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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > Well, airships were made primarily for war efforts, not travel. I don't think we've seen a merchantile airship yet

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Sayida the Sly would argue that she's a "merchant".

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > She's pretty open about the fact she's a corsair. She's also pretty open about the fact she gets into battles often.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > What's really the difference between someone selling an exotic rug and someone selling a bounty? Nothing. Both are traders (aka merchants).

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > She is a Corsair, so essentially a pirate.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > She's more like a bounty hunter.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Yes, but a Corsair is a pirate.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Corsairs is a French word for Privateer and there's a distinct difference between Pirates and Privateer.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you go back and play GW1, they are distinctly Elonian Pirates. Even the first mission has them raiding Chahbek village from a ship. The term Privateer would mean they would be operating for someone like a kingdom, which really isn’t the case in GW.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Sayida is operating for the kingdom of Joko.

    > >

    > > That would explain a Corsair if they were introduce in GW2. They were invented in GW1. Who were they operating for then?


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corsair

    > "When Palawa Joko had begun his first invasion of Elona, among his undead armies were hired mercenaries and **corsairs**"


    > That predates the events in GW1.


    Huh, but that’s not the first time Corsairs appeared.

  2. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > Well, airships were made primarily for war efforts, not travel. I don't think we've seen a merchantile airship yet

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Sayida the Sly would argue that she's a "merchant".

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > She's pretty open about the fact she's a corsair. She's also pretty open about the fact she gets into battles often.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > What's really the difference between someone selling an exotic rug and someone selling a bounty? Nothing. Both are traders (aka merchants).

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > She is a Corsair, so essentially a pirate.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > She's more like a bounty hunter.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, but a Corsair is a pirate.

    > > >

    > > > Corsairs is a French word for Privateer and there's a distinct difference between Pirates and Privateer.

    > >

    > > If you go back and play GW1, they are distinctly Elonian Pirates. Even the first mission has them raiding Chahbek village from a ship. The term Privateer would mean they would be operating for someone like a kingdom, which really isn’t the case in GW.

    > >

    > >


    > Sayida is operating for the kingdom of Joko.


    That would explain a Corsair if they were introduce in GW2. They were invented in GW1. Who were they operating for then?

  3. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    >When living beings are corrupted by Primordus, they're coated with rock and their body slowly liquified.


    Is this actually a thing? I recall reading something about this way in the past, but I thought the devs advised that Primordus just created minions without corrupting anything.


    “Destroyers are forged by Primordus rather than being existing creatures that are corrupted. Some are forged in shapes of existing creatures, but they are hand-made by Primordus. He is a special snowflake (a giant, lava snowflake) in that regard.”

  4. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > > > Well, airships were made primarily for war efforts, not travel. I don't think we've seen a merchantile airship yet

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Sayida the Sly would argue that she's a "merchant".

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > She's pretty open about the fact she's a corsair. She's also pretty open about the fact she gets into battles often.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What's really the difference between someone selling an exotic rug and someone selling a bounty? Nothing. Both are traders (aka merchants).

    > > > >

    > > > > She is a Corsair, so essentially a pirate.

    > > >

    > > > She's more like a bounty hunter.

    > >

    > > Yes, but a Corsair is a pirate.


    > Corsairs is a French word for Privateer and there's a distinct difference between Pirates and Privateer.


    If you go back and play GW1, they are distinctly Elonian Pirates. Even the first mission has them raiding Chahbek village from a ship. The term Privateer would mean they would be operating for someone like a kingdom, which really isn’t the case in GW.



  5. > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > if i have to watch a guide to play a game, then it isnt a game for me anymore, no thanx

    > not gonna bother with LW anymore, not worth the time and effort IMO


    Worth the time and effort? It’s not like Anet is asking you to remodel their kitchen. How hard is it to log in every 3 months to pick up the free content and just go do the main story?


    The story this past season has been great, especially when played continuously from episode to episode.

  6. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Riah.4816" said:

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > @"Riah.4816" said:

    > > > > > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.

    > > > >

    > > > > You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:

    > > > >

    > > > > _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._

    > > > >

    > > > > _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._

    > > > >

    > > > > _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._

    > > > >

    > > > > _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._

    > > > >

    > > > > It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).

    > > > >

    > > > > I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.

    > > > >

    > > > > > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).

    > > > >

    > > > > This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.

    > > >

    > > > Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.

    > >

    > > Well and that’s the thing right. Anet can just make the DSD move to Cantha if they wanted to and wouldn’t necessarily bend any rules. Similar to how Kralkatorrik went from the Desert Highlands to Vabbi, with really no indication that he was going to move, then to his mountain perch after PoF, then the Mists. Also similar to how they just made Primordus move too. If Anet wants that dragon there, they just make it move there.


    > True, the DSD could move to Cantha for xyz reason. I was more stating "currently". Though suggestion does put it as moving towards Tyria atm, and I'm very doubtful we'll see Cantha anytime soon. And personally, I'd rather not; there's no related reason to go to Cantha for the Elder Dragon plot other than "oh suddenly the DSD changed directions and moved south instead of north like it was" and if that's the reason, how do we even learn about it? I doubt Canthans would just go "oh no, an Elder Dragon attacking from the north sea, we should send for help to our northern neighbors on the other side of the threat we may-or-maynot be able to handle ourselves". Cantha feels like a "post-Elder Dragon plot destination" to me, when we're done with Tyria/Elona and go off into far off lands like the Sunrise Crest, Forsaken Cliffs that won't be part of the same world map as Central Tyria/Elona.


    Just going off your idea of the DSD not being dragon related in Cantha, we could potentially have some other means of going to Cantha plot wise and that the outcome of the plot and story of what occurs in Cantha could potentially draw the DSD to Cantha, leading the DSD intro in a more living world Season 2 style campaign, eventually leading to an underwater expac.

  7. > @"Riah.4816" said:



    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Riah.4816" said:

    > > > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.

    > >

    > > You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:

    > >

    > > _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._

    > >

    > > _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._

    > >

    > > _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._

    > >

    > > _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._

    > >

    > > It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).

    > >

    > > I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.

    > >

    > > > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.

    > >

    > > Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).

    > >

    > > This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.


    > Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.


    Well and that’s the thing right. Anet can just make the DSD move to Cantha if they wanted to and wouldn’t necessarily bend any rules. Similar to how Kralkatorrik went from the Desert Highlands to Vabbi, with really no indication that he was going to move, then to his mountain perch after PoF, then the Mists. Also similar to how they just made Primordus move too. If Anet wants that dragon there, they just make it move there.

  8. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > I suspect we might get an answer to many of these with Caithe’s story, I mean look at all the chunks of meaty lore in Rytlock’s story.


    > If we ever get it. Both the Requiem and the god tweets stopped during the layoff period.


    Yeah, I hope you are incorrect. Leaving those stories incomplete would be... disappointing

  9. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > > Well, airships were made primarily for war efforts, not travel. I don't think we've seen a merchantile airship yet

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sayida the Sly would argue that she's a "merchant".

    > > > >

    > > > > She's pretty open about the fact she's a corsair. She's also pretty open about the fact she gets into battles often.

    > > >

    > > > What's really the difference between someone selling an exotic rug and someone selling a bounty? Nothing. Both are traders (aka merchants).

    > >

    > > She is a Corsair, so essentially a pirate.


    > She's more like a bounty hunter.


    Yes, but a Corsair is a pirate.

  10. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > Well, airships were made primarily for war efforts, not travel. I don't think we've seen a merchantile airship yet

    > > >

    > > > Sayida the Sly would argue that she's a "merchant".

    > >

    > > She's pretty open about the fact she's a corsair. She's also pretty open about the fact she gets into battles often.


    > What's really the difference between someone selling an exotic rug and someone selling a bounty? Nothing. Both are traders (aka merchants).


    She is a Corsair, so essentially a pirate.

  11. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > What I understand Teratus is saying is that Aurene is not an Elder Dragon yet, thus her "branding" does not corrupt. The reason why the branded minions are corrupted is due to the amount of magic that was infused into their system. It's the difference between someone using steroids for medical purposes with regulated amount of dosage and someone who are overdosed with steroids where you can see some physiological deformation. A small amount of infused magic is enough to enhance, but not enough to deform, which what I've said using the enchanted sword example.

    > >

    > > He outright stated that what Aurene did was what Elder Dragons did:

    > >

    > > _"Aurine infused Caithe with her own magic.. enhancing her in ways we don't fully understand yet.. and the same could be said for the Elder Dragons who infuse their minions with new powers and abilities.. enhancing them."

    > >


    > There is a subtle difference between;

    > "Aurine infused Caithe with her own magic.. enhancing her **in ways we don't fully understand yet**.." and

    > "the Elder Dragons who infuse their minions with new powers and abilities.. enhancing them."


    > The stark difference is the amount of magic infused. Whether you see the difference or not. I wo't discuss this further.


    > > He just used different term than "corruption", but he used that term for both Aurene and Elder Dragons. If he used your term of "enchantment", then it'd be "Elder Dragons who enchant their minions with new powers and abilities".

    > >


    > You're conveniently ignoring the part where he said, "I agree that it's only really defined as corruption because there has never been a positive way to view the process."


    > Again, i'm not going to continue to discuss this. I believe it's has been very clear.


    > > You're continuously saying that what Aurene did was not the same as what Elder Dragons do. But both I and Teratus have been saying otherwise; that it is the same, the only difference is, as Teratus put it:

    > >

    > > _"The only difference between the two being that the Elder Dragons use this power to dominate and enslave their victims against their will.. where as Aurine enhanced Caithe without striping her of her free will and only with Caithes consent."_

    > >

    > > To use your latest example, Caithe is physically "deformed". She's just not mentally dominated. That enchanted sword (Caithe) will never return to how she was before the "enchantment", for that infusion of power is permanent here. She will always be a crystalline individual now, regardless of Aurene's ultimate fate.

    > >


    > Selective reading much? Here's what he said;

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > If we managed to make a super serum that greatly enhanced our physical abilities **at the cost of our appearance** and could be abused to control our minds.. would **it be seen as mutilation/corruption** or would it be seen as an enhancement?

    > > **That would depend entirely on how it was used.**


    I suspect we might get an answer to many of these with Caithe’s story, I mean look at all the chunks of meaty lore in Rytlock’s story.

  12. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > What I understand Teratus is saying is that Aurene is not an Elder Dragon yet, thus her "branding" does not corrupt. The reason why the branded minions are corrupted is due to the amount of magic that was infused into their system. It's the difference between someone using steroids for medical purposes with regulated amount of dosage and someone who are overdosed with steroids where you can see some physiological deformation. A small amount of infused magic is enough to enhance, but not enough to deform, which what I've said using the enchanted sword example.


    > He outright stated that what Aurene did was what Elder Dragons did:


    > _"Aurine infused Caithe with her own magic.. enhancing her in ways we don't fully understand yet.. and the same could be said for the Elder Dragons who infuse their minions with new powers and abilities.. enhancing them."


    > He just used different term than "corruption", but he used that term for both Aurene and Elder Dragons. If he used your term of "enchantment", then it'd be "Elder Dragons who enchant their minions with new powers and abilities".


    > You're continuously saying that what Aurene did was not the same as what Elder Dragons do. But both I and Teratus have been saying otherwise; that it is the same, the only difference is, as Teratus put it:


    > _"The only difference between the two being that the Elder Dragons use this power to dominate and enslave their victims against their will.. where as Aurine enhanced Caithe without striping her of her free will and only with Caithes consent."_


    > To use your latest example, Caithe is physically "deformed". She's just not mentally dominated. That enchanted sword (Caithe) will never return to how she was before the "enchantment", for that infusion of power is permanent here. She will always be a crystalline individual now, regardless of Aurene's ultimate fate.


    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Yeah, I wanted to use the word converting here, rather then corruption, whether it’s a better term or not, I’m not sure.

    > >

    > > This protection we keep hearing about, perhaps why it’s not 100% effective against Mordremoth is perhaps because the Pale Tree has been injured and is semi conscious at this point.

    > >

    > > We also have Aerin, who is apparently soundless now and is less connected to the Dream, now being converted by Mordremoth, which if the above theory was correct, should not have been converted or at the very least, would have been harder to convert. The Pale Tree advises that these Sylvari aren’t protected as well and leaves them vulnerable.

    > >

    > > I feel like a lot of this Dream, protection, the call and all that gets really really messy when you try to sort through it all.


    > Being Soundless only dampens the connection to the Dream, it doesn't cut it off nor does it prevent the Pale Tree or Wyld Hunts from contacting the sylvari:


    > > Scott McGough: Most Soundless sylvari perform a specific kind of meditation or mental exercise in order to shut themselves off from the Dream, a technique developed and disseminated by one of the firstborn. They need to perform this exercise often and repeatedly to minimize the empathic bond they share with other awakened sylvari. This minimization can be virtually complete, but it can never be literally complete—in other words, a Soundless sylvari cannot ever fully disconnect from the Dream, but through sustained and repeated meditation, they can minimize the common day-to-day empathic connection they feel with other sylvari. _If the Pale Tree needed to speak to a Soundless sylvari, she could, but it would take more effort on her part than it would to speak to a regular sylvari._


    > https://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/forum/page/1/m/2737230/viewthread/9902543-2rps-lore-interview-arenanet


    > But as you say, Soundless are said to render themselves vulnerable, so it may even be that Mordremoth didn't use the same methods on Aerin or Scarlet (who was similarly disconnected from the Dream) as he did on the Pact sylvari.


    I mean even that note from Aerin talking about killing the leader and the rest fall in line. Seems to describe that if the Pale Tree is killed that the Sylvari just become Mordremoth’s. Perhaps if the Pale Tree was 100% and not injured, she could potentially maintain that protection against Mordremoth from within the dream, but with the Pale Tree being in such a weakened state he has almost free reign.


    Edit: I guess my next question would be that if the goal wasn’t to kill the Pale Tree, why send the shadow of the dragon, unless there was some sort of strategic gain.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > I agree that it's only really defined as corruption because there has never been a positive way to view the process.

    > > >

    > > > We simply do not understand what Aurine did to caithe.. nor do we fully understand dragon corruption in general.

    > > > Until recently we've only ever seen elder dragons using this magic to enslave and dominate and that's likely where the term corruption was defined.

    > > >

    > > > If you really break it down.. you could probably make an argument that this dragon corruption is actually some form of infusion based magic..

    > > > Aurine infused Caithe with her own magic.. enhancing her in ways we don't fully understand yet.. and the same could be said for the Elder Dragons who infuse their minions with new powers and abilities.. enhancing them.

    > > >

    > >

    > > That's what I've been saying. It is more like an enchantment (infusion of magic) rather than a corruption. If we look at a weapon, a sword, and you infuse it with fire magic, it doesn't corrupt the sword thus when the magic ends, the sword remain intact. Now if the sword is corrupted by magic, it starts to corrode and changes in form, thus even if the magic fades away, the sword is now deformed. So it is not very convincing that Caithe is corrupted even with good intention because corruption destroys and never gentle.


    > Caithe was "changed in form". It's not some mere enchantment that could be removed. her crystalline matter is permanent now. Just as a risen/unchained's rotten matter is permanent, or a branded's crystalline matter is permanent.


    > Which is what Teratus was saying. Yet you agree while disagreeing.


    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > I think there’s a couple things to note from what the Pale Tree says.

    > >

    > > From a Sylvari, they ask why they have been immune to dragon corruption, which was a key point to why the Sylvari were effective in Orr, which stated time and time again through the campaign. The Pale Tree obviously doesn’t say oh the reason none of the Sylvari came back as Risen is because your dragon minions. She states oh yes it’s because I protect you from within the dream, this is probably very true for Mordremoth, But probably not to Zhaitan. At this point, Sylvari aren’t known to be dragon minions and the Pale Tree doesn’t want to give up this secret, and never does, since she been in a bad state since Season 2. The player has to find it out from the truth seeds as well as from Caithe.

    > >

    > > So while the dream protects Sylvari, it probably only protects them from Mordremoth converting them. While the other dragons, they would simply die.

    > >

    > > Essentially the Pale Tree is trying to give a reason for the why Sylvari are immune, without giving away that they are the Jungle dragon’s minions.


    > In the article I linked, it states:


    > _"[...] only a combination of immense willpower and the protection of the Pale Tree can prevent Mordremoth from taking control. Sylvari receive calls to action in the form of the Wyld Hunt—or the Dark Hunt, for Nightmare Courtiers—and these compulsions act as an access point for Mordremoth’s influence."_


    > The only thing that "the protection of the Pale Tree" could be is the Dream, yet Mordremoth very explicitly exploits this as his primary means for his "call". So it very clearly isn't protection against Mordremoth, which is also what the Pale Tree suggested: that Mordremoth is capable of bypassing the protection she gives. The Pale Tree (and Ogden) do suggest in S2 that Mordremoth is capable of bypassing that protection due to sylvari being plants and Mordremoth being the Elder Plant Dragon, but we learn the real reason is because Mordremoth is connected to the Dream too. This means that the "protection from the Pale Tree" does not "only protects them from Mordremoth converting them" since Mordremoth is the one which the protection does **not** work against.


    > It should also be noted that sylvari are never stated to be corrupted by Mordremoth either - at least not in those promotions for HoT - instead it is always called "Mordremoth's influence". Influence rather than corruption is a rather interesting change in terminology, and no doubt ties into the fact that as we see during Buried Insight, even while Mordremoth lived they merely needed to be separated from his ability to telepathically communicate via the Dream with the Mordrem Guard for them to become capable of returning to their old selves (so long as no fool does what Canach did and push them back to Mordremoth's given mentality).


    Yeah, I wanted to use the word converting here, rather then corruption, whether it’s a better term or not, I’m not sure.


    This protection we keep hearing about, perhaps why it’s not 100% effective against Mordremoth is perhaps because the Pale Tree has been injured and is semi conscious at this point.


    We also have Aerin, who is apparently soundless now and is less connected to the Dream, now being converted by Mordremoth, which if the above theory was correct, should not have been converted or at the very least, would have been harder to convert. The Pale Tree advises that these Sylvari aren’t protected as well and leaves them vulnerable.


    I feel like a lot of this Dream, protection, the call and all that gets really really messy when you try to sort through it all.

  14. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > >

    > > > By all evidence, if we throw Malyck or some other sylvari from his tree, who has no connection to the Dream, in front of an Elder Dragon, that sylvari **will** be corrupted. And the same goes for any mordrem, risen, icebrood, branded, destroyer, or whatever the hell the DSD's minions end up being called.

    > >

    > > I believed this to be the case too, but now I’m second guessing because the devs are saying this now:

    > >

    > > “Dragon Minions cannot be corrupted by other dragons. That's why the Sylvari are immune to Zhaitan's magic in Orr.”

    > >

    > > Was the Pale Tree being that unreliable narrator? Giving the player the reason why the Sylvari weren’t returning as Risen. Yes yes it’s the dream protecting them because if you remember that conversation takes place before Sylvari are confirmed to be dragon minions.

    > >

    > > Maybe the dream protection only involves Mordremoth, hence why Scarlet and Aerin were just converted to serving Mordremoth.


    > Given that the Pale Tree is not our only source (Ogden and also, far more importantly due to when it was said, HoT promotions [such as this one](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/points-of-interest-episode-18-summary/) which wouldn't be unreliable narrator and takes place after the reveal), I kind of figured that the dev who said that on GuildChat just forgot about that barely mentioned bit of lore. Given how often devs tend to forget other tidbits during forum chats, etc., it wouldn't be unusual or surprising.


    > The Dream actually served as the way Mordremoth got to sylvari. By all indication, it prevented corruption, but was what allowed that mass telepathy.


    I think there’s a couple things to note from what the Pale Tree says.


    From a Sylvari, they ask why they have been immune to dragon corruption, which was a key point to why the Sylvari were effective in Orr, which stated time and time again through the campaign. The Pale Tree obviously doesn’t say oh the reason none of the Sylvari came back as Risen is because your dragon minions. She states oh yes it’s because I protect you from within the dream, this is probably very true for Mordremoth, But probably not to Zhaitan. At this point, Sylvari aren’t known to be dragon minions and the Pale Tree doesn’t want to give up this secret, and never does, since she been in a bad state since Season 2. The player has to find it out from the truth seeds as well as from Caithe.


    So while the dream protects Sylvari, it probably only protects them from Mordremoth converting them. While the other dragons, they would simply die.


    Essentially the Pale Tree is trying to give a reason for the why Sylvari are immune, without giving away that they are the Jungle dragon’s minions.

  15. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


    > By all evidence, if we throw Malyck or some other sylvari from his tree, who has no connection to the Dream, in front of an Elder Dragon, that sylvari **will** be corrupted. And the same goes for any mordrem, risen, icebrood, branded, destroyer, or whatever the hell the DSD's minions end up being called.


    I believed this to be the case too, but now I’m second guessing because the devs are saying this now:


    “Dragon Minions cannot be corrupted by other dragons. That's why the Sylvari are immune to Zhaitan's magic in Orr.”


    Was the Pale Tree being that unreliable narrator? Giving the player the reason why the Sylvari weren’t returning as Risen. Yes yes it’s the dream protecting them because if you remember that conversation takes place before Sylvari are confirmed to be dragon minions.


    Maybe the dream protection only involves Mordremoth, hence why Scarlet and Aerin were just converted to serving Mordremoth.

  16. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > eh, remember that sylvari in the festival? It was a mordrem guard and reverted back.


    I believe that was because Mordremoth had control of that transformation if my memory serves me. Most likely after Mordremoth’s death, the Mordrem guard could transform back.


  17. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Tsan.6431" said:

    > > Easier acces to raid via a learning curve should bring player to normal level raid : like fractal T1-2-3 lead to T4.

    > >

    > > "The majority left because there is not enough content to satisfy their wishes." Something like a easy mod for raid ? (or template, lol)


    > With the cited sentence from you I meant players that want an actual challenge and more of such content, like W7, 8 & 9 + additional cms for fracs. Anet's release cycle is too long to keep them in the game.


    I think is because people are used to WoW way of doing their story. A little bit of story and then a raid with their releases. GW2 is not a raid centric game, it wasn’t part of the original design. If we were to compare it to WoW each release of LW would also contain a raid, which is actually key part of the plot, much the battle with Kralkatorrik, that instance for example would be a raid, while the collecting parts of the LW, collecting oil and salvaging the tanks would be one of the smaller quests.



  18. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"gonandro.4768" said:

    > > > Hello everyone! Just passing by for my monthly visit to this thread.

    > > > Take a look at the game: we had 1 raid release last year.

    > > > Easy mode is not gonna happen.

    > > > Get better at the game.

    > > > Have a nice day!

    > > >

    > > What may happen is Raids might get discontinued after Wing 7 and any future elite spec might cheese the content and turn it into the next set of dungeons. So Raids fate might in theory become an easy mode anyhow, which really isn’t the outcome I wanted. ?

    > >


    > If that happens to raids it will automatically lead to the same result for fractals and to the death of any serious challenging content at all in GW2.


    I know. Hence my tearful emoji.

  19. > @"gonandro.4768" said:

    > Hello everyone! Just passing by for my monthly visit to this thread.

    > Take a look at the game: we had 1 raid release last year.

    > Easy mode is not gonna happen.

    > Get better at the game.

    > Have a nice day!


    What may happen is Raids might get discontinued after Wing 7 and any future elite spec might cheese the content and turn it into the next set of dungeons. So Raids fate might in theory become an easy mode anyhow, which really isn’t the outcome I wanted. ?


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