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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. I honestly think something has shifted in the company and the devs have either been reallocated again or just downsized and gw2 isn't their main focus moving forward, even with the pandemic happening the balance quality, frequency and just general content seems to be so scarce its seriously one notch above maintenance mode. I wouldn't expect any major changes or fixes.

  2. > @"skillze.7689" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"skillze.7689" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Great idea for sure, unfortunately a small handful of placeholder traits cant seem to be reworked in how long?

    > > >

    > > > Can you cry a little louder about you're nerf's I cant hear you over all the bot noise!

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yeah what am I saying lol the significant and frequent changes are top notch, my mistake, maybe if we all believe hard enough itl make it true right?


    > I hate to be the one to disappoint you but they wont be changing the placeholder traits as you call it, only time they will be changed is if they need to re-evaluate them for pve!


    Yeah u dont have to tell me, I suspect they will never be changed, kinda my point.

  3. > @"skillze.7689" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Great idea for sure, unfortunately a small handful of placeholder traits cant seem to be reworked in how long?


    > Can you cry a little louder about you're nerf's I cant hear you over all the bot noise!




    Yeah what am I saying lol the significant and frequent changes are top notch, my mistake, maybe if we all believe hard enough itl make it true right?

  4. U guys show so much passion for this game and class, unfortunately on these threads these ideas will remain unseen. Look at the place holder traits that still sit in traitlines after how long? The chances of war getting any rework before games life cycle ends is very small, great efforts tho.

    Sometimes I feel like anet doesnt deserve players like u and lan deathrider.

  5. Unfortunately if ur wish was granted theres a larger possibility that the class would receive no compensation or if did the changes would be trivial leaving the classes mobility nerfed hard negatively effecting its ability to +1 or decap as effectively all while being underperforming in other roles as it is now so in short nerfing sb would just ruin thief as this is anet devs were talking about right.

    A real example of what would prob happen is the devs would increase sword auto attack damage by 2% and dagger autos by 2% and state that they increased thiefs ability to 1v1 and lowered its mobility to give it a chance at other job roles, then follow up with we'll be watching these aggressive changes to the sword and dagger autos to make sure their not to heavy handed and causing thief to be to strong in 1v1's lol

  6. The current match making only works in pvp that handles structured teams only, its laughable that it exists in a pvp mode that mostly consists of solo q as all it does is promote match manipulation and toxicity thru so many avenues. Most people are toxic to each other in pvp due to the fact a players teammates ultimately predict a players rating, arguably more then the player themselves. If a player was being rated on their own performance within the team would wintrading exist? Would players be toxic to a afk teammate or player that is obviously not trying to win or is of less skill if their performance wasn't effecting another's rating?

    If anet reworked matchmaking to mostly take individual players performance into account with regards to their rating more players would be motivated to play well but also toxicity would be greatly reduced.

  7. It's highly predictable and telegraphed across all of its skill leading to easy counterplay, it needs to be more punishing to those that get caught by such telegraphed and predictable skills, one way would be to return some of the damage on cc as they way the kits are designed and skills like 100 blades are designed with hard cc as being part of their burst rotation yet when damage on cc was gutted the non cc skills on war were not compensated as such leaving opponents far less punished when caught by a wars burst.

    I find it funny how the community is not ok with very telegraphed, predictable and easily countered hard cc skills doing damage yet are ok with 75% of the game being filled with super tank brainless aoe condi spam that's far more effective than bullscharge burst ever was lol. The devs balance is humorous as are the balance wishes of the community lol.

  8. Anets definition of aggressive buffs are like their balancing decisions, very confusing. The buffs they did were trivial and changed very little, the fact they stated they'll be watching these changes to assure they weren't to heavy handed shows their disconnect from this game and its classes almost to a humorous degree.

    What a joke!

  9. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > > This one always gets me. People think warrior is easy because it kills noobs. Now try to kill someone good with warrior and it's a whole different game. That enemy elementalist has a whole swiss army knife at his disposal and you've got a hammer.

    > >

    > > Your competitive builds are melee, slow, telegraphed, and have no teleports and the only way you can beat other classes is by adapting your very limited skill set to best counter their very broad skill sets. But yeah no y war so dum.

    > >

    > > If you think war takes no effort come duel me on it War vs War.


    > Warrior is still the easiest class to play with really to low effort to be good at.

    > If you come wvw it is still among the best roamers and dueling spec at duel spot.


    > I did a duel with a guy yesterday, perma 25 might all fight and after 3 seconds of fight he already had them, same when rev and holo had easy might access.


    > Dodge rolled up to 10 times in not even 30 seconds fight. Endure pain still the best stunbreak panic button.


    > Yeah CC doesn't not make big damage anymore (luckily), you were happy of pressing bull's charge for 8k damage and 10k arcing slice right? 2 buttons is really hard gameplay to master yeah.


    > In sPvP you can say anything you want, it's underpowered.

    > But if you struggle in wvw with warrior you are just trash and should unistall.


    > Btw try the new meta strenght discipline tactics with the immobilize on axe throw and then let me know.


    > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > > This one always gets me. People think warrior is easy because it kills noobs. Now try to kill someone good with warrior and it's a whole different game. That enemy elementalist has a whole swiss army knife at his disposal and you've got a hammer.

    > >

    > > Your competitive builds are melee, slow, telegraphed, and have no teleports and the only way you can beat other classes is by adapting your very limited skill set to best counter their very broad skill sets. But yeah no y war so dum.

    > >

    > > If you think war takes no effort come duel me on it War vs War.


    > Warrior is still the easiest class to play with really to low effort to be good at.

    > If you come wvw it is still among the best roamers and dueling spec at duel spot.


    > I did a duel with a guy yesterday, perma 25 might all fight and after 3 seconds of fight he already had them, same when rev and holo had easy might access.


    > Dodge rolled up to 10 times in not even 30 seconds fight. Endure pain still the best stunbreak panic button.


    > Yeah CC doesn't not make big damage anymore (luckily), you were happy of pressing bull's charge for 8k damage and 10k arcing slice right? 2 buttons is really hard gameplay to master yeah.


    > In sPvP you can say anything you want, it's underpowered.

    > But if you struggle in wvw with warrior you are just trash and should unistall.


    > Btw try the new meta strenght discipline tactics with the immobilize on axe throw and then let me know.


    > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > > This one always gets me. People think warrior is easy because it kills noobs. Now try to kill someone good with warrior and it's a whole different game. That enemy elementalist has a whole swiss army knife at his disposal and you've got a hammer.

    > >

    > > Your competitive builds are melee, slow, telegraphed, and have no teleports and the only way you can beat other classes is by adapting your very limited skill set to best counter their very broad skill sets. But yeah no y war so dum.

    > >

    > > If you think war takes no effort come duel me on it War vs War.


    > Warrior is still the easiest class to play with really to low effort to be good at.

    > If you come wvw it is still among the best roamers and dueling spec at duel spot.


    > I did a duel with a guy yesterday, perma 25 might all fight and after 3 seconds of fight he already had them, same when rev and holo had easy might access.


    > Dodge rolled up to 10 times in not even 30 seconds fight. Endure pain still the best stunbreak panic button.


    > Yeah CC doesn't not make big damage anymore (luckily), you were happy of pressing bull's charge for 8k damage and 10k arcing slice right? 2 buttons is really hard gameplay to master yeah.


    > In sPvP you can say anything you want, it's underpowered.

    > But if you struggle in wvw with warrior you are just trash and should unistall.


    > Btw try the new meta strenght discipline tactics with the immobilize on axe throw and then let me know.


    Being easy to play and understand is a double edged sword, this makes it easy for the wars opponent to predict and counter them thus what was prob meant when OP states harder class to be effective with, especially against non noob players.

    War initially was designed as was its skills to have the hard cc be a part of the burst damage wise and when anets devs removed damage from cc skills it effected warrior far harder than other classes as well as the multiple hits from many angles its sustain got due to relying on multiple synergies thru traits and signets that ALL were hammered with a nerf unlike most classes that saw very little sustain nerfs or even huge sustain buffs ie necro etc.

    War in wvw is not a great roamer anymore, any decent player can kite a warrior so easily it's almost not even a challenge, I do this on thief and ranger often. It's only useful as a shout bubble bot. There's good reason why its relatively known across the board along with mirage as the weakest class in the game.

    Any class can be effective if the player is far more skilled than its opponent but two close skilled opponents most classes should best warrior in melee right now and that should definitely not be the case but hey thsts anets balancing and why this games pvp and wvw population is ever growing each year lmao.

  10. > @"foste.3098" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Given thiefs ini system damage should be spread throughout the skills and maybe used a system where skills do more if done after a certain skill or in certain combos as well as certain skills having a stronger effect on players who are inflicted with certain conditions. This way u promote varied inputs during combat instead of the current "this is ur damage skill".


    > This is hilarious since guild wars 1 assassin, the thief progenitor, had this exact concept for its dagger chain combos where to use a dual attack skill you've had to previously hit with an offhand skill, and to use that you had to have landed a hit with a lead attack skill (there were some exceptions to this where a offhand skill can be used without a prerequisite).

    > As you said they could have carried over this system and made it so that certain weapon skills (skill 3 and 5 for example) have extra effects if before using them you landed a hit with, lets say the final skill in the auto attack chain, or skill 2, or any number of other requirements. This way you would not be able to repeatedly use the same skill for maximum effect (hello pistol whip, vault, or any other time spamming 1 button was the best way to push out damage), but instead would have to weave said skill with its prerequisite skill for maximum effect.


    Honestly a system like this would be essential to avoid promoting one skill spam given the ini mechanic but that requires a slight forthought in design and who we kidding here haha

  11. Pd thief isn't mindless per se but I can see why it seems mindless to people that face it, just like condi teef, sd or dp teef these devs dont know how to design a rogue class which I evident in its design. Every single thief weapon set relies on one skill for damage which on it's own is poor design in itself but add the ini system and uve now promoted one button spam playstyle for every weapon, good job!

    Given thiefs ini system damage should be spread throughout the skills and maybe used a system where skills do more if done after a certain skill or in certain combos as well as certain skills having a stronger effect on players who are inflicted with certain conditions. This way u promote varied inputs during combat instead of the current "this is ur damage skill". I think spreading the damage across skills thru combo'ing would avoid thief becoming OP as due to the ini system just spreading damage across its skills may be to OP.

  12. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > There are a few issues that "need looking at", but as I have recently spent a lot of time on my thief I feel that it needs some love, in all game modes.



    > 1) pvp - thief, an "assassin class", supposedly meant for 1v1 has been forced into a mobility and +1 role for years. We cant fight toe to toe with other classes (some of which have decent mobility themselves) in a PVP GAME MODE without being a considerable disadvantage for our team. I feel this needs to change. Especially dead eye rifle, where you have to give up mobility to use the weapon mechanic where it means certain death vs any player that knows how to avoid the hugely telegraphed stealth attack.




    > 2) wvw thief desperately needs love. The pongo stick dd build is the only one that is decent to run in zerg groups. Venomshare theif? What is that?? Roaming? Oh wait holo or soulbeast are tankier does more damage has more boons, survivability, range, etc. Atm all we can do is cheese with one shot deadeye



    > 3) pve thief damage desperately needs bluffs. Our damage is so lacking. Sword in pve is a joke and we have ZERO viable condi options for pve that is actually decent. Other specs push numbers that we cant even come close to. We are supposed to be an assassin class, yet my backstab crits for 20k maaaaaaybe in a perfect scenario while a warrior axe 5 does 70k damage.



    > It's just my own opinion, but I would love it it thief got some love to have a proper "place" in the game modes


    Lol the devs can't balance a basic class like warrior properly, u think they could balance thief? Cmon man we all know they'd end up making thief worse in the end.

  13. > @"Rainbowdash.5314" said:

    > So, i came back to the game after a 3 and a bit year break where i previously was a hardcore raider and didn't really touch pvp/wvw at all. I returned about a month ago and have tried my best to learn pvp and understand what's going on. But honestly trying to learn in unranked is a joke.

    > I've been matched with plats as a new unranked player. I've seen guardians with so much aegis 3 people can't kill them while their team leave, get the bonus objective and come back go wipe my team.

    > As a thief I've been hit by ranger longbow 2 and get 100-0 on a hit-tracking skill even after i stealth and run, an uncountable number of times. I've had my shortbow blink get cucked by stupid interactions on FLAT terrain.

    > Condi thief kills people by mashing skill 3 and it's not even adjusted to take more than 1 finger.


    > How have you guys let this go on for so long?

    > The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..

    > Note that my perspective on balance is indeed limited and I'm more than aware, however ranked is not something i feel safe to do given low rank, placements included, the win or loss is simply who is abusing the overtuned kits the most.

    > I don't get how you stay silent when the game seems to be in such a toxic state balance-wise.

    > Would love to get some dialogue with people, especially the people that reached legend without win-trading to find out their thoughts on the direction the game is going with changes.


    > Thanks

    > New player 'A'


    Honestly man this games pvp population is dying so fast and its reputation as being meme worthy is spreading just as fast, I wouldn't let it frustrate u, just move on to a better game that gives u a better experience, with these devs u won't be enjoying it anytime soon as this games been stripped of any skillfull play so if u wanna be effective look on forums and learn the Carry builds that everyone has bandwagoned to and join them, all u can do at this point.

  14. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Let's be real here tho most of us aren't really regularly playing this game right? I mean were here hoping for it to improve if by some small chance/miracle or are most still logging in everyday?


    > 2 games a day keeps the will to play more away :)


    Haha seriously? I'm not kidding that's actually what I do lol. Some nights i dont at all but nights i do that's right on.

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