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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > The thing you don't understand is that Rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

    > You guys need to grow up and stop quoting someone without mentioning the context in which the quote was made because this is at best lying, at worse manipulation.

    > It's like posting a video of chronomancer then complain about how broken it is, whithout mentioning that the video was filmed in 2016.


    Ummm ur a poo poo face!

  2. > @"KIIIL.1860" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"KIIIL.1860" said:

    > > > > @"Melian.5368" said:

    > > > > Shout warrior with cleric gear + trooper runes has insane cleanse, good boonstrips (with sigil of nullification), prevents application of boons to enemy during bubble, and insane amount of cc with hammer. 2 good spellbreakers can change the tide of battle, not to mention 5 times 4k healing via shouts, 4k barrier to 10 people and 10% damage buff to 10 players via warhorn 4. What else should it be?

    > > >

    > > > But bubble not have the damage in WvW , and 90 sec recharge - it's crazy, the warrior has no passive abilities for improved reloading of meditations.

    > > > Shouts - 3.6 k heal in full cleric with 25 stacks sigil of life and monk rune - not bad , but the guard also uses shouts and can also use the Rune of the Trooper , gives a bunch of buffs and convects states . the warrior has no shouts in Elite slot - why?

    > > > The barrier is funny= 2.5 k.

    > > > Only one combo field through a long bow

    > > > No skills war. gives protection and regeneration , no one - only traits ,

    > > > no weapon skills healing.

    > > > Warrior is very monotonous and empty class, useful in 1 build on shouts and horn and that’s it ,Boring . Yes, the war has a high survival rate, this cannot be taken away.)

    > >

    > > it's fine, warrior has been empty since HoT


    > the war needs help, it has become weak (the weakest in pve in power damage) . In WvW boring. The arena wanted to make war basic, but every patch reduces everything the war has, and that's a fact.


    He knows that he was being sarcastic

  3. > @"xWiroo.3841" said:

    > pvping in gw2 needs not just skill, but luck too, every time you queue you roll a dice to see whether your mates are trash or not.

    > Tho, the higher the elo the better they usually are


    No in the words of duo q'rs it's the players fault if they go mid 4v4 and ur three teammates get wiped in 2 secs leaving u 1v4 or 1v3. U should be able to win the outnumbered or have saved them all by taking all the pressure off them. Or when ur capping and instead of helping elsewhere ur teamate comes to ur node as ur freely capping it, u should be able to capitalize on their masterful rotating skills.

  4. > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

    > I am running cleanse sigil, sigil of generosity, antitoxin rune, and even with food & water signet creating a total of -65% incoming condi duration, also with weapon condi cleanses, I am unable to do anything beyond sit and die to immob rangers. They bind me, I attack and attack and attack and even though I'm running half-zerk with DPS traits and can easily 3-shot most builds it takes far too long just to kill the roots, and then I'm immobed again, cleanse it, immobed again immediately, and then the **roots are back again already** and I proceed to die stupidly to someone playing a build that is 0% risk 100% reward.


    > I actually can't think of anything worse in the game that I've ever encountered, at any point in time. I would rather fight 3 condi mirages than 1 immob ranger. I would rather fight perma-stealth no-balls rifle deadeye. At least I can PLAY the game vs those builds.


    What ur experiencing is a result of completely incompetent balance devs. They lowered damage but left reviving speed,hp pools on roots and barriers untouched rendering them twice as powerful and effective as pre patch, makes sense in a de-powercreep patch right lmao, the teams a joke.

  5. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062"

    > > > > @"Lighter.5631"

    > > > > guys guys argue with @"Arheundel.6451" at your own discretion.

    > > > > What bad med is to hating mesmer this dude is to loving ele, at least for now. :D

    > > >

    > > > Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer.

    > > >

    > > > Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively.

    > > >

    > > > Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Oh and to add all classes but ur mains are OP or in a great state even when viewed otherwise by the majority of the community, am I wrong?


    > You're not the majority....you and your marry go around band of vocalists are not the majority...you're deluding yourself in thinking otherwise


    I don't really understand ur logic, I mean I get bias yeah but when every streamer makes comments about mesmer or warrior being the weakest class/classes in game backed up by lack of play or showings from these very classes in high lv rankings or tournaments among even more anecdotal proof I feel like I really dont have any reason to prove why ur views on war and mes arnt shared by most other.

  6. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062"

    > > > > @"Lighter.5631"

    > > > > guys guys argue with @"Arheundel.6451" at your own discretion.

    > > > > What bad med is to hating mesmer this dude is to loving ele, at least for now. :D

    > > >

    > > > Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer.

    > > >

    > > > Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively.

    > > >

    > > > Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Oh and to add all classes but ur mains are OP or in a great state even when viewed otherwise by the majority of the community, am I wrong?


    > You're not the majority....you and your marry go around band of vocalists are not the majority...you're deluding yourself in thinking otherwise


    I never said I was the majority, me stating the majority disagreeing with u down not imply I myself am any kind of majority. Is English not ur first language, if not I understand.

  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > There was maybe a bug when you saw the reddit numbers because those numbers are indeed very low (are you sure you were looking gw2 main reddit?).

    > > > > > At this point in time:

    > > > > > WOW: 6.3k online

    > > > > > FF14: 4.8k online

    > > > > > ESO: 1.9k online

    > > > > > GW2: 1.3k online

    > > > > >

    > > > > > GW2 with some other popular mmorpgs on reddit

    > > > >

    > > > > That looks better lol, knew it couldn't be right.

    > > >

    > > > Today the results are more interesting! Mid-night NA, morning EU, just like the post yesterday.

    > > >

    > > > WOW: 7.7k online

    > > > FF14: 5.5k online

    > > > ESO: 2.3k online

    > > > GW2: 1.6k online

    > > >

    > > > I will check again during EU prime time, that will have some very interesting information. I wonder if reddit numbers will confirm that Guild Wars 2 is more popular in EU than NA. We'll know in a few hours!

    > > >

    > > > edit: will FF14 ovetake WOW? WOW!

    > >

    > > Although ff14 seems to be the mmo most wow refugees moved to I doubt itl reach higher numbers then the wow monster lol it might though but take few more yrs for sure. I wonder about the NA and EU as well, most comparisons I hear are about the pvp side of things being EU being a more hardcore scene but I think there's a lot of passionate patrons on both sides but wouldn't be surprised if EU was bit more higher numbers.


    > At this hour:


    > WOW: 11.1k online

    > FF14: 4.8k online

    > ESO: 3k online

    > GW2: 1.9k online


    > Interesting to note that FF14 is so down, while the other games are all up. No surprise that GW2 has more activity during better EU hours, I expect it to get even higher. EU in GW2 has more activity/population, that's almost certain, but reddit numbers can also support this.


    Yeah to be honest it's not surprising as I'm NA and kinda had a feeling population was a little more active in EU.

    Yeah ff14 seems to fluctuate between 4k-7k and the wow monsters always top doggy.

  8. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I love how players just pick their main in polls like these lol. Yeah soulbeast,tempest, revs and holo's are definitely worst classes in the game right now. Proof bias is a lie lol.


    > They probably voted based on subject rather than looking that it is based on PvP/WvW


    True I never considered that to be honesy

  9. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062"

    > > @"Lighter.5631"

    > > guys guys argue with @"Arheundel.6451" at your own discretion.

    > > What bad med is to hating mesmer this dude is to loving ele, at least for now. :D


    > Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer.


    > Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively.


    > Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce.




    Oh and to add all classes but ur mains are OP or in a great state even when viewed otherwise by the majority of the community, am I wrong?

  10. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062"

    > > @"Lighter.5631"

    > > guys guys argue with @"Arheundel.6451" at your own discretion.

    > > What bad med is to hating mesmer this dude is to loving ele, at least for now. :D


    > Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer.


    > Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively.


    > Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce.




    U complain about mesmers high dps for low effort but what's high effort to u cuz I remember u defending rangers in the days they could pop sic em and drop even bunkers with a rapid fire from 1500+ range. Is 2 button presses from a safe range high effort cuz the damage was justified to u then, they can still almost do the same. Oh wait back then ranger was ur main but now its ele so in ur eyes ele will always remain underpowered and never op, that is unless u change mains again emiright? Lol

  11. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

    > > > > > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > > > > Your logic is good - in a perfect world of equal skill level. However there would still be outcries from roamer specs who can't kill the duelists/bunkers on their own, so I wouldn't expect the community to follow.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > All that ever was needed to balance without bringing down diversity was to deal with overperforming outliers one by one as they pop up. After a while 90% of matchups would be fair, and this includes all - roamers, duelists, teamfighters and bunkers, meanwhile it would indirectly buff weaker outliers which would be dealt with once we had a steady balanced meta.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This would even allow the devs to really decide what role they want to give the underpowered specs and run with it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > There will always be outcries from some people, even if everything was perfectly balanced. That's just normal. Some people have different outlooks and might argue the exact opposite way and say roamers should always be able to kill bunkers. What's the right thing to do in the end? I don't know, I merely presented what I think is best. What it ultimately comes down to though is what arenanet thinks is the best way to balance the game, and I'm not sure if they know themselves. I feel like for the longest time now, ever since HoT, arenanet does not have any design philosophy for pvp.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think dealing with outliers is what's currently being done by the balance team, and that's fine, even though sometimes they seem a bit like kneejerk reactions like with lightning rod. And while decreasing the power disparity between the bottom and the top is certainly a good thing, it does not solve the problem that certain classes currently have. Let's take warrior and mesmer as examples.

    > > > >

    > > > > Warrior used to have a bruiser spec in hambow, semi-support in shoutbow and later condi dps berserker and dps-ish spellbreaker. Currently, none of those builds work and the question is, what does arenanet want the warrior to be? or, what do they want the elite specs to be. Same goes for mesmer, core was dps, chrono support and mirage condi. Yet, mesmer aren't allowed to be dps, chrono support is probably worse than a druid, and you know what happened to mirage.

    > > > >

    > > > > Another problem in my opinion is the constant nerfing of the current fotm spec, which seems to be condi rev right now. Before that it was ranger, and before ranger was other stuff. And yes, while nerfing outliers is justified, it leads to a different problem. There are cases where you have a build performing at, let's say, 60% winrate compared to similar roles. That should absolutely be nerfed. Then you have builds that maybe perform at 53%, which is not grossly over the top but still the highest winrate at a given time. Those builds should not be nerfed. If you do, all that happens is another build will take the same spot and it becomes a circle of nerfing what's currently best. There will always be a build that is statistically the strongest.

    > > > >

    > > > > About diversity. If we ingore that warrior and mesmer are quite bad right now, I think this is the best diversity we ever had, ever. I watched the community funded pvp tournament and there were many different builds for all the classes that got played, which were 7/9 of the classes.

    > > >

    > > > I think the problem with warrior is the way it's designed, it's too easy to play to be overly effective with. Give them enough damage and sustain and...what can stop them?

    > >

    > > Their counterbalanced by the fact their so strait forward to play and their skills have very easy animation tells. Easy to predict and counter due to the very reasons its strong.


    > I find revs that much easier to deal with at least in recent memory , but yeah can't disagree with you about the animation ofc let's not forget that wars can get very very tanky while more than respectable damage...we must be careful with how warrior get buffed, tank+damage+easy to play = no good combination


    U find a good rev easier to deal with than a good warrior? Hmm that's actually good for u since ull meet a lot more revs these days due to the fact it's a much stronger class than war right now. Least most wars disappeared so u won't have to fight many.

  12. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > Guess America still don't know the concept of teleworking.


    > When the big patch was released I said it was highly unprofessional to release an incomplete balance patch with the words - we'll see how it works and balance it further down the road - attached to it.

    > Also said being a pvp player doesn't give enough credits to be a balance dev, you have to know the game inside out, the range of impact of whatever decisions you're going to make and have zero bias.

    > CMC and whoever agreed with releasing the big patch should have been fired as soon as it suggested.

    > And here we're, with several professions absolutely destroyed, with some traits smiter's booned and some other professions with a free pass.

    > Izzy was remembered for smiter's boon as long as he was on ANet, 1 skill destroyed in much more complex game.

    > This team, in a baby's game in terms of complexity, have already ruined a whole bunch of stuff.


    It's hard but I agree, whole team and the managing staff needs let go and people professional, competent and passionate about the success of the project need hired. Won't happen, game will be miss managed and lack any professional support until ncsoft says enough again or just cans the project. That's the realistic future of the game, tho I'm sure the 6 months of pop spike new expac might generate will have a lot of players thinking otherwise.

  13. I find the current pvp fun for couple matches here and there but ultimately leads to frustration on my part. Others enjoy it especially if their mains happen to be one of the few that are broken right now. My view tho is a game should be for enjoyment not fristrating due to lack of balance and support so I moved on mostly.

    Try it though for yourself though as u may love it.

  14. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

    > > > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > > Your logic is good - in a perfect world of equal skill level. However there would still be outcries from roamer specs who can't kill the duelists/bunkers on their own, so I wouldn't expect the community to follow.

    > > >

    > > > All that ever was needed to balance without bringing down diversity was to deal with overperforming outliers one by one as they pop up. After a while 90% of matchups would be fair, and this includes all - roamers, duelists, teamfighters and bunkers, meanwhile it would indirectly buff weaker outliers which would be dealt with once we had a steady balanced meta.

    > > >

    > > > This would even allow the devs to really decide what role they want to give the underpowered specs and run with it.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > There will always be outcries from some people, even if everything was perfectly balanced. That's just normal. Some people have different outlooks and might argue the exact opposite way and say roamers should always be able to kill bunkers. What's the right thing to do in the end? I don't know, I merely presented what I think is best. What it ultimately comes down to though is what arenanet thinks is the best way to balance the game, and I'm not sure if they know themselves. I feel like for the longest time now, ever since HoT, arenanet does not have any design philosophy for pvp.

    > >

    > > I think dealing with outliers is what's currently being done by the balance team, and that's fine, even though sometimes they seem a bit like kneejerk reactions like with lightning rod. And while decreasing the power disparity between the bottom and the top is certainly a good thing, it does not solve the problem that certain classes currently have. Let's take warrior and mesmer as examples.

    > >

    > > Warrior used to have a bruiser spec in hambow, semi-support in shoutbow and later condi dps berserker and dps-ish spellbreaker. Currently, none of those builds work and the question is, what does arenanet want the warrior to be? or, what do they want the elite specs to be. Same goes for mesmer, core was dps, chrono support and mirage condi. Yet, mesmer aren't allowed to be dps, chrono support is probably worse than a druid, and you know what happened to mirage.

    > >

    > > Another problem in my opinion is the constant nerfing of the current fotm spec, which seems to be condi rev right now. Before that it was ranger, and before ranger was other stuff. And yes, while nerfing outliers is justified, it leads to a different problem. There are cases where you have a build performing at, let's say, 60% winrate compared to similar roles. That should absolutely be nerfed. Then you have builds that maybe perform at 53%, which is not grossly over the top but still the highest winrate at a given time. Those builds should not be nerfed. If you do, all that happens is another build will take the same spot and it becomes a circle of nerfing what's currently best. There will always be a build that is statistically the strongest.

    > >

    > > About diversity. If we ingore that warrior and mesmer are quite bad right now, I think this is the best diversity we ever had, ever. I watched the community funded pvp tournament and there were many different builds for all the classes that got played, which were 7/9 of the classes.


    > I think the problem with warrior is the way it's designed, it's too easy to play to be overly effective with. Give them enough damage and sustain and...what can stop them?


    Their counterbalanced by the fact their so strait forward to play and their skills have very easy animation tells. Easy to predict and counter due to the very reasons its strong.

  15. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah so being a original race as a reason to rp in such a shallow mmo must lead to really interesting and entertaining rping.

    > Clearly, it is., otherwise it wouldn't be present in GW2. As for the game being shallow, that is your subjective opinion. Just because you don't find it interesting and entertaining doesn't mean that others don't either.


    Just simply said it was surprising to hear, guess that offended some.

  16. > @"Vornollo.5182" said:

    > @"Lord of the Fire.6870"

    > It's been nerfed, yes. Once. Enjoy checking the wiki on it and actually having a proper look through it's patchnotes.

    > The only nerf it's actually had is to the Duration.

    > >February 06, 2018

    > >>The boon-removal pulse has been increased from 0.5 seconds to 1 second.

    > >March 05, 2019

    > >>This is now a channeled skill, and it will follow the warrior. Its pulse time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds with the duration remaining at 5 seconds. >>Breaking the channel will now destroy the spell. The casting time has been reduced to 0.5 seconds.

    > The only nerfs it's had were to Duration (10 to 5 seconds) after which they made the kitten thing Mobile. And recently it's target cap has been normalized from 10 to 5 targets. The duration nerf was made moot by undoing the pulse nerf, lmfao.

    > Cry me a river over getting brought in line with other skills' target cap.


    > It's still too strong, many fights are quite literally decided by whoever spams most bubbles.

    > Especially in the scenario of a small (organised) group fighting against a large® (unorganised) group. All it takes is 5 muppets popping their bubble while running around like a headless chicken to completely bend you over. There's no thought process behind it other than "oh there's something red over there! Oohhh over there too!" to properly mess people up with it. I'm against all forms of "braindead" gameplay, WoD's just been one of the biggest offenders (in my opinion and many others'). WoD's a crutch in it's current iteration.


    > @"Psycoprophet.8107"

    > Try running as part of an actual Melee group rather than some pirate-shippy snoozefest.

    > I'm not against boonstripping at all, the issue with Winds of Disenchantment is with the 'Disenchantment' effect that entirely prevents reapplication of boons.

    > I'd rather spam all my stability and get it all stripped every 0.75 second, but at least have a counter to Winds of Disenchantment despite having to blow all of my CD's on it (Hence no 'Enchantment Collapse' part in here).

    > Plus there's more professions that are actually good at boonstripping, it's not a Spellbreaker exclusive.

    > Something to deal with conditions without over-tuning WoD even more is already there; Resistance.

    > Guess what screws that up though..? Usually it's Winds of Disenchantment.


    > So TL:DR, Boonstripping is completely fine (even a bit lacking), entirely preventing Boon-Application is not.


    Try running a melee group he says lol yeah that would work well against the perma booned continual aoe ranged brainless condi spam that is every blob. Ud melt before reaching a target in melee range and by time u got one skill off ud have to TRY and disengage before melting.

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