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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. Just to add, according to the Gw2 website, that when Revenants wear there blind folds they are technically blinded, because you know your covering your eyes. Apparently the reason they can see is because of the Legend their channeling are able use there own senses.


    “A revenant’s signature blindfold isn’t mandatory, either, as revenants don’t become blind as a natural result of their profession. Most of them only wear a blindfold as a tool to help them commune with the legends, who are able to perceive the world through their own senses.”

  2. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Rytlock is the only lore based Revenant to my knowledge and officially defined as the very first user of the profession, so technically player character Revenants don't really exist.

    > As a player class they defy game lore as they contradict it but this is something we obviously just overlook.. it's either that or not allow players to be Revenants.

    > There are ways they could have done this.. such as playing as a default class until a certain point in the story than gaining the ability to class swap which would have made more sense from a lore perspective but it would have caused so many other issues and needlessly complicated the game and the class.

    > Easier the way they did it even if it doesn't make any sense from a lore perspective.


    > The Revenant is a new profession.. Rytlock specified that while searching the mists for Sohothin, he encountered Glint and she was the one who taught him the power of the Revenant.

    > My best guess there is that during her time in the mists Glint adopted and enhanced the powers of the old Canthan Ritualist profession using her vast knowledge and power to create a new and even more powerful profession from those abilities.. but that's just speculation on my part.


    > What we do know about the profession is that it can be taught but it's unclear if one needs to be in the mists or not to learn these abilities.

    > Rytlock has so far not taken on an apprentice or shared any knowledge on how to learn the profession so from that alone I'm inclined to believe that he is the only Revenant on Tyria, and until he spreads that knowledge he will remain the only one as Glint is currently unable to pass the knowledge onto another.

    > It has however been specified that Revenant's much like the old Ritualist profession are not blind but rather willingly use blindfolds to help them focus their powers, which is another similarity that hint's that the two professions are linked and that the Revenant is a new and superior variation of the Ritualist profession.


    Actually they are part of the lore. There are also more then just Rytlock. Npcs in Auric Basin say this:


    Bartimus Swordheart: What do you make of all the revenants running around lately?

    Obstructor Rora: Their ability to channel power from the Mists is fascinating.

    Bartimus Swordheart: Hmmm, bet they're pretty good with swords.

    Obstructor Rora: (snort) You aren't smart enough to become one. You'd only wind up trapped in the Mists.

    Bartimus Swordheart: I didn't say I wanted to become one, just curious what you thought of them.

  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > Which is fair, however the comment comes off as, only Raids should be entitled to having nice things. Give players more choice. If the only reason people are going into Raids strictly for the Armor, then it’s not really someone who is there for the joy of raiding in the first place. Maybe that will develop into a love of the game mode, it’s certainly possible.

    > > >

    > > > So if Anet stripped **all rewards** from the game, only those who still play are the ones that do so for the joy of playing the game? Is that healthy for the game?

    > >

    > > No, but you will have people that will raid, get their Armor then leave. Then you will have people who will raid get their Armor and stay, that’s all. I would say the latter likes raiding more and enjoy it.


    > And the same can be said about everything else in the game. Very few people will do things just for the fun of it after the first time.


    So the people who have the Armor set or multiple sets, are still raiding for what purpose? It’s not like you make a lot of gold off of Raiding.

  4. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > I'd rather they not further reduce the incentives to raid by introducing a far more accessible competitor.

    > > >

    > > Unfortunately it’s too late for that, since the Legendary WvW and PvP already compete against the raid armor.

    > >

    > >


    > WvW and PvP are entirely different formats, and their armor is basically an ugly consolation reward without even proper art assets gated behind massive timegates on top of cost.


    > Fractals directly compete with raids. They use the same builds more or less, with the similar dominant specs and they're logistically far easier to manage so if fractals gave legendary armor, unless it was some hideous bland set of armor with just stat swapping, it would seriously drain from the raiding pool.


    > Fractal rewards are more than fine as is. If anything, raiding needs massively improved monetary rewards to begin with.


    Ok, but what does that say about raiding, if it’s threatened by Legendary Fractal Armor.


    Also ugly is an opinion as well as personal taste. I like the Mistforged Glorious Set over Envoy.

  5. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"zencow.3651" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > Debatable, I personally completely disagree with the spvp legendary armor but the objective of that one is clear: get people to play the mode.

    > > > > Well no, it was meant to be so main sPvPers had a way to access the same levels of PvE gear so they weren't disconnected from the rest of the community. Ascended glory shards were hard to get and were a reflection of skill back pips could also be lost. PvErs pvping solely because it's an easy way to get legendary armor was a side-effect that came with making the rewards farmable and negatively introduced players who really don't care whether they win or lost into the game mode.

    > > >

    > > > I disagree, spvp players have access to gear which is far beyond what most pve players have access to, since the vast majority of pve players do not raid. On top of which spvp costs nearly no gold or resource investment, so access to pve gear from rewards gained in spvp is quite easy. I'm fine with spvp players having access to legendary armor, it still does not make sense.

    > > >

    > > > The major reason to add useless (to the mode) legendary armor to spvp was to keep the mode semi active. Similar to how season 5 handed out 1 set of free ascended armor in spvp (from the minimal effort required perspective).

    > > >

    > > > As with all things (raids too), the price is coming due. People are finishing their legendary armor spvp sets, finishing their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or x-th raid set and the interest is waning. Having something like this happen on a broad scale (by introducing a to easy to acquire "final" gear set for the vast majority of pve players) could be quite a blow to the game or would need to be designed around properly. Hence why I believe an alternative pve legendary set would be heavily time gated and/or expensive.

    > >

    > > Most of the components are the same, except the provisionor tokens. The precursor pieces will end up costing some money too potentially with the crafting marks system.

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor

    > >

    > > You still need the T6, T5, T4, T5 mats as well, same with the cube of stabilized energy.

    > >

    > > The PvP Armor also takes a minimal of 3 leagues for the league tickets. This takes a lot of time and effort to complete, speaking as someone who has created a set of PvP Legendary Armor and the effort it takes is nothing to scoff at, especially if you are going for the Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor.

    > >

    > > Edit: Mistforged costs additional ascended shards, crafting marks and ectos as well has having unlocked the ardent set and having a PvP rank of 100.


    > True, I didn't say spvp legendary armor was free, I said it is being handed out in a game mode for which it has 0 use and requires very little skill (if at all).


    > As of right now:

    > Full legendary light spvp armor cost (Ardent Glorious Light): 1,814 gold

    > Full legendary light perfect envoy armor: 1,947 gold


    > That is not factoring for ANY:

    > - expenses or crafting of mystic clovers

    > - gearing of characters

    > - buff food

    > - time gates like provisioner tokens or chack eggs

    > - collections required (for the pve precursor)

    > - practice or training for raids to actually clear wing 1-4 bosses

    > - etc.


    > The spvp legendary has 1 thing: a 3 season time gate. Nearly no expenses while acquiring materials, requires only time commitment and no skill, gets a ton of the required materials in form of spvp reward chests (mystic clovers for example).


    Yeah skill is not required for the Armor, in theory you could lose your way to the Armor, it would be an agonizingly slow grind of pure death, but it’s not impossible. What skill does do in PvP is it gets you to your goal much faster.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Which is fair, however the comment comes off as, only Raids should be entitled to having nice things. Give players more choice. If the only reason people are going into Raids strictly for the Armor, then it’s not really someone who is there for the joy of raiding in the first place. Maybe that will develop into a love of the game mode, it’s certainly possible.


    > So if Anet stripped **all rewards** from the game, only those who still play are the ones that do so for the joy of playing the game? Is that healthy for the game?


    No, but you will have people that will raid, get their Armor then leave. Then you will have people who will raid get their Armor and stay, that’s all. I would say the latter likes raiding more and enjoy it.

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"zencow.3651" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > Debatable, I personally completely disagree with the spvp legendary armor but the objective of that one is clear: get people to play the mode.

    > > Well no, it was meant to be so main sPvPers had a way to access the same levels of PvE gear so they weren't disconnected from the rest of the community. Ascended glory shards were hard to get and were a reflection of skill back pips could also be lost. PvErs pvping solely because it's an easy way to get legendary armor was a side-effect that came with making the rewards farmable and negatively introduced players who really don't care whether they win or lost into the game mode.


    > I disagree, spvp players have access to gear which is far beyond what most pve players have access to, since the vast majority of pve players do not raid. On top of which spvp costs nearly no gold or resource investment, so access to pve gear from rewards gained in spvp is quite easy. I'm fine with spvp players having access to legendary armor, it still does not make sense.


    > The major reason to add useless (to the mode) legendary armor to spvp was to keep the mode semi active. Similar to how season 5 handed out 1 set of free ascended armor in spvp (from the minimal effort required perspective).


    > As with all things (raids too), the price is coming due. People are finishing their legendary armor spvp sets, finishing their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or x-th raid set and the interest is waning. Having something like this happen on a broad scale (by introducing a to easy to acquire "final" gear set for the vast majority of pve players) could be quite a blow to the game or would need to be designed around properly. Hence why I believe an alternative pve legendary set would be heavily time gated and/or expensive.


    Most of the components are the same, except the provisionor tokens. The precursor pieces will end up costing some money too potentially with the crafting marks system.




    You still need the T6, T5, T4, T5 mats as well, same with the cube of stabilized energy.


    The PvP Armor also takes a minimal of 3 leagues for the league tickets. This takes a lot of time and effort to complete, speaking as someone who has created a set of PvP Legendary Armor and the effort it takes is nothing to scoff at, especially if you are going for the Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor.


    Edit: Mistforged costs additional ascended shards, crafting marks and ectos as well has having unlocked the ardent set and having a PvP rank of 100.

  8. Which is fair, however the comment comes off as, only Raids should be entitled to having nice things. Give players more choice. If the only reason people are going into Raids strictly for the Armor, then it’s not really someone who is there for the joy of raiding in the first place. Maybe that will develop into a love of the game mode, it’s certainly possible.

  9. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > Does it even matter?


    > The thing that surprised me was this very complex chapter with Zafirah, that made me very emotional- the Priest and Priestess of Balthazar thought that with their God they can achieve something glorious. Zafirah said that he changed, that he was not how she remembered him, like it was completely somebody else: "I remember him differently."


    > The priests and priestesses can really have the contact with their gods, and Zafirah must have met him before he was chained in the Mists - for example the priestess of Grenth in the end of Personal story summoned Grenth's Avatar to seek Grenth's wisdom in person.


    > Also I'm starting to think that Kasmeer was the one that made Kormir stay longer than the Gods, because Kasmeer has always had the strongest connection to her - Kasmeer's ability to detect lies maybe wasn't rooted in Kormir's blessing, but the way Kasmeer cherished the truth, THE Truth must have made Kormir impressed. She stayed only for Kasmeer, and wanted to say personal good bye to her.


    > So that's another proof Zafirah had the personal contact with Balthazar, before he was 'abated' and 'dimmed'.


    > Also if it wasn't stated that Balthazar was truely Balthazar, If I'd get this line in PoF in the beginning of the story, I'd start to think: maybe it's not Balthazar then... Is it Menzies?


    > But not. He was Balthazar, and he failed many of his followers, including Zafirah- poor and desperate soul, full of grief.


    > Zafirah got a phenomenal introduction to the story, and I think she and Caithe may find some common believes. Because they both crossed the commander, and the Commander showed them mercy, it must be the thief inside of them that make them so reckless, and how easily they fall for their first thoughts, instead of thought everything out.


    > Zafirah and Caithe as the partners in crime? That'd be awesome! :D


    > Also to me the words that Kari said in her Behind the Voice vid got another meaning (sorry I am keep relating to it), but Kari said:


    > "We never know if she's going to help us or lead us astray. **We never know who she's going to love**. She's just very very enigmatic"




    > EDIT: God, my running out of topic thing is on the loose again! Sorry!


    I would like to think that perhaps when Balthazar finally defeated Menzies, that he absorbed his energy and perhaps part of his personality, to some what make Balthazar go down a darker path. That being said Menzies was an ally of Abbadon and could somewhat explain, why Balthazar decisions were similar with Abaddon, if Menzies shared the same goals.

  10. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Yggdrasiln.5240" said:

    > > I don't think giving raiding a bit of wiggle room is a bad idea?


    > Further reason for not implementing one an easy mode is because it would split the community, nobody likes splitting communities. This is yet another argument given by the developers on why CM versions of Raids aren't repeatable. They are afraid it would cause segregation, similar reason why lower difficulty versions shouldn't be implemented either.


    The thing with this statement is, it’s not really splitting the current raid community, what would happen is you would an influx of players that would be running into easy mode raids that isn’t currently raiding in the first place. If people left the normal mode to the easy mode they were never invested in normal mode to begin with.


    > Another reason is that an easy mode is worthless for training/learning purposes, it's like saying T1 Nightmare "trains" you for CM Nightmare (that's the difficulty difference between our current Raids and the most common easy mode proposal around here) You are naive if you think anyone would learn from this and then move on the higher difficulty, the gap would still be gigantic. It doesn't happen in Fractals, even though there are 5 difficulty settings, it won't happen in Raids.


    Maybe it shouldn’t be training for normal, but a place where all the people with the grocery list of reasons they don’t Raid, can go.


  11. Yeah, it doesn’t automatically upgrade to Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor. I’ll grab the quote from Ben:



    Just a summary/clarification.


    Tier 1: Glorious Armor - Exotic, earned from reward tracks. Not required for anything.

    Tier 2: Ardent Glorious - Ascended, purchased with PvP League Currency. Can buy just the skin. Can be upgraded to a legendary version with the same skin

    Tier 2: Glorious Hero - Ascended, purchased using PvP Tournament Vouchers or by having participated in some old PvP events. Can be upgraded to a legendary version with the same skin

    Tier 3: Mistforged Glorious Hero - Ascended, purchased using PvP League Currency or PvP Tournament Vouchers. Purchasing it through the league armor vendor requires you to be PvP rank 100 and have unlocked either the Ardent Glorious or Glorious Hero skin. So if you want the light Mistforged Glorious Hero helmet, you'll need to have unlocked either the Ardent Glorious light helm or the Glorious Hero light helm along with being rank 100. Can be upgraded to legendary version with the same skin.



    So if you want the Mistforged Glorious Hero Armor to be Legendary, you will have to be rank 100 and have boughten the Ardent Glorious Armor. You can then upgrade that Armor to Legendary Status.

  12. Unfortunately Anet decided on the concept of the two week cadence and it didn’t work. Now we have a very large chasm of story and plot, which is not in the game. The story and plot in GW2 is important to me and we have large chunks of it missing. Even to this day when I replay Season 2, I go oh yeah, I forgot about that and that’s with content we have access to. I shudder at the details that we are missing from Season 1.


    To piggy back off of Konig, the summary that we currently have of Season 1, is just that, a quick summary. Like reading the back of a novel and thinking that it’s sufficient to actually reading the book.

  13. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


    > The thing is, those are either small instances that only have dialogue, or short mini-dungeons for solo players, it's a bit weird that they don't bring those back. Unless they deleted the files once the episodes were completed (which I find equally weird).


    > Braham's intro, Rox's intro, Cragstead instance, Hatchery Instance, Canach's mini dungeon, Marjory's intro (at Dead's End), Dragon Bash ceremony instance, Scarlet's Funhouse instance, Tower of Nightmares intro (this is where we meet Kasmeer, her first encounter at Southsun doesn't really count), Edge of the Mists short dialogue between Taimi and Braham (Taimi Intro) and of course the last battle with Scarlet and the end sequence at the Dead End bar. I think I didn't miss anything there.


    > And that's all you need from S1 when it comes to story, they are all short instances or little bits of dialogue, Kasmeer and Taimi are introduced in the world so those might be slightly more complicated, but they could work because it's only simple dialogue, no combat.


    I would be more then happy with those instances as it explains how the team came together. The open world stuff would add flavour, but I don’t think it’s needed. The Marionette fight and the Attack on Lion’s Arch would need some tweaking for sure, if they added it in. Those would likely have to be remade into instances.

  14. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:


    > The rest of it is going in a very similar way, the bulk of S1 was out in the open and is unlikely to come back, but perhaps the instances could be re-added, especially the character intros so we know who the members of Dragon's Watch are and where we met them.


    This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


    The best way that I can describe this is if Star Wars a New Hope was released to the public in theatres and on video however Empire Strikes Back only appeared in theatres for a small window and then Return of Jedi is released in theatres and on video as well. Sure you will get one person who snuck in and boot leg recorded Empire, but it’s not the same.

  15. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Defias.1892" said:

    > > People should stop jumping down the devs throat just because they want to see changes now. They need to make sure they get it right before they release it to the public.


    > I don't really know if people are upset because 'they want to see changes now.' I think a lot of the salt is because they want to see change at all. I feel it is pretty safe to say that of the 3 gamemodes, WvW gets the least care by far. If you look at all 3 gamemodes, WvW definitely draws the short end of the stick. If you compare WvW to PvP you will definitely see a major difference. PvP has much better rewards and incentive than WvW. It literally has automated tournaments. I don't think I even need to compare it to PvE (which is fair because PvE should be a much larger focus); but WvW is literally to the point where it costs me more gold to play it than I make from doing it. WvW is at such a low point right now and it is very frustrating to see things like Dog Whistles and gemstore lounges when WvW gets next to nothing. WvW is so bad right now that there literally isn't even any incentive to winning a matchup. As far as this update goes, it is appreciated and it is also better than no update; but you have to understand why WvW players would be upset to see an update that doesn't actually update anything. It probably would have been better to not even announce that the alliance system was coming out until it was at a closer point to being released. I am worried that by the time it is finished (if it is finished) that it will be far too late. But I obviously don't speak for everyone. *shrug*



    PvP is also a hell of lot less complex then WvW though. We are talking about 5vs5 on a simple conquest map.


  16. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Raids doesn’t have a pattern as there is only one set of ascended armor that can be upgraded. WvW and sPvP now both have like three that can.


    Yeah, no, what I meant was if pvp WvW only had the one Legendary Armor such as both Mistforged sets. That would have made more sense. Instead of upgrading the other two lesser skins.

  17. I think one issue here is that the devs decided that you can upgrade the lesser sets. Had they just stuck to a pattern of rank 2000 you can craft WvW Armor or rank 100 for pvp or that crafting the Armor gets you the Mistforged glorious or the Mistforged Triumphant sets then it would have stuck to a pattern established by Raids. They didn’t do this.

  18. So WvW / PvP have established a bit of a pattern, that maybe Pve could potentially benefit from. This came up on the other raid forum thread as well. What if easy mode raids allowed you to craft Legendary Armor. Not the perfected Envoy set, but something that looked like the refined set.


    Right now if you hop into PvP and WvW you can start working on PvP /WvW Armor which can be created using the ardent glorious hero set (pvp) and Triumphant hero’s Armor for WvW, no real requirements other then playing WvW and PvP. If you want the real juicy Armor, Mistforged Triumphant and Mistforged Glorious Armor sets, it’s going to take some dedication, 2000 WvW rank and 100 PvP rank.


    These sets are competing with the Legendary Armor pve anyhow, and would still leave the normal mode for dedicated people to get the Perfect Envoy Armor.

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