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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > > Thief got highest burst dmg , stealth , alot of evades and dodges

    > >

    > > Funny considering I see power mirages, reapers axe, necros elites auto's kitten lol, ele burst, power rev bursts, dh burst and holo bursts far more and more consistently than my dp teefs 4-6k back stabs and 4k HS's. And a lot of those classes have in fight sustain out the a$$ on top. Thief pd burst can be devastating if opponent has no clears but that cuz poison and burn can be stacked to easily these days and not a isolated problem of thief but of condis as a whole.


    > Yet deadeyes still 1shoot ppl. Reaper has low mob , dh got as much hp as thief so does ele whos just squishy if not more as they have lower mobility and evades.


    De oneshots who? I havent been one shot by a DE for yrs. It does good burst sure but nothing else, why shouldn't it have good burst then? Theres reason it's hardly seen in comps. Dh can out burst thieves, passive burns and hss way way better sustained damage in a fight as well as defenses IF not including just running away. Reaper low Mobility? These days with speed rune and wurm/spec armor their mobility is average not low. I'm not saying thief burst is to low or needs buffed I'm just saying thief is no where a outlier in the high burst department like most rogue's are in most mmo's. I mean on my staff CS, zerg/divinity build I can stack weakness on opponent and get 8.5k vaults pretty often which definitely in my mind is great burst damage but in no way is anything special damage wise these days even from classes with more hp and sustain lol

  2. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > Thief got highest burst dmg , stealth , alot of evades and dodges


    Funny considering I see power mirages, reapers axe, necros elites auto's ffs lol, ele burst, power rev bursts, dh burst and holo bursts far more and more consistently than my dp teefs 4-6k back stabs and 4k HS's. And a lot of those classes have in fight sustain out the a$$ on top. Thief pd burst can be devastating if opponent has no clears but that cuz poison and burn can be stacked to easily these days and not a isolated problem of thief but of condis as a whole.

  3. > @"Antioche.7034" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Yeah yeah l2p issue.... always l2p issue lmao

    > > > If you hear it "always", maybe it really is a l2p issue after all, lol.

    > > >

    > > > > u can literally use that excuse on anything and for any issue game has.

    > > > Nope, the pvp is dead but not because cc is too strong, it's because this game's pvp is too complex for its own good and anet can't really handle it.

    > > >

    > > > > When everyone left pvp and u and few others are left u can spout how everyone just refused to l2p and that's why pvp failed.

    > > > I mean, that's almost it. Not 100% but I'd say pvp is dead because it's too complex for average gw2 player.

    > >

    > > I dont hear anything lmao I barely play and when I do I honestly MAY die once or so a match and usually have no issue getting downs, I'm speaking for people that are just starting and what their met with.


    > So you literally come to the forums even though you don't play just to tell new players that the gamemode is trash, so that they don't play it, and then you use the fact that PvP is a dead gamemode to say it's trash. WP mate.


    Barely play means I play a bit not daily like the past. Barely doesn't mean stopped. Wp mate

  4. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah yeah l2p issue.... always l2p issue lmao

    > If you hear it "always", maybe it really is a l2p issue after all, lol.


    > > u can literally use that excuse on anything and for any issue game has.

    > Nope, the pvp is dead but not because cc is too strong, it's because this game's pvp is too complex for its own good and anet can't really handle it.


    > > When everyone left pvp and u and few others are left u can spout how everyone just refused to l2p and that's why pvp failed.

    > I mean, that's almost it. Not 100% but I'd say pvp is dead because it's too complex for average gw2 player.


    I dont hear anything lmao I barely play and when I do I honestly MAY die once or so a match and usually have no issue getting downs, I'm speaking for people that are just starting and what their met with.

  5. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Being perma locked down or having ur skills forced on cds so u can't counter is also horrible mechanics that some how exist in this game. Chain cc's should have diminishing returns for a shirt cd and conditions like slow etc should be deleted from the game, just a few changes that would give this sinking ship a chance.


    > If you get cc chained, that's a l2p issue. Maybe don't rush in 1v2 or 1v3? Only one person can't cc chain you AND deal huge damage at the same time. They can either cc chain you (hammer warrior) or deal huge damage (revenant etc). I have never seen a plat 2+ person on EU complain about CC. (shocking aura is a totally different issue btw but the point holds)


    > If you have a team/not outnumbered, you kite well enough and yet if you still get cc chained, maybe consider getting a better team since that means they don't peel people off you.


    > Slow and chill on the other hand, can get nerfed into the mists for all I care. They are boring.


    Yeah yeah l2p issue.... always l2p issue lmao u can literally use that excuse on anything and for any issue game has. When everyone left pvp and u and few others are left u can spout how everyone just refused to l2p and that's why pvp failed. Regardless whether it's a learn to play issue THAT is what new players experience when they first try pvp and wvw. In pvp they get perma locked down and feel like they may as well take their hands of the kb and just wait to respawn, or go to hit step on node but its covered by aoe spam that stripped their hp in seconds. In wvw zergs are just glorified floor is lava play. Players will only try to stick with the game for so long when being met with this so.....

  6. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > The player base has change dramatically, new playerbase prefers brainless carry builds where they can spam few buttons, mostly aoe condi puke with zero thought to timing etc over a more skillful type of play and unfortunately its seems like that's the way the devs are going with their balance changes as of late as well so may as well get used to it or move on.


    > Remember guys, using CC and then hitting the target while they can't move = skill and condi builds don't kill you this way ever.


    Being perma locked down or having ur skills forced on cds so u can't counter is also horrible mechanics that some how exist in this game. Chain cc's should have diminishing returns for a shirt cd and conditions like slow etc should be deleted from the game, just a few changes that would give this sinking ship a chance.

  7. > @"MySelfesteem.3129" said:

    > I haven't logged in to play GW2 since 2012 and boy am I glad.... Looks like things just gone from bad to worse.. it's a shame. It used to be my favorite game.


    Yeah unfortunately the devs are tanking their own game, at least regarding its pvp modes which is unfortunate cuz it's the one mmo that had great potential for it.

  8. The player base has change dramatically, new playerbase prefers brainless carry builds where they can spam few buttons, mostly aoe condi puke with zero thought to timing etc over a more skillful type of play and unfortunately its seems like that's the way the devs are going with their balance changes as of late as well so may as well get used to it or move on.

  9. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Haha and everyone's ok that some classes can block,block,block,evade,barrier, take some damage then block, evade, heal, block, reaply barrier etc and oh no a thief insnt revealed by one missed attack that is set with a CD so cant be spammed. Man this game has zero hope as the players are clueless as to why balance and game quality are complete trash. Look past the the classes u don't like and look at whole picture.


    > It could apply to all classes not just "stealth attacks" use any attack while stealthed = revealed.


    I get that and revealed on miss could be a thing and that's fine just wow of all the things to request in gw2 given it's current trash state. There's far far worse offending mechanics, skills and traits that should be adressed- nerfed while others buffed before something this trivial should even be thought of lol

  10. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > It's pretty simple, the rogue class in this game is no longer the high mobility bursty glass spec that it was obviously designed as just as they are in every mmo. The sustain is to high, thief burst to low. Whiny players that got killed by a burst thief whined enough to get them nerfed instead of learning to fight them and 2 shot them and the devs are ....... enough to listen to them. Also over time classes with more sustain and sustain damage got their bursts buffed in relation to thiefs and now do more than thief. Now thief can't even +1 very effectively and is just best as a cap runner. Also over time mobility and burst like condi aoe's are being handed to sustain classes like candy and oh sh.. buttons like shrouds and barriers are getting stronger in relation to over all damage being done. Balance in this game is trash, balance team is trash= pvp modes are trash= filled with a player base that loves this spammy carrywars2 game that gw2 has turned into where if u bandwagon to the right class u can get great success with zero work or learning curve. Honestly it amazes me u guys are still wasting ur time on this trash.

    > > Oh oh I feel another forum ban comming oh my lol.


    > It amazes me some people don't enjoy the game and yet they stick around just to convience (I guess?) other people on the forum that they shouldn't like the game either. If playing the game someone enjoys is "wasting their time", then you should really take a good look at what you're doing here instead.


    I enjoy the the forums more than the game :)

  11. It's pretty simple, the rogue class in this game is no longer the high mobility bursty glass spec that it was obviously designed as just as they are in every mmo. The sustain is to high, thief burst to low. Whiny players that got killed by a burst thief whined enough to get them nerfed instead of learning to fight them and 2 shot them and the devs are ....... enough to listen to them. Also over time classes with more sustain and sustain damage got their bursts buffed in relation to thiefs and now do more than thief. Now thief can't even +1 very effectively and is just best as a cap runner. Also over time mobility and burst like condi aoe's are being handed to sustain classes like candy and oh sh.. buttons like shrouds and barriers are getting stronger in relation to over all damage being done. Balance in this game is trash, balance team is trash= pvp modes are trash= filled with a player base that loves this spammy carrywars2 game that gw2 has turned into where if u bandwagon to the right class u can get great success with zero work or learning curve. Honestly it amazes me u guys are still wasting ur time on this trash.

    Oh oh I feel another forum ban comming oh my lol.

  12. Until condi spam aoe's dps is dramatically reduced this games pvp modes will always be gbage. Being node wars the devs have to be .... to not realize that having aoe condis that hit as much as burst skills that cover the node area is only something these devs would decide to do. I get they should exist but doing the damage they do now is beyond laughable, one of many reason most consider this games pvp a meme these days, least more so than normal.

  13. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Aveigel.2601" said:

    > > > I think they could do without a new weapon at all, and just add new weapon skills to the existing ones alltogether, like if Asian based (as the picture leads me to believe) and Warrior gets to have a Samurai spec, I'd like to see completely new uses for Greatsword/No-Dashi, Sword/Katana-Wakisashi, and etc. And some gap closing shadowstep-like skill while using Iaijutsu XD

    > >

    > > I'm afraid that idea is to awesome for gw2, instead the new warrior spec will be a dual pistol spec that's gimmicky and zero thematic tie to cantha, not to be a downer.


    > Some people would be thoroughly happy with that.


    Yeah I don't doubt that.

  14. > @"Aveigel.2601" said:

    > I think they could do without a new weapon at all, and just add new weapon skills to the existing ones alltogether, like if Asian based (as the picture leads me to believe) and Warrior gets to have a Samurai spec, I'd like to see completely new uses for Greatsword/No-Dashi, Sword/Katana-Wakisashi, and etc. And some gap closing shadowstep-like skill while using Iaijutsu XD


    I'm afraid that idea is to awesome for gw2, instead the new warrior spec will be a dual pistol spec that's gimmicky and zero thematic tie to cantha, not to be a downer.

  15. Downstate, especially on some classes is just another example of carry mechanic that this community seems to like as does anet, it's no suprise the "competitive modes" are struggling.

    That said downstate is fine for a pve environment but should stay there.

    Wouldn't be so bad if the devs even tried to balance downstate properly.

  16. > @"avey.4201" said:

    > Had more fun getting killed pre 2/25, than winning post 2/25.

    > I can fight until the timer goes negative, and I die to poison, but why bother?

    > When builds can out heal your sustained berserk DPS, why try?

    > When your 10k block-able burst is removed, but classes with 3x your hp can burst you for 40k-60k DPS(unblock-able), wheres the competitiveness?



    That feb patch put another huge hole in the gw2 ship sinking it faster, balance in this game is beyond bad now.

  17. > @"Azreell.1568" said:

    > > @"anjo.6143" said:

    > > Low population? Hard to learn? Hard to find sources of learning? Wrong rewards luring wrong peoples? A lot of newcomers?

    > >

    > > Why around 90% of the pvp population cant evolve?


    > First and foremost any and all games lose players over time. What one hopes then is that new players take their place to keep a some what even or stable player base.


    > The primary reason GW2 has such a low PvP player base is simply the toxicity of this community.


    > This game mode has a reputation for being the least favorable in terms of community in this game. Also, the general toxicity tends to limit the amount of new players interested in this game mode.


    > Add into the fact very poor balance overall as well as about the worst match making system I have ever seen in a game and you have what we have.


    > This is a prime example of what happens when a player base cannibalizes itself then wonders where all the players went.





    Haha two sides of same coin.

    1- hahaha man it's fun destroying people even if there more skilled than me, shut up my class isnt op u just gotta get good and learn to play ie I could care less about others enjoyment and only care about my own = players leave. If players were as honest about their mains broken OP aspects as they are about the weak aspects of their class other players would be likelier to ask for small shaves to classes rather than rally to get them gutted.


    Side 2- man I have trouble fighting this class, it must be broken OP then and no Its not me I'm awesome and surely cant be a learn to play issue and I'm not gonna spam post for reasonable shaves to the classes I dislike but rather spam post about how it should be deleted and not exists while I offer unreasonable suggestions to delete said class cuz I could care less about the players who do enjoy playing it = a lot of the time anet listens and does in fact delete said builds or multiple builds for said class causing players to drop class and in some cases leave the game.

    Seems there's a pattern to both sides...= player loss.

    Gw2 pvp community in a nutshell and actually wonder why population is low.


    Obviously anet design team and lazy balance efforts are the most to blame in the end.




  18. Only anet design team would leave a skill this long in this state in a high mobility game like gw2. Nothing like a skill that not only has to follow up a successful hard cc skill but also requires quickness and the opponent to be out of stunbreaks to complete all its hits lol. If left like it is the second last hit and last hit should both hit for 4k each as a reward for the war somehow getting them off and to punish the opponent for somehow letting the warrior get the whole skill off lol. Design of it is horrible given the combat in gw2.

    Lastly let's remove half the burst rotations damage by removing damage on cc's so warriors burst consists of a skill that is rooted and takes far to long to fully connect and a f1 that u have to use mid 100 blades to have a chance to land lol. I donno get less and less surprised at this games pvp population issues, anet really needs to look at its design and balance teams and how they can improve.

  19. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > This sounds great and fits the aesthetics of the expac great, maybe if not greatsword a off hand sword would work as well. I get people want the hamburglar spec with a torch but for cantha op's idea fits far better especially given the fact that thief is shinobi but named wrong. All its utility skills, trait names and pics shown it traits when comparing to a thief or shinobi those aspects clearly lean far more towards one then the other. It's like the named the class thief than decided to create a shinobi but never renamed it, so kitten weird lol.

    > > Seriously who in the f.... wants to run around wielding a torch lol so bada$$.


    > Thematically it would fit, but the idea just basically does the same that daredevil is already supposed to. Getting in the middle of the enemy hoards to deal cleaving damage while surviving with defensive mechanics.


    > That playstyle is simply not needed since thief already has a spec doing exactly this.

    > What thief needs is a support elite spec, since it isn't able to support allies currently at all and elite specs are supposed to give you access to new niches and playstyles.


    I'm honestly more concerned with a cool enjoyable spec to play more so then what thief is lacking or needs to round out its playstyles, I just want a fun spec regardless of anything else really lol.

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