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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > If Kralkatorrik can resurrect the Shatterer, which at the end of the meta, Shatterered and use death magic to bring it back. I wonder if Aurene, who still has the death spectrum inside her to resurrect her brother, Vlast and thus give us a dragon that can has death magic spectrum. Then we replace Zhaitan.

    > The Shatterer was just an artificial lifeform Kralk made. He could re rebuilt because he was never anything but rocks and magic.


    > Vlast, being a living entity, who exploded, is a different situation entirely.


    I suppose that just leaves Glint, who’s corpse is still intact.


  2. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Wonder if the Spirits of the Wild could come into play with Jormag’s energy. They seem to talk about how the spirts have an endless supply of magic. Then like Aurene and potentially the Pale Tree with the Sylvari, share the magic with the Norn.

    > The Pale Tree and the Spirits would make for a rather logical dragon replacements in the narrative.

    > -Aurene replaces Kralk

    > -The Spirits replace Jormag

    > -The Pale Tree replaces Mordremoth

    > -Have Kuunavang replace Bubbles

    > Zhaitan and Primordus can go shove it.


    If Kralkatorrik can resurrect the Shatterer, which at the end of the meta, Shatterered and use death magic to bring it back. I wonder if Aurene, who still has the death spectrum inside her to resurrect her brother, Vlast and thus give us a dragon that can has death magic spectrum. Then we replace Zhaitan.

  3. > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Wonder if the Spirits of the Wild could come into play with Jormag’s energy. They seem to talk about how the spirts have an endless supply of magic. Then like Aurene and potentially the Pale Tree with the Sylvari, share the magic with the Norn.


    > I could see it as a possibility. Diving into replacing elder dragons with other entities.


    Sadizi in PoF also stated entities as well in the glint legacy cinematic, rather then specifically dragons.

  4. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > > > @"galen ubal.2807" said:

    > > > > Heh. Just had a fun idea.

    > > > > The Commander gets word that a powerful Canthan guild, or the Canthan military, has decided to take out DSD. They haven't got a Taimi equivalent, so they have no idea how very bad an idea that is. The Commander gets to go down to Cantha to talk them out of it. Things...don't go so well.

    > > > > Alternately, all hell starts breaking loose, and we find out that a Canthan force has already taken out the DSD - now we get to go down there to try to fix it.

    > > > > Not terribly serious about this, but it would be a nice twist.

    > > >

    > > > I want to see the DSD and don't really want it to be killed off screen for the potential of a really cool underwater elder dragon battle, BUT, it would be neat if we found out that the Canthan empire had figured out how to kill an elder dragon and harness its magic for technological advancements. And we wind up finding some super advanced urban cityscape for Kaening instead of huts.

    > > >

    > > > Maybe we can still take this approach, but instead it can be Primordus. Everyone thinks they're setting up Primordus but it would be funny if we're led to attack it because of Jormag and wind up finding out it tunneled down to Cantha and got turned into a giant battery.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > I honestly suspect that eventually we will fight the DSD outside of the water as a way to get it out of its main magical sphere as it makes sense tactically.

    > >


    > I believe so too, though personally I would love a multi phase fight where we fight it in both elements.


    Ooooo maybe a fight on the deck of the boat, then in the water...


  5. > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > @"galen ubal.2807" said:

    > > Heh. Just had a fun idea.

    > > The Commander gets word that a powerful Canthan guild, or the Canthan military, has decided to take out DSD. They haven't got a Taimi equivalent, so they have no idea how very bad an idea that is. The Commander gets to go down to Cantha to talk them out of it. Things...don't go so well.

    > > Alternately, all hell starts breaking loose, and we find out that a Canthan force has already taken out the DSD - now we get to go down there to try to fix it.

    > > Not terribly serious about this, but it would be a nice twist.


    > I want to see the DSD and don't really want it to be killed off screen for the potential of a really cool underwater elder dragon battle, BUT, it would be neat if we found out that the Canthan empire had figured out how to kill an elder dragon and harness its magic for technological advancements. And we wind up finding some super advanced urban cityscape for Kaening instead of huts.


    > Maybe we can still take this approach, but instead it can be Primordus. Everyone thinks they're setting up Primordus but it would be funny if we're led to attack it because of Jormag and wind up finding out it tunneled down to Cantha and got turned into a giant battery.



    I honestly suspect that eventually we will fight the DSD outside of the water as a way to get it out of its main magical sphere as it makes sense tactically.


  6. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > Honestly if the player is new and trying to do their best, Raiders won't give them too much trouble.

    > > (Though I really recommend newbies to raids to join learning groups)

    > >

    > > The ones which Raiders really hate are the fools who :

    > > 1. Are new

    > > 2. Refuse to use a meta build despite being new

    > > 3. Argue with the Raiders after point 1 and point 2 has been engaged and refuse to accept that "no, we are not gonna accommodate yur nonsense" as an answer

    > > 4. Proceed to whine and cry about how "Raiders are being toxic and never give newbies a chance"

    > >

    > > How to reduce this problem?

    > > Simple : Record the number of kill each player has on their account.

    > > Use the LFG and have a new filter to filter how many kills yu want or expect yur party to have achieved.


    > I agree, but i was more talking about the perceived perception before they enter a raid. A decent amount of new raiders posts here on the forum are of the form


    > 1: To afraid to try raids because of the toxicity of players.

    > 2:Something chenged which froced them in (a guild/boredom/...)

    > 3: coming to the realisation that the bad press was overblown.


    What’s the incentive for new players to raid in the first place? Legendary Armor? Legendary ring? These items can be obtained from other modes, with a lot less hassle. Story? Maybe, I suppose,

  7. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > Any newcomer would get nothing out of those bits of ls1 that was hacked out. I werent around for ls1, and these visions felt pointless. Theres no need for newcomers to play these at all.


    They might add further season 1 instances with each vision, until we have a proper season 1, which could have mail inbetween to mesh up the story.

  8. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > > I don't get why people in the forums freak out with negativity after every chapter release.


    > Maybe because they don't like it ???? Ever thought about that?

    > If you paint a picture and people hate it, it's time to think about your painting skills, not blaming the people


    Probably a bad analogy since art is very subjective.


  9. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > My issue with Jormag is he/she/it/they/dragonhelicopter/whatever _shrunk._

    > > >

    > > > Seriously, look at the tooth in Hoelbrak, then think about how big Jormag's head _wasn't_ when it was basically in your face. There is NO WAY that tooth came from that head.

    > >

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > Kralkatorrik also had varying sizes between his multiple appearances.

    > >

    > >

    > > > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > > I also noticed that. But they probably scaled down Jormag's model so it wouldn't be too big to fit the screen, just like they did with Kralkatorrik.

    > >

    > > The tooth came from Jormag's left tusk, which has its tip broken off, a tusk being a type of tooth(which apparently a lot of people don't know that tusk are teeth for some reason)


    > That's fine, in theory, but again, there is no way that TUSK came from that HEAD. The scale is all wrong.


    The other tusk even looks like the tooth, where Jormag’s actual teeth look nothing like the tooth in Hoelbrak.


    Just going to have to go with Occam’s Razor on this one.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Devs confirmed that Jormag is more experimental and careful with using the magic it got from the death of other Elder Dragons, and Balthazar. Also that Jormag was using Zhaitan's magic to animate the Fraenir's corpse to talk to the Commander at the end of Episode 1 (and to animate Almorra's corpse to lure the Commander into Bjora Marches at the beginning of the episode).


    > That said, Jormag was always able to corrupt the dead. But in typical ANet fashion, minor things go unnoticed long-term, and by Season 3, Anet kinda forgot it. During the story step [Enraged and Unashamed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enraged_and_Unashamed), we see some sickly quaggans die, then minutes later (or hours, if you feel like afking that long) after killing some icebrood and talking to the last living sickly quaggan, the dead ones get reanimated as icebrood quaggans. We also see a lesser certain case of a norn being dead yet icebrood in Edge of Destiny, with one recently-turned icebrood norn having a caved-in skull.


    > > Jormag could go from manipulating people's mind with persuasion, to also manipulating hearts with the promise to bring back the departed. And it could be unstoppable.

    > > [...]

    > > Under Jormag all that you have lost, can return, and all that you love will never leave your side.

    > I hope they don't do this. Because this is *literally* what Zhaitan was preaching. Practically word for word of the risen's persuasions.


    > Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan: I see in your heart that you have lost someone to Zhaitan. Someone named.... She/He is waiting for you now, beneath the dragon's wings...

    > Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan: All the death around you. All those who have gone before you. Come to Zhaitan, and find everything you have lost. You can be with them again.


    Mostly like an oversight on Anets part, hence why the question arose in the first place all those years ago with the death domain and the Elder Dragons use of it.

  11. > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

    > Well, we have elements of both aspects happening within GW2. For example, Drakkar is explicitly referenced as changing from the frozen GW1 form to the form he appears as in GW2.


    I would say that it’s a slight different situation as it’s a dragon champion. As well as Jormag placing the new dragon energies into Drakkar.

  12. > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

    > > @"Sykper.6583" said:

    > > It might be weird for me to say, but is it **really odd** that Elder Dragons might appear differently over time? Perhaps Jormag did originally have teeth and not tusks but opted to grow the tusks, one of which was his broken tooth as a show of strength to recover from whatever efforts Aesgeir did back then, to show they were fruitless.

    > >

    > > Elder Dragons are powerful, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they could alter their appearance, especially out of spite.


    > I mean, let's look at Aurene as an example of this.


    > First she appeared pretty flat-faced, sharing many traits with Mordremoth facially wise, alongside a squat body. When she absorbed Balthazar she grew a fair bit, her facial structure changing. As she got more power she grew more crystals/glowed.


    > When she ascended to Elder Dragon status, her entire skull shape changed drastically again.


    We also see Kralkatorrik absorb a bunch of energy from Balthazar and change very little in his appearance too though.

  13. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Micky.3648" said:

    > > The Fang of the Serpent is clearly a TOOTH not a tusk,



    > Why do people not know this!


    I mean even when you look at Jormag’s in game model, his left tusk is clearly damage and is very reminiscent of the fang of the serpent. This seems like a no brainer to me. I was hoping the devs on the guild chat would just confirm as this appears to be the simplest explanation.

  14. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > without any hints or implication. Just...bam...Balthazar.


    > There actually were "hints". It's just that the hints were _so freaking vague_ that you'd only see it in hindsight.


    > Hint 1: When Lazarus shows up in Episode 1, one of Caudecus' goons wields a Balthazar Shield. Yup, that was a hint to Lazarus being Balthazar.

    > Hint 2: In Episode 2, "Lazarus" gave players the skill "Spectral Smite" - smite having divine origins, and also relating to Smiting Prayers from GW1, which Balthazar was the patron god for. Yup, that too was a hint to Lazarus being Balthazar.


    > There might've been more, but if so, they were probably _more_ obscure.


    > Still bad though.


    I recall that the fact that Lazarus used fire magic in his introductory scene and that there were flames in certain trailers was also suppose to be a hint too.

  15. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > > > @"Sarie.1630" said:

    > > > **I wonder if it's all gearing up to Efram being appointed as Khan-Ur. Whenever there's leading to be done, it's invariably Efram up-front**.

    > > >

    > > > Bangar is a puppet on display, Ryland is now a Champion of Jormag, Smodur is dead, Efram seems like a good guy but he leads the Flame legion which was the enemy until not too long ago, so i don't think they will choose him. Plus he's now the only dude among an all female leadership. I get the feeling that they are going to pick Crecia for the job, but we shall see.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > Sometime ago the devs said they want to add Season 1 type events to this saga, which if you recall in season had the community voting for who will be the next captain on the LA council.


    > And then Kiel won anyway.

    > I distinctly remember the vast majority in the chats being in favour of Gnashblade though.



    We might have something similar in the saga for an epilogue episode

  16. > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > @"Sarie.1630" said:

    > **I wonder if it's all gearing up to Efram being appointed as Khan-Ur. Whenever there's leading to be done, it's invariably Efram up-front**.


    > Bangar is a puppet on display, Ryland is now a Champion of Jormag, Smodur is dead, Efram seems like a good guy but he leads the Flame legion which was the enemy until not too long ago, so i don't think they will choose him. Plus he's now the only dude among an all female leadership. I get the feeling that they are going to pick Crecia for the job, but we shall see.



    Sometime ago the devs said they want to add Season 1 type events to this saga, which if you recall in season had the community voting for who will be the next captain on the LA council.


    I’m wondering if the community will decide who will be the next Khan Ur.


  17. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > Seeing Jormag's model outside of the game, the nose looks much better - I guess perspective really warped its appearance:

    > > >

    > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738075333265326140/SPOILER_utBi35lu.jpg

    > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738092134368018522/SPOILER_jormag_tooth.png

    > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738093253668110366/SPOILER_slim.png

    > > >

    > > > Also the Fang of the Serpent is very clearly the upcurved tusk. Doesn't fit *perfectly* (slightly wider base, different texture design), but it fits very, very well.

    > >

    > > Which could attribute to Aesgeir smashing the tusk and causing other pieces of it to shatter. It seems pretty kitten safe to say that’s where the tooth is from. I mean yeah it’s a tusk, which technically an elongated tooth anyways.


    > Doesn't the fang in hoelbrak have its gum line? That implies a whole tooth was knocked out. Not the tip of another.


    Yeah the colour of the “gum” is similar to the rest of the colour of the tusk. Perhaps being struck by Aesgeir weapon peeled back some of the ice and exposed the lighter coloured tooth.


    Will probably be explained in the guild chat today.

  18. > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > It never sat right that Aesir could somehow knock a tooth out the mouth of an ice dragon. The alteration to being a tusk tip (which I know counts as a tooth) makes a lot more sense


    > Another thing to consider is perhaps Jormag's appearance has changed slightly since the "tooth" was removed. The other side may have looked more like the fang hanging in Hoelbrek, but narrowed/frosted over more as Jormag rested and gathered power.


    > We know that Drakkar has physically changed from his frozen form in EOTN in GW1, to the creature he appeared as in GW2.


    One thing I did notice was the “ gum line” of the tooth is almost the same colour as the rest of the broken tusk on Jormag. Perhaps when Aesgeir struck the tusk it, it exposed a different bone type colour beneath it

  19. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > Thats all granted but the norn REALLY didn't have much of a stake, or really anything to do with any plot up until now.

    > > I kinda feel like the very presence and conflict with Jormag, and the constant mention of the prophecy to fall to or kill Jormag, is a very big stake for the norn.

    > >

    > > Sure, there's no norn army but why would there be?

    > >

    > > > But we all know no one seems to remember forgal when compared with tybalt, as well the Khan-ur has been brought up numerous times.

    > > While Sieran and Forgal gets less vocal attention than Tybalt, they're definitely remembered and beloved by the community. As for Khan-Ur, the best equivalent (Asgeir) is mentioned quite a lot.

    > >

    > > > The charr also helped in S3 with the whole white mantle thing, as well black citadel forces even moved down to elona (The renegades and the forces with them) into elona (the class lore guy talks about it, if you asked about what a renegade is..)

    > > And we had Bitterfrost Frontier that was solely norn-centric, while charr just piggybacked on the human's plot. And I wouldn't relate *literally one NPC* to anything important. I mean, we have norn NPCs in Elona too - [such as this bounty](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Dorrik_the_Wanderer). There were no "Black Citadel forces" moving down to Elona, it was just one NPC doing their own thing.

    > >

    > > > Im also sure that the charr will have something to do with the cantha expansion,

    > > At this point, you're kinda just sounding mopey by whining about the unknown future.

    > >

    > > > Just a shame we can't have a batch of norn/charr themed E-specs.

    > > Berserker is fairly norn themed., what with the Spirits of the Wild being part of some skill animations and the weapon.

    > >

    > > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > > > Lore is not screentime, neither is it story progression.

    > >

    > > Screentime is not everything, and Braham and Jhavi got plenty of that anyways in both Episodes 1 and 2. Hell the entirety of both episodes are about Braham and Jhavi, with all charr taking a backseat. While Braham gets more than half of the screentime in Episodes 0 and 4.

    > >

    > > If we're talking about screentime of individuals, Braham has the most by far, only followed closely with Rytlock. Which is to be expected since they're members of Dragon's Watch.

    > >

    > > > The major story nodes are clearly bangar, the relation triangle with bangar, rytlock and his son

    > > And Braham as the norn of prophecy, the corruption of the Spirits of the Wild, and the history of Jormag with.

    > >

    > > > Again, I ask anyone to mention a single norn name beside Braham that had any significant screentime, story involvement or relevance to the story of Icrebrood Saga.

    > > Jhavi Jorasdottir. Literally present throughout the entirety of two out of five episodes.

    > >

    > > Done.


    > To be fair, I haven't had enthusiasm since HoT. My mopey-ness is due to constant disappointments, Take that as you will but still this saga isn't providing what I had hoped for thus far. To each their own.


    5 years of dissatisfaction is a long time.

  20. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > It was a bit difficult to see because the model wasn't very good. I think you can see it on the original Saga trailer and I want to say... it was on the left side as if you were looking at it.


    > It could have grown it back of course, healing through a large intake of energy whilst it rested


    Looks like it’s the tip of one Jormag’s tusks. The left one.

  21. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Seeing Jormag's model outside of the game, the nose looks much better - I guess perspective really warped its appearance:


    > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738075333265326140/SPOILER_utBi35lu.jpg

    > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738092134368018522/SPOILER_jormag_tooth.png

    > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309191637144436739/738093253668110366/SPOILER_slim.png


    > Also the Fang of the Serpent is very clearly the upcurved tusk. Doesn't fit *perfectly* (slightly wider base, different texture design), but it fits very, very well.


    Which could attribute to Aesgeir smashing the tusk and causing other pieces of it to shatter. It seems pretty damn safe to say that’s where the tooth is from. I mean yeah it’s a tusk, which technically an elongated tooth anyways.

  22. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > Don't forget with each Elder Dragon's defeated, the remaining Elder Dragons will obtain their powers which means each surviving Elder Dragon has the power to travel through the mist now as well.


    > Elder Dragons only get other dragon's power when there is o vessel around to take it, so the energy shoots off in all directions, and is naturally attracted to other elder dragons.


    > Aurene was present at Kralk's death, and took all of his powers. None of the other Elder Dragons should have any powers Kralk had since none of is energy went to them.


    > and ive seen mist portals open up for Jormag's forces in places where there are no shaman around to do it for Jormag, meaning, Jormag has had this power itself for awhile/


    It seems that not all of the energy was absorbed by Aurene though, as stated in the book collection in Bjora. Here is the quote:


    “Then Zhaitan was slain. Then Mordremoth. Then Kralkatorrik. With each Elder Dragon slain by the Pact Commander and their allies, the whispers seemed to grow louder. What was once a murmur on the wind soon became fully formed words. You heard the words, and the words knew you heard them. They would speak to you, tell you what you wanted to hear.“


    So Drakkar was being boosted in power by the other dragons deaths and by extension Jormag.


    Tom Abernathy also quotes this as well.


    “Balthazar’s divine energy—assuming you mean his magic—went into Aurene, Kralkatorrik, and, presumably, every other Elder Dragon on Tyria. And yeah, that probably matters enough that it will come up again at some point.“

  23. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > So this has come up in the new storyline but

    > >

    > >

    it seems all Elder Dragons now have the ability to travel through the Mist. This is rather bad since that means even DSD can travel using the Mist which also makes it difficult to actually know his location within current lore. DSD can literally be in any body of water now, even in the Jade sea (most likely in a area that has already returned to water, if he has used the Mist to travel already.


    > Jormag has always had the ability to open up mist portals, its being doing so since the vanilla game to transport Icebrood around. Kralk and Aurene only got the ability to do so after noming on Balthazar's magic, similarly to how Aurene got Joko's immortality magic after eating his magic.


    > I didn't see any indication that Primrodus, or Bubbles, can travel via the Mists.


    Perhaps an ability that Jormag acquired from the corrupted spirits, way back when?

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