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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Vornollo.5182" said:

    > > @"Blacknight.2854" said:

    > > Lack of a patch ? (in small format 15vs15 the bubble war may still have too much impact)


    > Winds of Disenchantment has too much impact on X vs 15, tbf.

    > It's just ridiculous by design... A big mobile field that strips boons and on top of that also makes it impossible to reapply critical boons..? How anyone ever even thought that was a good design is just beyond me.

    > Remove the effect where you cannot reapply the stripped boons at least and either reduce the radius or make it a targeted AoE again like it used to be.

    > It's been in this overly power-crept stage since March 2019 and has defined how larger groups almost *have* to play. Time for a change and hopefully one that isn't so ranged-favored.


    Honestly it needs to be more powerful with longer duration. Wvw is far far to boon heavy and at the ease of re-aplication of boons having the ability to reaply the boons would just render wod completely useless. What needs to happen is wod needs to also remove and block all aoe condi carpets within the area of effect giving battles some prime melee action instead of the brainless ranged aoe condi spam fiesta that wvw blobs are now. That would actually make blob fights fun again.

  2. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > > > @"Broady.2358" said:

    > > > > They NEED to talk to the community and create a dialog. Silence from developers only creates toxicity among the community. Does anyone even know which developers are on the PvP team? It would be great if they replied on the forums!

    > > >

    > > > Yes, Transparency on highly debated topics that define what their stances are would be fine, but people keep using lack of communication as the excuse for their blunders. CMC has on numerous occasions spoke to the community, and provides more than enough insight as to what he wants and plans to do.

    > > >

    > > > Communication is not the big problem. Don’t try to use it as a crutch.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Lack of action is the issue, they can talk all they want they follow with nothing


    > Right. We were told numerous times what he planned to do, he did some of them and the rest of those things haven’t happened yet. Even if they do eventually follow through, the balance being terrible isn’t due to no communication, it’s due to poor implementation, bad design philosophy and also inaction as you said.


    > Me, I’m a bit more patient. Covid 19 was a serious pandemic that effected a lot of people, and a lot of businesses and we don’t know how much of an impact it had on Anet or its employees. For all we know some of their employees might have actually died...we don’t know and nor is it our business to know.




    I realize the effects of covid, was deemed essential and been working full hrs throughout, so guess my views are as professional in this situation u function as best u can given the situation. Balance discussions, decisions and implementation should not have been a difficult obstacle for a company like anet to climb over given the industry it's in. Yes other facets would be effected such as release events etc. Some things are delayed in gaming and movie industry due to economic impact of virus and how it would effect release sales.


  3. > @"Arukayos.1798" said:

    > In high plat/legend I get match queues under 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile challenger players on LoL sit in 30 min queues to get games.


    > But nah, pvp has been dead since 2012, some wise sage in HOTM said so. /s


    > PS: Most recent mAT had more power builds than condi builds. CC is still king though.


    The pvp population is so low matchmaking cant even do its job, and that's during a pandemic where the games population would obviously see a huge spike due to people being laid off and stuck at home. The quick q's are a plus but that's cuz it matches u with basically anyone que's lol leading to some interesting match ups to say the least.

  4. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > Every time I look at my computer and think I'll go have some fun, I remember I can't. I have several characters who are untouchable due to the latest patch/failure. I know Anet is working on the problem and a solution will come about.


    > I'm one of those people who "need" their GW fix. If I can't get it with GW2 I'm seriously thinking of dusting off my GW1 account again and doing some MTSC, working on that suit of obby armor, or just going back to remember the old days.


    > I wish there were other things I could do, but a recent surgery keeps me home-bound and on "invalid-status" (as my wife calls it) for the next few weeks.


    > Is there anyone else going back to GW1 until the fix is in?



    Honestly I moved on and now sub to ff14 and imo only blows gw2 away but i still play couple pvp matches a week in gw2. I've never played the orig gw but have only heard positive things about it so theres no harm in trying it out especially if u find gw2 lore interesting as ull learn more about the earlier days lore wise which would be cool if it interest u, plus no classes and mechanics which could be refreshing. If u played gw before and enjoyed it that's a bonus, just get back into it and pop back to gw2 when or if it ever changes in a way that appeals to u. Good luck and recover fast.

  5. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

    > > > > > > > - whine whine whine, "balance is off"

    > > > > > > > - balance changes happen to stuff

    > > > > > > > - "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"

    > > > > > > > - 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"

    > > > > > > > - whine whine whine

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Sry but u dont work on keeping a game alive through lack of communication, slow or inefficient balance of patch cadence etc etc, that's why their earnings and population has dwindled along with shallow rushed pve projects. Everyone talks about covid like it has hurt gw2 lmao, during the lockdown is guaranteed the most populated this game will be in its lifetime.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yes, and they have been releasing as much content as possible for the game mode(s) which actually pay the bills. PvE patches have been rather consistent and on time no?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > FYI, since this comes up and Covid is "no issue" and work can be done "from home", Arenanet is not the only dev or studio that has had to postpone or even drop content this year. Maybe just maybe work flow is affected industry wide, huh?

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol u do kno were talking purely balance patches right not a expac or even new ls episode, there's no excuse for balancing to be effected at all.

    > > >

    > > > Are we talking about the same balance patches that take up more space than most content patches?

    > > >

    > > > The same balance patches that have this entire forum, including yourself, whine and complain?

    > > >

    > > > Are you sure this is such a small deal? Seems a very disingenuous position to take to me. You are literally saying balance takes no work, but then proceed to complain about the very same thing.

    > >

    > > What.

    > >

    > > How many rows of patch-notes documentation a change takes up is not relevant to how much effort a change is.

    > >

    > > Tweaking skill numbers is the absolute lowest of low-effort change that can be made in a game.

    > >

    > > It is in no way comparable to creating models/animations/environments or network/infrastructure changes. Those things, yes, will actually require a lot of inputs from lots of different people, require access to specialist systems or physical hardware, and so would be justifiably impacted by a lockdown.

    > >

    > > Changing a number from 1.3 to 1.2 in whatever reference-data set they're maintaining, is not. It could be done from your phone, let alone a desktop.


    > Yes, and you have been a paragon on the forums of rational thought and no complaints what so ever as far as balance. I doubt you'd have any issue with a poor conceived balance patch at all.


    > The irony of it all:

    > Those who complain the most in this thread seem to be the ones willing to accept the biggest rush job as far as balance is concerned. Yet they will be the ones complaining the loudest if the next balance patch has big issues (then again, most will complain either way so I guess a rush job would suit some just fine).


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Covid is not a excuse in this industry especially for doing such work on projects and getting them out, again especially this industry. The delays regarding the gaming industry have more to do with public affairs and activities not working on things within the projects like balance, bug fixes and even further expacs lmao. Game releases are delayed cuz how covid might effect release sales due to job losses etc and the like. Right now gw2 is seeing the highest population it will ever see seeing as players are stuck at home in lockdown, all the lay offs of jobs etc. Gw2 will never have a situation where more players will be available to play thier project. I doubt even the expac will compare to the amount of population rise and new player gain gw2 has seen during the lock down.


    > This is not about an excuse. It's about establishing that the virus HAS had an impact on the industry and the people working in it. It does not invalidate criticism. It invalidates blank criticism as you have been applying.


    > EDIT:

    > Also some of your logic does not comply. New releases are being delayed because players are staying home and gaming more? kitten are you on about? This is THE perfect time to release stuff because players are spending money left and right for lack of other things to do. Which by the way is also reflected in the sharp increase in revenue of quarter 1, likely to continue for quarter 2 of this year for most publishers.


    If u believe covid has effected the teams ability to meet and discuss balance via comp conference as well as hindered the coders from testing and implementing said changes into the game via working from home I got some legitimate rate coins that are exact replicas of the canadian dollar to sell u, 100$ each.

  6. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

    > > > > > > - whine whine whine, "balance is off"

    > > > > > > - balance changes happen to stuff

    > > > > > > - "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"

    > > > > > > - 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"

    > > > > > > - whine whine whine

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sry but u dont work on keeping a game alive through lack of communication, slow or inefficient balance of patch cadence etc etc, that's why their earnings and population has dwindled along with shallow rushed pve projects. Everyone talks about covid like it has hurt gw2 lmao, during the lockdown is guaranteed the most populated this game will be in its lifetime.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, and they have been releasing as much content as possible for the game mode(s) which actually pay the bills. PvE patches have been rather consistent and on time no?

    > > > >

    > > > > FYI, since this comes up and Covid is "no issue" and work can be done "from home", Arenanet is not the only dev or studio that has had to postpone or even drop content this year. Maybe just maybe work flow is affected industry wide, huh?

    > > >

    > > > Lol u do kno were talking purely balance patches right not a expac or even new ls episode, there's no excuse for balancing to be effected at all.

    > >

    > > Are we talking about the same balance patches that take up more space than most content patches?

    > >

    > > The same balance patches that have this entire forum, including yourself, whine and complain?

    > >

    > > Are you sure this is such a small deal? Seems a very disingenuous position to take to me. You are literally saying balance takes no work, but then proceed to complain about the very same thing.


    > What.


    > How many rows of patch-notes documentation a change takes up is not relevant to how much effort a change is.


    > Tweaking skill numbers is the absolute lowest of low-effort change that can be made in a game.


    > It is in no way comparable to creating models/animations/environments or network/infrastructure changes. Those things, yes, will actually require a lot of inputs from lots of different people, require access to specialist systems or physical hardware, and so would be justifiably impacted by a lockdown.


    > Changing a number from 1.3 to 1.2 in whatever reference-data set they're maintaining, is not. It could be done from your phone, let alone a desktop.


    This^ though patch had large span of effect it was a even power coefficient drop across everything with zero individual class or skill considerations lmao literally the easiest and laziest approach possible for such a large patch, again crynin u dont consider such as ur fan boyism blinds u to such.

  7. Covid is not a excuse in this industry especially for doing such work on projects and getting them out, again especially this industry. The delays regarding the gaming industry have more to do with public affairs and activities not working on things within the projects like balance, bug fixes and even further expacs lmao. Game releases are delayed cuz how covid might effect release sales due to job losses etc and the like. Right now gw2 is seeing the highest population it will ever see seeing as players are stuck at home in lockdown, all the lay offs of jobs etc. Gw2 will never have a situation where more players will be available to play thier project. I doubt even the expac will compare to the amount of population rise and new player gain gw2 has seen during the lock down.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

    > > > > > - whine whine whine, "balance is off"

    > > > > > - balance changes happen to stuff

    > > > > > - "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"

    > > > > > - 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"

    > > > > > - whine whine whine

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sry but u dont work on keeping a game alive through lack of communication, slow or inefficient balance of patch cadence etc etc, that's why their earnings and population has dwindled along with shallow rushed pve projects. Everyone talks about covid like it has hurt gw2 lmao, during the lockdown is guaranteed the most populated this game will be in its lifetime.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, and they have been releasing as much content as possible for the game mode(s) which actually pay the bills. PvE patches have been rather consistent and on time no?

    > > >

    > > > FYI, since this comes up and Covid is "no issue" and work can be done "from home", Arenanet is not the only dev or studio that has had to postpone or even drop content this year. Maybe just maybe work flow is affected industry wide, huh?

    > >

    > > Lol u do kno were talking purely balance patches right not a expac or even new ls episode, there's no excuse for balancing to be effected at all.


    > Are we talking about the same balance patches that take up more space than most content patches?


    > The same balance patches that have this entire forum, including yourself, whine and complain?


    > Are you sure this is such a small deal? Seems a very disingenuous position to take to me. You are literally saying balance takes no work, but then proceed to complain about the very same thing.


    Omg u serious white knight? Honestly they could dish a balance once every 2 yrs and ud defend ur precious mmo lmao. The so called balance patch so huge in feb u prob think was so much work to eh? Took a lot of careful consideration on how it balanced each class lol. U can white light all u want but anet has been extremely lazy and grossly miss managed for years and the population reflects as much and people like u lol are ok with ur own game stagnating and dying off cuz I'd take removing ur head from thier .. .. to see otherwise.

  9. > @"Kaida.1478" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > That's definitely true, I mentioned in another thread regarding rpls trolling pve'rs and stated I was very surprised of all the deep mmos some rpg's chose gw2 to rp in considering how shallow gw2 is for rp'ing.


    > Guild Wars has races unseen in any other game and stays away from the generic tolkien fantasy of orcs, elves and goblins. Also doesn't have promiscuous looking cat and bunny girls all over the place. I know ERP is big in FF, but if you just want normal RP Guild Wars world offers a lot of really nice environments and lore for that.


    Yeah so being a original race as a reason to rp in such a shallow mmo must lead to really interesting and entertaining rping. Again theres weird races in all mmos uve got the tiny races and half cat half human races in ff14, werewolves and vamps in eso etc, couldnt imaging being a rp'er and trying to rp in gw2 when eso and ff14 type mmos exist, archeage and bdo also be more suited for such things.

  10. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.

    > > >

    > > > Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.

    > > >

    > > > So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.

    > > >

    > > > That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

    > > > - whine whine whine, "balance is off"

    > > > - balance changes happen to stuff

    > > > - "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"

    > > > - 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"

    > > > - whine whine whine

    > > >

    > > > Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.

    > >

    > > Sry but u dont work on keeping a game alive through lack of communication, slow or inefficient balance of patch cadence etc etc, that's why their earnings and population has dwindled along with shallow rushed pve projects. Everyone talks about covid like it has hurt gw2 lmao, during the lockdown is guaranteed the most populated this game will be in its lifetime.


    > Yes, and they have been releasing as much content as possible for the game mode(s) which actually pay the bills. PvE patches have been rather consistent and on time no?


    > FYI, since this comes up and Covid is "no issue" and work can be done "from home", Arenanet is not the only dev or studio that has had to postpone or even drop content this year. Maybe just maybe work flow is affected industry wide, huh?


    Lol u do kno were talking purely balance patches right not a expac or even new ls episode, there's no excuse for balancing to be effected at all.

  11. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > About the numbers from other MMOs being higher: They have more stuff you can do ingame, outside of the general PvE/PvP.


    > Especially FFXIV, with housing, fishing, the „newly“ added ocean fishing. Those casual life systems keep people in the game and make them able to show off stuff on social media. Just look at the latest FFXIV patchnotes and check out how long the housing section is.


    > Meanwhile the only thing you can show off in GW2 are your character design, your newly crafted legendary or some speedclears. Sometimes you get a decorated Guild Hall post on reddit.


    > GW2 has always been lacking in the player-created content department. Even a game like PoE which is heavily gameplay focused has player creation content like hideouts. Even better, the next league is a Farming simulator league, the forums/ subreddit will be filled with posts about how to optimize the garden or just sharing how it looks.


    > The only thing GW2 has like that are Guild Halls and decorations, but those aren‘t personal enough, require a guild and a vast amount of currency if you want to use most decorations. It is not accessible to most players, so it tends to get ignored.


    > There is just nothing to post about, aside from how much you enjoyed certain content/lore discussions/balance.


    That's definitely true, I mentioned in another thread regarding rpls trolling pve'rs and stated I was very surprised of all the deep mmos some rpg's chose gw2 to rp in considering how shallow gw2 is for rp'ing.

    Ff14 people form orchestra's and out on concerts, set up fishing competitions or charter boats to go on fishing trips with groups tmand have a chance at getting some bis gear while doing so, housing and decorating is so vast in it as well. Gw2 seemed like a odd choice for such players as rp's

  12. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > There was maybe a bug when you saw the reddit numbers because those numbers are indeed very low (are you sure you were looking gw2 main reddit?).

    > > > At this point in time:

    > > > WOW: 6.3k online

    > > > FF14: 4.8k online

    > > > ESO: 1.9k online

    > > > GW2: 1.3k online

    > > >

    > > > GW2 with some other popular mmorpgs on reddit

    > >

    > > That looks better lol, knew it couldn't be right.


    > Today the results are more interesting! Mid-night NA, morning EU, just like the post yesterday.


    > WOW: 7.7k online

    > FF14: 5.5k online

    > ESO: 2.3k online

    > GW2: 1.6k online


    > I will check again during EU prime time, that will have some very interesting information. I wonder if reddit numbers will confirm that Guild Wars 2 is more popular in EU than NA. We'll know in a few hours!


    > edit: will FF14 ovetake WOW? WOW!


    Although ff14 seems to be the mmo most wow refugees moved to I doubt itl reach higher numbers then the wow monster lol it might though but take few more yrs for sure. I wonder about the NA and EU as well, most comparisons I hear are about the pvp side of things being EU being a more hardcore scene but I think there's a lot of passionate patrons on both sides but wouldn't be surprised if EU was bit more higher numbers.

  13. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"Jables.4659" said:

    > > > I miss the old meta so much. Partially because I'm an 8 year/13k hour Mesmer main, but also because hitting like a wet noodle isn't fun. The sense of urgency and danger is gone.

    > >

    > > exactly, now side noders are holding hands and dancing in tournament on stream. too forgiving, low tier player might find this fun, but as you progress you will find out how completely anti-fun this is, as more and more player become way worse then you yet they will still hold the point incredible long from you, as skill is incredibly irrelevant now.


    > That face when in your epic player run community tournament two high tier players just /dance because actually trying to fight and kill each other isn't possible and a waste of time.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/vIpVdHY.png "")



    The balance devs should be proud, as I'm sure the so called manager of the project as well, man I wish I had a boss as easy going as their team managers lol

  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Yeah, meanwhile the devs are probably working on keeping the game alive and in good financial health.


    > Shocking news, but Q1 of 2020 was not to hot after a disastrous Q4 2019 and last I checked, going by player numbers and actual spending opportunities: spvp contributes by far the least to revenue, likely even less than WvW, and that says something.


    > So is it unfortunate that balance patches are not on time? Sure. Then again there just might be more important things to work on at the moment from home: most importantly keep the game financially viable for NCSoft.


    > That's without even getting into the usual cycle of:

    > - whine whine whine, "balance is off"

    > - balance changes happen to stuff

    > - "oh these changes are great, this is so much better"

    > - 2 weeks in: "ah balance sucks, anet is clueless, my class of choice is not top tier any more"

    > - whine whine whine


    > Which is a regular occurrence for part of the spvp crowd.


    Sry but u dont work on keeping a game alive through lack of communication, slow or inefficient balance of patch cadence etc etc, that's why their earnings and population has dwindled along with shallow rushed pve projects. Everyone talks about covid like it has hurt gw2 lmao, during the lockdown is guaranteed the most populated this game will be in its lifetime.

  15. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Broady.2358" said:

    > > They NEED to talk to the community and create a dialog. Silence from developers only creates toxicity among the community. Does anyone even know which developers are on the PvP team? It would be great if they replied on the forums!


    > Yes, Transparency on highly debated topics that define what their stances are would be fine, but people keep using lack of communication as the excuse for their blunders. CMC has on numerous occasions spoke to the community, and provides more than enough insight as to what he wants and plans to do.


    > Communication is not the big problem. Don’t try to use it as a crutch.




    Lack of action is the issue, they can talk all they want they follow with nothing

  16. > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > It seems like condi is currently a little out of date, design wise. The shenanigans people are trying to pull to misportray condi ('it's just a bunch of sequential power bursts' lmao) aside - it seems like people want condi builds to be even *more* damage over time but don't want those same builds to have the survivability necessary for that to work.


    > Personally, I agree - nerf condi more, re-tune cleanses a little bit, AND give condi builds the survivability they need to actually make that playstyle work. I'm so tired of being forced to waste amulet space on power stats. But let's not pretend getting 5k burn ticks is anything other than utter failure on the part of the target.


    Ur not wrong. Condi builds should require high sustain as well to be effective. Its would make sense for a class relying on dot type damage to also be tanky. I think if the condi damage was more appropriate per tic players would be ok with tankier condi builds but being tanky and crapping out condis in their current state is not ok.

  17. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > My balance suggestions are:

    > 1) Revert those 300 seconds cooldown changes on defensive traits.

    > 2) Put proper damage back on CC skills.

    > 3) Remove a good chunk of CC in pvp or massively buff stun breaking.

    > 4) Hit the sustain of current bunkers hard.

    > 5) Nerf over-performing condition builds.


    Those seem like sensible changes so as far as anet is concerned u may as well wrote ur post in gibberish cus ull see non of those changes anytime soon.

  18. But but u just stated n another thread condi and power are balanced and condi rev close to balanced and the only people who don't like the current meta and class states are people that kno little about the game and are in silver rank. Close to balanced is best u can hope for in a mmo so condi rev is fine no? Why the thread then?

  19. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > > > No mesmer changes, seems like official to me.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do u really want the anet devs touching mes again?

    > > >

    > > > Of course, we can't let the nerf memes die.

    > >

    > > Ok! Nerf mesmers clones, their anoying and confusing. Mesmer and especially mirage shouldn't have the ability to clone itself, doesn't even suit the class. Instead of clones mesmers should toss a crystal ball out reflecting light blinding itself, teammates and the opposition. To balance such a powerful skill enemies lose their blind 10 secs before the mesmer and its teammates. Blind cant be cleared.

    > > Now that's balance emiright.


    > Too confusing.

    > Instead I propose Mesmer doesn't have the ability to produce clones and phantasms anymore, mesmer itself has the stats of a clone now.


    Maybe give the mess a quickly depleting hp pool so ur in downstate at the time ur clones would normally dissipate.

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