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Legendary Amulet

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I have played this game since start. Grinding a ton of achieves 40k+ worth. Worked hard for gear etc. But this is absolutely the first time I have seen something put in the game that is just out right one of the stupidest and least thought through gates/grinds/requirements whatever you want to call it needed to get the only legendary amulet in game.


I am going to skip over the fact that it is 2020 and we finally can have a full set of legendary, skip the fact game has been out since 2012.

I am going to skip over the fact that you still can't get it done in 1 game mode. Sure lets go across multiple that's fine I play pve/wvw/pvp /raids etc no issue there.


My issue is that you have tied it to having to 20 win tournament matches. Not participate but WIN . You literally could play your ass off and be absolutely great in your match and still loose cause your team isn't good or their team is better and you will have no influence on that.


120 wins in 1 season. Some of us, and by some I mean MOST, have jobs and real lives that won't allow us to sit in front of a computer 24/7 to get to 120 wins. 120 matches would still be insane but at least then you are tieing it to game investment in not once again how your team or partner in 2v2 is doing.


I am absolutely disgusted with the blind and short sighted implementation of this in game. For a game/company that prides itself and talks up a big company policy on giving players what they want and listening to feedback this has to be in my eyes the worst implementation unilaterally of any new game mechanic.








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They could at least make it 120 wins over time not in one season. I can maybe get in 100 matches in each season if I try and that's going to be about half wins. I could easily see maybe getting to 80 wins and running out of time which is a huge WASTE of my time and not fun. For me, the repetitiveness of all of the achievements in general over the last 3 releases have left me playing Guildwars ONE where the content is fresh and new to me not just do this 25 times, 100 times 1000 times, etc....

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are you sure its supposed to be made during 1 season only? to me it seems like u need to win 120 games during season, instead of off-season.

u need 20 tournament matches wins only for this ugly ball, u can get fully functional leg trinket (without ball) without doing any tournaments. u want pvp shiny? be good at pvp.

edit: also keep in mind u dont need to win torunament finals, a lot of bad ppl participate in tournaments as well, cuz they want daily gold, or shiny as u

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U don't need having to 20 win tournament matches. For leg amulet u need only 120 matches. Tournament needs only apply additional effect on that leg item.


U don't need having 120 wins in 1 season. You can complete this per 10 seasons.


This is chill and perfect leg item.

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"A season" can be interpreted multiple ways but that probably means "a season as opposed to not a season which means it only counts while a season is active"


but lets assume it actually means within a single season. 120 wins is approximately 240 matches. A season is 55 days(except the most recent one which was cut short for the balance patch) so that is around 4 matches a day or approximately 1 hour a day. Hardly impossible


> @"Coelho Nat.4697" said:

> I also gave up on the legendary pvp ring.

> 120 wins on ranked matches is doable IF it can be done in multiples seasons.

> However, 20 wins in tournament matches??? No. Thanks.


That is 20 tournament matches won and not 20 tournaments won.


It can be rephrased as "made it through at least the first round of a tournament 20 times".


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The ranked wins are probably during multiple seasons, and that's ok for me.

The tournament wins areren't good for anyone, because they require you to get a full team at the same hours (you can't hop in like in raids anytime you want) .


I thinks the latter need something different considering that the WvW requirements can be completed in a matter of hours.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Shadows Creed.3902" said:

> > Maybe before you start to white hat check your facts.

> >

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emblem_of_Victory

> "Win 120 ranked matches during a PvP season." right now we dont have pvp season, so wins rn dont count, that what it means for sure. there is nothing that implies, it must be only 1 season.



The miniseason counts as PvP season

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I'm just waiting for the dev confirmation that it's **one** season or just during seasons (plural). If it's one season I'm still going to try to do it , just going to need a lot of patience and a reduction in PvE/WvW time as I have enough skirmish tickets / accountbound badges of honor / testimonies of heroics for the legendary WvW trinket.

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