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Returning player, whats a good wvw roamer build?


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I quit playing before the first expansion released but now I am back.


I have read resources on mesmer builds, but, apparently there was a huge balance very recently that changed the metas so I need an up-to-date advice.


I mainly want to have casual fun in wvw, looking for some 1v1 dueling oportunities, and general pve soloing and map completions.


I like the greatsword, if that helps.

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Core mesmer in WvW is in a much better spot than mirage (1 dodge lol) or chrono (can't use any shatters without clones). If you're roaming you can run core condi staff / scepter+torch or scepter+pistol with trailblazer or dire. The alternative is core power shatter but people can kill you quite quickly ; sword+sword (for blocks) and Greatsword or sword+torch (invis) and Greatsword , keeping a focus handy for squads.


For PvE , sword mainhand is usually used for power damage, Greatsword isn't camped unless you absolutely cannot be in melee range and only used for the might + berserker phantasm.

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I tried a build that a friend gave me, it's easy to win most outnumbered matches.

So condi mirage still works but requires a bit more thought to survive and its boring as kitten to play.


If you want fun go power core, I play dom/duel/illu with double mind wrack, but you'll lose some of outnumbered fights because its trash comparing to other stuff out there.

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Roaming on this [hybrid core build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs+xrlVwSYKsL2IWOT7rWA-zVZYLhIIGKKD2onUL/QiUBkpUoXRgiPICxe4GeSCHs4nZE-w) atm. Does pretty good, even vs some outnumbered fights. Just get hard countered by s/d acro thieves or things like convert scrapper. Basically spam out a ton of shatters and distorts.


It's heavy on cleanse, can swap out cleansing sigil and inspiration 3-2-3 to 1-2-3 for teamfights. Keep a focus instead of torch on a 2nd gear template for camps/pull kills. Can drop moa for other elite, i just commit to the signet meme. :p Helps with all the heal bunkers these days.

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Sigil builds just make me sad. I think its a just another sign of how bad things are that people are stuck using that. Anyone with half a brain will instantly pick you out from the clones since ONLY the Mesmer ever has sigil icons and they look so different from other icons. It makes spotting you from your clones like as much of a no brainer as possible for the opponent.

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People still have trouble spotting the real mesmer in 2020? As if signets make it that much harder when there's food buffs, banners, objective buffs etc. If your mesmer build 's effectiveness is measured by people not finding you among clones you have bigger issues. Signets (traited) give you more staying power and are actually pretty good imo.

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> @"Moradorin.6217"

> People still have trouble spotting the real mesmer in 2020? As if signets make it that much harder when there's food buffs, banners, objective buffs etc. If your mesmer build 's effectiveness is measured by people not finding you among clones you have bigger issues. Signets (traited) give you more staying power and are actually pretty good imo.


Only in wvw. Meaning all those tells are ONLY in wvw. None apply to pvp. Also I would say Sigils are the single best tell. Pink icons too sure from various traits, but those are less obvious also with IH its much harder to find the real mes depending how u trait. Sure its still not hard to find the real mes, BUT sigils just make it as easy as possible for any opponent unless you plan to basically keep them all on cooldown constantly.

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> @"Moradorin.6217"

> People still have trouble spotting the real mesmer in 2020? As if signets make it that much harder when there's food buffs, banners, objective buffs etc. If your mesmer build 's effectiveness is measured by people not finding you among clones you have bigger issues. Signets (traited) give you more staying power and are actually pretty good imo.


people legit argued on the forum that target breaking like IA is worth 3s of " damage immunity "

becouse it removes target and then have to find the real on!

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

>**Only in wvw. Meaning all those tells are ONLY in wvw. None apply to pvp.** Also I would say Sigils are the single best tell. Pink icons too sure from various traits, but those are less obvious also with IH its much harder to find the real mes depending how u trait. Sure its still not hard to find the real mes, BUT sigils just make it as easy as possible for any opponent unless you plan to basically keep them all on cooldown constantly.


The poster is asking for a WvW build, else i wouldn't bring it up. :p I mean yeah they apply extra obvious tells, but you're not dropping target for more than a couple seconds anyway in the limited amount of stealth. Competent players will re-target near instantly. It's useful if you're on old power mirage and you can get a few secs to launch less obvious GS burst i'll agree. Just not really relevant for this particular build imo.



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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> Roaming on this [hybrid core build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs+xrlVwSYKsL2IWOT7rWA-zVZYLhIIGKKD2onUL/QiUBkpUoXRgiPICxe4GeSCHs4nZE-w) atm. Does pretty good, even vs some outnumbered fights. Just get hard countered by s/d acro thieves or things like convert scrapper. Basically spam out a ton of shatters and distorts.


> It's heavy on cleanse, can swap out cleansing sigil and inspiration 3-2-3 to 1-2-3 for teamfights. Keep a focus instead of torch on a 2nd gear template for camps/pull kills. Can drop moa for other elite, i just commit to the signet meme. :p Helps with all the heal bunkers these days.


What do you think about sigil of mischief instead of sigil of doom?

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> @"Yoci.2481" said:

> What do you think about sigil of mischief instead of sigil of doom?


Had a friend ask me this as well. Could work, decent sigil for ineptitude. Doom sigil is more valuable for the poison application i think. Pretty important to have in bunker meta. Replacing cleansing or one of the energy sigils with it is an option. :+1:


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As others have mentioned, Mesmer is not in a good place right now. It still works as a solo/small group roamer in WvW, but bare in mind that most matchups are an uphill battle. Both roaming builds I currently use are Core Mesmer and very similar (hybrid and full power). Both use Dueling, Illusions, Chaos. With hybrid, I go Sword/Pistol Scepter/Torch while full power takes Sword/Sword Scepter/Torch. Hybrid stats are roughly 2k power, 1150 condi dmg, 2700 armor, 18.5k health, 40% crit chance with very little investment in ferocity. The power build has 2500 power, 55% crit chance, 200% crit dmg, 18k health, 2400 armor. Both use Firework runes for 25% movement speed and boons along with the manipulation trait in chaos for cd reduction and superspeed on Blink, Arcane Thievery, and Mass Invis which helps a bit with the low mobility of Core Mesmer. Chaos is the same for both builds (Bottom, Top, Middle). Hybrid runs Dueling (Bottom, mid/bottom, bottom) Illusions (Bottom, Bottom, Bottom). Power has Dueling (Top, Bottom, Bottom) and Illusions (Middle, Middle, Bottom). The power setup can stack up to 18 might with a sword burst, but the hybrid build only has the 6 from Runes, so you rely on Arcane Thievery to steal your opponents might. Sigils are Cleansing/Energy and Corruption or Bloodlust/Energy.

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > @"Yoci.2481" said:

> > What do you think about sigil of mischief instead of sigil of doom?


> Had a friend ask me this as well. Could work, decent sigil for ineptitude. Doom sigil is more valuable for the poison application i think. Pretty important to have in bunker meta. Replacing cleansing or one of the energy sigils with it is an option. :+1:



Thank you.

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Condi core mesmer is currently very strong in this meta, specially while running Signets as they heavily synergize with distortion related traits.


This is what I'm currently running: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABsqt/lVwQYXsE2IeqT7rfA-zVRYcRPjM4CJnQo3Co7Mw7DSQsHeLTKtB-w


Full dire works too if trailblazers is out of budget.


You can survive any condi build, including condi rev and the amount of boonrip allows to beat most of them, against really good condi revs its normally a stalemate until one gives up.

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