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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > @"Flower Lyssa.8012" said:

    > > If you look at Twitter, people are starting to post whether today's their last day at ArenaNet or not. It must be heartbreaking for all involved.


    > Yes I didn't like to say, but i had noticed it. very sad day.


    This is extremely disheartening, disappointing and tragic. A huge loss for ArenaNet. These people were some heavy hitters at this company. Very depressing...

  2. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > Have we received any confirmation on what Vinetooth Faolin is? She died shortly before that, so you could argue Mordremoth turned her into a sort of "Risen" Vinetooth.

    > >

    > > Shadow of the Dragon appears during the Sylvari character creation quest, long before we kill Zhaitan. It _does_ appear in the Dream, though.


    > There was a dev, forgot who but I *think* during an AMA on reddit, that stated that Faolain didn't die from the two stabs in the back.


    Would kind of make more sense if she was killed then thrown into a Blighting Pod, figuring how quick her transformation physically and personality had occurred, but if that’s what the devs said, who am I to argue.

  3. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > > We have to start with instances of known "shadow" magic.

    > > >

    > > > That in GW1 usually meant skills and attacks with shadow or dark types of damage, and assassin's shadow arts.

    > > > In GW2 we have "Shadow Arts" in thieves, and darkness fields.

    > > >

    > > > Shadow damage was a form of magical damage that ignored armor, while dark damage was not physical or elemental so specific armor bonuses did nothing against it, but it did not ignore armor.

    > > > Skills with shadow damage went past defenses and stole health.

    > > > Darkness fields trigger blindness and life steal, and the "Shadow Arts" line is about being sneaky.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > That tells us that shadow/dark magics are about keeping the enemy from perceiving things and taking things away from them.

    > > >

    > > > Zhaitan did have a few deceptive minions, mesmers and things lurking in the shadows, but that could just be the powers they had in life.

    > > >

    > > > Then we had the new powers Mordremoth appeared to have after getting a jolt of leyline magic.

    > > > Mefore the breachmaker, his minions were mostly makeshift mockeries, but after we visit the heart of maguuma, Mordremoth had two new tricks:

    > > >

    > > > * He could make minions out of coprses.

    > > > * He could replicate minions endlessly.

    > > >

    > > > And he have actually seen Zhaitan replicating minions endlessly. He needed corpses to make his most powerful minions like abominations and knights, but he had these fish heads that could endlessly weak risen. There's even an event that deals with them, so they are not merely a non-canon 'device' to spawn endless waves of enemies, they are actually a thing. Nothing can be made out nothing, and a risen thrawll or a brute is too complex to be made just like that. Which means there was some magic replicating minions inside.

    > > > If that magic came from Zhaitan, that could be the 'shadow' part. That would mean that shadow magic can also make 'shadows', replicas of an original. And Mordremoth's version of that would be the endless replicas he could make from people and corpses trapped in blighting pods.

    > > >

    > > > So that's a few things shadow/dark magic seems to be involved with:

    > > >

    > > > * Veiling in shadows. That can make things hard to see, or completely unseen, and even protect.

    > > > * Going past defenses, like a shadow. How do you defend against the darkness?

    > > > * Taking things away from others. Even abstract untouchable things like life and boons.

    > > > * Making copies of creatures, like bringing to life shadows people cast.

    > > >

    > >

    > > You bring a number of good points. I do want to say that I think we have seen Mordremoth using Shadow Magic, during his final battle scenario as well as with the Shadow of the Dragon in LWS2.

    > >

    > > When Andrew Gray answered that the other dragon’s could not use corpses before Zhaitan’s death, he advised that Mordremoth had the ability to make clones then, except they had to be living beings. Mordremoth also appears to have the ability to create customs Mordrem as well for very specific purposes, The Vinetooth to combat the exalted for example, however I believe this might be a slower process and a drain on his resources. The Blighting trees are faster minion production factories. I would think that Mordremoth making multiple clones is his natural ability, and perhaps reserved Shadow Magic for special instances, like imbuing the Shadow of the Dragon.

    > >

    > > What is strange though we don’t see Primordus or Kralkatorrik use Shadow Magic. It appears Kralkatorrik obtained the death and mind spheres, while Primordus obtained death and plant. Jormag also appears to have obtained death and plant too, however we only have the one minion to based that off of.

    > >

    > > Where is the shadow magic sphere?


    > Have we received any confirmation on what Vinetooth Faolin is? She died shortly before that, so you could argue Mordremoth turned her into a sort of "Risen" Vinetooth.


    > Shadow of the Dragon appears during the Sylvari character creation quest, long before we kill Zhaitan. It _does_ appear in the Dream, though.


    The thought has occurred to me after the Vinetooth stuck it’s tail into her back, which killed Eir and the same happened to one of the aspect masters during Tangled Paths. Did Mordremoth throw her into a Blighting pod like Diarmid, maybe?


    As for Shadow of the Dragon, in the Sylvari dream you battle it as the first big boss. You then fight it again in episode 4 of Season 2. The Shadow of the Dragon only uses these shadow abilities, once you fight it again episode 8 and only episode 8, which chronologically occurs after Zhaitan’s death.


    So I suspose that after the Shadow of the Dragon retreated, Mordremoth imbued it with shadow magic.

  4. > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > We have to start with instances of known "shadow" magic.

    > >

    > > That in GW1 usually meant skills and attacks with shadow or dark types of damage, and assassin's shadow arts.

    > > In GW2 we have "Shadow Arts" in thieves, and darkness fields.

    > >

    > > Shadow damage was a form of magical damage that ignored armor, while dark damage was not physical or elemental so specific armor bonuses did nothing against it, but it did not ignore armor.

    > > Skills with shadow damage went past defenses and stole health.

    > > Darkness fields trigger blindness and life steal, and the "Shadow Arts" line is about being sneaky.

    > >

    > >

    > > That tells us that shadow/dark magics are about keeping the enemy from perceiving things and taking things away from them.

    > >

    > > Zhaitan did have a few deceptive minions, mesmers and things lurking in the shadows, but that could just be the powers they had in life.

    > >

    > > Then we had the new powers Mordremoth appeared to have after getting a jolt of leyline magic.

    > > Mefore the breachmaker, his minions were mostly makeshift mockeries, but after we visit the heart of maguuma, Mordremoth had two new tricks:

    > >

    > > * He could make minions out of coprses.

    > > * He could replicate minions endlessly.

    > >

    > > And he have actually seen Zhaitan replicating minions endlessly. He needed corpses to make his most powerful minions like abominations and knights, but he had these fish heads that could endlessly weak risen. There's even an event that deals with them, so they are not merely a non-canon 'device' to spawn endless waves of enemies, they are actually a thing. Nothing can be made out nothing, and a risen thrawll or a brute is too complex to be made just like that. Which means there was some magic replicating minions inside.

    > > If that magic came from Zhaitan, that could be the 'shadow' part. That would mean that shadow magic can also make 'shadows', replicas of an original. And Mordremoth's version of that would be the endless replicas he could make from people and corpses trapped in blighting pods.

    > >

    > > So that's a few things shadow/dark magic seems to be involved with:

    > >

    > > * Veiling in shadows. That can make things hard to see, or completely unseen, and even protect.

    > > * Going past defenses, like a shadow. How do you defend against the darkness?

    > > * Taking things away from others. Even abstract untouchable things like life and boons.

    > > * Making copies of creatures, like bringing to life shadows people cast.

    > >

    > >


    > We should just be lucky Zhaitan never hit us with a Rasengan, I guess.



    Perilisk weighs in with the humour comment ?

  5. > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > LOL I watch these streams when i can or catch up if I couldn't make one. I would say about 150 people tops even bother.

    > > Considering all people have wanted to do is trash that mount, trash balance, trash WvW in general, I can well believe they stuck two fingers at it. I would of done even without the Bad news they received.

    > > It beggars belief *shakes head*


    > Seriously. I'm sure the first thing I'd want to do after reading the boards knowing people are upset about the big reveal mount is jump on stream to talk about it. THEN find out the night before that there will be huge layoffs from a gaming website and having to manage all that....pffft yeah a negative pile of a stream is the last thing on my to do list, especially when there are more pressing matters to attend to.



    It’s like a member of your family dying and people are expecting you at work...



  6. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > > > This makes me REALLY worried for Tuesday. Not to mention I just wasted three hours waiting for information that was never delivered. I guess Tuesday everyone will just go in blind, no idea how powerful the warclaw is or how to get one.

    > > >

    > > > C'mon. It will most likely be a Mastery Track like with all the other mounts, or a WvW ability track to level. One way or the other, I doubt it will be breaking news of something no one was expecting. There is no reason to be "worried."

    > > >

    > > Mastery Track? That requires Mastery Points. Where will they be gotten from? Will there be points scattered around the WvW maps?

    > >

    > > WvW Ability Track? So, you put just one point in, and you have the full mount unlocked in PvE? Or maybe the one point then unlocks a mastery track for PvE, and you need to then find the mastery points out there?

    > >

    > > But my real, honest concern is that this is WvW's big (and possibly last) chance to gain some status. They need to be ready for the non-WvW-er people coming in, and show them reasons to want to stay and keep playing. If WvW wants more attention, they need more players and this is their chance. But if nobody knows what they're doing when the patch hits, then the most likely experience they'll have is a bad one. WvW will miss its chance, and it will continue to fade.


    > I was under the impression that this was a wvw mist only mount wont be useable outside wvw.

    > Only way we could get a mount in wvw since people would use gryphon or springer to break in over the walls if we could use the normal ones.


    My understanding is that you can obtain this mount in WvW and can use the mount in pve, without the abilities, but it’s hard to say. One article said it could be used in pve.

  7. > @"Mikali.9651" said:


    > >

    > > And your more then welcome to stop being a customer if this offends you. I would think we can all try to be a bit more understanding and show some compassion.


    > Offends me? What is this trend with the "offended" argument? I am just a customer that pays for the content, not for gem skins. It is not on me to be of understanding or compassion, not when it is the Anet who made mistakes and now pays consequences for them. It is not something they didn't have an influence on happened.

    > I do not accept them not showing up on stream as scheduled, for me they lost a bit of respect, even more so because they could communicate on time that the stream will be canceled, we would understand because of the situation they are in that they can't stream. But they didn't say a thing for 3 hours.


    And what you showing your discontent is going to teach them a lesson? Make them pay? I think they realize people are upset, hell they are upset too, we don’t know the outcomes of these lay offs. People joke, but it’s possible that some the techs behind the stream are also being laid off, we don’t know.


    It just seems like you putting salt in the wound or kicking them while they are down. If that’s your angle...

  8. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > We have to start with instances of known "shadow" magic.


    > That in GW1 usually meant skills and attacks with shadow or dark types of damage, and assassin's shadow arts.

    > In GW2 we have "Shadow Arts" in thieves, and darkness fields.


    > Shadow damage was a form of magical damage that ignored armor, while dark damage was not physical or elemental so specific armor bonuses did nothing against it, but it did not ignore armor.

    > Skills with shadow damage went past defenses and stole health.

    > Darkness fields trigger blindness and life steal, and the "Shadow Arts" line is about being sneaky.



    > That tells us that shadow/dark magics are about keeping the enemy from perceiving things and taking things away from them.


    > Zhaitan did have a few deceptive minions, mesmers and things lurking in the shadows, but that could just be the powers they had in life.


    > Then we had the new powers Mordremoth appeared to have after getting a jolt of leyline magic.

    > Mefore the breachmaker, his minions were mostly makeshift mockeries, but after we visit the heart of maguuma, Mordremoth had two new tricks:


    > * He could make minions out of coprses.

    > * He could replicate minions endlessly.


    > And he have actually seen Zhaitan replicating minions endlessly. He needed corpses to make his most powerful minions like abominations and knights, but he had these fish heads that could endlessly weak risen. There's even an event that deals with them, so they are not merely a non-canon 'device' to spawn endless waves of enemies, they are actually a thing. Nothing can be made out nothing, and a risen thrawll or a brute is too complex to be made just like that. Which means there was some magic replicating minions inside.

    > If that magic came from Zhaitan, that could be the 'shadow' part. That would mean that shadow magic can also make 'shadows', replicas of an original. And Mordremoth's version of that would be the endless replicas he could make from people and corpses trapped in blighting pods.


    > So that's a few things shadow/dark magic seems to be involved with:


    > * Veiling in shadows. That can make things hard to see, or completely unseen, and even protect.

    > * Going past defenses, like a shadow. How do you defend against the darkness?

    > * Taking things away from others. Even abstract untouchable things like life and boons.

    > * Making copies of creatures, like bringing to life shadows people cast.



    You bring a number of good points. I do want to say that I think we have seen Mordremoth using Shadow Magic, during his final battle scenario as well as with the Shadow of the Dragon in LWS2.


    When Andrew Gray answered that the other dragon’s could not use corpses before Zhaitan’s death, he advised that Mordremoth had the ability to make clones then, except they had to be living beings. Mordremoth also appears to have the ability to create customs Mordrem as well for very specific purposes, The Vinetooth to combat the exalted for example, however I believe this might be a slower process and a drain on his resources. The Blighting trees are faster minion production factories. I would think that Mordremoth making multiple clones is his natural ability, and perhaps reserved Shadow Magic for special instances, like imbuing the Shadow of the Dragon.


    What is strange though we don’t see Primordus or Kralkatorrik use Shadow Magic. It appears Kralkatorrik obtained the death and mind spheres, while Primordus obtained death and plant. Jormag also appears to have obtained death and plant too, however we only have the one minion to based that off of.


    Where is the shadow magic sphere?

  9. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > Production is too slow, better lay of some workers so we produce even less and people spend even less money on our company

    > > >

    > > > the lay offs are because of an unannounced project being cancelled, gw2 is mostly unaffected by it

    > > For all we know, one of those unannounced projects might have been the next expac. At this moment i'd really want to hear Anet's official confirmation that there _will_ be a next expac, and that they aren't going back to ls-only release mode.

    > > If that's not true, i'd really want to hear it now as well, but a silence on this issue i'll also consider a kind of answer confirming that the game did get into a lower investment life support mode.

    > >


    > Yeah just thinking the same, but their special statement made me lost:

    > "We will release expansion level living story episodes" just whut.

    > Btw was in their very long video saying lws5 will follow lws4


    "This is part of a larger organizational restructuring within NCSOFT in the west, but the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 game services will not be affected, nor is any upcoming game content canceled."


    This leaves me to believe that if an expansion is in the works, it’s unaffected.

  10. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

    > > > > > > > Hopefully this is a wake up call that producing more gemstore skins does not generate significant Revenue in the long run. Or perhaps your price model of 2000 gems is ridiciously over Priced.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Do you have the stats for this?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Creating end game content has always been where MMO's have had the most success.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Keep developing PvP, WvW, Raids, Fractals. And actually introduce a new game type Guild Vs Guild utilizing the PvP rune/amulet system already.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Actually if things are going to get cut it will be the PvP, WvW and Raids... I’m not expecting that this is the case right now, but if it ever got that bad, the items that don’t make money will not get development time, kinda like what is currently happening.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > I wouldn't be so sure about that. One individual who wants legendary armor but doesn't want to raid would pay big bucks for converting gems to gold to pay for clears and achievements. I don't think you have stats for this either.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > p.s. gems price isn't the issue. They can change gem store item prices however they like and conversion costs are always set by supply and demand.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not saying Raids would get deleted, but development on future wings would cease. You would still have people converting gems for Legendary Armor for example, but hypothetically you could see the devs cease Raids production after Wing 7 and the raid Legendary ring is finished. For the continuation of products like Expansions, living world and mount skins.

    > > >

    > > > Ya, I know what you are saying, I just disagree with your reasoning for why. Just because raids only attract a small portion of the player base doesn't necessarily mean it makes a smaller percent of gem income. It could, but you don't know this. For all you know, much of their gem income could come from a small percent of the player base that spends lots of money for clears, achievements, and raid skins through gem/gold conversion.

    > >

    > > When comes down to it, if I had to make a choice between Expansions/Living World and Raids, I would have to choose the former. I don’t have the exact stats, but I’m sure most people would make the same choice.


    > If it was a zero sum game, I would agree with you. However, the raid team makes up a very small percent of the staff compared to the living world and expansion team. Getting rid of the raid team would not be the same as getting rid of the living world team. The numbers are totally different. I agree with you that most enjoy the living story a lot more. However, simplified hypothetically, as a company if you had 100 people paying $5 a month and 2 paying $500 a month, what are you going to do?


    I mean unfortunately we can really only speculate of course without getting proper stats.

  11. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

    > > > > > Hopefully this is a wake up call that producing more gemstore skins does not generate significant Revenue in the long run. Or perhaps your price model of 2000 gems is ridiciously over Priced.

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you have the stats for this?

    > > > >

    > > > > > Creating end game content has always been where MMO's have had the most success.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Keep developing PvP, WvW, Raids, Fractals. And actually introduce a new game type Guild Vs Guild utilizing the PvP rune/amulet system already.

    > > > >

    > > > > Actually if things are going to get cut it will be the PvP, WvW and Raids... I’m not expecting that this is the case right now, but if it ever got that bad, the items that don’t make money will not get development time, kinda like what is currently happening.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > I wouldn't be so sure about that. One individual who wants legendary armor but doesn't want to raid would pay big bucks for converting gems to gold to pay for clears and achievements. I don't think you have stats for this either.

    > > >

    > > > p.s. gems price isn't the issue. They can change gem store item prices however they like and conversion costs are always set by supply and demand.

    > >

    > > Not saying Raids would get deleted, but development on future wings would cease. You would still have people converting gems for Legendary Armor for example, but hypothetically you could see the devs cease Raids production after Wing 7 and the raid Legendary ring is finished. For the continuation of products like Expansions, living world and mount skins.


    > Ya, I know what you are saying, I just disagree with your reasoning for why. Just because raids only attract a small portion of the player base doesn't necessarily mean it makes a smaller percent of gem income. It could, but you don't know this. For all you know, much of their gem income could come from a small percent of the player base that spends lots of money for clears, achievements, and raid skins through gem/gold conversion.


    When comes down to it, if I had to make a choice between Expansions/Living World and Raids, I would have to choose the former. I don’t have the exact stats, but I’m sure most people would make the same choice.

  12. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"flog.3485" said:

    > > > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > > > @"flog.3485" said:

    > > > > > No offense,

    > > > >

    > > > > No offense taken, dont worry.

    > > > >

    > > > > > but I think you overestimate far too much how fast a casual player might complete these achievements. And the general casual player might not see any value in playing a >map only to get the achievements and never return again.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I mean personally, I still have stuff to do in Jahai bluffs.

    > > > >

    > > > > Idk. I dont play that much anymore. Most of the time i only log in for raids with my static and even im done with the new map. I´ve probably spend 10 hours on the new map including the story. Im pretty sure that there are people not done with the achievements yet, but i assume that the majority of the people actually playing the content, is.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, a fair point you bring up. I mean you could farm the resources of the maps efficiently with lots of alts but then again you already have quite a hardcore mentality behind it no matter how casual the content might be. And I don’t think the general casual player is into that if so much items in the game are account based anyway.

    > > >

    > > > But anyway I digress. Let’s get back at topic.

    > > > The best way to deliver content for Anet imo, would be to alternate raid/fractal for each major release to avoid burn out or make the player base freel like there is only quick content to get through living world.

    > > > Given the thin resources allowed to fractal/raids, getting easy mode raids outside of the already implemented challenge motes is a bad idea.

    > >

    > > It’s possible that they go the same route with LWS3 and attached a Legendary amulet or ring to it.


    > That's something they will most certainly do, but It will only make the maps relevant for a short amount of time, as players do the new achievements for the new legendary. Then the maps will be dead, again. That's the design of the LW but I don't think it's a very healthy system for the game. Either they need to add less content to new maps, or release less maps and instead focus on re-building older maps in new episodes.


    > And in the process allocate more resources to actual repeatable content.


    Well given the recent news, let’s hope there will even be future raids past Wing 7...or even Wing 7 itself.

  13. > @"Alex.9106" said:

    > My personal theory is that our beloved Joko is not dead. He got devoured by Aurene and her power kept him in check. Now that Aurene is gone he can take over her body and we will have our glorious Joko back. The almighty Joko reborn as a dragon.

    > May Joko lead us to victory against the other dragons, just like he defeated Balthazar.


    Anet have been posting things about Grenth, Dwayna and Dhuum within the last couple of days on Twitter. I wonder if this like how T.V. Shows do previous episode recaps to remind you of possible plot points that you may have forgotten.


    Very interesting.


  14. > @"Redseven.3985" said:

    > >

    > > There is a balance patch coming next week as well.

    > >

    > > And the last time they gave us a new map, people screamed and yelled at them to the point where I don't really blame them for being wary of trying anything new in WvW.

    > >

    > > At least them try something new - small or large - without literally complaining about it before it is even in the game.

    > >


    > It does not need to be "in the game" to foresee the problems that will arise. A "balance patch" is not going to be enough (it hasn't been so far). There needs to be a very concentrated effort here. As for a new map, simply implement a pole. Give us 3 options and let us vote. It's really not hard to plz wvw players just use basic common sense. Radical change no one asked for in a competitive game mode is obviously not going to work out well..


    No offense, but it sounds like you are hard to please.


    Right now you are judging the book by its cover. Wait until it’s out, open it up, read a couple chapters and make an educated evaluation of what is presented.

  15. > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

    > All the PVERS and gankers like it,all the serious wvw's don't like it.Wvw is gonna turn into some pve vs pve player brainless fest that spends money on shiny mount skins while the vet base is leaving to spend time on something worthwhile.We have improper balance for about a year now,downed state still being a thing in its current state but when anet does play wvw all they does is blob themselves and have no kitten clue wat roaming even is,alliances being a kitten one man project,but now we have mounts,a thing NO ONE EVER ASKED FOR.kitten incredible.Bunch of imcompetent kitten completely out of touch with their playerbase since ANET KNOWS BEST.And its all to gain revenue.


    You need revenue or the game goes bye bye.


    Anyhow, I’ll be definitely picking up this kitty. Super pumped about this mount. Was wandering the DBL today and was just imaging what it would be like to have the mount. Very excited for next Tuesday.

  16. > @"timetopat.7921" said:

    > So the pip reward system, gliding, the territory system, and now mounts will kill wvw. How many times has the mode died? Can you kill something already dead ? My guess on deaths is 8


    WvW is like Joko.


    Palawa Joko: The rumors of my immortality are drastically...understated.


    It had to be said.

  17. > @"Darkvramp.5640" said:

    > agreed, its made the mode more exclusive, less inclusive, and potentially ruins the balance of WvW. Especially if you have to own one of the expansions to play. I think people can agree that WvW needs something, but most of us would agree its not this.


    This an issue with expansions and WvW in general isn’t it? If you enjoy the game, why wouldn’t you support it by purchasing expansions, especially when they go on sale and in bundles?

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