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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Yeah I've seen this exact hack done on guards, wars and mirage. It's funny to leave ur gate at start and as u speed there with infiltrator arrow and dash u see a warrior from the other team standing on ur home node before u even get there lol this is among the many common hacks u can just google to download.

    Perma swiftness/quickness

    Reheal to full at a certain hp percentage

    Self rez etc there common if u actually look out for them.

    One match our team got a kick out of the opponents guardian that would teleport back to mid as soon as it respawn, did this all match and sent "lol" when asked about it via chat.

    Gw2 for its size probobly had the lowest pvp population out of all comparable mmo's so just have fun with it and take nothing serious and ull enjoy the e experience more:)

  2. > @"Heibi.4251" said:

    > > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > > Let's first consider why the revealed debuff exists in the first place. When the game launched, reveal could not be applied by enemy players. You could ONLY get revealed by attacking while in stealth. The whole point was to prevent players from stealthing, then attacking, then restealthing immediately before the enemy could do anything. Over time, the devs slowly added [skills/traits that apply revealed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) to further counter stealth. In this post, I am going to go over the 3 skills on this list that make solo roaming extremely unenjoyable and make no sense from a balance standpoint.

    > >

    > > [Lock On](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lock_On)/[invisible Analysis](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invisible_Analysis): this skill would be okay if it worked the way I assume it was intended - If you can read where the stealthed player is, then hit them with an auto attack or AoE, you also reveal them. That would be an amazing skill and it would feel so satisfying to land. But sadly, that's not how it works 99% of the time. Everyone knows by now that if you're in the middle of attacking someone and they stealth, your next attack will still hit them. So really, this trait translates to "instantly reveal an enemy if they stealth while in combat with you" on a 25 second cooldown. Which, needless to say, is a pretty stupid trait.

    > >

    > > ["Sic 'Em!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Sic_%27Em!%22): This skill is so busted that they even [named a PvP build after it](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Sniper). Soulbeast roamers will typically use this skill on engage and off cooldown - not to apply reveal, but because of the 40% damage and movement speed. Even if it didn't apply reveal, it would still be pretty much mandatory for Soulbeasts. So why bloat an already broken skill with unnecessary reveal?

    > >

    > > [Detection Pulse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Detection_Pulse): Detection Pulse is very important for GvG and large scale combat. That said, it is a massive pain in the kitten for solo roaming for obvious reasons. I have a simple solution that will not affect the GvG meta at all, but will greatly improve solo roaming. Simply increase the cast-time to 1-2 seconds, giving stealthed players the opportunity to dodge or block the pulse.

    > >

    > > For Thief and Mesmer roamers, stealth is a critical part of their playstyle. To give an analogy: Necromancers, lets say there was a debuff that prevented you from entering death shroud. Now let's put that debuff on the 3 skills listed above. Maybe it wouldn't ruin your build and make you useless, but it would *certainly* make the game less enjoyable for you. Thanks for reading and comment your thoughts below.


    > Sic 'em does not REVEAL. Cannot be used without a valid targeted enemy. And the bonus damage is 25% in WvW and PvP when merged. It prevents stealth for the duration stated. So once a thief comes out of stealth many soulbeasts use it to stop the constant stealth spam so many thieves have. And the thieves who stay stealthed for so long that they might as well be permanently invisible at least keeping them visible for 6s helps mitigate that. And I consider most thieves who rely on stealth to be not very skilled. I kill most of them once they can't steatlh. Unless of course they use all the low cool down escape skills that most try to carry.


    > So if you want stealth to be better my suggestions are as follows:

    > 1. Must walk to use stealth. No one can be truly stealth while they run around.

    > 2. Once in combat you cannot stealth again until combat has ended.

    > 3. Just like everyone else inside a keep you are marked and cannot stealth after it is taken for the specified RI. Makes no sense for anyone to be marked while the thief can stay invisible for so long.

    > 4. Oh, on a side note: Get rid of the 5 person portal or reduce it to only the thief being able to use it.

    Lol u kill most thiefs that are unable to stealth so thieves that rely on stealth are less skilled? I would hope ur killing the thief cuz any build meant for high stealth up time would be and is garbage as far as being viable in a fight especially if unable to use in fight stealth . Builds like dp have been so nerfed due to whiners like u that it's only chance to win a fight that's not a +1 is to continually use stealth mid fight.

    Even thieves that build for non stealth builds are at a disadvantage in a 1v1 against most classes so yea I'd hope u beat them cuz all these players who are dying in 1v1 vs thief just got out played by a better player on a weaker build and that hurts their ego so good lol

  3. Sigh! Never ends lol

    I think we can leave ranger and specs alone for a while now and focus on real outliers not just what personally annoys u but isn't OP.

    Really getting to the point where in this community if a skill or mechanic is threatening or effective on a class they don't play seems to warrants a nerf post

  4. > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > easy solution: remove stealth from the game. No need for reveal anymore. Everybody happy.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, apart from some one-shot-stealth-abusing thief players. But you had 8 years to ruin the game for everybody else. Time to stop.

    > > >

    > > > Who hurt you? I've stealthed past people without being invisible because a lot of players are completely unaware of their surroundings, these are often the same player who spout this "remove stealth from the game" nonsense.

    > >

    > > It's not about 'hurting you', it's about giving each players an equal fair chance of healthy competitive experience. Wouldn't you agree?


    > Hey look it's the guy that has complained about thief for 8 years


    It's weird hes not shifting his focus to the real and current outlier's in the game at the moment like necro and burn guard/fb, oh wait he plays necro that's why lol

  5. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > While I suspect most of the Expansion 3 elite specs are likely to be Asian-influenced to at least some extent, I don't think it's likely to be something like "samurai" - that's a specifically Japanese thing, and Arenanet didn't have anything that specifically Japanese in Factions, nor have they done anything that's so specific to a single real-world nation in general. A samurai-influenced set of abilities and playstyle may well happen, but at the very least I doubt it would have that name.


    > Regarding a monk-oriented specialisation... guardian really does have the warrior/monk theme already nailed down for any 'monk' that bears any resemblance to the GW1 monk. Some form of support-oriented warrior specialisation may well come, and it might even have a staff, but I hope they'd be able to find something more imaginative for it than 'just add monk magic'. For instance, maybe it could be a kind of inverse Berserker that uses water magic, or it might pick up some ritualist-like abilities to support itself and allies.


    I agree with u samurai is unlikely as it's a very specific character type and anet may not lean that way for especs like they do with cores, it was just a hopeful thought lol

    A warrior with spear would/could lead to a warrior playstyle that could be samurai esq at least lol. Right now warrior can be made to look very samurai ish but non of the warrior weapon skill except for maybe gs5 feels at all samurai ish which makes sense cuz it's a standard warrior archetype. was hoping spear would bring some of that flavor lol. Right now on a weapon/skill basis rangers gs,sw,dagger and lb are the closest to that samurai ish playstyle but I don't think anet has the creative ability to tie samurai in with ranger so warrior was best bet.

    Dual pistol warrior or spear would be great as long as they may the weapon kit interesting and hopefully useful lol.

  6. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > SAMURAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > I'll show myself out.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Lol, honestly spear or pistol/pistol would be fine. I'm down for samurai as well.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > U... I like u lol

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Well, let's be serious. HoT gave us a savage land's version of a warrior, PoF gave us the warrior of a resistance group, Cantha will give is it's version of a warrior, and that won't be a healer or a monk.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Pistol/pistol focused on support, or spear based on tactics and rapid assaults is what we will get.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > all I read from that is tactic rapid assaulting spear wielding samurai and sounds awesome so I think u should make it happen since u got everyone's Hope's up, don't know how ur gonna do it but that's on u so.... lol

    > > > > >

    > > > > > See that thread I posted above? Swap or pistols for Spears, add some sweaping aoes to the weapon bar, a leap, a knock back, and a copy of rev staff 5 but without the CC. Keep the finishers theme. I think Anet should revitalize combo fields and finishers, so new especs are a good start.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'll post a spear version of that proposed spec in tomorrow.

    > > > >

    > > > > Let's make this happen lol.

    > > >

    > > > I owe you this still, I'm sorry. This weekend I promise >< kid came down with a fever so it's been rough this week.

    > >

    > > sry to hear that :( hopefully the little one feels better soon.


    > Especially cranky after waking up and extra needy... Woke up at 12 last night and again at 5... 10 hours of sleep the past 2 days for me.


    Haha yeah that's rough. I mean their definitely worth it but oh man at times.....

  7. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > SAMURAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I'll show myself out.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Lol, honestly spear or pistol/pistol would be fine. I'm down for samurai as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > U... I like u lol

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Well, let's be serious. HoT gave us a savage land's version of a warrior, PoF gave us the warrior of a resistance group, Cantha will give is it's version of a warrior, and that won't be a healer or a monk.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Pistol/pistol focused on support, or spear based on tactics and rapid assaults is what we will get.

    > > > >

    > > > > all I read from that is tactic rapid assaulting spear wielding samurai and sounds awesome so I think u should make it happen since u got everyone's Hope's up, don't know how ur gonna do it but that's on u so.... lol

    > > >

    > > > See that thread I posted above? Swap or pistols for Spears, add some sweaping aoes to the weapon bar, a leap, a knock back, and a copy of rev staff 5 but without the CC. Keep the finishers theme. I think Anet should revitalize combo fields and finishers, so new especs are a good start.

    > > >

    > > > I'll post a spear version of that proposed spec in tomorrow.

    > >

    > > Let's make this happen lol.


    > I owe you this still, I'm sorry. This weekend I promise >< kid came down with a fever so it's been rough this week.


    sry to hear that :( hopefully the little one feels better soon.

  8. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right **now**

    > > >

    > > > lol now...

    > >

    > > Ok u know I meant more so than the normal average lol


    > I would say what you meant was, even the ROAMERS are only using FB, Necro, Rev and Weaver now :+1:


    Lol pretty much

  9. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right **now**


    > lol now...


    Ok u know I meant more so than the normal average lol

  10. > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

    > I think rifle should get a similar change to ele Lava Axe. Every time you use a rifle skill, your next AA fires two bullets. Then balance the weapon around more sustained damage, instead of meme oneshots.


    More sustained damage throughout the kit is definitely the way to go vs meme one shots which are usually the reason a class gets overly nerfed in the first place.

  11. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Warlord.9074" said:

    > > > > Rifle is ok.

    > > >

    > > > Quickly, ~~someone~~ @"Psycoprophet.8107" call him a warrior hater!

    > > > No? uh, ok... :disappointed:

    > >

    > > I agree with him tho. Ok isn't the bar I want weapon or skills to be set at regardless of class in question.

    > > I want this to be a great game with increasing population where classes have great weapons and great skills :)

    > > If a weapon is just ok that just means it could should be improved to improve enjoyment and effectiveness of use.


    > Based on his post as a whole saying "it's ok" is equivalent to "it doesn't need buffs". Which is what I said and subsequencially was told I must be against warrior as a whole. Now apparently "you agree with it", good job. :D


    Being ok definitely doesn't translate to useless nor does it mean couldn't use improvement. If something is ok in my books means its useable or passable but not good, again not a bar that should be set.

    Regardless in a month be interesting to see what classes/builds are more represented in higher tier play, or should I say over represented lol.

    I think most of us know who the small handful of classes/builds that it will be but we shall see in time :)

  12. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > It adds like a thousand damage in most cases. I run an old-school zerk/valk build still for maximum damage since I've played DA/CS/Tr for years. At around 3800 power and 241 crit damage, backstab's hitting like 10k on squishier targets and as low as 6k on more durable ones. Considering most people have about 20k HP minimum these days, it's okay, but not stellar. Extra damage modifiers would be nice, but the flat power kinda sucks for builds that already have a lot of it.

    > > >

    > > > Really not that amazing to be honest. I've run it for years and am honestly considering swapping out of it because of how pointless the extra damage seems to be. Odds are I'm going to need more resources and initiative regardless of whether or not I use it, so I might as well just run RFI for initiative or another cleanse. Hell, I'm even thinking of dropping DA entirely for more fuel. Without huge burst, these kinds of builds have no upside.

    > > >

    > > > I'd say probably only worthwhile on D/P DrD or DE, and even then, pretty questionable.

    > >

    > > **Honestly I've not bothered with super high spike builds since the patch**. My current build is a DE tank build, on the logic that if it takes more than two passes to down most targets it makes more sense to build for the sustain than it does to try to squeeze a little extra damage out while still taking two passes to kill anything. Since the patch lowered incoming damage overall it works pretty well, that might be a reflection on the meta also being tanky as much as anything tho.


    > In this patch I think a fluid sequence of skills thoroughly modded to compound whatever your build is doing is pretty much a spike if each action of the sequence is in service of the other. Right now I think my main sequence for trying to plow through a health bar fast in WvW at least is maybe 7 actions that each

    > -perform their main task, whatever the skill or trait is doing on their own

    > -lead into, activate the next, or put me into a state like stealth to roll into the next action

    > -also popping off whatever mods are happening from traits, sigils, and whatever...pretty much every step of my sequence carries a life steal or siphon by way of interrupt, crit, stealth attack, etc.

    > The whole thing rolls up into Quickness duration but sometimes I don't worry as much about Quickness or how fast it happens as the accuracy and making sure everything lands but within a pace so they not only get controlled but all of my stuff activates, and it's still pretty fast in terms of what their feeling on their end, even if I don't finish them off they're pressured into cooldowns.


    > Some people are just tanky af and good at the same time though, sometimes I know I'm not dropping that one and I just pack up my stuff before the rest of map queue shows up.


    That sounds like the best approach for the games state right now BUT should not be the approach that a spike class should have to take even tho ur right and is how it is. A spike class that out plays another should be able to down it regardless of class but right now tanker classes arnt even threatened by any of thief's spikes except maybe some niche DE build cuz they know ur not gonna pressure them to much and that they can return equal damage back. That's so weird for a rogue like class built around spikes lol. I think anet or cal needs to decide what they want the thief playstyle to be cuz right now seems all over the place.

  13. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Warlord.9074" said:

    > > Rifle is ok.


    > Quickly, ~~someone~~ @"Psycoprophet.8107" call him a warrior hater!

    > No? uh, ok... :disappointed:


    I agree with him tho. Ok isn't the bar I want weapon or skills to be set at regardless of class in question.

    I want this to be a great game with increasing population where classes have great weapons and great skills :)

    If a weapon is just ok that just means it could should be improved to improve enjoyment and effectiveness of use.

  14. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > Years ago , i was playing a venomshare thief.


    > Back in the days when you could mightstack your team with it.


    > Got flamed by the enemy commander like 1 or 2 times while my own server screamed at me to stop using a cancer/unfair build.


    > Honor was something important and playing venomshare was considered cheesing a fight.


    > Yes really.


    > Flame got so bad, had to change class after 4 days.



    Try that now and ud be most useless person in the zerg lol not to mention that honor is extinct as everyone these days bandwagons to the handful of op specs and builds the most braindead = rewarding builds they can. That's basically all gw2 pvp these days.

    I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right now

  15. I will say as far as priorities go I found less issues dealing with condi revs than with burn guards/fb and necro's. The burn condition seemed to have very high dot and each tick often equates to damage that equals a burst from another class and with re-aplications of the condition being so easy and abundant I think it's a issue that needs dealt with sooner rather than later. Also even if it means buffs in other areas the regeneration of shroud needs to be dealt with, as it stands now a necro can put up a decent fight with decent damage and if used right can use shroud when its nearing death continually in a fight often making them require 2 or more players to finish it off which is to much. Reducing necro's ability to use shroud as a carry mechanic by reducing its regen capabilities might be a decent answer to that issue.

    Compounding these issues is we have bunker classes that have great sustained damage but the games classes that were designed for spike damage have all been nerfed to the point their no longer threatning to bunkers due to nerfed spike damage relative to the sustain now mad worse by the fact they can return equal damage back to the burst class, so what's the point of burst classes anymore?. At this point I always ran say shake it off,brawlers recovery and a cleans sigil and even then it's just not enough, sure I could add a few more cleansing utilities but if a damage type is so effective that u have to tailor ur whole build and utilities around it than there's a problem.

    Condi revs are definitely over performing as well and needs some shaves but I think rev needs some positive love in other areas so they remain viable. After all more viable classes the better no matter ur personal feelings on some of them.

  16. > @"Klypto.1703" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > At first concentrate on the main issue.

    > > > > Thiefs permastealth & their exploits... make it not be stackable ,like superspeed.

    > > > >

    > > > > then we can talk about rev

    > > >

    > > > So basically delete thief as a class cuz it uses a mechanic that allows it to do the one good thing it can do in wvw, roam. But leave rev for now cus it's not as annoying to u as thief personally even though its stronger than thief in roaming and zerg play. Example of a biased post with zero regard for actual health of the game. Imagine how bad a condi rev would have to be to lose to a thief while roaming lol.

    > >

    > > ye that would be pretty bad. But just to mention, thief doesnt completely rely on permastealth. It has enough stealth skills, but permastealth allows them to exploit really hard.

    > >

    > > Rev is just an effective condi-spike reflection with an immunity. Nothing else. Without condi meta, there wouldnt be condi revs.

    > > Thats why the most people come here to the forum and complain. Like many Burnguards that spam every burn-skill on a rev and get killed in one second cuz of the condi-reflect. lol

    > >

    > > And this is not the place for roam-zergplay comparisons. Holos, Rangers, thiefs, ..... even renegades can complain about "not being able to play in zergs". This is another topic


    > At the point where mesmer and thief are pretty much deleted from wvw you can't possibly still be complaining about stealth there is no thief players left to use stealth lol. I mean at some point you gotta learn the difference between a thief using stealth and a thief not even logged into the game this is just really sad. I mean we are with the old eles, the mesmers, and the warrior players in the gw2 unemployment line.


    Lol I left thief for warrior cuz just not fun to play now after the anet team and community ruined the class and now warrior doesnt even feel like a warrior so don't bother logging in. I mean with gw2 growing pvp population who cares right? Lol.

    Games like nioh and poe are feeling more enjoyable these days to play but that's me, good on the people who enjoy this pvp braindead condi spam meta of fb/burn guard, necro and condi rev with a sprinkle of condi weavers lol. Patch meant well but imo this is the most braindead condi spam bunker meta I've experienced and unless u bandwagon to those classes its zero fun and more frustrating than anything.

    And I'll say it for all those players that main those classes yeah yeah I need to get gud and learn to cleanse, as if that's enough these days.

  17. Gw2 meta. Tank necro that can regain and pop shroud keeping themselves almost in need of two opponent to down them. Burn guards/fb that literally can stand in one place and spam there burst to the point 25k hp means nothing and nor does clears. Condi rev is basically the same lmao this is literally thee most braindead meta I've seen in 5 yrs. good job cal and team ur massive patch and follow ups did wonders.

  18. Quite the medic ur teammates would be seeing as how they can patch u up while ur being actively cleaved lol wish I was half the medic they are. How about if u take damage while being revived it automatically cancels the revive attempt and puts revive on a 5 sec cd.

  19. I mean what is it hitting for when sig is popped. I average 4-5k on full power and around 3.5k on DD/trick/SA with sig popped.

    In wvw and in conquest it seems so ineffective now against the sustain of a lot of the classes to the point almost seems not worth setting up for anymore. That's good change for the majority of the games population so I guess was good fix.

  20. I think all the people calling for necro nerfs would be defending their class if it was in necro current state lol. Nexeos probobly have ptsd from the past where they'd get hard focused and due to low mobility end up just eating it and dying, except for that while where scourge was overperforming which then got over nerfed. Anet doesn't instil much conference when it comes to shave downs so u gotta understand why anyone and everyone defends their spec.

    I've seen some necro players admitting shroud gain was a bit much and could use a shave to shave down their sustain. If seen a few other ideas posted as well that weren't out right gutting, unfortunately that's not the norm when it comes to nerf suggestions lol

  21. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > It really amazing that players are defending this class. Amazing.


    > It's not so amazing people who truly love their class defend it and try to get it improved.


    > People with an agenda try to get it gutted because it's too hard/its annoying.


    > It would also be better if we had more honest people out there who weren't out there just to gut a class they don't want to learn to fight or have an agenda because they hate such and such class.


    > There are necros who want changes but they want it in the right way because ultimately it hurts their experiences if it gets changed for the worse and ruins their fun.


    > If for instance, I'm playing druid see it gutted, I, of course, get mad and complain on the forums about it being nerfed. If it's a flat nerf no I won't accept it and nor will a lot of necros, because of anger towards "our spec" being turned into a free kill.


    > There is anger and outrage because for years necro was free kill and finally its viable and some want it to go back to where it's useless without a group and easily killed.


    > If its a overhaul to improve the class nerfing it some places buffing it others so the game is overall better? Sure that's great.


    > If you want to discuss why necro is problematic and why it is on the fine line of overpowered underpowered and ask for overhaul so it can perform well without being perceived as op? yes pls, but if its just necro OP nerf all please make it easy kill then no, I don't think anyone should listen to anyone proposing any idea like that about any class, because it's preposterous and incredibly selfish. Reason people criticize mr flandre is because he sounds like he doesn't know the class or understand, and he doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about.


    > If you talk to the main rangers players trevor boyer for instance and some others they can tell you what needs overhauled because they understand it, and people who really play ranger will understand it better than someone who doesn't, and some won't have the care or passion on what goes on besides the chances they want nerf said thing take it away. Take for instance nerf of rangers maul for instance: To me, 10k is fine for a melee attack that has to be buffed to do that. IF warr/ele/Mes/thief has similar? that's fine because they still need to deal enough damage to kill someone through their sustain, and even if you nerf necros sustain you still have to deal with other people's sustain such as guardians and warrior dealing enough to kill. 16k, however, is not ok and is out of line I think.


    > There needs a deeper analysis of how necro works than just kneejerk nerf this or that because many times ANet has missed the mark. It's not the first time they nerfed the wrong thing and nerfed it too hard leaving the class still op but weak in one area more than they should. Also even if a person is at ranked and good, I wouldn't put it against human nature because yes there are sociopaths out there who look out for their own interests and don't care about how it affects others, which is why until I see a video and see deep analysis, I think this can be ignored. As I said, you can miss something in interaction with a class, for instance when I was facing herald rev I didn't know what I was seeing because I saw a bunch of flashing colors and it all happened fast and some stuff had very little flashy effects. If you actually know what you are looking at, like when I described attacks from reaper and core, then you can say at least this person is describing a said thing,


    > If you want to nerf necro at least make sure it doesn't kill necro completely off and make it free kills, i mean its bad enough they lost sustain.




    Well said^ one issue I people usually think like this when it's their class being qq's about then turn around and attack other classes in same manner ur describing. Not saying u do.

    Necro definitely needs its sustain lowered so its shroud isnt the annoying oh u out played me well have fun trying to kill me for 2 mins while I go back and forth through shroud carry mechanic that it is now lol. Whatever buffs need to come to it to allow for this to be nerfed I'm on board :)

  22. > @"primatos.5413" said:

    > Stop playing clowny cheese builds could help decrease toxicity



    The playerbase of this game is the worst I've seen for bandwagoning I've seen in a game. As soon as players qq about a outlier class having a cheesey build or skills within days those handful of classes and builds are all u see.

  23. > @"Mara.6782" said:

    > Thief: add name here. Stealth is changed to shadowform. Shadowform makes all damage 33% change to miss, except condition damage. Shadowform stacks duration.

    > Stealth attack is changed to shadow attack that is more support than damage. Grandmaster trait give shadowform to all nearby ally. Weapon: shield or offhand sword.

    > You can still get stealth from allies.


    That seems like cool idea actually unfortunately wouldn't be any better, have u read posts from this community? Lol.

    They'd complain 33% evasion chance will equate to perma evade god mode and will rally to nerf it down constantly posting nerfs threads and won't stop until % is nerfed to 1% evade chance. Scary thing is the team would possibly listen as well lol

  24. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Thieves need cooldowns. End of story.

    > They were designed with proper execution and planning in mind when given Initiative, but what we got in the end was extreme frontloading of skills to the point that other Professions cannot hope to keep up.


    > Thief vs other Professions is just like a guy who is playing a Card game, except instead of playing a set amount of cards per turn, he straight up combos his whole deck in the first turn.


    > Some might call this broken, or cheating even.


    Just lol wow

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