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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"georgessj.4198" said:

    > > @"Balletboy.2704" said:

    > > Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?

    > >

    > > I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.

    > > All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.

    > > Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?

    > > I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.

    > > Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.

    > >


    > Balance it for who??? top tier players are happy to abuse the unbalanced classes and builds check leaderboards its either condi rev and.....what else? more condi ofc..... and outside top tier the 60% (and going up every single day) of the population are bot users so balance it for who? you ,me and a couple of friends? waste of money.


    Unfortunately this is correct. Gw2 had a very high potential when it came to pvp due to its unique combat mechanics, unfortunately this means little if the potential is squandered by incompetence, sheer lazyness or just a unwillingness to give the portion of the game the attention it needed to see that potential fulfilled maybe due to a decision that deemed pve more profitable. Either way it's gotten to a point where the pvp modes and inter class balances have gotten so bad that putting the amount of resources towards fixing the.m to anywhere half decent may be a gamble anet isn't currently willing to make given the possible poor return. This is all of course if the company isn't currently experiencing issues that they dont want to make public, given a loss of another dev and lack of communication and or any meaningfull content and patches for how long? Other than the fake big patch we recieved that required basically no thought on implementation.

  2. Its pretty simple. Games trash, has been for a while now. Its frustrating and tilting to play so players take it out on each other, who else they gonna take it out on. A lot of players have invested yrs of play and even tho it's just a game and is having such a effect on them they still find it hard to move on. Honestly the devs for this game shoulda be released and blacklisted yrs ago.

  3. Umm no one is saying mirage is OP lol been a while since mirage is OP was a thing no?

    After this many years and the game state ending up here doesn't bode well for Hope's of a near balanced pvp mode. The new balance credence gave a lot of players hope but unfortunately it's the same credence they give everytime players are starting to leave in hope's of player retention, and as all other times couple months pass and they retire back to their old ways. This time the delivered a massive patch reaching all classes and builds but unfortunately like stated above was just a tactic. Notice how if one were to think of the largest patch u could possibly release with very little actual effort and considerations of the changes let alone with changes to individual classes and u get a blanket nerf or blanket buff that is just all reduction or increase over all values with zero thought.

    Then players brought up the obvious fact that such patches with zero spacific class considerations causes a lot of thing to be broken within certain classes so anet states yeah this type of patch will cause some issues within inter class balances and will frequently follow up with tweaks- another tactic lol as the follow up has been a joke thus far. Honestly the team needs replaced,especially management.

  4. In the end games pvp modes unarguably dying fast, like real fast and devs are way to lazy to fix it or they just don't want to. Pvp matches always have the same classes/builds spamming the exact same crap, if their not bots lol.

    Wvw is dying to due to no support with the addition of the players mentalities. The players this game attracts are funny. 3 friends came back for a night of wvw after not playing for a long while and lasted about a hr before laughing and moving to a different game. One good example of the players in wvw is as follows.

    7 of us were fighting about 15+ enemy players out side of the main keep entrance as they were ganking any spawners that were leaving keep so we would try and guard them till they disengaged enough to continue on to their zerg. We caught them off for about 20 mins and after o e of their pushes we retreated into keep and as we entered keep saw about 50+ teammate players all zerging out of the keep, so we naturally thought haha let's go boys this gonna be gratifying. As we left the main keep the zerg just ran by those players and ignored them to go 200 yards to the left to take a small keep that was empty. So we figured that take a sec and their prob gonna come over and deal with this group that's now 20+. Nope, they moved on to take another empty keep lmao. We laughed and and logged out. The players gw2 attracts dont even want altercations and want to just run around mindlessly destroying npc's and take empty camps lol. The zergs players will chase one guy down but unless they have to won't fight even moderate size groups, no wonder they hate roamer haha. When u witness somthing g like above ur Hope's for good fights gets lost fast.

    My bud threw In text wow bet taking that keep was so much more fun gameplay then fighting the group u ignored lmao and someone replied well somtime u get spawn camped and sometimes not lol, like wtf.

  5. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > Playing Berserker Ammy with Axe/Shield + GS. Able to land 5k Axe throws with 7k Arcing Slices pretty consistently, Eviscerate has pretty nasty damage too with sometimes 8k hits. All of this depends on armor type and what the other uses but obviously Warrior is not in lack of damage IMO.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > > If you're gonna get 2 Might on Tether, Riposting Shadows on Revenant needs 25 Endurance back too.

    > > > >

    > > > > True! Cuz I mean why not? Both are in a great state emiright lol

    > > >

    > > > Warrior absolutely dominated the side node meta because it could evade spam at up to 5k Unblockable crits per. If it gets it back, should Rev do too. It absolutely demolished Heralds and still can.

    > >

    > > Yeah talking about warrior BEING strong in the past doesn't mean it's ok to be weak now. But hey almost all warriors and even most non war players have noticed how underperforming war is now but guys everyone's wrong. Must be the war players all need to get gud right? Lol.

    > > War definitely lacks damage without a doubt, dry gonna have to agree to disagree.


    > If you say so, I don't think it lacks damage for the fact I'm still able to play it and see similar numbers as before. You're absolutely ignoring the reason why it was cancer to fight warrior in the past.


    > There was nothing fun about evade spam and it's entertaining to see the double standards going right now. There's some hope, some hope. I'd be a main of anything now and say that it's fine at the same skill level as before and it wouldn't matter.


    Lmao u serious? Dont u play rev,which has way more evade spam than war? Cmon and sustain and damage. Bet u think it's fine right? Lol

  6. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > Playing Berserker Ammy with Axe/Shield + GS. Able to land 5k Axe throws with 7k Arcing Slices pretty consistently, Eviscerate has pretty nasty damage too with sometimes 8k hits. All of this depends on armor type and what the other uses but obviously Warrior is not in lack of damage IMO.


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > If you're gonna get 2 Might on Tether, Riposting Shadows on Revenant needs 25 Endurance back too.

    > >

    > > True! Cuz I mean why not? Both are in a great state emiright lol


    > Warrior absolutely dominated the side node meta because it could evade spam at up to 5k Unblockable crits per. If it gets it back, should Rev do too. It absolutely demolished Heralds and still can.


    Yeah talking about warrior BEING strong in the past doesn't mean it's ok to be weak now. But hey almost all warriors and even most non war players have noticed how underperforming war is now but guys everyone's wrong. Must be the war players all need to get gud right? Lol.

    War definitely lacks damage without a doubt, dry gonna have to agree to disagree.

  7. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > To be fair, there isn't a whole lot of content out there for players to study up on either. I've done a good bit of searching for videos and written guides on how to improve at PvP, but out of the few there are, none go beyond the basics.


    > That leaves players to bash their heads against a brick wall for a few weeks or months while they try their best to process what's happening.


    > It's not like there's must incentive to put in the effort. Gw2 isn't an Esport. The PvP community is so barren that bots are starting to outnumber real players. Why bother investing into this game mode to begin with? Every new player must ask themselves this question.


    I agree and chose to not invest much time in the game these days but for players that do I sincerely hope it improves.

  8. The amount of times I see teammates run right by enemy owned caps without bothering to decap it. Or ur capping a node uncontested and ur teamates makes his way over to u to stand next to u while our other 3 teammates are team fighting on one of the other nodes. Most times on maps like bell u or u and one other teammate are usually trying to fend off at least 4 opponents. The new thing is one teamate goes home and another far leaving 90% of mid fights 3v4, most times ur teamate fails to cap far and dies so u lose far and mid before 2 of them head to capture the home node.

    Solo a is good times......good times.

  9. > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > "We are too busy creating PVE content most players will spend a few hours on to focus on game modes that players will spend hundreds of hours on"


    This is what I don't get. Gw2 is unique in a lot of way and I get that mmo's alway have a higher pve population than pvp, just how it always is but with gw2 combat mechanics coupled with the fact even with the increase in development for pve gw2 doesn't really have a super story pve. What I mean is the story and writing is ok at best and the replayability of the pve content coupled with the fact the stories are not that time consuming to complete I wonder why pvp wouldn't be more of a focus given its replayability and potential player rententative properties when compared to pve. I get why ff14 for example treats pvp as a after thought, though I wish I didn't personally but it makes sense given its expacs are like 150-200 story quests which although can be burned thru still takes far longer. With how short lw stories are etc and how quick players go thru the new content in gw2 pvp is a huge missed opportunity to do something great while providing gameplay that promotes replayability and player retention cuz lets be real at rate these devs work it take forever for them to develop and release any actual meaty pve content.

  10. > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

    > Might as well just download a bot and use it since anet doesn’t care.


    Funny thing is due to the gbage ranking system and how dependent rank is on ur teammates ur bot could actually finish at a higher rank than u lol.

  11. > @"Broady.2358" said:

    > This may be hard to hear but the common denominator in all your losses is **YOU!**


    > Its very easy to just blame losses on "trash team mates" but if you do this every game you will never climb ranks or improve.

    > Instead, focus on what you could have done better. Could you have rotated better, kited more or interupted a key enemy skill?


    > Yes, sometimes losses will be down to team mates making bad decisions but always focus on what YOU can do to improve and eventually you will carry games!


    This is true, if u go all match without dying and ur the only one thsts even considering the cap mechanics within the fight all while ur teammates run mid and get destroyed in secs even while outnumbered in their favor the loss is on u for not carrying them hard enough lmao. Get gud emiright.

  12. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > That's sounds fishy man, I run zerk/strenth rune strength/disc/splb with all damage traits and if i catch a reaper off guard i take like 20% of it hp before it should and prob another 30% of shroud by time 100 blades and f1go off and have to chip away at em until I can attempt the same burst again. Most times takes 2 or 3 full bursts to kill a reaper and they'd have to make some serious mistakes given thier affinity to pop shroud as a oh kitten button than still have elite as well. A good reaper or necro easily out sustains and destroys a war if both were at full hp. Even cores eat thru my hp before I cant dent them with all their oh kitten buttons regardless if the make a mistake or I out play them and get my full burst off, it's usually not punishing enough to tip the fight in my favor.

    > I play core condi 9/10 times. So Warrs generally aren't a problem. I was pretty impressed tbh. Pretty sure the only thing that could have done me quicker is a Reaper going Lich at me.


    > Both Lich and Rampage should honestly be removed as a side note.


    > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > That's sounds fishy man, I run zerk/strenth rune strength/disc/splb with all damage traits and if i catch a reaper off guard i take like 20% of it hp before it should and prob another 30% of shroud by time 100 blades and f1go off and have to chip away at em until I can attempt the same burst again. Most times takes 2 or 3 full bursts to kill a reaper and they'd have to make some serious mistakes given thier affinity to pop shroud as a oh kitten button than still have elite as well. A good reaper or necro easily out sustains and destroys a war if both were at full hp. Even cores eat thru my hp before I cant dent them with all their oh kitten buttons regardless if the make a mistake or I out play them and get my full burst off, it's usually not punishing enough to tip the fight in my favor.

    > I play core condi 9/10 times. So Warrs generally aren't a problem. I was pretty impressed tbh. Pretty sure the only thing that could have done me quicker is a Reaper going Lich at me.


    > Both Lich and Rampage should honestly be removed as a side note.


    > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > That's sounds fishy man, I run zerk/strenth rune strength/disc/splb with all damage traits and if i catch a reaper off guard i take like 20% of it hp before it should and prob another 30% of shroud by time 100 blades and f1go off and have to chip away at em until I can attempt the same burst again. Most times takes 2 or 3 full bursts to kill a reaper and they'd have to make some serious mistakes given thier affinity to pop shroud as a oh kitten button than still have elite as well. A good reaper or necro easily out sustains and destroys a war if both were at full hp. Even cores eat thru my hp before I cant dent them with all their oh kitten buttons regardless if the make a mistake or I out play them and get my full burst off, it's usually not punishing enough to tip the fight in my favor.

    > I play core condi 9/10 times. So Warrs generally aren't a problem. I was pretty impressed tbh. Pretty sure the only thing that could have done me quicker is a Reaper going Lich at me.


    > Both Lich and Rampage should honestly be removed as a side note.


    I agree they should be removed, I run rage cuz I switched from thief to warrior to get away from feeling cheesey all the time lol.

    Speaking of thief tho if they have already used their stunbreak and I get a full 100 blade-f1 off they usually are in downstate, and it feels delightful lol.

  13. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > but needs another player to follow up with the damage to down players is not good at all. if u dont have a teamates to provide damage for u locking them down just delays them wrecking u when ur cc's are on CD.

    > That's not true tho. The damage is definitely there. I got caught with my pants down by a spellbreaker when I had no dodges and stunbreaks left but full health and shroud a few days ago. He tore through my full shroud and healthbar in under 6 or so seconds.


    > > War does not need more mobility, it already has the perfect amount with gs,dagger mh, sword mh and utility skills like BC and feather foot. Any more would be to much.

    > Not if we were to aim at making Warr contest Thief's role like the other guy was talking about.



    That's sounds fishy man, I run zerk/strenth rune strength/disc/splb with all damage traits and if i catch a reaper off guard i take like 20% of it hp before it shrouds up and prob another 30% of shroud by time 100 blades and f1go off and have to chip away at em until I can attempt the same burst again. Most times takes 2 or 3 full bursts to kill a reaper and they'd have to make some serious mistakes given thier affinity to pop shroud as a oh shit button than still have elite as well. A good reaper or necro easily out sustains and destroys a war if both were at full hp. Even cores eat thru my hp before I cant dent them with all their oh shit buttons regardless if the make a mistake or I out play them and get my full burst off, it's usually not punishing enough to tip the fight in my favor.

  14. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > lack of damage and other classes being broken is holding warrior back.

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Regarding war damage is definitely part of whats holding it back.

    > I dunno man. During the 2v2 and 3v3 seasons Warrs were one of the classes I least liked facing. Warr can lock you down pretty hard if you get caught and honestly feels like it hits harder than Power Rev when it does. The main difference being that literally everything Warr does has really clear telegraphs and tells so you know what's coming and can dodge it and you can kite a Warr pretty easily.


    > I think if you give Warrior more mobility, a ranged pull in their core kit available to all specs and some better access to reveal that would go a long way in giving it a place in the meta.


    No arguement about the locking down but a class that can lock u down but needs another player to follow up with the damage to down players is not good at all. if u dont have a teamates to provide damage for u locking them down just delays them wrecking u when ur cc's are on CD.

    I'd be absolutely annoying being help cc'd by a warrior while its teammates has at u but on the same note wars ccs are predictable and telegraphed and if u get caught in wars cc without stab or a stunbreak available the war should be able to punish u just like other classes who have far more unfair mechanics can.

    War does not need more mobility, it already has the perfect amount with gs,dagger mh, sword mh and utility skills like BC and feather foot. Any more would be to much.

  15. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > > 1. Holo

    > > > 2. Rev

    > > > 3. Ranger

    > > > 4. Guardian

    > > > 5. Necro

    > > > 6. Thief

    > > > 7. Ele

    > > > 8. Mesmer

    > > > 9. Warrior

    > > >

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > warrior needs dmg on CC back

    > > > It has plenty of those. That's not what's holding Warr back.

    > > >

    > > > > AND something else on top, I dont know what It could be

    > > >

    > > > > And honorable mention, thief. Mandatory 1 thief in every team dunno what can be done, nerfing it is not the way honestly, if anything this game needs another spec that can contest thief in its role, PROPERLY

    > > > If only there was a way to combine these and fix two problems in one go... ?

    > >

    > > Regarding war damage is definitely part of whats holding it back. By design and how integrated the need for hard cc for a war to effectively burst someone having zero damage on cc hit wars overall damage and burst significantly compared to other classes. If the devs compensated wars non cc skills or skills that were commonly used as part of their burst with more damage then maybe things would be different. As it is now as predictable and counter playable as war bursts are, even if ur successful in getting the full burst rotation off most classes but glass ones will shrug off the damage due to the loss of damage on cc. Thst is if they simply don't pop stab or a stun break lol


    > lack of damage and other classes being broken is holding warrior back.

    > by nerfing kitten up the list and adding SOME damage to CC would fix most warrior issues.

    > Main problem off warrior is and always will be, its fair.



    100% agree and a class that's fair by design is more predictable as well as more easily countered therefore it should be more punishing to a opponent who makes mistakes fighting it, prob is it isn't, it's very easy for any player who's played a while to know exactly when to pop a stab or a stun break vs a warrior as they know what burst the war will be going for just by its weapon set. Cuz cc does no damage a successful bullscharge can be made useless by a stunbreak or easily stopped by stab which basically stops the war gs burst out right, gs as just an example.

  16. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > 1. Holo

    > 2. Rev

    > 3. Ranger

    > 4. Guardian

    > 5. Necro

    > 6. Thief

    > 7. Ele

    > 8. Mesmer

    > 9. Warrior


    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > warrior needs dmg on CC back

    > It has plenty of those. That's not what's holding Warr back.


    > > AND something else on top, I dont know what It could be


    > > And honorable mention, thief. Mandatory 1 thief in every team dunno what can be done, nerfing it is not the way honestly, if anything this game needs another spec that can contest thief in its role, PROPERLY

    > If only there was a way to combine these and fix two problems in one go... ?


    Regarding war damage is definitely part of whats holding it back. By design and how integrated the need for hard cc for a war to effectively burst someone having zero damage on cc hit wars overall damage and burst significantly compared to other classes. If the devs compensated wars non cc skills or skills that were commonly used as part of their burst with more damage then maybe things would be different. As it is now as predictable and counter playable as war bursts are, even if ur successful in getting the full burst rotation off most classes but glass ones will shrug off the damage due to the loss of damage on cc. Thst is if they simply don't pop stab or a stun break lol

    War has a few well known bursts that are predictable and easy to counter yet if wars successful in getting the bursts off in most cases it would have to successfully land those bursts multiple times in a fight to get a player down as that's their only way to hope to do enough damage in a time frame that the opponents heal and sustain skills arnt comming off cd's. Wars in a bad spot cuz ud have to face a already almost dead opponent or get multiple burst attempts off and the opponent would have to be bronze level to fall for multiple war bursts.

  17. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > >It is so slow that you have to use it like a melee weapon for it to be effective!

    > >

    > > To be fair, the functionality of skill 2 already wants you to use it in melee.

    > >

    > > Making it a melee weapon... With 1200 range...

    > >

    > > I don't quite understand that design to be honest.

    > >

    > > Like, I understand Engie's melee rifle, since they were going for a "Shotgun" style with it so getting up close for Blunderbuss and Jump Shot makes sense given the stereotype of shotguns having short range.

    > >

    > > But War's melee Longbow? I haven't a clue what they were going for with the design.


    > That's because in this game the usual weapon archetype doesn't really matter and anet can make them do whatever they want. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, aside from the initial time it takes for the player to understand that. 1200 range just means that you can still do *something* while getting in your opponents face or while they're trying to get away from you.

    > I'd be way more surprised if it was on the ranger longbow levels of burst with 1500+ range while still being able to basically be a 25k+ hp minitank.


    > > What makes it even more funny, is that skill 1 fires two arrows with perfect accuracy up to 1200 range. Skill 2 adds one more arrow and all of a sudden, only one arrow is accurate, the other two fly off to hit some random target 5 miles away...


    > You can say similar thing about many skills/weapons/classes in the game. And the answer is pretty easy: it's a game and looking for some kind of "realism" when it comes to balancing it makes no sense.


    But ranger can out tank wars if built right so....

  18. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"LolyPOPS.5364" said:

    > > I'm a 38yo player, my first console i played is ATARI. I've played many many MMO game from the first age MMO such as Nexia, Ragnarok, WOW classic, etc

    > >

    > > From that many game even the latest MMO such as BlackDessert, Kingdom Under Fire2, Etc There's none compare to GuildWars 2 in content, gameplay mechanic, event, graphic(yes this wined age game still have very enjoyable graphic compare that it doesn't need high end PC specs), except maybe story (well i still vouch for WOW for it's epic story) still on par with WOW though

    > >

    > > So yes you only need buy one time and additional if there's big DLC.

    > > BUT why not pull more income from subscribing to make the game\company better. WOW with $15 that i could understand since it's one of the MMO pioneer. But game such as RuneScape3 charging $10 just so u can spend your time laboring(literally) inside the game is makes me wonder why people paid...

    > >

    > > For $2.99-$4.99 it's way worth paying playing GW2!!

    > > And if it's come to subscribing i think SEA and Australia region have good prospect to add server in this region. (my ping is killin me)

    > >

    > >


    > it deserves better, he says.... help it survives ,he says....


    > i think gw2 and anet are doing well atm


    U cant be serious, ur definition of doing well differs from mine.

  19. > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

    > > > > @"dronte.3416" said:

    > > > > Reaper is also high on my list.

    > > > >

    > > > > And if I can pick a skill instead of a class, I would go with Lich Form. It's just broken.

    > > >

    > > > Reaper is quite bad right now, you realise it as soon as you fight against any competent team instead of “PvP beginners”.

    > > > Surviving with it is very difficult, it has low damage and/or low survivability compared to things already mentioned here.

    > >

    > > For sure thsts why necro/specs are higher in numbers than any class in wvw and only somewhat matched by thiefs and now revs in pvp, cuz their weak lol.


    > I wonder how someone could not notice “something so obvious” (what I mentioned in my post). Probably many people in Silver and Bronze division tend to see most things as OP when played by “decent players”, it is also natural, everyone needs time to learn and there is a lot to learn to become good in PvP.


    > PvP is full of things that can easily beat a Reaper, most professions can.


    Still seen more than most classes for reasons lol whether u want to admit or not players in this game seem to flock the most to classes that fit a certain criteria to put it nicely lol.

  20. > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

    > > @"dronte.3416" said:

    > > Reaper is also high on my list.

    > >

    > > And if I can pick a skill instead of a class, I would go with Lich Form. It's just broken.


    > Reaper is quite bad right now, you realise it as soon as you fight against any competent team instead of “PvP beginners”.

    > Surviving with it is very difficult, it has low damage and/or low survivability compared to things already mentioned here.


    For sure thsts why necro/specs are higher in numbers than any class in wvw and only somewhat matched by thiefs and now revs in pvp, cuz their weak lol.

  21. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Jabronee.9465" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > If they're so overpowered why are there so few left playing?

    > > >

    > > > Must be an honor thing.

    > >

    > > Not an honor thing to me. Maybe for most thieves as they find great honor in using Stealth as an advantage for success.

    > > I play my DE not for honor. I play it cause i have no choice but to abuse the stealth plus high mobilities and of course high dps. In short its not high risk high reward class if you play it more. Its the opposite.

    > > I love playing Necro in every mmos but I'm forced by Anet to play thieves due to its mechanics.

    > > O trust me we are around mostly unseen ofc lol. Depends of which servers they are on and time.


    > Pfft I meant all those people who know how overpowered thief is but choose to make poor, weak Necro variants the most played class in WvW.



    100% this^ sure as hell not 20 necros for every 1 thief in wvw cuz thief is strong and necro weak lol. Prob more necro/specs even in pvp now then thief.

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