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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > @"Roquen.5406" said:

    > > @"rng.1024"

    > >

    > > Neither of us know the actual numbers. Only Anet knows that. The playerbase has declined because of neglect, one of those being the lack of policing in their own game. You say policing pvp will help kill their own game mode but it can also do the reverse.

    > >

    > > Your next point is where you lose me. You condone cheating because it’s more entertaining. I do not agree with you here but to each their own.

    > >

    > > What double standard? I said cheating is bad. I never said it’s okay to cheat if you still end up in last. You are the one that keeps throwing out, winners, number one, high rank people. All I’ve ever referred to is those that cheat.

    > >

    > > I think it’s pretty clear now why you defend this behavior, so I’m gonna call it quits. Best of luck to you and thanks for the civil conversation.


    > It's not like you are wrong in the least and all your points are valid.


    > All I wanted to point out is the fact that only the developers can do something about this, and how putting the blame on other players makes no sense (since that's what this thread is about) unless it's because of envy.


    > Drawing on forum statistics, personal experience and simple logic it's not hard to estimate the scope of wintrading. Furthermore the player in question competed during the e-sports era, have put way more hours in game than most of us and continously manage to place high in AT's without wintrade. Yes they made a mistake, and yes they are at the mercy of anet. Most people have never been affected by this persons presence in the game at all.


    > All I'm saying is aim that frustration towards anet instead of individual players, because it's this close-minded behaviour that gives them the leeway to have it on the afterburner in the first place. I wouldn't mind having no wintrading in this mode, but I also know nothing would change except longer average queue times. But hey with an expansion coming it's cause to get our hopes up :)


    Unfortunately ur right, it is anets fault for creating a system that allows this behavior and makes it possible especially if ur not gonna enforce it.

    That said it's sad how many people behave as such and that it has to be that way.

    Kinda like shootings, is it the persons fault or the gun manufacturers for creating the gun, or is it the suppliers fault. Of course it's the shooter fault in the end but.

    In a way players could not win trade or map manipulate even though they have the option to but haha yeah right emiright.

  2. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Today I got killed by a Thief who teleported out of my downed CC's range during the finishing animation and then back at the very end.


    > Has that person been a cheater?


    > It certainly doesn't feel like that should be possible.


    He simply shadoestept after stomp animations started and shadow returned near the end of animation. Common method to safe stomp.

    I could be completely wrong and apologize if I am but I've seen the op in thread discussions over the years and feel like they knew all this and the thread is a non aggressive way to say to say nerf this.

  3. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > I'm of the opinion that warriors sustain and damage are fine.


    > However, I really do feel that warrior needs better mobility (without rampage - too long of a cooldown - garbage against good players - I personally destroy people that enter rampage on my main).


    > Warrior used to be one of the fastest with sword mainhand and greatsword - and being a typical frontline/melee combatant it needs to have that mobility to engage and disengage. I would like to see superspeed added more to it's kit. Sword mainhand would be a good place to add that in my opinion and perhaps to discipline, giving 3 seconds of superspeed on weapon swap. This probably sounds OP but I really think warriors need that kind of movement in combat.


    I see what ur saying but disagree. War mobility is still great and gaining more would be too much mobility. Warrior got hit hard from this patch cuz its sustain got smacked in so many ways it was dummied hard. Might was not only a source of damage but sustain so when rune of strength and might got nerfed that hit wars damage and healing. Then healing on mmr got nerfed causing more of a sustain loss and to throw a cherry on top sig of healing got nerfed. Any competent dev woulda maybe left healing signet and mmr as is and see how the sustain loss from might nerfs effected their sustain than maybe shave the healing signet slightly to bring it in line. Damage wise on top of the might nerfs was also hit hard by loss of damage on cc's. U can tell by warriors playstyle and skills and what its burst rotation and damage numbers are that the class was designed with the idea of the cc doing damage as part of their burst but the damage wasn't left a bit higher on the non hard cc skills to compensate, be less skillful but would left war in a better state, still not best approach. Not all classes are effected like this having the damage taken from their cc but war is specifically one class that the damage should have remained on the cc even if the damage toned down a bit on it.

    These are the reasons war was left in a worse spot than the others even though it was a blanket net nerf across all classes, blanket nerfs dont actually effect every class the same due to a lot of different variables. I'm no professional dev yet I knew this was gonna be the case from the notes before hand, they are not good at their job, sry.

  4. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > > Hope they delete this boring unskillfull clownfiesta and just focus on conquest rank w/o any timeout after season ends


    > Yes please, but hilariously, 3v3 shows how bad this games balance is and how badly designed so many abilities, weapons, and classes in general are.


    Man so did 2v2 and so does conquest, the games balance is trash no matter the pvp match type.

  5. > @"clayton.8453" said:

    > If Arena Net doesn't "care" about PvP, because it doesn't eliminate this game mode in Guild Wars, Ranked PvP is balanced by the rank that the player is in, bronze, gold ... If a player who started the game in less than 1 month, get lvl 20 in PvP and fall on your team you know that this player will do almost nothing, and do you think that is just? A player new to the game with no experience falls on your team and you lose because of that player. I get angry when it happens, if Arena Net doesn't fix it, it destroys it soon, eliminates the PvP mode of Guild Wars 2. PvP is kitten in the balance, makes you want to stop playing because of that kitten.



    It's because the devs for this game are either inexperienced or poor at their jobs. They designed the ranking system for a premade team match system where it would make sense but applied it to a game mode where it's more common for a team of pugs to queuing up.

    Ranking should be on individual performance and team play not just win vs loss.

  6. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Highlie.7641" said:

    > > > It's still about bad design carrying the player.. So what's the difference? oh right like I said when they dropped the first patch. "same kitten, just slower"

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon.


    > But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online!


    Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.

    Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle?

  7. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol


    > Because conquest ranked has downtime for some unknown reason.


    Yeah for one dont really know the point of the downtime. 2 ranked isnt much better lol

  8. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked


    > cuz I will nearly always queue with 4 people to stomp noobs or get stomped by some mAT winner team, or more like exact opposite.


    Neither of those sound like fun intense pvp to me lol. Even when ur stomping and winning most 2v1's when a third player comes and picks u off when ur almost dead but u get them near death to see u teamate right next to u not be able to stop them from cleaving u than dying to that opponent after is funny but gets old. Stomping teams is boring fast and is less fun then being stomped as long as ur teammates are at least looking like their trying lol a close loss in my books is just under a close win as far as match enjoyment goes but this games current pvp is so far from enjoyment it's not funny anymore. And ranked without major changes wont be much different.

  9. Why in the ...... would anyone devote time to unranked, it's a complete waste of time unless ur just messing around testing builds which then it's fine but to actual play seriously its impossible in unranked unless u like fighting out numbered at every map boost like bell urself vs the rest of the enemy team. Or if u just killed a opponent in a 2v1 and the second opponent downs u with only bit of hp left only to have ur teammate stand there like a idiot while u get cleaved down than as ur laying their watch ur teammate get destroyed lol. Not knocking anyones skill level just stating there players who play worse then bots and often that's two or more of ur teamates so makes it hard to have a fun but serious pvp match lol. The best is when u fight outnumbered 2v1 while ur teammate ranger sits pew pewing 10 feet from a uncaptured node just autoing one of the 2 opponents ur fighting, like at least stand on the fing node man lol

  10. Honestly all one hit bursts should have been reduced removing them from the game, thief shoulda got .75 revealed window before its burst from stealth connected. Hard cc skills shoulda been individually analyzed and damage adjusted individually. Holo beam f done from stealth shoulda had same .75 reveal before it shot out same idea as thief etc etc. This blanked power reduction with zero considerations for each individual class was lazy and unprofessional, I mean this is sopose to be their profession and this is thier work ethic haha wow they must be proud I'd hope their not. Anyway games no better off, needed a de-powercreep yes but not this lazy a$$ approach.

  11. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"avey.4201" said:

    > > people complain about 1 shot, but it still exists, before 2/25 every class had the option, now only 3-4 classes have the option, balanced?step in the right direction?

    > > thief ranger and mesmer still have 1 shot, you know the highest mobility classes

    > > guess what happens when low mobility class dodges 1 shot from high mobility class? they reset, and try again, infinitely, because you can't return the burst

    > > what people miss, you can dodge the 1 shot leaving them with their skills on cool down, then follow up with your own 1 shot(pre2/25), stunned? bring a stun break

    > > now you only need random dodges in most fights, because 30 damage is 30 damage, doesn't matter what you dodge as long as you press all the buttons.


    > mesmer high mobility class?

    > pepothinks


    Pretty sure he was meaning teef by that.

  12. > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

    > > @"Loading.4503" said:

    > > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes

    > >

    > > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

    > > Its just a map for fights

    > > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight

    > >

    > > Would you want this?

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > What is TDM? Really hate when people just throw out acronyms without explaining what it is supposed to mean.


    Team death match I'm assuming

  13. > @"RandomWolf.3986" said:

    > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > I see more RPers now in PVE compared to January/February. WVW t/mchat is as stupid as always.


    > The roleplaying community has been on a steady decline since 2016 to the point it completely died out on the EU. On NA, however, it's pretty dry and boring... but it's just as moronic as it was years ago. It's a really sour sub-community in general known for its ridiculous drama. They don't really affect me, though.


    > I'm talking about the general feel of the game. PvE, sPvP, WvW and so on.


    > > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > > "Mainly PVP"

    > >

    > > You answered yourself there.


    > But why is this bad? I don't remember it being THIS bad. And I'm not just talking about PvP. It has bled out to PvE, too. The waiting time on the LFG over at NA is a lot longer than on EU and it sucks when people go as far as act like buttholes for no reason or troll the LFG search after waiting it out for almost an hour.


    > > @"Black Wolf.7348" said:

    > > it certainly dont help that anet force everyone who want legendary amulet to get 120 ranked wins and 20 tournament match wins when they simply hate the game mode like me. forced to play ( aka grind) through the insane amount of wins when wvw is easy as f.


    > What? That's bloody ridiculous.


    I dont get players choosing gw2 for rpl. It's literally thee most shallow game to rlp in, eso or ff14 and many others offer a way more deep rpl experience. I was surprised to hear this game even had rplr's.

    To op I think the community is a mixed bag and there will always be bad apples in mmo's or and shared gaming experience but regarding gw2 there are a ton of happy players but for every one of them there a few players that have been jaded over the years over the devs handling of the game and its development which starts to spill over into toxic behaviors within the game. Yeah these players should take s break or move on but some find it hard due to years of investment. New players probably see the game in a healthy state as well as some vets but a lot of long time players feel as if it's being run into the dirt. Maybe the new expac will improve things for a short while at least.

  14. > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > Every class was viable competitively pre feb patch. Many specs and classes are just completely useless atm.

    > >

    > > The current meta is very tanky and bunkery. So, the people that enjoy playing this patch would've enjoyed what first killed GW2's PvP scene years ago.


    > pretty much this.....


    > this game feels kitten boring as hell that even playing prot holo or holo in general is dumb. The nerfs that came in with the patch has made so many builds useless and pointless.


    > The game is literally dog kitten at the moment with so many stupid brain dead builds going around it just isn't even worth logging in anymore. Condi Rev, Prot Holo, Ranger, Condi Thief, Core Necro and fb. All those classes have braindead specs at the moment that makes it boring to play..... maybe necro doesn't belong on the list but whatever.


    This^ hopefully for the devs sake their expac is hugely successful and brings a lot of new players back and new blood the the game and all its modes or I fear it actually might be maintenance mode time. Right now during the pandemic the pve in this game has seen a definite increase in players which is great for the game but how long will those players stay after things normalize and their not stuck at home most days. Pvp modes have also seen a in crease for the same reasons and its telling that the pvp population still isn't great even with these circumstances. These are very bad times obviously but great for increasing a mmo's population.

    This is the first time in 7 yrs I basically play few matches a week before loading something else up. Never been a fan of gw2 pve but the combat mechanics and flow of combat made up some what for the slow and poor balancing the pvp modes continuously recieved but the changes have been so poor lately dumbing the game down and promoting more spammy brainless playstyles throughout the specs are really starting to over shadow the great combat mechanics this game has and its potential.

    Honestly and I know this is harsh but anet needs to clean house in the balance department and hire a group of experienced and passionate people that treat the balancing of the game as a full time job, this games pvp is so dynamic as are its classes and is what' is needed to somewhat reach its potential. I know a lot of fanboys will defend the devs etc but the balance and design team in this game are beyond lacking in performance.

  15. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Generally speaking, MMOs are not about playing a game accordingly to your rules , other people are trying to enjoy the game just as much as you , **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against. Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their, if it's not fun for you to be stunlocked/feared chained/insta killed or whatever why would you think it'd be different for other people?

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Less ego and more self-reflection....

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So demanding removal of clearly unbalanced, broken, overstacked stuff that makes people just go straight for uninstall is not okay?

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Actually, as a customers, we do have a right to "demand" or rather ask for things if you like it or not, if these things will be "delivered" though it's a different story.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > You're kinda going against your own words in that post...

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > You say " **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against" and then "Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their", which is it then? There were/are things in the game that are clearly unbalanced/broken that need either complete removal or rework since they're overstacked too much without much counterplay.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I see no connection between what can be considered broken/overperforming and what may force you to uninstall , if you'd be so kind to provide an example...

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > It's gonna be difficult to write everything that was broken, so I'll just put few examples of pre-nerfed state builds: Condi Mirage(all versions, iframe spam says hi), Condi Thief(even currently is kitten, condi spam says hi), Druid(side-noder, ancient seed spam says hi), Warrior(all versions, overstacked Full-counter/rampage says hi), Chronomancer(bunker and phantasm says hi), Fireweaver(condi/evasion spam says hi), Hambow(stunlock says hi), Turret Engi(AI says hi), Minionmancer(AI says hi) and many more that made people quit since 2012.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > Don't know about you, but I don't think a lot of people enjoy being trashed without any kind of counterplay, even if they were trying to tune their build to counter XYZ, some were straight-up uncounterable.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > Like 1shots from stealth, overspam of condies, unkillable bunkers(current era to a degree). A lot of people quit because of memes like that.

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > This thread was never against the idea of removing OP specs and more against the idea that removing what makes a class competitive should be removed, toning down is one thing....completely removing the build is another.

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > If one spec is supposed to be duel...then don't go and ask to remove everything that makes that build capable of duelling in the first place:

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > -a side noder must have enough sustain to against sudden +1 if not it cannot be a side noder....no I don't mean being able to 1vs3+ for hours

    > > > > > > > > > > > > -a support spec must be able to sustain enough pressure if not it cannot support anybody...no I don't mean being able to hold all enemy team for 5m+

    > > > > > > > > > > > > -a burst spec supposed to burst you down...no I don't mean one shot from stealth...but enough to scare you or kill you if can't react fast enough

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > Removal of what annoys you =/ balance let's all make this straight once and for all

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Ur not wrong man, been in this game coming on 7 yrs now and barely play but the community has gotten progressively worse as literally any skill or tactic a class uses to be effective will naturally spawn a nerf post here and there but in this community they'll be spammed. Then after some time anet devs who can't balance on their own accord will nerf the class so that skill or tactic is useless all while far more problematic skills and tactics go unchanged due to them being more accepted either thru class popularity or simply not being one of the few classes constantly hated on by the community.

    > > > > > > > > > > > The funny thing is the community wonders why the population is abysmally low and declining and on top complain about build deversity. The games basically amounted to everyone picking the most brainless cheese carry build in hope's to be effective against players doing the same. So many things in this games pvp need to be reworked including anets devs approach regarding the modes.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > You defend revenants saying they're balanced...while a team win a monthly tournaments with 3 revs in it....wvw is full of Mallyx revs from small scale roaming to frontline zerging and GvG fights.....sidenoders in pvp...unkillable sidenoders with enough experience........in the same instance you claim that **tempest** is broken lol when every team with a tempest lost to FB team, tempests don't get stacked in WvW and neither can roam, can't sidenode for kitten and yet...revenant is balanced while tempest is broken..such an example of integrity you are

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > That's the exact mentality I'm speaking about. Revs are not a easy class to play, lower ranks u see a rev usually their free kills. Their high evades/sustain require using properly times evade frames from skills, one block on staff, shiro roll back requiring energy resource and a heal that needs to be used while taking decent dps for it to be very effective. Yeah revs a monster if ur a good player which is how it should be and I also other classes should be brought up to that lv of effectiveness for the work put in. I'm against classes mechanics like necro where u spam and when close to death press a keybind and bam second hp bar with damage reduction, thsts brainless, add in fear spam and awesome. Or guards that stand in one spot even low rank spamming condi's and sustain skill and being far more effective than they should be for work put in just like necro. Or maybe spam autos from range while a pet hits as hard as a player and when u focus pet as many say u just allow the ranger to keep free hitting u than if u get in close bam barrier, protection and stability or trap dropped and invisible with superspeed. The game is filled with brainless spam carry builds due to anets inability to balance a all classes do everything approach and it's best to nerf a effective class that requires skill to play? How many top streamers that are viewed as very highly skilled in the game tried rev since last patch drop and continued to do so and didnt go back to their main? None. They all usually make comments when jumping on power rev and state "I'm not great on rev but I'm rolling it cuz team needs one".

    > > > > > > > > > Rev is one of the few classes that require skill to be effective in high tier play and is separate from half these brainless spam classes that yeah ur ranger now falls into and the community wants it nerfed lol no surprise.

    > > > > > > > > > Also it's not black and white sometime classes are stacked due to them being effective which doesn't always equate to OP just like skills and tactics that are effective don't automatically mean their op, where does this mentality come from?

    > > > > > > > > > It's easy to tell if a build is being stacked due to being OP or brainless but still effective such as post nerf core necro, condi rev/ren, cindi thief, all burn specs that spam burns due to the burst dps burn tics do post patch vs power dps, condo and power ranger due to multiple brainless effective build possibilities and so on.

    > > > > > > > > > Also a class that's dominant when stacked doesn't inherently make a spec op as thsts the fault of the system allowing class stacking and a class system promoting low class diversity. If a class is nerfed so its ineffective having 2 on a team how do u nerf that in a way that allows having one to remain effective? If having two is a detriment in a game designed with all classes do everything method than one would be detrimental as well as that method of thinking would only work in a game with holly trinity as having 3 dps and 2 tanks with no healer would be a detriment.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > If the classes you complain about would be as strong as you say...then we would see much more of them at high tier and yet...this doesn't happen, TOP players are supposed to be even more devastating on a class and yet...they pick rev over ranger or guardian or ele when these classes stop being viable at the top.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > If the way revs sustain themselves is the only fair one to fight..then it should be extended to everybody else while removing the current ones and yet..you complain about sword weaver which was based on the same idea of evading incoming attacks...but people called it OP...so eles should have heal burst?!...no people called it OP...and this goes for all other professions you see?!

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > How exactly would you give the same tools that revs has to avoid instant death to another profession?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Well for one ranger is being played in top tier matches again these days and u saying power shiro rev is easier to be as equally as effective compared to slbeast or core ranger? Cuz lol. A rev may have a higher skill ceiling than say ranger but its skill floor is significantly higher so... if its impossible to have actual perfect overall balance would u rather this scanario or the class with a lower skill floor also be able to match a class with a higher skill floor and ceiling when two equally skilled players are playing the two? I'll use ranger as a example as I kno u play it. I say buff rangers skill ceiling or potential to match revs while reworking all of its brainless carry mechanics out of it making it require more thoughtful play and skill to be effective with or nerf revs skill ceiling down so skilled players arnt monsters on it but add in some of condi revs brainless spam playstyle into power rev successfully dumbing the build down. What sounds healthier for the game?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I have asked how would you accomplish this skill ceiling buff on other classes? You claim that revenant sustain/dmg ratio is balanced while being based on the timing of inbuilt evades and block/heal/boon uptime; at this point I wonder how would you make so that 2 skilled players ,one on a rev and another playing a different profession, would have a balanced fight with equal chance to take each one out.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Between Glint aoe/elite and sword off hand ranged onehit burst, 2 teleports, all boons uptime (minus resistance without mallyx) , block/dash with staff........please why don't you try to explain me how we can match that same level of burst/sustain on other professions with something that you don't consider cheese?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If were talking ranger as a example I'd drop the damage so hard on passive pet damage but have the pet skills when melded have good damage, id increase the CD on maul and make a successful hilt bash reduce CD by 50% not out right remove the cd(stupid carry design) the damage is already fine on maul. I'd speed up the ranger autos significantly and put the evade back in between the second and last sword hit cuz if u can time that last hit to avoid significant damage than the ranger should be rewarded with a evade, hilt bash also should get some damage returned to it as should a lot off the hard cc skill,not all but a lot of them. The long bow rapid fire damage is fine but CD should be be slightly increased, for braindead spam purposes lb autos should be unaffected by damage multipliers or boons. I could go on and I know in ways this sounds like a nerf but if these types of things are applied to all classes it wouldn't be bad. Traps like guards should have the cd stars to reset on activation not when placed so they cant be placed a second time on a opponent who just activated it. This game is so full of bad carry designs it's crazy.

    > > > >

    > > > > So you would "solve the issue" by totally destroying core and druid while keeping SlB intact it sounds like. What I mean is you are proposing the "drop the damage hard on ...pet", but give good damage merged. Well the only one who can "merge" is SLB. That is a horrible suggestion. Also that combo has been nerfed enough IMO, the only thing that needs to be reduced IS MERGED DAMAGE to balance IF ANYTHING.

    > > > >

    > > > > I dont play ranger much but I have played it enough to know that the Maul, hiltbash, maul combo has MAJOR tells and any player can easily avoid the hildbash and 2nd maul. you just move away. if you move away then the ranger has to try and move or use gs3 to leap to you and will then likely burn up its next opening strike bonus and lose the while daze bonus for the 2nd maul because of the time delay after bash combined with needing to use 3 skill before they can hit with 2 skill again and opening stike is on furry application only. In other words, the only way maul does good bash IS with thinking ahead and doing a a combination of skills with boon application either via utility or pet swap. the pet swap no longer works for SLB they use merge now.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think you have a distorted view of you own class and skill.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just like your suggestions for Mesmer. All your "class balance" suggestions tend to sounds more like YOU are one of the posters who DO try to KILL a CLASS TO REDUCE your COMPETITION.I think

    > > > >

    > > > > Rev and Guard are the ones that people should focus on destorying at this point.

    > > > >

    > > > > Heck lets just nerf them all into oblivion! Why the heck not just kill the entire game.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ohh wait the point of this thread is about WHY do we have to remove what we dont like to the detriment of other classes. ironically your post demonstrates why the forum comments arent usually constructive when balance is the topic. People tend to demonstrate the same clasxs BIAS that you have.

    > > >

    > > > I main ranger and I agree with you on considering core/druid when making pet adjustments. People often forget that the loss of stats is built into the pet. The active (F2) on them is no different than a warrior executing their F1 burst - the exception being that the pet active doesn't really do any significant damage. The "passive" damage of the pet can be almost entirely negated and is shut down by condi/aoe/soft condis or even just not standing still (poor AI).

    > > >

    > > > Where I disagree though, is while maul has an easy tell, it's quite easily spammable between its low cooldown and the reset with hilt bash. Add into the fact that greatsword still retains most of its defensive kit/mobility after the changes - greatsword is a very overloaded weapon kit.

    > > > It was originally designed as a defensive kit and to be honest I would much prefer they revert the unnecessary changes they made to greatsword. The evade needs to be returned to the last strike of the auto attack, damage should be lowered through removing the reset on maul through hilt bash, and the block needs the evade removed and put back to the ranged throw with cripple.

    > > >

    > > > Tldr; greatsword changes were unnecessary and not asked for and they need to be reverted - this is **from a Ranger main**.

    > >

    > > Sry but no one forgets loss of stats on ranger due to pets existing cuz it holds no weight. A ranger with its pr taken out of the equation still does great damage due to non pet damage modifiers. Think of the damage a ranger can do with long bow and maul etc with all of its damage multipliers. If anet wasn't garbage at balance and the actually lowered rangers stats to actually balance them with regards to pets existence than I'd agree, but they didn't.


    > My response was towards what the poster had commented on, not the entire overview of ranger.


    > As for what you said, those damage multipliers are primarily focused on what? It's not druid as they make very little use of them. Your target focus is definitely on core and soulbeast. Let's look further at what you mentioned. Greatsword can get massive boosts, I don't disagree with that - but I had stated in the previous post that it does need toning down.


    > If you're looking at core that would be in conjunction with primarily the marksmanship line. Again, it's greatsword that makes the most use of opening strike and increased damage on Cc with the multipliers. Longbow has been so over-nerfed the auto attack damage is almost as strong as rapidfire. You really don't get much out of longbow damage unless you're playing glass/high damage. Have you seen the bunker core ranger with longbow and their damage? Most of the complaints were from the sustained damage with decent bursts from.. yet again, greatsword.


    > Soulbeast is where these modifiers (some of which now apply to the user rather than the pet) become really dangerous because the merging with the pet + the modifiers + high burst on greatsword or axe really makes it explosive.


    > I feel that you read through these forums taking ideas from here and there and regurgitating them without actual care for real balance. That comment we both know you stole from an old thread on pre-nerfed ranger and are trying to pawn it off now to justify that the entire ranger class needs to be destroyed. My question to you, is do you have any original thoughts of your own?


    U keep bringing up druid and if u looked thru my past posts druid is one of the few specs in this game that needs another good rework as in net buffs to actually make it viable at what it should be good at, FB rival for support. Obviously the changes I was mentioning would have specific alterations/changes regarding each spec, I was just quickly mentioning things off top of my head ways of making ranger more skillfull in its playstyles.

    Although I think druid needs love entangled hp needs lowered to represent the damage drop just as revive speed and downed hp should have also been accounted for such. These are amateur mistakes dev with experience should not have easily overlooked.

  16. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Generally speaking, MMOs are not about playing a game accordingly to your rules , other people are trying to enjoy the game just as much as you , **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against. Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their, if it's not fun for you to be stunlocked/feared chained/insta killed or whatever why would you think it'd be different for other people?

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Less ego and more self-reflection....

    > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > So demanding removal of clearly unbalanced, broken, overstacked stuff that makes people just go straight for uninstall is not okay?

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > Actually, as a customers, we do have a right to "demand" or rather ask for things if you like it or not, if these things will be "delivered" though it's a different story.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > You're kinda going against your own words in that post...

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > You say " **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against" and then "Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their", which is it then? There were/are things in the game that are clearly unbalanced/broken that need either complete removal or rework since they're overstacked too much without much counterplay.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > I see no connection between what can be considered broken/overperforming and what may force you to uninstall , if you'd be so kind to provide an example...

    > > > > > > > > > > > It's gonna be difficult to write everything that was broken, so I'll just put few examples of pre-nerfed state builds: Condi Mirage(all versions, iframe spam says hi), Condi Thief(even currently is kitten, condi spam says hi), Druid(side-noder, ancient seed spam says hi), Warrior(all versions, overstacked Full-counter/rampage says hi), Chronomancer(bunker and phantasm says hi), Fireweaver(condi/evasion spam says hi), Hambow(stunlock says hi), Turret Engi(AI says hi), Minionmancer(AI says hi) and many more that made people quit since 2012.

    > > > > > > > > > > > Don't know about you, but I don't think a lot of people enjoy being trashed without any kind of counterplay, even if they were trying to tune their build to counter XYZ, some were straight-up uncounterable.

    > > > > > > > > > > > Like 1shots from stealth, overspam of condies, unkillable bunkers(current era to a degree). A lot of people quit because of memes like that.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > This thread was never against the idea of removing OP specs and more against the idea that removing what makes a class competitive should be removed, toning down is one thing....completely removing the build is another.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > If one spec is supposed to be duel...then don't go and ask to remove everything that makes that build capable of duelling in the first place:

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > -a side noder must have enough sustain to against sudden +1 if not it cannot be a side noder....no I don't mean being able to 1vs3+ for hours

    > > > > > > > > > > -a support spec must be able to sustain enough pressure if not it cannot support anybody...no I don't mean being able to hold all enemy team for 5m+

    > > > > > > > > > > -a burst spec supposed to burst you down...no I don't mean one shot from stealth...but enough to scare you or kill you if can't react fast enough

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Removal of what annoys you =/ balance let's all make this straight once and for all

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Ur not wrong man, been in this game coming on 7 yrs now and barely play but the community has gotten progressively worse as literally any skill or tactic a class uses to be effective will naturally spawn a nerf post here and there but in this community they'll be spammed. Then after some time anet devs who can't balance on their own accord will nerf the class so that skill or tactic is useless all while far more problematic skills and tactics go unchanged due to them being more accepted either thru class popularity or simply not being one of the few classes constantly hated on by the community.

    > > > > > > > > > The funny thing is the community wonders why the population is abysmally low and declining and on top complain about build deversity. The games basically amounted to everyone picking the most brainless cheese carry build in hope's to be effective against players doing the same. So many things in this games pvp need to be reworked including anets devs approach regarding the modes.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > You defend revenants saying they're balanced...while a team win a monthly tournaments with 3 revs in it....wvw is full of Mallyx revs from small scale roaming to frontline zerging and GvG fights.....sidenoders in pvp...unkillable sidenoders with enough experience........in the same instance you claim that **tempest** is broken lol when every team with a tempest lost to FB team, tempests don't get stacked in WvW and neither can roam, can't sidenode for kitten and yet...revenant is balanced while tempest is broken..such an example of integrity you are

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > That's the exact mentality I'm speaking about. Revs are not a easy class to play, lower ranks u see a rev usually their free kills. Their high evades/sustain require using properly times evade frames from skills, one block on staff, shiro roll back requiring energy resource and a heal that needs to be used while taking decent dps for it to be very effective. Yeah revs a monster if ur a good player which is how it should be and I also other classes should be brought up to that lv of effectiveness for the work put in. I'm against classes mechanics like necro where u spam and when close to death press a keybind and bam second hp bar with damage reduction, thsts brainless, add in fear spam and awesome. Or guards that stand in one spot even low rank spamming condi's and sustain skill and being far more effective than they should be for work put in just like necro. Or maybe spam autos from range while a pet hits as hard as a player and when u focus pet as many say u just allow the ranger to keep free hitting u than if u get in close bam barrier, protection and stability or trap dropped and invisible with superspeed. The game is filled with brainless spam carry builds due to anets inability to balance a all classes do everything approach and it's best to nerf a effective class that requires skill to play? How many top streamers that are viewed as very highly skilled in the game tried rev since last patch drop and continued to do so and didnt go back to their main? None. They all usually make comments when jumping on power rev and state "I'm not great on rev but I'm rolling it cuz team needs one".

    > > > > > > > Rev is one of the few classes that require skill to be effective in high tier play and is separate from half these brainless spam classes that yeah ur ranger now falls into and the community wants it nerfed lol no surprise.

    > > > > > > > Also it's not black and white sometime classes are stacked due to them being effective which doesn't always equate to OP just like skills and tactics that are effective don't automatically mean their op, where does this mentality come from?

    > > > > > > > It's easy to tell if a build is being stacked due to being OP or brainless but still effective such as post nerf core necro, condi rev/ren, cindi thief, all burn specs that spam burns due to the burst dps burn tics do post patch vs power dps, condo and power ranger due to multiple brainless effective build possibilities and so on.

    > > > > > > > Also a class that's dominant when stacked doesn't inherently make a spec op as thsts the fault of the system allowing class stacking and a class system promoting low class diversity. If a class is nerfed so its ineffective having 2 on a team how do u nerf that in a way that allows having one to remain effective? If having two is a detriment in a game designed with all classes do everything method than one would be detrimental as well as that method of thinking would only work in a game with holly trinity as having 3 dps and 2 tanks with no healer would be a detriment.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If the classes you complain about would be as strong as you say...then we would see much more of them at high tier and yet...this doesn't happen, TOP players are supposed to be even more devastating on a class and yet...they pick rev over ranger or guardian or ele when these classes stop being viable at the top.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If the way revs sustain themselves is the only fair one to fight..then it should be extended to everybody else while removing the current ones and yet..you complain about sword weaver which was based on the same idea of evading incoming attacks...but people called it OP...so eles should have heal burst?!...no people called it OP...and this goes for all other professions you see?!

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > How exactly would you give the same tools that revs has to avoid instant death to another profession?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Well for one ranger is being played in top tier matches again these days and u saying power shiro rev is easier to be as equally as effective compared to slbeast or core ranger? Cuz lol. A rev may have a higher skill ceiling than say ranger but its skill floor is significantly higher so... if its impossible to have actual perfect overall balance would u rather this scanario or the class with a lower skill floor also be able to match a class with a higher skill floor and ceiling when two equally skilled players are playing the two? I'll use ranger as a example as I kno u play it. I say buff rangers skill ceiling or potential to match revs while reworking all of its brainless carry mechanics out of it making it require more thoughtful play and skill to be effective with or nerf revs skill ceiling down so skilled players arnt monsters on it but add in some of condi revs brainless spam playstyle into power rev successfully dumbing the build down. What sounds healthier for the game?

    > > > >

    > > > > I have asked how would you accomplish this skill ceiling buff on other classes? You claim that revenant sustain/dmg ratio is balanced while being based on the timing of inbuilt evades and block/heal/boon uptime; at this point I wonder how would you make so that 2 skilled players ,one on a rev and another playing a different profession, would have a balanced fight with equal chance to take each one out.

    > > > >

    > > > > Between Glint aoe/elite and sword off hand ranged onehit burst, 2 teleports, all boons uptime (minus resistance without mallyx) , block/dash with staff........please why don't you try to explain me how we can match that same level of burst/sustain on other professions with something that you don't consider cheese?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If were talking ranger as a example I'd drop the damage so hard on passive pet damage but have the pet skills when melded have good damage, id increase the CD on maul and make a successful hilt bash reduce CD by 50% not out right remove the cd(stupid carry design) the damage is already fine on maul. I'd speed up the ranger autos significantly and put the evade back in between the second and last sword hit cuz if u can time that last hit to avoid significant damage than the ranger should be rewarded with a evade, hilt bash also should get some damage returned to it as should a lot off the hard cc skill,not all but a lot of them. The long bow rapid fire damage is fine but CD should be be slightly increased, for braindead spam purposes lb autos should be unaffected by damage multipliers or boons. I could go on and I know in ways this sounds like a nerf but if these types of things are applied to all classes it wouldn't be bad. Traps like guards should have the cd stars to reset on activation not when placed so they cant be placed a second time on a opponent who just activated it. This game is so full of bad carry designs it's crazy.

    > >

    > > So you would "solve the issue" by totally destroying core and druid while keeping SlB intact it sounds like. What I mean is you are proposing the "drop the damage hard on ...pet", but give good damage merged. Well the only one who can "merge" is SLB. That is a horrible suggestion. Also that combo has been nerfed enough IMO, the only thing that needs to be reduced IS MERGED DAMAGE to balance IF ANYTHING.

    > >

    > > I dont play ranger much but I have played it enough to know that the Maul, hiltbash, maul combo has MAJOR tells and any player can easily avoid the hildbash and 2nd maul. you just move away. if you move away then the ranger has to try and move or use gs3 to leap to you and will then likely burn up its next opening strike bonus and lose the while daze bonus for the 2nd maul because of the time delay after bash combined with needing to use 3 skill before they can hit with 2 skill again and opening stike is on furry application only. In other words, the only way maul does good bash IS with thinking ahead and doing a a combination of skills with boon application either via utility or pet swap. the pet swap no longer works for SLB they use merge now.

    > >

    > > I think you have a distorted view of you own class and skill.

    > >

    > > Just like your suggestions for Mesmer. All your "class balance" suggestions tend to sounds more like YOU are one of the posters who DO try to KILL a CLASS TO REDUCE your COMPETITION.I think

    > >

    > > Rev and Guard are the ones that people should focus on destorying at this point.

    > >

    > > Heck lets just nerf them all into oblivion! Why the heck not just kill the entire game.

    > >

    > > Ohh wait the point of this thread is about WHY do we have to remove what we dont like to the detriment of other classes. ironically your post demonstrates why the forum comments arent usually constructive when balance is the topic. People tend to demonstrate the same clasxs BIAS that you have.


    > I main ranger and I agree with you on considering core/druid when making pet adjustments. People often forget that the loss of stats is built into the pet. The active (F2) on them is no different than a warrior executing their F1 burst - the exception being that the pet active doesn't really do any significant damage. The "passive" damage of the pet can be almost entirely negated and is shut down by condi/aoe/soft condis or even just not standing still (poor AI).


    > Where I disagree though, is while maul has an easy tell, it's quite easily spammable between its low cooldown and the reset with hilt bash. Add into the fact that greatsword still retains most of its defensive kit/mobility after the changes - greatsword is a very overloaded weapon kit.

    > It was originally designed as a defensive kit and to be honest I would much prefer they revert the unnecessary changes they made to greatsword. The evade needs to be returned to the last strike of the auto attack, damage should be lowered through removing the reset on maul through hilt bash, and the block needs the evade removed and put back to the ranged throw with cripple.


    > Tldr; greatsword changes were unnecessary and not asked for and they need to be reverted - this is **from a Ranger main**.


    Sry but no one forgets loss of stats on ranger due to pets existing cuz it holds no weight. A ranger with its pr taken out of the equation still does great damage due to non pet damage modifiers. Think of the damage a ranger can do with long bow and maul etc with all of its damage multipliers. If anet wasn't garbage at balance and the actually lowered rangers stats to actually balance them with regards to pets existence than I'd agree, but they didn't.

  17. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > They have way to much damage for the sustain they have,its easy to see. I love the players that say they die fast when focused, wth do they think the two players are doing when their 2v1a tempest that's surviving way to long which is often the case. I'm pretty sure that's being focused.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As I said before, no they don't. Their main damage overload was nerfed hard years ago. They don't run ANY damage lines if you are full heal auramancer. Earth/Water no LR to proc with stuns. So what exactly are YOU dying to? Not their dagger? Not their overloads? If a tempest is surviving, that's good because that means they are KITING like every proper player should be doing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Do you complain about Scrapper when they kite and do damage? Because i've seen plenty of players die (including to me) to bunker scrappers in plat 1-2. So what's REALLY the issue here?

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Man I can be on war with 24k hp and most of my hp is gone from that bs lightning strike alone, no the dps is fine.

    > > > > The balance in this game is completely ruined. Uve git high sustain classes/builds now running around out bursting squishy classes. Condi tics matching power bursts-per fing tics. Anet reduces duration but the reaplication on some classes is so high and often plus with the high damage per tic the reduction in duration was stupid. The duration should have stayed where it was and damage per tic reduced especially on burning and bleeds that way it actually does its damage over time like their sopose to but instead condis burst, its something else this game lol. People really arnt interested in this game being in a healthier state, just want the annoying builds deleted and the more popular builds OP. Never gonna change.

    > > >

    > > > Pls I jump on my warrior and you try to kill me with a tempest...I dare you...**you have to play the support tempest** not some meme dps tempest, I want you to run same support build as seen on metabattle , **no stability trait** and then I want you to down my warrior with air overload...I dare you again to come now in PvP

    > >

    > > Are u serious, man u can go on current streams and watch for urself, sind talking about em, noody laughing at its sustain and damage. I'm sry man just cuz u play the class doesn't mean people are wrong mentioning its issues. So I gues those instances were all isolated eh? There a reason why all the sudden tempests are being seen so often. When a class is barely played then after a patch is not just seen more often but way more often theres a reason.


    > So the spec was "balanced" before the patch because the dmg was so high it could not be played....it looks like now I play ele too, on top of ranger and guardian and warrior....I play so many and yet I am being called the biased one...while your "heroes" just play thief.


    > This @sindreneer does nothing but whine all day about every class that best his thief....what will he complain after that? core ele? staff ele because he dies while standing on a lava font?


    We can all say we play all sorts of classes, ur called bias cuz u claim the classes u actually play as fine when their overperforming and claim other classes u "play" that are basically agreed upon throughout the community as being on the weaker side as being fine when people complain that the class is weak lol

  18. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > They have way to much damage for the sustain they have,its easy to see. I love the players that say they die fast when focused, wth do they think the two players are doing when their 2v1a tempest that's surviving way to long which is often the case. I'm pretty sure that's being focused.

    > > >

    > > > As I said before, no they don't. Their main damage overload was nerfed hard years ago. They don't run ANY damage lines if you are full heal auramancer. Earth/Water no LR to proc with stuns. So what exactly are YOU dying to? Not their dagger? Not their overloads? If a tempest is surviving, that's good because that means they are KITING like every proper player should be doing.

    > > >

    > > > Do you complain about Scrapper when they kite and do damage? Because i've seen plenty of players die (including to me) to bunker scrappers in plat 1-2. So what's REALLY the issue here?

    > > >

    > >

    > > Man I can be on war with 24k hp and most of my hp is gone from that bs lightning strike alone, no the dps is fine.

    > > The balance in this game is completely ruined. Uve git high sustain classes/builds now running around out bursting squishy classes. Condi tics matching power bursts-per fing tics. Anet reduces duration but the reaplication on some classes is so high and often plus with the high damage per tic the reduction in duration was stupid. The duration should have stayed where it was and damage per tic reduced especially on burning and bleeds that way it actually does its damage over time like their sopose to but instead condis burst, its something else this game lol. People really arnt interested in this game being in a healthier state, just want the annoying builds deleted and the more popular builds OP. Never gonna change.


    > Pls I jump on my warrior and you try to kill me with a tempest...I dare you...**you have to play the support tempest** not some meme dps tempest, I want you to run same support build as seen on metabattle , **no stability trait** and then I want you to down my warrior with air overload...I dare you again to come now in PvP


    Are u serious, man u can go on current streams and watch for urself, sind talking about em, noody laughing at its sustain and damage. I'm sry man just cuz u play the class doesn't mean people are wrong mentioning its issues. So I gues those instances were all isolated eh? There a reason why all the sudden tempests are being seen so often. When a class is barely played then after a patch is not just seen more often but way more often theres a reason.

    I was on for half hr while gf was finishing up making dinner and that's about all I can take of this games garbage pvp on a daily basis. If I pop on later in the night for longer it's to play ff14. I honestly have no clue how anyone can subject themselves to this games pvp these days for more than a hr or so a week, I guess if u play one of the chosen few classes/builds it might be ok.

    The fact there 10 whole people that post on the regular in the pvp forums of a mmo tells a lot of the games population and why the population is so low only takes few matches to understand why. Sry I may be exaggerating a bit guess it's more like 15 people lol

  19. Guards can out burst thieves lol other high sustainable spec aka tanky builds can out burst thief as well as providing more sustained damage. Warrior thee melee specialist gets out classed in melee by holo, ranger, guards etc etc lmao yeah this games certainly balanced. Thieves damage is in a fine spot lol.

    Give stealth a reveal .75 sec before attack connects to give opponent time to react. There stealth'd is fixed.

  20. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > Generally speaking, MMOs are not about playing a game accordingly to your rules , other people are trying to enjoy the game just as much as you , **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against. Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their, if it's not fun for you to be stunlocked/feared chained/insta killed or whatever why would you think it'd be different for other people?

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Less ego and more self-reflection....

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > So demanding removal of clearly unbalanced, broken, overstacked stuff that makes people just go straight for uninstall is not okay?

    > > > > > > > > > > Actually, as a customers, we do have a right to "demand" or rather ask for things if you like it or not, if these things will be "delivered" though it's a different story.

    > > > > > > > > > > You're kinda going against your own words in that post...

    > > > > > > > > > > You say " **nobody** has the rights to demand the removal of something simply because it's "unfun" to play against" and then "Other players should have the same chances to kill your class just as much as you should have against their", which is it then? There were/are things in the game that are clearly unbalanced/broken that need either complete removal or rework since they're overstacked too much without much counterplay.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I see no connection between what can be considered broken/overperforming and what may force you to uninstall , if you'd be so kind to provide an example...

    > > > > > > > > It's gonna be difficult to write everything that was broken, so I'll just put few examples of pre-nerfed state builds: Condi Mirage(all versions, iframe spam says hi), Condi Thief(even currently is kitten, condi spam says hi), Druid(side-noder, ancient seed spam says hi), Warrior(all versions, overstacked Full-counter/rampage says hi), Chronomancer(bunker and phantasm says hi), Fireweaver(condi/evasion spam says hi), Hambow(stunlock says hi), Turret Engi(AI says hi), Minionmancer(AI says hi) and many more that made people quit since 2012.

    > > > > > > > > Don't know about you, but I don't think a lot of people enjoy being trashed without any kind of counterplay, even if they were trying to tune their build to counter XYZ, some were straight-up uncounterable.

    > > > > > > > > Like 1shots from stealth, overspam of condies, unkillable bunkers(current era to a degree). A lot of people quit because of memes like that.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > This thread was never against the idea of removing OP specs and more against the idea that removing what makes a class competitive should be removed, toning down is one thing....completely removing the build is another.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If one spec is supposed to be duel...then don't go and ask to remove everything that makes that build capable of duelling in the first place:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > -a side noder must have enough sustain to against sudden +1 if not it cannot be a side noder....no I don't mean being able to 1vs3+ for hours

    > > > > > > > -a support spec must be able to sustain enough pressure if not it cannot support anybody...no I don't mean being able to hold all enemy team for 5m+

    > > > > > > > -a burst spec supposed to burst you down...no I don't mean one shot from stealth...but enough to scare you or kill you if can't react fast enough

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Removal of what annoys you =/ balance let's all make this straight once and for all

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ur not wrong man, been in this game coming on 7 yrs now and barely play but the community has gotten progressively worse as literally any skill or tactic a class uses to be effective will naturally spawn a nerf post here and there but in this community they'll be spammed. Then after some time anet devs who can't balance on their own accord will nerf the class so that skill or tactic is useless all while far more problematic skills and tactics go unchanged due to them being more accepted either thru class popularity or simply not being one of the few classes constantly hated on by the community.

    > > > > > > The funny thing is the community wonders why the population is abysmally low and declining and on top complain about build deversity. The games basically amounted to everyone picking the most brainless cheese carry build in hope's to be effective against players doing the same. So many things in this games pvp need to be reworked including anets devs approach regarding the modes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You defend revenants saying they're balanced...while a team win a monthly tournaments with 3 revs in it....wvw is full of Mallyx revs from small scale roaming to frontline zerging and GvG fights.....sidenoders in pvp...unkillable sidenoders with enough experience........in the same instance you claim that **tempest** is broken lol when every team with a tempest lost to FB team, tempests don't get stacked in WvW and neither can roam, can't sidenode for kitten and yet...revenant is balanced while tempest is broken..such an example of integrity you are

    > > > >

    > > > > That's the exact mentality I'm speaking about. Revs are not a easy class to play, lower ranks u see a rev usually their free kills. Their high evades/sustain require using properly times evade frames from skills, one block on staff, shiro roll back requiring energy resource and a heal that needs to be used while taking decent dps for it to be very effective. Yeah revs a monster if ur a good player which is how it should be and I also other classes should be brought up to that lv of effectiveness for the work put in. I'm against classes mechanics like necro where u spam and when close to death press a keybind and bam second hp bar with damage reduction, thsts brainless, add in fear spam and awesome. Or guards that stand in one spot even low rank spamming condi's and sustain skill and being far more effective than they should be for work put in just like necro. Or maybe spam autos from range while a pet hits as hard as a player and when u focus pet as many say u just allow the ranger to keep free hitting u than if u get in close bam barrier, protection and stability or trap dropped and invisible with superspeed. The game is filled with brainless spam carry builds due to anets inability to balance a all classes do everything approach and it's best to nerf a effective class that requires skill to play? How many top streamers that are viewed as very highly skilled in the game tried rev since last patch drop and continued to do so and didnt go back to their main? None. They all usually make comments when jumping on power rev and state "I'm not great on rev but I'm rolling it cuz team needs one".

    > > > > Rev is one of the few classes that require skill to be effective in high tier play and is separate from half these brainless spam classes that yeah ur ranger now falls into and the community wants it nerfed lol no surprise.

    > > > > Also it's not black and white sometime classes are stacked due to them being effective which doesn't always equate to OP just like skills and tactics that are effective don't automatically mean their op, where does this mentality come from?

    > > > > It's easy to tell if a build is being stacked due to being OP or brainless but still effective such as post nerf core necro, condi rev/ren, cindi thief, all burn specs that spam burns due to the burst dps burn tics do post patch vs power dps, condo and power ranger due to multiple brainless effective build possibilities and so on.

    > > > > Also a class that's dominant when stacked doesn't inherently make a spec op as thsts the fault of the system allowing class stacking and a class system promoting low class diversity. If a class is nerfed so its ineffective having 2 on a team how do u nerf that in a way that allows having one to remain effective? If having two is a detriment in a game designed with all classes do everything method than one would be detrimental as well as that method of thinking would only work in a game with holly trinity as having 3 dps and 2 tanks with no healer would be a detriment.

    > > >

    > > > If the classes you complain about would be as strong as you say...then we would see much more of them at high tier and yet...this doesn't happen, TOP players are supposed to be even more devastating on a class and yet...they pick rev over ranger or guardian or ele when these classes stop being viable at the top.

    > > >

    > > > If the way revs sustain themselves is the only fair one to fight..then it should be extended to everybody else while removing the current ones and yet..you complain about sword weaver which was based on the same idea of evading incoming attacks...but people called it OP...so eles should have heal burst?!...no people called it OP...and this goes for all other professions you see?!

    > > >

    > > > How exactly would you give the same tools that revs has to avoid instant death to another profession?

    > >

    > > Well for one ranger is being played in top tier matches again these days and u saying power shiro rev is easier to be as equally as effective compared to slbeast or core ranger? Cuz lol. A rev may have a higher skill ceiling than say ranger but its skill floor is significantly higher so... if its impossible to have actual perfect overall balance would u rather this scanario or the class with a lower skill floor also be able to match a class with a higher skill floor and ceiling when two equally skilled players are playing the two? I'll use ranger as a example as I kno u play it. I say buff rangers skill ceiling or potential to match revs while reworking all of its brainless carry mechanics out of it making it require more thoughtful play and skill to be effective with or nerf revs skill ceiling down so skilled players arnt monsters on it but add in some of condi revs brainless spam playstyle into power rev successfully dumbing the build down. What sounds healthier for the game?


    > I have asked how would you accomplish this skill ceiling buff on other classes? You claim that revenant sustain/dmg ratio is balanced while being based on the timing of inbuilt evades and block/heal/boon uptime; at this point I wonder how would you make so that 2 skilled players ,one on a rev and another playing a different profession, would have a balanced fight with equal chance to take each one out.


    > Between Glint aoe/elite and sword off hand ranged onehit burst, 2 teleports, all boons uptime (minus resistance without mallyx) , block/dash with staff........please why don't you try to explain me how we can match that same level of burst/sustain on other professions with something that you don't consider cheese?




    If were talking ranger as a example I'd drop the damage so hard on passive pet damage but have the pet skills when melded have good damage, id increase the CD on maul and make a successful hilt bash reduce CD by 50% not out right remove the cd(stupid carry design) the damage is already fine on maul. I'd speed up the ranger autos significantly and put the evade back in between the second and last sword hit cuz if u can time that last hit to avoid significant damage than the ranger should be rewarded with a evade, hilt bash also should get some damage returned to it as should a lot off the hard cc skill,not all but a lot of them. The long bow rapid fire damage is fine but CD should be be slightly increased, for braindead spam purposes lb autos should be unaffected by damage multipliers or boons. I could go on and I know in ways this sounds like a nerf but if these types of things are applied to all classes it wouldn't be bad. Traps like guards should have the cd stars to reset on activation not when placed so they cant be placed a second time on a opponent who just activated it. This game is so full of bad carry designs it's crazy.

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