years, I usually get an idea within a few minutes now.


Once I have the class and mechanics vaguely set, I ponder about an appearance. Warrior? Mage? Adventurer? Or even a certain look? I try to avoid outfits and spend some time in my wardrobe, mixing pieces and colors. Once I found a combo that may work, I make a few alternative looks with some replacement parts and make screenshots of all.


Race is nowadays mostly an optical decision. There are a few rare circumstances, where I still pick a race with suitable racial skills. But in most cases I just pick what suits best to the theme.


Note: Races offer unique skins as cultural armor. When you think about an appearance and do not find suitable skins, try out other races and their cultural armors. Sometimes you may be lucky.




If the character already has a higher level or passed a few months in age, keep it. The birthday gifts each year are nice rewards. In addition you can use the character for utility purposes such as

- gathering: You park the char at some useful gathering nodes, like the Flax nodes below Jakka Itzel or any of the Iron Ore spots.

- chest: If the character is only level 21-35 you can park it at the end of any Jumping Puzzle and just loot the chest daily. There is a chance to loot Silver Doubloons which can be sold on TP for ~ 1 gold.

- storage: Get a few cheap inventory bags and use the character as a mule for items that do not fit in your bank.


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First thing to say is the vast majority of people will not care which race you choose, and if someone does it's their problem, not yours.


Other than that it's just a matter of finding out what you like best. It took me a long time too, I made lots of characters to try out races, professions and combinations of the two before settling on ones which I liked. Even then I didn't choose just one, I made 4 characters and each time I logged in I'd decide which one I felt like playing. Over time the ranger emerged as the one I play most (not entirely a surprise), but I still keep the others and have actually expended it to 11 permanent characters covering all the professions, so if I do want something different I've got options.

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> I've not played this game for 2 years since I've bought it because I can't decide on anything. At first I couldn't choose a class, but then I picked encromancer because its usually my style, but then I realized I hate it so I tried ranger but the pet system makes me angry so I finally realized I like elementalist but now I hate the fact that I picked charr because everyone hates charr and they're going to hate me just because I picked charr so now I have to start all over again and now I don't know what race I can be..



> How do you people choose!!??


You could always make an elementalist of a different race. In general I choose human for everything because of the smoothest animations and true to size distance on skills. In WvW, norns and large chars are typically chosen for commanding since they stand out and are easier to follow. It also makes you a target in blob fights as newer players tend to target the biggest thing they see.


Norn/Char: jumping puzzles can be more difficult and during wintersday when everyone's jumping platforms you tend to upset people by blocking their view of the platforms. Animations are easier to see in PvP (namely Norn males not so much the females), thus making it easier for opponents to dodge crucial attacks on classes like warrior which are balanced around their animation tells.


Asura: I find them the worst class for thieves and mesmers. Mesmers because it's very easy to see which one the real Mesmer is, especially if it's too down. The distance on thief melee attacks can be misleading, most notably on dagger mainhand and sometimes you feel you need to be closer than you actually need to be.


These things however are very minor and when you get used to and master the class the drawbacks disappear. Ultimately play what you think you'd enjoy most because at the end of the day it's only you that has to play your characters. If you like your charr stay with it.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> > so I finally realized I like elementalist but now I hate the fact that I picked charr because everyone hates charr and they're going to hate me just because I picked charr


> What? Many people play Charr, nobody has an issue with it.


I"ve seen many people make horrible assumptions about people simply because they made a charr.

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> > > so I finally realized I like elementalist but now I hate the fact that I picked charr because everyone hates charr and they're going to hate me just because I picked charr

> >

> > What? Many people play Charr, nobody has an issue with it.


> I"ve seen many people make horrible assumptions about people simply because they made a charr.


Okay. I've never encountered any such comments.


The only (well deserved) criticism that's being applied is when players create the largest possible Charr (or Norn) and then do jumping puzzles with them.

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i have 2 great friends.

one beard man who only has charrs, but not other races. cuz it resembles him irl. i think it's cute, and so all of his charrs.

while another friend, a beautiful female artist, who only has necromancers, 13 of them, but none other classes. the fashion war is strong on this one.

the point is who cares? as long as they enjoy playing the game, they could do whatever pleases them. why does it matter?


my first toon is an engineer since i love the whole steampunk theme. but i was playing on my macbook laptop at the time. boy oh boy, the emulated client gave me shi-tty fps. it was so tough to run a condi engineer with barely playable fps. lol. so i quit to switch to something more laid back, less spammy until i got a desktop computer. so i played necro till everyone hated me cuz my class is cancer. so on and so forth. i played all the classes and have at least 2 characters for each class with different races.


this game is quite alt friendly. no matter what you choose, you'll end up having a bunch of different characters with different classes and races. hence the game has a whole lot of character slots for sale for that very reason.

for me personally, i usually give them a theme before i choose to make a new character. like ooh this is a big bad boy, who wants to raise death and havoc on the living, so a giant norn necromancer that is; or tiny little asura who wants to be as sneaky as he can be as a thief; etc.

i don't rp but having a theme to based your characters on is easier to go at it and make one. then you make sure your characters look decent or you'll find it hard to play.


people don't hate on charrs. but it's the fact that charr fashion war is almost non existent due to their tail clipping, or just odd proportion. it's really hard to make a charr looks good. and it'll be a waste on a lot of armor skins. that's why people go to human race cuz it's an easy way out.

some prefer tiny/slender races during festivities so it wouldn't block their whole screen. but that's just a personal preference. i don't have any problem with it. plus, a lot of jumping puzzles now transform everyone into something, so it's much less distracted.


i like all races in-game, and i think they're very well done, except sylvaries and charrs could have been scaled better with much less clippings sometimes. lol.

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I've been a casual/occasional player for years, and I'm easily bored. I'll create a character, play up to lvl 30-60, then quit and make another character. I've tried all races and most professions. Then I decided to create a character outside my comfort zone: a human guardian. Wow! I LOVE guardian! I got her to lvl 80 in about two weeks and now I'm working through Heart of Thorns. My point is, it make take time to find what really "fits" for you. Try them all, all races and all professions, and eventually you will find your "tribe."

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