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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > > > > The fact that Glint was pushing her forward anyway meant that Glint had somehow seen past Aurene's death to a means of defeating Kraalkatorik.

    > > > >

    > > > > If this was the case, however, Glint is an even bigger liar than we believed:

    > > > >

    > > > > > Glint: I am not yet prepared to face the Elder Dragon—and distressingly, I cannot see beyond the coming battle.

    > > > > > Glint: Is it because I die? I can't die without finishing my work. I have to stop Kralkatorrik.

    > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Memories

    > > > >

    > > > > Lying to the point of lying to her magical journal for us to find, believe she couldn't foresee anything more, and plot out the entirety of Season 4.

    > > >

    > > > Well, someone is foreseeing things, anyway, based on what Ogden said. If not Glint, there's another prophet out there. Probably another of Kraalkatorik's line, considering it seems to run in the blood. Or crystals. Or whatever.

    > >

    > > So I posted this on an older topic, with the discovery that Kralkatorrik also has prophetic visions, is that his second magical sphere of influence? Seems to be an ability only native to Kralkatorrik and his kin.


    > Makes sense after all psychics use a _crystal_ ball.


    Pretty clever, I suppose.

  2. > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

    > > > The fact that Glint was pushing her forward anyway meant that Glint had somehow seen past Aurene's death to a means of defeating Kraalkatorik.

    > >

    > > If this was the case, however, Glint is an even bigger liar than we believed:

    > >

    > > > Glint: I am not yet prepared to face the Elder Dragon—and distressingly, I cannot see beyond the coming battle.

    > > > Glint: Is it because I die? I can't die without finishing my work. I have to stop Kralkatorrik.

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Memories

    > >

    > > Lying to the point of lying to her magical journal for us to find, believe she couldn't foresee anything more, and plot out the entirety of Season 4.


    > Well, someone is foreseeing things, anyway, based on what Ogden said. If not Glint, there's another prophet out there. Probably another of Kraalkatorik's line, considering it seems to run in the blood. Or crystals. Or whatever.


    So I posted this on an older topic, with the discovery that Kralkatorrik also has prophetic visions, is that his second magical sphere of influence? Seems to be an ability only native to Kralkatorrik and his kin.

  3. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > I have to admit, remember one of the critiques with Zhaitan back in release, that although dealing with him throughout the story, we never saw him until the end. I think they are doing a good job with showing lots of Kralkatorrik, even maiming his eye. It really shows this Elder Dragon is built like a tank. Two assassination attempts have failed already.


    Forgot about the attempt on his life in Edge of Destiny too.

  4. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Dunno if it'd be from the "helping of immortal lich magic" given that all previous indications showed that magic doesn't work like that (if it did, there'd be no "Elder Crystal Dragon" "Elder Death Dragon" etc. as the Elder Dragons wouldn't only eat their specific kind of magic, and we know they haven't either). But the plot pretty much rests on a scion of Glint saving the day, and has built up Aurene as that scion, especially since the only other scion was Vlast.


    What is very interesting though is in the final mission, Kralkatorrik charges up that attack, that Braham blocks, which showed energy from Mordremoth, Zhaitan and Balthazar (as shown in icon form) Kralkatorrik doesn’t seem to show any signs of using the magic that Balthazar took from Primordus and Jormag. Perhaps when Balthazar absorbed the magic it no longer was dragon energy and became god energy, maybe? Given that Kralkatorrik and Aurene both gained Mist travelling abilities from Balthazar, there might be an opening for Aurene to have gained Joko’s immortality.

  5. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > I just mean they should have been mentioned in the last few episodes

    > Kas and Marj were mentioned at the beginning of Episode 4, Braham makes some comment about having lost contact with them, and no one knows where they are.



    This is true, they were the ones that mentioned that Kralkatorrik vanished.

  6. I have to admit, remember one of the critiques with Zhaitan back in release, that although dealing with him throughout the story, we never saw him until the end. I think they are doing a good job with showing lots of Kralkatorrik, even maiming his eye. It really shows this Elder Dragon is built like a tank. Two assassination attempts have failed already.

  7. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > With this downward trend, are we going to eventually see certain pieces of content, stop being developed?


    > The reality is that this is only true of people that participate in gw2 efficiencies.


    > I would argue that the vast majority of gw2 players rarely touch that stuff.


    I do too, which is why the numbers of the Lair of the Snowmen from efficiency is going to be off.

  8. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.


    > And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).


    > Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.


    I think this idea is pretty good honestly. I think if we use the Lair of the Snowmen as an easy mode template and adjust the bosses to those difficulties that would be great.


    The thing is, someone design the Lair of the Snowmen. Could this person or team or who ever designed this thing go back and make adjustments to the current raids for an easy mode? Then slap in a watered down reward system with maybe easy mode achievements.


    The people who are complaining about not being able to do this content from a lore perspective would then be satisfied at the very least. Then this dwindles the people complaining to a smaller pool of people.

  9. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > > > https://imgur.com/a/cJJxEze

    > > >

    > > > Is that Glint's head behind Aurene?

    > >

    > > a reborn(deathbranded) Vlast


    > Doubt it. Vlast didn't leave a corpse behind to corrupt, he sort of exploded into a storm of crystals and even these crystals are resistant to branding so much so that they can be repurposed as weapons against the branded.


    > I don't think Kralkatorrik can brand his grandkids or do anything to creatures that are already part of him besides kill them. It was probably why he was so eager to kill Glint when he woke up. He couldn't "retake" her and she was preparing to ultimately take his place.


    > A plan we hope to personally see to fruition in her legacy.


    The thing is Kralkatorrik resurrected the Shatterer as a death branded and the Shatterer shattered into a million pieces too.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"brenda.9723" said:

    > > Was there not a theory that Razah might be Abaddon reborn?


    > The theory was more that Abaddon had planned to use Razah as a vessel, since Abaddon and Razah existed at the same time.


    I also figured that Razah was planned to be an avatar for Abaddon, once he acquired freedom, much like the Gods had.

  11. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > > > > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > > > > > In general I think there should be a super easy mode, meaning you take very little dmg, but everything else is the same. You get NO reward for it, except, you can learn the mechanics.

    > > > >

    > > > > While your suggestion is appreciated, and please don't get me wrong, this suggestion has been made before and has been shot down before.

    > > > >

    > > > > There are a lot of insta kill mechanics in raids as it is, you cannot balance around those simply by "reducing damage". I mean how does one reduce something that kills you instantly regardless?

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, if the damage thresh hold is too low then why bother avoiding mechanics anyway? I mean if the green on VG only does 10% health damage instead of the current 70% (or somewhere around that number) then why ever bother going for the green circle? Might not be the best example since even with 70% damage it gets out healed anyway, but i hope you get the point i'm trying to make.

    > > > >

    > > > > See simply reducing damage in order to force people to learn mechanics is a bad suggestion in and of itself since it promotes nothing but lazy game play. Imagine someone coming from super easy mode to normal mode and then suddenly finding out he actually has to run around Sabatha's flame wall since he can no longer face tank it? Or finding out that the green @ vg actually does quite a bit of hefty damage?

    > > > >

    > > > > Or what about Slothasor's poison? I mean if you get super low damage anyway then you might just as well drop it on top of the group if it doesn't really matter, right? Oh how i imagine people would react if someone from super easy mode comes into normal mode slothasor and just drops the poison smack dab on the group because hey: "uuh, that's what we always do in super easy mode". Sounds a bit silly, but guaranteed that this is going to happen.

    > > > >

    > > > > And as a final small example, how does one reduce damage on Dhuum's soul split when you need to do a green circle? If you don't grab enough orbs that's game over, at least that's how it currently works. How would one go about fixing that kind of mechanic for an easier setting? You either can't, or you need to remove it all together but then the point of having people learn mechanics on lower difficulties has failed.

    > > >

    > > > Unfortunately you have the festival raid with Freezie. The mechanic are not instant death, however they are punishing if you stand in them. This festival raid in my opinion is a very strong reason why an easy mode raid would work. I had pugged this bad boy since the start of the festival with very few problems. When problems occurred we made adjustments and then succeeded.

    > > >

    > > > Gw2 efficiency may not be the best way to measure the success of this either, since this is a festival, which is generally very popular content to begin with, allowing free to play accounts and other accounts not attached to efficiency to hop and try the content.

    > >

    > > Yeah cool, but Freezie's mechanics were not made with insta death in mind anyway so ...eh....

    > >

    > > Also i would argue that you should be careful with the "in my experience" argument, because (hurr durr) in my experience pugging Freezie is absolute hell if i am not on a support/healing profession. Both our viewpoints are equally valid. The pug groups i had people are still oblivious to mechanics, like letting the snowball stack on top of the team without running away, standing in the blue frozen lines, eating the kamehamefreeze wave. (On EU btw, dunno if that matters)

    > >

    > > Funnily enough, the point actually is because me being on support/healer is the fact you're able to carry so ridiculously hard anyway is why we get the kill regardless of the absolute trash players in the squad. Hell maybe even the fact that being able to carry so hard is what makes people lazy, because hey i can just ignore mechanics anyway.

    > >

    > > I dunno...seems like i would appreciate having your experience instead of my current one.


    > Same thing on EU. I pugged it every day till now (sometimes together with a friend) and most of the time I'm on my druid to prevent wipes because it turned out what you described perfectly in your post. It's funny to see a snowball ticking with a loud noise on one single spot (= the player) and also the white lines when they rapidly taking away players health while he is not moving at all. 4 out of 5 players go down too if they are chased by the wall. I even had druids in the squad with no clue at all about their profession a.k.a not using celestial avatar for a millisecond and I wouldn't even mind their gear.


    I experienced this my first two times on NA, however after that people seemed to understand. I do have commanders that would meticulously explain the entire fight and call mechanics as they happened. I only played DPS during this encounter as well and had both Druid and scourge act as support.

  12. > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > > In general I think there should be a super easy mode, meaning you take very little dmg, but everything else is the same. You get NO reward for it, except, you can learn the mechanics.


    > While your suggestion is appreciated, and please don't get me wrong, this suggestion has been made before and has been shot down before.


    > There are a lot of insta kill mechanics in raids as it is, you cannot balance around those simply by "reducing damage". I mean how does one reduce something that kills you instantly regardless?


    > Also, if the damage thresh hold is too low then why bother avoiding mechanics anyway? I mean if the green on VG only does 10% health damage instead of the current 70% (or somewhere around that number) then why ever bother going for the green circle? Might not be the best example since even with 70% damage it gets out healed anyway, but i hope you get the point i'm trying to make.


    > See simply reducing damage in order to force people to learn mechanics is a bad suggestion in and of itself since it promotes nothing but lazy game play. Imagine someone coming from super easy mode to normal mode and then suddenly finding out he actually has to run around Sabatha's flame wall since he can no longer face tank it? Or finding out that the green @ vg actually does quite a bit of hefty damage?


    > Or what about Slothasor's poison? I mean if you get super low damage anyway then you might just as well drop it on top of the group if it doesn't really matter, right? Oh how i imagine people would react if someone from super easy mode comes into normal mode slothasor and just drops the poison smack dab on the group because hey: "uuh, that's what we always do in super easy mode". Sounds a bit silly, but guaranteed that this is going to happen.


    > And as a final small example, how does one reduce damage on Dhuum's soul split when you need to do a green circle? If you don't grab enough orbs that's game over, at least that's how it currently works. How would one go about fixing that kind of mechanic for an easier setting? You either can't, or you need to remove it all together but then the point of having people learn mechanics on lower difficulties has failed.


    Unfortunately you have the festival raid with Freezie. The mechanic are not instant death, however they are punishing if you stand in them. This festival raid in my opinion is a very strong reason why an easy mode raid would work. I had pugged this bad boy since the start of the festival with very few problems. When problems occurred we made adjustments and then succeeded.


    Gw2 efficiency may not be the best way to measure the success of this either, since this is a festival, which is generally very popular content to begin with, allowing free to play accounts and other accounts not attached to efficiency to hop and try the content.

  13. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > > > > And that's the reason why most of the raiders have nothing against an easy mode if the rewards are very well balanced.

    > > > > > > > > Actually, the ones that do speak up about it usually want the rewards to be _below_ the incentive level. The term "few greens at best" has been used more than once. "no rewards" was used even more often. I do not remember even a single raider that actually wanted decent rewards for the mode. I do remember however people saying that easy mode would not deserve such.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > What you describe is the disparity between both sides. Since I've read enough raiders here in this thread that are open-minded to liquid gold reward of 50s, rares and exotics and some also mentioned minis + shards in addition it's the anti-raid fraction that feels this is not enough. So, where to draw the line? If you give easy mode people access to legendary armor & ring people wouldn't run normal mode in the slightest. I'm sorry here but that's why a reasonable approach has to deny that.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Personally I think it's enough if people get champ bags + some shards + a possibility for minis. Just compare it to other "casual" stuff, the rewards aren't better there so no easy mode raider should be entitled to demand something completely out of rationality. The actual example with the Lair of the Snowmen clearly shows it: You have a guarantee for wintersday gifts plus a *chance* for an exotic weapon but you can also get a rare (2 rares out of 3 daily runs for me).

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > So in comparison, my approach is pretty generous but I tell you this won't be enough for the "loot army" which will appear in 3...2...1...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You can also get a mini from the Lair.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I think if the easy mode gave a cap in 75 shards half of what normal mode that in my opinion is good incentive to run the content if you want something like minis or maybe exotics of the current skins. If you want more shards in the week you would have to jump to normal.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I agree though, keep the Legendary stuff to normal mode.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That's why I included minis in my post. (And it's just reasonable since minis are also thrown out like crazy/easy to get in normal mode).

    > > > > > And no, 75 shards per week is too much. 15-25 would be fine and just fair.

    > > > >

    > > > > 15 to 25 shards would mean you could buy something like an ascended Armor chest in like 4 months. That carrot would be too far and no one would do it.

    > > >

    > > > Easy mode raids are meant for practice last time I checked, at least that's what people here are officially putting up as argument. There is no point in offering raid rewards (even skins) via easy mode raids AND regular raids.

    > > >

    > > > I'm not opposed to having easy mode raids give some reward like gold, rares or exotics. But if people honestly believe that regular raid rewards are the way to go for easy mode raids, sorry but then we can scrap raids all together. There is a significant amount of easy normal raid bosses which allow for magnetite shards to be gained, there is no reason to offer those in an easy mode raid (which I still think is absolutely unnecessary for practice purposes).

    > > >

    > > > But that's how we move isn't it? First we start with arguing that easy mode raids are needed for practice and need no rewards since eventually people will start raiding.

    > > >

    > > > Then suddenly easy mode raids need reward incentives so people actually play them.

    > > >

    > > > Then we put in raid rewards into easy mode raids, but at a fraction and reduced amount.

    > > >

    > > > Finally we increase the easy mode raid rewards since the fraction of raid rewards was to low.

    > > >

    > > > This entire line of argument is just off and I will not support such nonsense.

    > >

    > > Here is the thing. An easy mode with no rewards will not get played, not on a repeat fashion anyways. Unfortunately if Anet ever developed this they would need something that would require people to come back into the raid each week on easy mode. Normal Mode already has this with the Armor and unique drops.


    > Oh I agree, I doubt any content will be of longevity without rewards in most any MMO.


    > I simply portrayed how the discussion developed and how the bar keeps getting moved. I also believe the bar will keep moving even if easy mode raids get added, but that's a different issue. Again, I personally do not believe easy mode raids to be required neither for the story, nor for practice.


    Legendary Armor and unique raid skins is where I would personally draw the line. Minis and Armor chests that you can get in easier ways is where I would be ok with in terms of rewards.

  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > > And that's the reason why most of the raiders have nothing against an easy mode if the rewards are very well balanced.

    > > > > > > Actually, the ones that do speak up about it usually want the rewards to be _below_ the incentive level. The term "few greens at best" has been used more than once. "no rewards" was used even more often. I do not remember even a single raider that actually wanted decent rewards for the mode. I do remember however people saying that easy mode would not deserve such.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What you describe is the disparity between both sides. Since I've read enough raiders here in this thread that are open-minded to liquid gold reward of 50s, rares and exotics and some also mentioned minis + shards in addition it's the anti-raid fraction that feels this is not enough. So, where to draw the line? If you give easy mode people access to legendary armor & ring people wouldn't run normal mode in the slightest. I'm sorry here but that's why a reasonable approach has to deny that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Personally I think it's enough if people get champ bags + some shards + a possibility for minis. Just compare it to other "casual" stuff, the rewards aren't better there so no easy mode raider should be entitled to demand something completely out of rationality. The actual example with the Lair of the Snowmen clearly shows it: You have a guarantee for wintersday gifts plus a *chance* for an exotic weapon but you can also get a rare (2 rares out of 3 daily runs for me).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So in comparison, my approach is pretty generous but I tell you this won't be enough for the "loot army" which will appear in 3...2...1...

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > You can also get a mini from the Lair.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think if the easy mode gave a cap in 75 shards half of what normal mode that in my opinion is good incentive to run the content if you want something like minis or maybe exotics of the current skins. If you want more shards in the week you would have to jump to normal.

    > > > >

    > > > > I agree though, keep the Legendary stuff to normal mode.

    > > >

    > > > That's why I included minis in my post. (And it's just reasonable since minis are also thrown out like crazy/easy to get in normal mode).

    > > > And no, 75 shards per week is too much. 15-25 would be fine and just fair.

    > >

    > > 15 to 25 shards would mean you could buy something like an ascended Armor chest in like 4 months. That carrot would be too far and no one would do it.


    > Easy mode raids are meant for practice last time I checked, at least that's what people here are officially putting up as argument. There is no point in offering raid rewards (even skins) via easy mode raids AND regular raids.


    > I'm not opposed to having easy mode raids give some reward like gold, rares or exotics. But if people honestly believe that regular raid rewards are the way to go for easy mode raids, sorry but then we can scrap raids all together. There is a significant amount of easy normal raid bosses which allow for magnetite shards to be gained, there is no reason to offer those in an easy mode raid (which I still think is absolutely unnecessary for practice purposes).


    > But that's how we move isn't it? First we start with arguing that easy mode raids are needed for practice and need no rewards since eventually people will start raiding.


    > Then suddenly easy mode raids need reward incentives so people actually play them.


    > Then we put in raid rewards into easy mode raids, but at a fraction and reduced amount.


    > Finally we increase the easy mode raid rewards since the fraction of raid rewards was to low.


    > This entire line of argument is just off and I will not support such nonsense.


    Here is the thing. An easy mode with no rewards will not get played, not on a repeat fashion anyways. Unfortunately if Anet ever developed this they would need something that would require people to come back into the raid each week on easy mode. Normal Mode already has this with the Armor and unique drops.

  15. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > The reward structure is fairly obvious. First, yes (1000X yes), they should be significantly lower than regular raid rewards.


    > The reward should be similar to a world boss in terms of possible gear drops (so blues and greens, with a small chance at an exotic and an extremely miniscule chance at a vanilla ascended). Additionally, there should be a minimum number of magnetite shards rewarded - probably about 1/4 what a raid encounter drops now. The caveat is - no unique raid skins (including weapons, minis, the portal device, even titles) should drop at easier modes and they should remain locked on the vendor until the associative encounter is beaten in regular mode (so no way whatsoever to get the Gorseval staff without beating the current iteration of Gorseval).


    > What this does is offer a minimal reward - and give people looking to get into raids a secondary guaranteed (albeit glacially slow) path to earning vanilla ascended gear (again, no unique skins). This would serve to offer both a lower difficulty level and support higher levels of raiding by letting players who absolutely hate crafting gradually (crazy slow) build an ascended raiding set. Finally, it would retain the integrity and prestige of higher tier raiding by ensuring the skins/titles/minis (yes, even minis) are only earnable through the hard mode.


    I agree most of this except the minis part, the problem with crazy low shards for ascended equipment is your better off crafting or doing something else. Unfortunately to make easy mode worth the development time you need rewards that will bring people into the mode and repeat the mode. Something I’m finding with the Lair is I find the encounter fun, but eventually it will lose the fun factor and I’m now looking at the drops.


    Now the big carrot, Legendary Armor should always be locked behind normal, but some of this stuff like ascended chests and minis should be allowed for an easy mode. Sure keep the unique skins to normal too why not.

  16. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > It’s like the same people that say they only play GW2 for Raids and raids alone. There’s better games for if you love raiding.

    > >

    > > That’s like someone who loves racing games only plays GW2 for the beetle racing, it’s a bit absurd.


    > Hi, I am one of those players. Sadly there is no game currently that can compete with Gw2 fight mechanics. Which is an important part for me. And the few raids we have here are awesome. Arguable not all of them. But rest assured, at the first glance of a raid focused game with equal or better "feeling" I will leave this, for you absurd state. A win win so you may call it.


    Did you ever do WoW raiding?

  17. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > > > And that's the reason why most of the raiders have nothing against an easy mode if the rewards are very well balanced.

    > > > > > > Actually, the ones that do speak up about it usually want the rewards to be _below_ the incentive level. The term "few greens at best" has been used more than once. "no rewards" was used even more often. I do not remember even a single raider that actually wanted decent rewards for the mode. I do remember however people saying that easy mode would not deserve such.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What you describe is the disparity between both sides. Since I've read enough raiders here in this thread that are open-minded to liquid gold reward of 50s, rares and exotics and some also mentioned minis + shards in addition it's the anti-raid fraction that feels this is not enough. So, where to draw the line? If you give easy mode people access to legendary armor & ring people wouldn't run normal mode in the slightest. I'm sorry here but that's why a reasonable approach has to deny that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Personally I think it's enough if people get champ bags + some shards + a possibility for minis. Just compare it to other "casual" stuff, the rewards aren't better there so no easy mode raider should be entitled to demand something completely out of rationality. The actual example with the Lair of the Snowmen clearly shows it: You have a guarantee for wintersday gifts plus a *chance* for an exotic weapon but you can also get a rare (2 rares out of 3 daily runs for me).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So in comparison, my approach is pretty generous but I tell you this won't be enough for the "loot army" which will appear in 3...2...1...

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > You can also get a mini from the Lair.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think if the easy mode gave a cap in 75 shards half of what normal mode that in my opinion is good incentive to run the content if you want something like minis or maybe exotics of the current skins. If you want more shards in the week you would have to jump to normal.

    > > > >

    > > > > I agree though, keep the Legendary stuff to normal mode.

    > > >

    > > > That's why I included minis in my post. (And it's just reasonable since minis are also thrown out like crazy/easy to get in normal mode).

    > > > And no, 75 shards per week is too much. 15-25 would be fine and just fair.

    > >

    > > 15 to 25 shards would mean you could buy something like an ascended Armor chest in like 4 months. That carrot would be too far and no one would do it.


    > Don't forget you can trade in you minis for more shards.


    True, I forgot about that actually.

  18. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > > And that's the reason why most of the raiders have nothing against an easy mode if the rewards are very well balanced.

    > > > > Actually, the ones that do speak up about it usually want the rewards to be _below_ the incentive level. The term "few greens at best" has been used more than once. "no rewards" was used even more often. I do not remember even a single raider that actually wanted decent rewards for the mode. I do remember however people saying that easy mode would not deserve such.

    > > >

    > > > What you describe is the disparity between both sides. Since I've read enough raiders here in this thread that are open-minded to liquid gold reward of 50s, rares and exotics and some also mentioned minis + shards in addition it's the anti-raid fraction that feels this is not enough. So, where to draw the line? If you give easy mode people access to legendary armor & ring people wouldn't run normal mode in the slightest. I'm sorry here but that's why a reasonable approach has to deny that.

    > > >

    > > > Personally I think it's enough if people get champ bags + some shards + a possibility for minis. Just compare it to other "casual" stuff, the rewards aren't better there so no easy mode raider should be entitled to demand something completely out of rationality. The actual example with the Lair of the Snowmen clearly shows it: You have a guarantee for wintersday gifts plus a *chance* for an exotic weapon but you can also get a rare (2 rares out of 3 daily runs for me).

    > > >

    > > > So in comparison, my approach is pretty generous but I tell you this won't be enough for the "loot army" which will appear in 3...2...1...

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > You can also get a mini from the Lair.

    > >

    > > I think if the easy mode gave a cap in 75 shards half of what normal mode that in my opinion is good incentive to run the content if you want something like minis or maybe exotics of the current skins. If you want more shards in the week you would have to jump to normal.

    > >

    > > I agree though, keep the Legendary stuff to normal mode.


    > That's why I included minis in my post. (And it's just reasonable since minis are also thrown out like crazy/easy to get in normal mode).

    > And no, 75 shards per week is too much. 15-25 would be fine and just fair.


    15 to 25 shards would mean you could buy something like an ascended Armor chest in like 4 months. That carrot would be too far and no one would do it.

  19. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > And that's the reason why most of the raiders have nothing against an easy mode if the rewards are very well balanced.

    > > Actually, the ones that do speak up about it usually want the rewards to be _below_ the incentive level. The term "few greens at best" has been used more than once. "no rewards" was used even more often. I do not remember even a single raider that actually wanted decent rewards for the mode. I do remember however people saying that easy mode would not deserve such.


    > What you describe is the disparity between both sides. Since I've read enough raiders here in this thread that are open-minded to liquid gold reward of 50s, rares and exotics and some also mentioned minis + shards in addition it's the anti-raid fraction that feels this is not enough. So, where to draw the line? If you give easy mode people access to legendary armor & ring people wouldn't run normal mode in the slightest. I'm sorry here but that's why a reasonable approach has to deny that.


    > Personally I think it's enough if people get champ bags + some shards + a possibility for minis. Just compare it to other "casual" stuff, the rewards aren't better there so no easy mode raider should be entitled to demand something completely out of rationality. The actual example with the Lair of the Snowmen clearly shows it: You have a guarantee for wintersday gifts plus a *chance* for an exotic weapon but you can also get a rare (2 rares out of 3 daily runs for me).


    > So in comparison, my approach is pretty generous but I tell you this won't be enough for the "loot army" which will appear in 3...2...1...




    You can also get a mini from the Lair.


    I think if the easy mode gave a cap in 75 shards half of what normal mode that in my opinion is good incentive to run the content if you want something like minis or maybe exotics of the current skins. If you want more shards in the week you would have to jump to normal.


    I agree though, keep the Legendary stuff to normal mode.

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