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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. This sounds great and fits the aesthetics of the expac great, maybe if not greatsword a off hand sword would work as well. I get people want the hamburglar spec with a torch but for cantha op's idea fits far better especially given the fact that thief is shinobi but named wrong. All its utility skills, trait names and pics shown it traits when comparing to a thief or shinobi those aspects clearly lean far more towards one then the other. It's like the named the class thief than decided to create a shinobi but never renamed it, so damn weird lol.

    Seriously who in the f.... wants to run around wielding a torch lol so bada$$.

  2. This is why players should never dictate balance. Necro especially core has shroud as well as fears out its a$$ giving it great sustain in fights as well as having high dps. Teams focus them because the reak havoc if left unchecked for those reasons and a good reaper or core can use shroud as a carry mechanic to win 1v1 fights even when out played.teams dont just focus necro's cuz their low mobility cuz a decent necro will have a wurm placed well. Yeah their not great mobility does make them easier to focus hense the shroud mechanic and wurm/spec armor. U say what would they do to compensate necro for higher mobility? I'd say any non necro main would say sustain or dps shave would be in order if not both given how high mobility is in usefulness in a game like gw2, without compensation just passing mobility without shaves in other areas would make them the most broken class in gw2 history and lead to so many hard nerfs leaving worse off than now. Careful what ur wishing for.

  3. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > > > While I do agree that Necro needs some weapon based mobility so not every build ever relies on Flesh Wurm + Spectral Walk just to somewhat imitate the baseline mobility of everything else (still with the caveat of needing to be set up), this is way too much.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As compensation for the Shroud health bar I'd much rather get some duration blocks and invulns in the kit, rather than teleports and stealth all over the place.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In general though I don't understand why Anet struggles so much with Necro all these years, when they have shown with Holosmith and Mallyx/Corruption that they can make Reaper and Scourge concepts work better, if not bound by their silly idea of what Necro is supposed to be.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You can't design a profession to be completely defenseless and immobile, and still have it be good without being way overbearing in some other aspect, like Scourge absolutely relying on overbearing AoE spam - or being utterly useless.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Just give it some slight scaling defenses and mobility already and then balance it around the same tools everybody else but Necro has, rather than just loading up shroud mechanics with the majority of Necro's power, and then going back and forth from overbaring to useless over and over again. It's faulty design.

    > > > > I don't think most necro weapons need mobility since most of them are ranged.

    > > > > Maybe Greatsword needs a little dash on death spiral like 300 or 450 range one , I know that Grasping darkness is supposed to be the gap closer skill but it bugs out constantly, and maybe little bit bigger radius on gravedigger(but that just wishfull thinking).

    > > > > Maybe daggers can get movement ability but they are kinda weird since they are melee but also ranged.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > It's less so about gap closers for me than about escapes. There is a reason most Necro builds are stuck with Wurm and Walk, since when you get jumped as Necro there are just no tools to escape and very few to make yourself properly unattractive as target.

    > > > I think core Shroud since the damage nerfs is about the only thing that makes people think twice about running a train over Necro since launch, except maybe PoF launch state Scourge by merits of sheer AoE pressure, but that's not a healthy was of doing things.

    > > >

    > > > Most Necro weapons feel incredibly clunky to me to defend yourself with, especially melee and against multiple targets (except for maybe spamming Staff Marks and then that's it), yet there aren't really any tools to get out of situations like that aside from having a Flesh Wurm setup somewhere - or godlike kiting to try to never get into them in the first place.

    > > > That's the biggest problem with necro to me, it's combination of lack of escapes, lack of scaling defenses and lack of point blank AoE pressure (outside of Shroud) make it just so incredibly easy to run into the ground without a chance.

    > > >

    > > > Plenty other professions have ranged weapons with escape tools, or at the very least a melee set to swap to for mobility/mitigation, or at the very very least, massive AoE pressure (and being supported by active defense in the Utility slots). Necro only has the binary Shroud which is either on or off, and most problematically has the same counter as if it weren't there - just keep running the Nec over like a train and CC. Same with Lich.

    > > >

    > > > The answer to everything a profession can do shouldn't be the same, to just pile on, otherwise it's fairly unengaging both to play and play against, at least imo.

    > >

    > > Necro is a attractive target to teams because they hit hard and have very high in fight sustain, a oh kitten reliable escape is not there for a reason, only having a preplanned escape makes more sense balance wise.

    > Yep exactly if it had reliable o kitten buttons it would turn into AoE Deadeye, but then again i wish there was less ragdolling involved in playing the all in profession.



    I agree and can be frustrating as when i played necro a lot in pvp modes have the time success was dependent on smart use of wurm and spec armor for jukes and disengages which can be tedious and difficult against teams that know to destroy any wurm they find. They took the hard hitting undownable monster trope they admitted they went for a little to far. Honestly necro would have been better off doing a bit less damage, having less sustain but having a non pre planned oh shit escape skill on some of its weapons and on a utility etc. Unfortunately unless it saw those shaves to dps and sustain slapping on those escape skills would make necros the god class.

  4. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > While I do agree that Necro needs some weapon based mobility so not every build ever relies on Flesh Wurm + Spectral Walk just to somewhat imitate the baseline mobility of everything else (still with the caveat of needing to be set up), this is way too much.

    > > >

    > > > As compensation for the Shroud health bar I'd much rather get some duration blocks and invulns in the kit, rather than teleports and stealth all over the place.

    > > >

    > > > In general though I don't understand why Anet struggles so much with Necro all these years, when they have shown with Holosmith and Mallyx/Corruption that they can make Reaper and Scourge concepts work better, if not bound by their silly idea of what Necro is supposed to be.

    > > >

    > > > You can't design a profession to be completely defenseless and immobile, and still have it be good without being way overbearing in some other aspect, like Scourge absolutely relying on overbearing AoE spam - or being utterly useless.

    > > >

    > > > Just give it some slight scaling defenses and mobility already and then balance it around the same tools everybody else but Necro has, rather than just loading up shroud mechanics with the majority of Necro's power, and then going back and forth from overbaring to useless over and over again. It's faulty design.

    > > I don't think most necro weapons need mobility since most of them are ranged.

    > > Maybe Greatsword needs a little dash on death spiral like 300 or 450 range one , I know that Grasping darkness is supposed to be the gap closer skill but it bugs out constantly, and maybe little bit bigger radius on gravedigger(but that just wishfull thinking).

    > > Maybe daggers can get movement ability but they are kinda weird since they are melee but also ranged.

    > >


    > It's less so about gap closers for me than about escapes. There is a reason most Necro builds are stuck with Wurm and Walk, since when you get jumped as Necro there are just no tools to escape and very few to make yourself properly unattractive as target.

    > I think core Shroud since the damage nerfs is about the only thing that makes people think twice about running a train over Necro since launch, except maybe PoF launch state Scourge by merits of sheer AoE pressure, but that's not a healthy was of doing things.


    > Most Necro weapons feel incredibly clunky to me to defend yourself with, especially melee and against multiple targets (except for maybe spamming Staff Marks and then that's it), yet there aren't really any tools to get out of situations like that aside from having a Flesh Wurm setup somewhere - or godlike kiting to try to never get into them in the first place.

    > That's the biggest problem with necro to me, it's combination of lack of escapes, lack of scaling defenses and lack of point blank AoE pressure (outside of Shroud) make it just so incredibly easy to run into the ground without a chance.


    > Plenty other professions have ranged weapons with escape tools, or at the very least a melee set to swap to for mobility/mitigation, or at the very very least, massive AoE pressure (and being supported by active defense in the Utility slots). Necro only has the binary Shroud which is either on or off, and most problematically has the same counter as if it weren't there - just keep running the Nec over like a train and CC. Same with Lich.


    > The answer to everything a profession can do shouldn't be the same, to just pile on, otherwise it's fairly unengaging both to play and play against, at least imo.


    Necro is a attractive target to teams because they hit hard and have very high in fight sustain, a oh shit reliable escape is not there for a reason, only having a preplanned escape makes more sense balance wise.

  5. > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > > In my experience it's not always rolling thief that gets you away - it's knowing your limits and knowing when to pull away from enemy (besides your build). Some thieves get too greedy or in the moment which tends to get them killed (and it's good to bait the ones that play this way). Depending on their build, if you don't get coordinated effort you may not be able to kill the smarter ones.

    > >

    > > You're not wrong. However, I can tell you my mesmer running multiple teleport and stealth skills never had any trouble walking away from a fight. Meanwhile, my sword weaver is pretty much all-in on every engagement!

    > >


    > Yeah, same with every Necro build. Pretty much an all-in every engagement. I don't believe there's any class without any good mobility (okay, the Wurm, if you pre-cast it away from the battle). Necro's don't have an "Oh kitten, better run" skill.



    No they have a high dps oh.... extra hp button ontop of preplanned tele. All necro specs would need heavy sustain nerfs to receive more mobility.

  6. > @"Garret.1965" said:

    > Animal Kingdom: Dinosaurs op af, plz nerf nature.


    > Nature: *Sends a meteorite to annihilate them from the face of the earth*


    > Dinosaurs: Fun while it lasted.


    > Dodos: Could we get a buff? We can't even fly.


    > Nature: ??????


    > Dodos: Rip.


    > Nature sucks at balancing :anguished:


    Nature sucks at balancing? Imagine dinosaurs weren't extinct and were allowed to continue to roam? I think nature made the right decision, as much as it sucks we'd be matured next smart choice lol

  7. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > The February patch was intended as an initial push toward fixing years of power creep and poor design. It accomplished that.

    > >

    > > The problem is that there was no follow-up with redesigns or major mechanics tweaks.


    > The problem was that it replaced power creep and poor design, with power dip (which is like power creep, except reverse and *much* worse) and even worse design. The patch was inherently very poorly thought out. They overshot the damage nerfs by far, making even glass cannons unkillable in 1v1s, they rendered a large number of skills and builds unplayable, and failed to really improve on anything. At this point just reverting the patch would massively improve the game.


    This^ the patch did not fix powercreep at all, in the end it just left a few classes/builds far superior to other, power creep has no set base level so in reality power creep still exists, and the outliers are far more "powercrept" now in comparison to the rest of the roster then the outliers were that existed before. Players that new anets way and that were hopelessly full of false hope knew that anet wouldn't follow up with adjustments needed after such a ridiculously lazy patch as they promised they would, just like all the past promises that ended up being empty words.

    Again gl to the pvp modes lol

  8. Well they and community were warned by players that actually considered how many inbalances would be created by such a blanket patch that did not take each class into consideration, especially when anets steller reputation of providing quick fixes and adjustments etc. I feel a lot 9f players were just blinded by the fact that even though it was a lazy blanket patch the fact it effected so many things made it seem so great. The game didn't have great balance before that's for true but its utter trash now, only people defending it are the players who main the few classes that were left in a far more powerful state then the rest of the roster, and those that bandwagoned to them.

    Anet needs to revert the patch and make the few adjustments do the the classes/builds that were outliers at the time, far less work then trying to ring this clown show back into somthing that even resembles a decent balanced and healthy game state. That won't happen so good luck to the games pvp modes in the future.

  9. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Cuz I dont play the game anymore,


    > Ok, give me your gold and other valuable items


    I dont think my measly 360 somthin golds gonna add to much to ur probable wealth in the game lol and most stuff is account and annoyingly soul bound.

  10. Out of all the mmo's I've put hrs into I'd say non had great balance but some had good balance and I think given the genre and all the unique hurdles thst come with balancing any mmo good balance is a great standard to try for as I think great balance is next to impossible in this genre. Saying that gw2 balance at this point is no where near the ball park of good unfortunately. The game needs a real balance team that actually makes real changes on a more acceptable time frame. The balance passes are not only confusing to most their also insignificant more often than not and far to infrequent.

  11. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > > @"Tman.6349" said:

    > > I've been with Anet for 15 years now and had a lot of fun until recently. When GW1 launched I fell in love and became a 'PC master race!' after playing consoles since I was 4 or 5 (80s baby). The last few month's it's been harder and harder to want to play. Just logging in out of habit mostly and not really having fun much anymore. Today I actually went and spent $100 on some great console games I haven't played in ages and considered whether I might get a console or just wait a bit for the next gen stuff. Either way, it's Guild Wars or nothing. Pretty sad really after supporting this company for not quite half of my life. I've definitely had a lot of fun over the years but, like your friends noticed, I can see the writing on the wall. Maybe they'll surprise me and prove that GW2 means as much to them as it does to the fans, but I won't hold my breath that their more interested in anything but having people log in for dailies. Hope your friends find something they enjoy and that they check back in once in a while to see if Anet gets their gigantic heads out of their posteriors and respect a bit more the franchise and fans that have played their bills all these years. If they can't be bothered to be passionate about it, then I can't either anymore. They've broken a lot of people's hearts I think...


    > I'm the same as you, although once I got my first PC and had the ability to play with and against other people I found it hard to go back. I bought the new Nintendo console.. can't remember what's it's called at the moment, but I just can't get into it. If you consider getting a newer console I'd recommend the current and latedt PlayStation due to the games library.. and wait for the new one to be released so that drops in value significantly.


    > I'm in the same boat as you - looking to alternative games to pass time because GW2 has become more boring with loss of diversity in builds/fun, unfixed things, useless traits, and general dumbing down of the game. I've been having a lot of fun in StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void lately, and I'm considering picking up a PlayStation down the line when it becomes cheaper too.



    100% agree with ur idea and console advice. Ghost tsushima plug, amazing game.

  12. Cuz I dont play the game anymore, the forum is more entertaining then the game currently. Plus feels bad that theres like 8-10 people remaining in the forums and ALL are complaining from what I've seen lol

    Games like a train wreck, its gonna be a horrible out come but u cant stop watching.

  13. > @"Kurowolfe.7124" said:

    > Well, from what I understand, FFXIV recently increased the FtP level cap from 35 to 60, and opened up the first expansion Heavensward for free play as well, possibly to pull in more players. It certainly is a lucrative aspect for me, since I actually played FFXIV FtP a bit because I wanted to follow my friends who left GW2 and went to do raids there instead.


    > But when I remember just how lonely I felt trying to level up my Mi'qote Pugilist in Ul'dah and its surrounding areas with almost no player chatter in the world map, with my 'friends' nowhere in sight to help despite them asking me to level up quickly so that we can do the end-game raids together, I stopped myself. FFXIV has a very interesting story from what I played so far (level 25) yes, and even the small sidequests and FATEs you find seem interesting, but oftentimes you almost have no interaction with anyone else at all, since the game focuses more on end-game content (almost exclusively raids, I never even knew it has a PvP lol). The supposed 'mentor' icons around just sit there and do nothing.


    > GW2 is different, it felt more lively in PvE, at least in Central Tyria's hubworld anyway. I started FtP as well, and there's always something happening around when leveling. Map, and even say chatter, is usually there. You can ask questions, and usually you can get a good answer and guide, amidst all the troll answers. I'm surprised that Queensdale still has a few mentor tags running around even after that exodus from that one MMO game some time ago, welcoming new players and doing guild recruitment. Other starter maps also usually have some people running around no matter what time, usually willing to help in doing quests together. The community has changed probably for the worse within the 4 years I've been playing, but it's still welcoming and lively. It's one main strength that GW2 has over FFXIV I feel; the sense of community even within the starter and hub areas.


    > I ended up falling down the WvW hole, and I have made my points on what I experience and feel in the 2-3 years I've been doing it in a post before. It's not great, but the sense of community, while dying, is still there. I usually log on just to meet up with my guildmates and some servermates and chat nonsense or catch up on news while we fight others. I also usually like reading whatever nonsense that is in the teamchat and mapchat, whether it be drama, rant or even goofiness. I never felt alone in there; it's probably the reason why I stuck on with it despite WvW in general being stuck in a rut and being shafted aside. And if it fails, I can always return to doing map completion, where there'll be people around as well.


    > Side note: another thing I like about GW2 more than FFXIV is the player character races. In FFXIV, you get 8 different kind of humans that barely any different from one another (except the Lalefell, which really bugs me since they look like they would attract a very deviant sort of crowd). GW2 at least has more variety in builds, even if humans and norn are pretty much the same, and sylvari being 50/50 human with plant skin and hair. The other races are more varied as well (hoping for tengu or even skritt playable race lol)


    Hmmm I've never noticed poor animations while moving and I'm picky, even so skill animations are still far better than gw2 by a mile. Your right though gw2 has great combat mechanics and a dodge where as ff14 gives u skills that u time to evade attacks or aoe's in form of dashes and backward leaps etc. I'd say combat style is just different style between the two but yeah gw2 is definitely a better match for pvp. U also mention healers as tanks as a sustain issue which in gw2 yeah would be crazy, some classes in gw2 are close but prob is those classes in gw2 that are high sustain like healers also hit like the dps classes in ff14 lol wheres as a dps class in ff definitely out dps a healer but cant sustain like the healer so od say even if healers sustain may be a bit to high I'd still prefer classes have a role and not the gw2 all classes can do all philosophy anet tried and failed at delivering.

    Ff14 pvp is trash, its combat style doesn't work well in pvp, but pve I find it great as well as the whole pve experience where as imo gw2 has one of the most boring mundane pve experiences and story's but good pvp, unfortunately anet devs keep destroying it further ur after yr so it's no surprise its pvp population problem.

  14. > @"Kurowolfe.7124" said:

    > Well, from what I understand, FFXIV recently increased the FtP level cap from 35 to 60, and opened up the first expansion Heavensward for free play as well, possibly to pull in more players. It certainly is a lucrative aspect for me, since I actually played FFXIV FtP a bit because I wanted to follow my friends who left GW2 and went to do raids there instead.


    > But when I remember just how lonely I felt trying to level up my Mi'qote Pugilist in Ul'dah and its surrounding areas with almost no player chatter in the world map, with my 'friends' nowhere in sight to help despite them asking me to level up quickly so that we can do the end-game raids together, I stopped myself. FFXIV has a very interesting story from what I played so far (level 25) yes, and even the small sidequests and FATEs you find seem interesting, but oftentimes you almost have no interaction with anyone else at all, since the game focuses more on end-game content (almost exclusively raids, I never even knew it has a PvP lol). The supposed 'mentor' icons around just sit there and do nothing.


    > GW2 is different, it felt more lively in PvE, at least in Central Tyria's hubworld anyway. I started FtP as well, and there's always something happening around when leveling. Map, and even say chatter, is usually there. You can ask questions, and usually you can get a good answer and guide, amidst all the troll answers. I'm surprised that Queensdale still has a few mentor tags running around even after that exodus from that one MMO game some time ago, welcoming new players and doing guild recruitment. Other starter maps also usually have some people running around no matter what time, usually willing to help in doing quests together. The community has changed probably for the worse within the 4 years I've been playing, but it's still welcoming and lively. It's one main strength that GW2 has over FFXIV I feel; the sense of community even within the starter and hub areas.


    > I ended up falling down the WvW hole, and I have made my points on what I experience and feel in the 2-3 years I've been doing it in a post before. It's not great, but the sense of community, while dying, is still there. I usually log on just to meet up with my guildmates and some servermates and chat nonsense or catch up on news while we fight others. I also usually like reading whatever nonsense that is in the teamchat and mapchat, whether it be drama, rant or even goofiness. I never felt alone in there; it's probably the reason why I stuck on with it despite WvW in general being stuck in a rut and being shafted aside. And if it fails, I can always return to doing map completion, where there'll be people around as well.


    > Side note: another thing I like about GW2 more than FFXIV is the player character races. In FFXIV, you get 8 different kind of humans that barely any different from one another (except the Lalefell, which really bugs me since they look like they would attract a very deviant sort of crowd). GW2 at least has more variety in builds, even if humans and norn are pretty much the same, and sylvari being 50/50 human with plant skin and hair. The other races are more varied as well (hoping for tengu or even skritt playable race lol)


    Hmmmm strange every starting zone and town are on my server is flooded with tones of players constantly, infact I have a queue every time I log. Dungeon etc are a big part that put u with 4+ players and sometimes 20+ for certain trials so imo ur almost forced into party play. I always see others running around in maps and free companies always having discussions in chat and asking me.bers for advice and assistance in dungeon, raids etc, weird u felt lonely, that sucks.

  15. I think gw2 fails in its balance cuz they tried messing with the tried and true way other vids balanced to avoid these issues and instead of being unique ended up a clown fest, in gw2 a tanky class can get burst by a glass bust type class and laugh while out bursting the burst class, the glass or low hp classes like ele and guards are compensated in ways that allow them to have low hp and out sustain a high hp class. Uve got classes with high bursts AND sustained damage AND high sustain. The balance and efectivness of classes compared to each other are a complete joke in this game. A tank build should do low to moderate dps, some should be moderate across the board but not great and any one thing. A burst class should have enough dps to down a class quick if it out plays the class but be punished hard if mistakes are made etc. There basically no rules in gw2, being a tank like build doesn't effect ur burst and vice versa, theres a reason why in past mmos certain archetypes were good in a type of playstyle but not effective at others. Trying to make all classes viable in all playstyles is a fail as we see here.

  16. Ur friends are smart, obviously they didnt leave JUST due to holosmith or at least I'd hope not cuz holosmith just like a lot of stuff in this game are a result of stagnant development and very poor balance and design decisions. I'd guess ur buds left cuz judging by anets behavior in the past games only going to get worse not better, thinking otherwise is just fooling yourself so they probably figured why waste any more time on a game being trashed by its devs when u can invest time and money on a vid where its actually aperant the devs give a ..... about the project. Theres no way gw2 is anets main focus and if it is haha good luck in the next few yrs if ncsoft doesn't dissolve the company by then, if this happens they only have themselves to blame. That said there may be a very good reason gw2 is getting very little developmental focus and in time anet might reveal a new project that could be great or not great, who really knows.

  17. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > >

    > > > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.

    > >

    > > Yup.

    > >

    > > FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


    > As someone who's really not into group PvE content, that makes it a bit easier for me. I've heard good things about FF14 but every time I look at trailers I shudder at the player characters.


    > AoC looks very promising from a WvW perspective - in my opinion, the core system sounds like what I thought GW2's WvW should have been from launch. The only things I'm still unconvinced by are the combat system, which is GW2's biggest strength, and whether it's going to survive release.


    > There's another wildcard in there regarding an OCX/SEA server. If that has a big enough audience, and a good enough connection, that will make the game for me. If it lacks one or both of those things, it will make it unplayable (server events appear to be based on regional primetime, so NA server would not be an option).


    Lol u play gw2 and shutter at player characters in ff14, why? Dragoons,machinists, wars,pally's, red mage, ninja, samurai, gun blades, dark knights, monks etc are all way more interesting than gw2 specs lol and have way better animations. Guess opinions vary haha

    Then again I guess gw2 trailers are indeed better than ff14 trailers....... lolz

  18. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.

    > > >

    > > > Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)

    > >

    > > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.


    > Yup.


    > FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


    Until ff14 I refused to tab target, last 5 yrs in gw2 I used action cam haha so i gravitated towards bdo and eso etc. I still prefer action cam in gw2 yet I actually enjoy my samurai and dragoons combat in ff14 even though its tab due to how great the animations are. I'm going to be rebuying ff14 and expacs on ps4 tomorrow actually as the package is 50% off as ghost of tsushima is reminding me how comfy couch gaming is haha. Plug for ghost of tsushima, probably best game I've played in 30 yrs of gaming, subjective of course :)

  19. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.


    > Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)


    Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.

  20. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.


    > It doesn't have wvw to bring it down.... :lol:


    > Also the guy running it, Naoki Yoshida, built a lifetime of good will with rebuilding that game, plus it's final fantasy, with 4 decades from that franchise. Plus it's pve and story is supposedly top notch. Can't say the same for gw2...



    I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.

  21. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > GW2 really isnt its competition there, WoW is and yeah... you know... like trying to topple a building with your face. Even if its an *incredibly* good game, the sub fee will instantly stop it going viral, sort of speak.

    > > >

    > > > Ya that sub fee and "WoW style play" really knee capped FF14

    > > Ok so then there are another competitor. Another game they have to beat in terms of gameplay and features. That's worse.


    > It's not hard to beat ff14's disco dance floor combat.


    Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.

  22. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > >

    > > Read ur last statement..... u like that scrappers are constantly shielding themselves lol in pve sure but in a pvp mode no class should be able to constantly shield or shroud themselves including block access of the likes of guards, the pvp in this game has evolved into a game of whose class has stronger carry mechanics and not who's more skilled, part of the reason pvp pops declining, for most even winning isnt fun if ur being carried by ur class mechanics just like stomping a team in pvp is as much fun as being stomped.


    > Scrapper's barrier application is fairly healthy in my opinion, since it is restricted by the amount of strike damage he deals. You won't get a constant influx by applying conditions on enemies and let them tick, you have to constantly hit them.


    > And scrapper is fairly kitable if you know what you are doing. One of the major problems of scrapper's hammer is that you are not able to stick to your target well.


    > Another thing to consider: CC. If you can CC the scrapper, that disables them from attacking, which means their barrier generation stops and scrapper's have a lower health pool than core engineer's because of the vitality penalty.




    I get what ur saying and not saying ur wrong. Imo though other changes should be made be it a slight buff to scrappers offense or other changes to scrappers defensive skills to allow a mechanic to be a effective defensive aid at the right times requiring skill instead of just shield or barrier spam, same goes for necro. The classes need these mechanics to be viable no doubt but they shouldn't be the only reason a class is sustainable. Like scrapper changes to necro should be done to allow shroud to be a skillful and tactical boost to survivability that complements good play along with other defensive options but as its implemented now it's just a spammy carry mechanic that rewards careless play. Guards are no different either as a good guard can mitigate most of the bursts from three players doing their burst rotation one after the other on the guard, with all the damage mitigation abilities and their cd's guards can just spam their defences all while passively burning its opponents lol, not I have to save my blocks for the hard hitting skills and tactically use them to servive these burst rotations, I can just spam em. yes they have low hp but there's a line that has been crossed. Gw2 is becoming synonymous with these braindead type playstyles and is venturing further away from any complexities the game had.

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