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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. The amount of blocks on certain classes ie guard would have to be significantly reduced if unblockable was removed from the game. Think about a guard, fb or dh spamming its symbols, traps and Mantra's on nodes with all of its aegis and blocks lmao they'd be literally broken in pvp modes.

  2. > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"wasss.1208" said:

    > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > > > The main problem is ever since the Feb-20 Overhaul they have exclusively focused on mostly numbers nerfs ( Increase cooldown here, reduce duration there, etc ), when the problems have their root causes in broken mechanics and/or poor design.

    > > > >

    > > > > For instance, look at the nerfs to explosives holo for a good example of how not to balance a problem spec. Instead of reworking Explosive Entrance, they just randomly slapped some numbers on nades. The result is one of the silliest non-nerfs we have seen in a long time ( REDOOSE DUH BLYND DUHRAYTION BHY WAN SEKOND DUuOOhoHOhOOO )

    > > >

    > > > > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > > > I'd bet the team behind skill designs, is long gone, and the new dev team in charge of balance is so scared to touch anything in that code, they prefer to just move numbers up and down, and make it look like they are working.

    > > >

    > > > The competitive balance team (the one that is in charge on making the pvp balance) can only do number splits. That includes stuff like cooldown, damage, condi duration... That excludes stuff like cast time, or what a skill does. Changing those needs the skills team. For example the 300 sec traits are still there, because the skill team didn't decide if they want to replace them, yet, or how to replace them.

    > >

    > > Well anet really needs to light a fire under the skills teams kitten or hire more because having a skill team that's working on future gw2 projects and not fixing or adjusting the already released projects to ensure its playerbase gets the best experience is not a good way to conduct business, who's the team manager/managers etc, ncsoft needs to be watching these individuals more closely before another lay off happens.

    > > It is far from ok to have dead traits and broken skills for years on end because the balance devs can only change numbers, lmao kitten kinda excuse is that, where else does that fly in business? If theres a problem and the devs recognize it but cant fix it cuz it's out of their job description than thats fine the team that it is in their job description should fix them, and not yrs later. pretty simple kitten. Honestly who manages these people? And yeah I kno here comes another 3-5 day forum ban, oh no....


    > Well I used to feel the same, until I accepted the harsh truth behind what's going on, pvp and wvw players, represent less than a 15% of total gw2 community.

    > A pvp game takes much more time and effort to design than a kitten casual pve one. Pve players will play whatever the kitten is given to them as long as they have any stupid shiny reward, and as long as they get that stupid reward they will claim they've enjoyed the hundreds of hours repeating the same boring content, plus if you mess up the pve balance you justadd more health to boss and thats it. Meanwhile pvp need a lot more of calculations and an overall sense of balance.

    > What I mean with this, is that it's way easier to design kitten glowing cosmetics, and stupid bosses with almost no mechanics but a kitten ton of health, and catter to the bigger audience, than to take the time and effort of fixing the horrifiying state of current pvp/wvw or at least design some sort of "challenging" or innovative content.

    > With all that said, buisness wise they are doing everything right, they are cattering to the bigger audience, the one who pays the most, they are saving a lot of $ by not hiring people to fix the mess and just focusing on their next big product, but yet they are still acting as if they care a bit about pvp and wvw, so exclusively pvp players might stay hoping for a better future and spending gems.

    > Like that big fraud called "alliances" which is still hooking some of my friends in, because they are naive enough to belive anet is still working on that.

    > Or that disastrous "big balance patch" which fixed nothing but brought even a more tedious and obnoxious gameplay.

    > But ofc gameplay wise it's all a huge mess, and the quality of the product called gw2 has sunk so low it's reaching a point of no return now.

    > Thats why this game has no salvation, another beautiful mmorpg with a lot of in depth mechanics, ruined by a bunch of casuals screaming "this is too hard" and waving money at anet.


    It's no wonder their pve playerbase is larger. There are more ways for a game to be successful than just larger playerbase. Almost all discussions I've read between people that have played gw2 for years and new players is pve is ok but pvp is the best or has most potential of all mmo's. I'm not saying gw2 pve doesnt see far more players in pve cuz I kno it does. Look at wow and ff14 or even eso, their populations are larger and I'll wager always will be. I disagree that anets doing business right because had they than gw2 would clearly be THEE mmo almost every player would be playing if interested in pvp. Pvp by its nature provides insane replayability to a game and can be a huge source of revenue. Gw2 given its mechanic and what its known about it should have been more pvp focused as well which would have improved its playerbase on both fronts. Gw2 will never be on the lv of ff14 pve for example but gw2 could have been the defacto mmo pvp game given its combat mechanics and how the devs coulda used its potential for pvp.

    Gw2 pve will always be known as just a ok mmo but Its pvp could have realistically been known as the best place to pvp in a mmo for years to come, which is a better legacy and a better way to be remembered, a good mmo or an amazing pvp mmo? I kno as a dev which I'd rather.

  3. > @"wasss.1208" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > The main problem is ever since the Feb-20 Overhaul they have exclusively focused on mostly numbers nerfs ( Increase cooldown here, reduce duration there, etc ), when the problems have their root causes in broken mechanics and/or poor design.

    > >

    > > For instance, look at the nerfs to explosives holo for a good example of how not to balance a problem spec. Instead of reworking Explosive Entrance, they just randomly slapped some numbers on nades. The result is one of the silliest non-nerfs we have seen in a long time ( REDOOSE DUH BLYND DUHRAYTION BHY WAN SEKOND DUuOOhoHOhOOO )


    > > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > I'd bet the team behind skill designs, is long gone, and the new dev team in charge of balance is so scared to touch anything in that code, they prefer to just move numbers up and down, and make it look like they are working.


    > The competitive balance team (the one that is in charge on making the pvp balance) can only do number splits. That includes stuff like cooldown, damage, condi duration... That excludes stuff like cast time, or what a skill does. Changing those needs the skills team. For example the 300 sec traits are still there, because the skill team didn't decide if they want to replace them, yet, or how to replace them.


    Well anet really needs to light a fire under the skills teams ass or hire more because having a skill team that's working on future gw2 projects and not fixing or adjusting the already released projects to ensure its playerbase gets the best experience is not a good way to conduct business, who's the team manager/managers etc, ncsoft needs to be watching these individuals more closely before another lay off happens.

    It is far from ok to have dead traits and broken skills for years on end because the balance devs can only change numbers, lmao wtf kinda excuse is that, where else does that fly in business? If theres a problem and the devs recognize it but cant fix it cuz it's out of their job description than thats fine the team that it is in their job description should fix them, and not yrs later. pretty simple ffs. Honestly who manages these people? And yeah I kno here comes another 3-5 day forum ban, oh no....

  4. It's been like this since I can remember lol. I just cant believe people go through all this for a high rank in gw2.... gw2, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GW2 lmao. Seriously wtf haha. I mean to do this in any serious pvp game isnt right either but gw2? Some real winners out there but guess takes all kinds to make world go around. If anyone reads this that does the above, u seriously need to take a break from mmo's and take a serious look at ur life, all I'm sayin.

  5. > @"Shala.8352" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Shala.8352" said:

    > > > there's no way for a thief to lose 1v1 against a power herald. if you do, you should change class, cuz thief is not your thing.

    > > >

    > > > In general many classes are just better than power herald in duels. Herald shiro is not a duelist class, is a +1 one. But if you want easy life against it, just play condies, and defend his first burst. Also Herald hasnt as many CC as other classes, and the ones they have are heavy energy draining, meaning no follow up. Herald has no passive defences, meaning cc chain will counter it very hard.

    > > > Anything that daze or interrupts greatly counters it, because herald will not only pay the cd, but also the energy. As others already mentioned, interrupting chaotic release is the best way to drain his energy down (and it has an obvious animation), as te upkeep will still tick but no effects awarded (wich is really dumb in my opinion).

    > > > In general every herald skills have very big tell and animation, long cast time and easy interrupt.

    > > > In team fight, with necro you can annihillate revenant offense potential by just spamming corrupts on him, even with just scepter autoattack. Or try burning guardian, if he has no support ele baby sitting him he will die very quick, he has almost no cleanse, and the ones he has force him to go on defensive or force him unwanted legend swap.

    > > >

    > > > List can go on a lot, but aniway if you want an easy way to understand his weaknesses, just play one, go on pvp ffa arena and see how bad life can be for him.

    > >

    > > Hmmm I donno bout everything else in this thread but I disagree with ur first statement, a rev of equal skill should delete a thief more times than lose to one. Of course this is if thief doesn't disengage and leave and or the rev doesn't sword port and delete the thief.


    > l2 thief.


    L2 rev?

    Heard sindrener recently say something similar to what I said, maybe u should tell him as well to l2thief cuz clearly he needs to. For the record rev is one of my fav classes prob tied with my fav, just not as good on it. I definitely don't want to see rev, especially pow rev get nerfed even further.

  6. I donno bout thread but I find most classes really easy to play decently but pow rev isnt one of them. Dp thief, ele specs and power rev are the hardest builds to learn to a point ur above avg on them. Condi rev seemed a lot more forgiving to me but had a lower skill cieling compared to revs power variants.

  7. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > I still hate falling back on this statement, yet it still stands.


    > What does spear/staff bring that the warrior doesnt already do?


    Well spear could be a support/offensive weapon if the devs did the kit right. It could include one ranged skill ie spear toss. Warrior has lb and rifle for ranged, those worked out so good for warrior lol. Its anets style to make med- long range weapon skills suck except for ranger. Look at revs few med range hammer skills lol nerfed repeatedly.

    It's not that I dont like the pistol idea so much as I can almost guarantee they'll be lackluster and if remotely viable nerfed to the ground on a class like war.

  8. > @"Shala.8352" said:

    > there's no way for a thief to lose 1v1 against a power herald. if you do, you should change class, cuz thief is not your thing.


    > In general many classes are just better than power herald in duels. Herald shiro is not a duelist class, is a +1 one. But if you want easy life against it, just play condies, and defend his first burst. Also Herald hasnt as many CC as other classes, and the ones they have are heavy energy draining, meaning no follow up. Herald has no passive defences, meaning cc chain will counter it very hard.

    > Anything that daze or interrupts greatly counters it, because herald will not only pay the cd, but also the energy. As others already mentioned, interrupting chaotic release is the best way to drain his energy down (and it has an obvious animation), as te upkeep will still tick but no effects awarded (wich is really dumb in my opinion).

    > In general every herald skills have very big tell and animation, long cast time and easy interrupt.

    > In team fight, with necro you can annihillate revenant offense potential by just spamming corrupts on him, even with just scepter autoattack. Or try burning guardian, if he has no support ele baby sitting him he will die very quick, he has almost no cleanse, and the ones he has force him to go on defensive or force him unwanted legend swap.


    > List can go on a lot, but aniway if you want an easy way to understand his weaknesses, just play one, go on pvp ffa arena and see how bad life can be for him.


    Hmmm I donno bout everything else in this thread but I disagree with ur first statement, a rev of equal skill should delete a thief more times than lose to one. Of course this is if thief doesn't disengage and leave and or the rev doesn't sword port and delete the thief.

  9. > @"Tora.7214" said:

    > personally i would love gs or offhand sword thief with a laijutsu style of gameplay similar to FFXIV's samurai class where you acumulate resources, and then use the laijutsu button to release a skill that is completely different depending of the amount of class resources you had when you used it ( in ffxiv it was either a dot, a frontal cone aoe, or a very hard hitting single target spike)


    > as much as i would love this however, considering thief allready got 2 elite specs centered about doing damage, most probably what they will get is a support spec with some weird weapon choice like focus or torch


    That would be sweet, love the idea. And in before people say teef dont fit samurai, samurai were a brutal bunch with a very loose code in reality, they invented ninjutsu after all. But ur prob right itl be some support spec with focus or somthing lol.

  10. > @"Balkarrie Legacy.9175" said:

    > > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > > @"Balkarrie Legacy.9175" said:

    > > > Explain how you do all that downed ... come on i`ll wait , not holding my breath though

    > >

    > > Buddy, I don't know how to break it to you, but if you're downed 1-on-1, you've already lost that fight. It doesn't matter how they finish you. An uplevel in white gear could just plink you to death from range.

    > >

    > > The whole point of safe-stomp techniques for any class is to secure downs in a team fight.


    > no you haven`t always , provided you can still deal with the other player


    Lmao if u expect to be in downstates, stop a stomp and end up not at spawn in a 1v1 I would hate to see what a balanced downstate is in ur opinion lol

  11. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > > > > "samurai" as a concept e-spec might fight warrior better (but they can already use GS!!!)

    > > > > Samurai actually fits none of the GW2 professions.

    > > > > And even the closest fit would be Male **Human** Mesmer.

    > > > >

    > > > > A Samurai was the son of a noble family.

    > > > > This means, only human males, who chose nobility as their background, would fit.

    > > > > Being noble, Samurai were raised to be intellectual and well-versed in Arts.

    > > > > As far as professions in GW2 go, only Mesmers have connections to arts.

    > > > >

    > > > > In case people actually want a regular Japanese foot-soldier that's swing a weaponized tuna knife, it's better off being called _Bushi._

    > > > >

    > > > > But, despite popular modern media, swords were rarely the preferred weapon, as most Warriors preferred glaives or spears (and later matchlock rifles).

    > > > > But since Bushi basically means warrior, which already is the name of the core profession, such an elite spec would be better of being named after its thematically fitting weapon; maybe Glaivemaster or Spearbearer.

    > > >

    > > > I think you are a bit reaching here.

    > > >

    > > > While samurai were versed in arts, they didn't actually use them in combat. So mesmer's relation to arts is basically meaningless here.

    > > > Samurai also had virtues they had to hold up, a strict honor code.

    > > >

    > > > One of these virtues was honesty and sincerity. No trickery, no deception, just always being straight forward and honest.

    > > > Mesmer is nothing of this, they are quite the opposite, always scheming, manipulating, deceiving.....

    > > > Mesmer is really unfitting for a samurai elite spec.

    > > >

    > > > I think one profession that _could_ become a samurai would be revenant. They are still open for a greatsword, so the weapon would fit. Considering that revenants are summoning ancient legends, they might have strong ties to tradition. They are not as cunning and deceiving as mesmers or thieves.

    > >

    > > I think revs to magic based for samurai to be honest unless hes evoking gw2 versions of oni spirits like a supernatural samurai. Warrior with spear and slightly altered gs skills would fit best and teef ronin would be possible to. Though there is a oni gs lol


    > Could be true that rev might seem a bit too magic based. But considering that they could invoke the spirit of some legendary samurai from Cantha, I thought it might still work out.

    > Especially since Cantha is worshipping their heroes to such extend, as you could see with the ash mechanic from ritualist in GW1.


    > Warrior and thief might work thematically with the weapons you mention, one problem I see with them tho: Both warrior and thief are in need of a support spec next.

    > Both classes can't realistically support currently and Anet had the goal that every class should be able to fill every role in the end (damage, tank, support).

    > I don't think that a samurai elite spec really works well with the premise of a support playstyle.


    Very true. War and thief may not ever get a full on support spec as their not really specs fitting of full on supportive playstyles other then the odd support trait here and there. If they did release support specs for either imo it wouldnt fit the class and I'd fear they'd be very lackluster and way less effective then support specs we already have like fb, scrap and druid. The specs would quickly become pointless imo only of course, it's all subjective.

  12. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > > "samurai" as a concept e-spec might fight warrior better (but they can already use GS!!!)

    > > Samurai actually fits none of the GW2 professions.

    > > And even the closest fit would be Male **Human** Mesmer.

    > >

    > > A Samurai was the son of a noble family.

    > > This means, only human males, who chose nobility as their background, would fit.

    > > Being noble, Samurai were raised to be intellectual and well-versed in Arts.

    > > As far as professions in GW2 go, only Mesmers have connections to arts.

    > >

    > > In case people actually want a regular Japanese foot-soldier that's swing a weaponized tuna knife, it's better off being called _Bushi._

    > >

    > > But, despite popular modern media, swords were rarely the preferred weapon, as most Warriors preferred glaives or spears (and later matchlock rifles).

    > > But since Bushi basically means warrior, which already is the name of the core profession, such an elite spec would be better of being named after its thematically fitting weapon; maybe Glaivemaster or Spearbearer.


    > I think you are a bit reaching here.


    > While samurai were versed in arts, they didn't actually use them in combat. So mesmer's relation to arts is basically meaningless here.

    > Samurai also had virtues they had to hold up, a strict honor code.


    > One of these virtues was honesty and sincerity. No trickery, no deception, just always being straight forward and honest.

    > Mesmer is nothing of this, they are quite the opposite, always scheming, manipulating, deceiving.....

    > Mesmer is really unfitting for a samurai elite spec.


    > I think one profession that _could_ become a samurai would be revenant. They are still open for a greatsword, so the weapon would fit. Considering that revenants are summoning ancient legends, they might have strong ties to tradition. They are not as cunning and deceiving as mesmers or thieves.


    I think revs to magic based for samurai to be honest unless hes evoking gw2 versions of oni spirits like a supernatural samurai. Warrior with spear and slightly altered gs skills would fit best and teef ronin would be possible to. Though there is a oni gs lol

  13. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > > > Samurai elite please and ty

    > > >

    > > > For which class?

    > > >

    > > > Only class I could imagine with that theme right now would be revenant.

    > > > Mostly because I would associate a "samurai elite spec" with greatsword as their weapon and revenant is the only class left without greatsword that would make sense with a samurai theme.

    > >

    > > Warrior with land spear that way uve got spear,lb and gs covered. Of course it would be great if they actually did somthin unique like change the gs skills to more samurai style skills, holsters on the left side. Or teef off hand sword ronin spec would work.


    > I highly doubt that Anet is doing any of these things like bringing under water weapons to land or giving offhand weapons to the mainhand.


    > Warrior with staff would be a possible choice, tho. Especially since they already started to create staff skins which look like spears.


    Yeah I meant staff with spear like skills, gotta make new animations no matter the weapon anyway and it's easy to reskin the staff to spears or naginata's considering the time frame theyve had/have.

  14. > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    > How to balance?


    > Best

    > 1. frequent small changes -> what was promised

    > 2. infrequent big changes -> what we had

    > 3. infrequent small changes -> what we have now

    > Worst


    > Nr. 1 would be best for balance, but that's not what we got.

    > Before rework the game was not balanced, but now it isn't either. The only difference now is that whatever is OP, stays OP for like a year until the meta changes and its boring af.

    > Anet does not want to invest in a nr. 1 approach, so can we please just revert to strategy nr. 2 please.






    Honestly surprised players still believe the constant promises lol I'm guessing it's mostly the newer players that do the most.

  15. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > Samurai elite please and ty


    > For which class?


    > Only class I could imagine with that theme right now would be revenant.

    > Mostly because I would associate a "samurai elite spec" with greatsword as their weapon and revenant is the only class left without greatsword that would make sense with a samurai theme.


    Warrior with land spear that way uve got spear,lb and gs covered. Of course it would be great if they actually did somthin unique like change the gs skills to more samurai style skills, holsters on the left side. Or teef off hand sword ronin spec would work.

  16. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I hear yeah. Worst is when half a zerg chases u forever and DOES catch u eventually and kill u. It's like salt in the wound


    > I Have a video recently (before No Downstate tho) of like 6-7 people chasing me in ABL from SEC all the way between NET and garri before I peaced out. All this on druid. They were camping SEC and it was easy to pull them away xD.


    > Might put that at the end of my No Downstate vid im making lol.


    Lol nice!

  17. If u reduce movement speed in stealth u may as well delete the backstab mechanic cuz I'd rely on steal far too much and backstabs miss enough as it is and expect to land only ranged skills, that would be a massive mistake. Capping stealth at 6 sec is reasonable tho

  18. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Lmao cuz teef jumps soooooo different than EVERY other class. U do realized they jump the same? If they're glitching thru walls it's a map design issue not a teef issue. These forums get funnier as time goes on lol.


    > This is incorrect, Daredevil has access to some mechanics that aren't universally accessible due to Vault, etc.


    > And yes, this has happened many times. There's several classes that can find their way into forts due to oversights by the devs when designing the skills. Warclaw had the same problem at first and they had to add some invisible walls.


    > I remember at one time you could even glide into several forts where the border was too close to it.


    Lol other classes have leaps the basically achieve same thing, regardless not a class or skill issue but a terrain design issue/glitch.

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