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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. I donno sind, ur just a long time well known top thief player for yrs who frequently showcases ur skills via utube etc so Its hard to take ur word over no name forum trolls who main mesmer and constantly spam anti theif threads.

    There is no one with half a brain who has actually tried and or have played thief post patch who would consider thiefs spike damage close to ok relative to the sustain lvs of most classes now. Even +1 on a power build takes to long now, u may as well decap and nothing else. It's really effective spiking 2.5k backstabs on a fb,guard,necro,scrapper etc lol then follow up with another 1k HS and a bunch of autos of 300-500 damage right before the return with a higher burst, then again we have infinite evades along with clears according to these delusional trolls lol

  2. > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > >Blah, Blah, Blah


    > Not worth responding to.


    > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > Tanky 1v1 builds make thief +1s a throw.

    > > Strong teamfight comps are untouchable by thief.

    > >

    > > Still useful on huge maps like eternal, where thief can guarantee buffs. Less value on smaller maps.


    > Oh please.


    Lmao neither is ur constant whaaaa nerf thief posts cuz I suck so bad I have issues against the weakest class in the game cuz I cant work around simple mechanics. Seriously thief is the weakest in combat class and all u guys whine about it,why? Cuz its anoying. Cry some more lol

  3. It's pretty simple to understand. And all these people that are saying thief is great right now are as usual in this community speaking out of bias cuz they obviously see cuz it's not hard that one of the games main if not main class designed to be a high mobility hit and run burst class is now in a spot where other than fulfilling its job as a runner it can't do anything else due to the fact its bursts are to low in relation to the sustain of more than half of the classes in the game. It's easy to see why all the players who obviously hate on thief are very happy with thief being in this position and would actually even prefer its mobility cut on top if it were up to them to out right delete them.

    Honestly if u play thief I'd just say bandwagon like the rest of the community, sind I'm sure in time ud be pretty damn good at rev. Or go to a different mmo to get ur rogue fix as theres still a good few where rogues are still decent.

  4. > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > The fact u state that portal is "unfortunately is still playable" kinds shows bias that should be ignored. Why shouldn't be playable in a match, isnt that the point of having the skill? Why would u want a skill on any class to be unplayable? This is exactly why this new balance team needs to wake up and stop listening to the nerf this spam threads and put time into the game and classes and decide on their own or hire prefessional testers cuz their dooming this game by letting the community steer their balance decisions.


    > The fact that you're still allowed to post, shows bias on ANET's part.


    Oh I'm sry coming from a player that thinks certain skills the dislike shouldn't be playable ur comment means nothing lol.

    How about not just thinking about urself, I kno it's hard and think of players that actually like and have invested time in mesmer and enjoy using portal, think they should be a factor no?

  5. The fact u state that portal is "unfortunately is still playable" kinds shows bias that should be ignored. Why shouldn't portal be playable in a match, isnt that the point of having the skill? Why would u want a skill on any class to be unplayable? This is exactly why this new balance team needs to wake up and stop listening to the nerf this spam threads and put time into the game and classes and decide on their own or hire prefessional testers cuz their dooming this game by letting the community steer their balance decisions.

  6. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.


    > Shows how much you know then.


    > Pre patch: Necro could not win vs most classes due to dmg being so power creeped, their sustain simply wasn't good enough.


    > Now: Their sustain is a bit too high still but now if we nerf we can at least fix that problem.


    > Overall: Ele is going to be in a better place necro is going to be in a better place ranger is getting hit in the right places hopefully and hopefully soon guardian gets hit on firebrand.


    > Think about why:


    > Beforehand things like invuln spam evade spam teleports were many times more powerful than tanking in the past, and since they got nerfed, and damage got nerfed, things are better.


    > Now it isn't instadeath for not being able to evade, which is stupid.




    Naw what's stupid is anet letting the community drive their balance to nerf what's not specifically op but rather annoying to the players in the game and decrease the ever decreasing build diversity even further all while dumbing down the game. This games gonna fail hard I'd be surprised if it's got any population in a yr even with pending expac. Now the burst classes don't have enough burst to deal with games sustain classes and on top those classes have bursts that match the classes balanced as burst classes lmao the balance I this games a sad joke and community is pushing it further that way. As always people ruin what they live eventually lol. Pretty sad.

    Pvp in this game is such garbage it legitimately could be called condi spam wars2 or revive wars2, both names are fitting.

  7. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol


    > In what rating is burn guard an issue? Rofl


    > Also, two thieves in eu finals. But I guess they just didn't feel like winning and just played it for fun /s


    Burns themselves are way overperforming,if u can't see that then u really shouldn't be discussing balance, sry.

  8. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Everyones bandwagoned to necro and burn guard/fb because how broken they are post patch------gw2 community "nerf bird" lmao. Exactly why this game is doomed, this new team has already shown they listen far to much to this community.




    Lmao classic!

  9. Everyones bandwagoned to necro and burn guard/fb because how broken they are post patch------gw2 community "nerf bird" lmao. Exactly why this game is doomed, this new team has already shown they listen far to much to this community.

  10. Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

  11. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > I'm a PvP noob who doesn't know anything about rotations and doesn't know how to kite and survive when focused.

    > I'm only there for the Legendary Amulet.

    > I'll be gone in 120 wins.


    > If you ask me to go mid, I'll just get focused and destroyed in 5 seconds because I don't know how to kite.

    > I know how to handle myself 1 on 1 so I always go far and camp there.

    > And I win far 90% of the time.


    > I can contribute more when I'm far.

    > If you insist that I go mid, then I'll just drop in 5 seconds.

    > So stop calling me a low IQ ape!

    > I'm just playing to the best of my abilities.


    > Be kinder to all new players trying to get the amulet k.


    Say home and camp that. One going home and one going far just leaves ur team in a 3v4 mid in my experience more times than not and if the far fight goes south the opposite team now has two full caps

  12. A quick google with some pc knowledge and plenty of programs are offered via the net with gw2 hacks a plenty usually for a fee. I just couldn't imagine using hacks in this game of all games lol, not that using hacks in any game is ok, they usually just end up sapping the fun out of the game.

  13. > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > > Just finished a match where a thief was on our home before we finished getting out of our gate.

    > > Assuming it was at the beginning of the game, even with the whole tp arsenal, this is not possible. This is purely hacking.

    > >

    > >


    > Not sure how it could be hacking. Surely there is something in a competitive/rated game to detect if people are moving way beyond the capabilities of their class. Nerf theif, and Mesmer just to be sure.


    Always good to play it safe lol

  14. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > I dunno what it is but just thinking of a owl hoot hooting or duck quacking and attacking you and doing any sorta dmg makes me laugh, the idea is ridiculous.


    U ever seen the size and viciousness of some owls? Some can be pretty intimidating although the owl in gw2 is really small lol

  15. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > How is mesmer underperforming? Its on #1 spot atm


    > Don't worry, Condi Mirage will probably win mAT so you will have more ~~fake~~ proofs that mirage is OP.


    Mesmer being #1 or winning in MAT doesn't mean its automatically op but I will say if those things happen it wouldn't help out all these mesmer/mirage is weak threads lol

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