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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"Glider.5792" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Well they are also new pvp armor coming out on November 13th, which also have glowy pieces and a combat activated effect as well. I might be skipping the Requiem Armor entirely, we will see.


    > Thats from monthly tournaments AFAIK. Sooooo, best of luck to you!


    It’s a reward from AT as well as being purchased.



  2. > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > Curious to know if there will be any new rewards, apart from the old titles coming back?

    > Would love to the legendary armour 2.0 (as I'd like to spend my 20K shards) - but that's asking too much I guess.


    The new armor set is coming out on November 13th.


  3. @"Shikigami.4013" said:

    > Did noone notice that the official statement is contradicting itself? It explicitly states that it is about sigils that were **ONLY** available by salvaging, which inclides the Sigil of Nullification. But the Sigil of Nullification was not **ONLY** available from salvaging. Every char that reached level 64 could get one for free.


    I don't think Anet was expecting everyone to level up several characters to obtain several sigils of nullification for this collection. They were freebies in the leveling process.

  4. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > So, perhaps, unlike some people claimed, all fo this _wasn't_ intended after all.

    > >

    > > (and yes, they will definitely need to create a recipe for Nullification, seeing as the main current source for it is salvaging random drops, which will stop giving sigils after the patch)


    > It's still intended to be implemented the way it is ... AFAIK, they aren't removing the current approaches to get the sigil. I wouldn't get too excited yet people; I remember when precursor crafting was introduced and people complained it cost MORE to craft than it did to just buy off the TP ... and that was never changed (and I think it's STILL the case) ... But you're all going to tell me this isn't about cost again right? I will remember that.


    Still is the case, though to be fair some precursors are cheaper to craft then to outright buy, though it depends on the precursor.

  5. > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.


    > Yep, seems to be crashing now, which is a bit odd considering "no one" knows what it'll take to craft these once the new system is in, or if the recipe is one of the rare rng drops which you won't see unless you get it off of the TP. Could even be worse than the current asking price tbh, but I guess the barons figure it's time to get out now, which is a good thing for those who held out.


    Like people said before, the TP will get you the sigils faster, if you want to farm the mats and make it yourself, the option is there.

  6. > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > To the studio


    > I want to have done enough to sufficiently demonstrate my unwillingness to tear down the studio and therefore faith in, to make asking the following apropos.


    > May the exchange Ai calculate future value? In the context of economic determination that is an important question.


    > If we except the demanded patience of putting our important current sea's calculated pegger on the trade floor and the one magnitude change needed in the priced label of goods carried within the important place market, would we get fewer extreme events? Would extreme event qualities remain except that of the extremist? In the context of economic determination that is an important question.


    Sorry, I’m trying to figure out what your trying to say here.

  7. > @"Hanth.2978" said:

    > How is this still a problem? especially after having the Halloween festival and the lab farm for the past 3 weeks? Farming the lab has provided hundreds of gold for even the casual player who frequent's the farm once in awhile. Top that off with logging in getting 2g a day, free by the way and people still won't buy the sigil because of the price. Yeah it sucks we missed the 2s train but that's life, but this festival provided simple easy income to buy enough sigils two or three times over. A lot of people say it's not the price it's the fact that there are so few. Blah Blah Blah, I hope anet introduces a way to craft it that cost 10g mats, then we will see people's true colors. It's not the availability, it's the fact people are salty about the price.


    I think giving people reliable options to obtain the sigil would be a good way to go, much like everything else in the game.

  8. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

    > > Wow, this is still going?

    > >

    > > I have nothing to contribute. Carry on.

    > It's still going because Anet hasn't fixed the problem or even had the balls to say "we wanted this to happen, suck it nerds".


    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

    > The best thing is, _they kind of did_. Amalgamated gemstones are required too (as are ecto, quite a lot of them I believe since buying the other two sets requires only ecto and mistonium), but _their_ prices barely changed because... let's see here... you can get those for yourself just by playing the game without kowtowing to the robber barons. Sure is a coincidence, that.


    Sure but AMA gems and mystic coins have a reliable source. This sigil doesn’t. The items in this collection have reliable sources, but the sigil.

  9. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > Again, it's not about simply changing the game, it's about giving those that rush an episode an advantage over those that don't.

    > >

    > > That's not a problem ... that's how the market is intended to work so that there is a equilibrium in the supply of mats;

    > Care to explain? Because i've just started to think the gist of the communication problem here is that your arguments seem to be based on the fact that you don't understand the terms you are using.

    > (Hint: the situation maddoctor is talking about has nothing to do with market equlibrium. One does not affect the other.)


    > By the way, do not think i haven't noticed you haven't yet answered my question about what you think was Anet's gain here.


    I’m also wondering why the other items didn’t skyrocket in price. Maybe because there are other reliable methods to obtain these items...


  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > My concern is this turning into a common trait every new episode release, which in turn makes it so I don’t feel like playing the episode and thus slowly finding some other game to play, I guess. Which is sad, since I’ve been playing this franchise since 2005 and this is the first time the game has made me feel this way.


    > I don't see why, it's the not the first time content has affected prices of mats people want to buy on the TP.


    Not sure honestly. I didn’t freak out when the price of mystic coins went up. Though there are reliable ways of obtaining those too. The same can’t be said for this sigil.


  11. Its essentially the perfect storm. Stupid low price sigil, that isn’t overly desired. Sigil is not easy to acquire. Then just buy them all up.


    They would have been better off having mystic coins as part of the collection or some T6 material instead. Would the price jump up? Sure, a bit, nothing ludicrous, though, much like the other materials in this collection. No one would have bought the entire stock of coins.

  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > That just doesn't make sense. You could work on this collection at your leisure as well. The mechanics of obtaining this armor are so similar to crafting, the result would have been the same. You literally dump items into a thing to get some armor ... crafting works the same way. You dump items into a 'thing' called a recipe and you get armor. The only difference is that the recipe here is contained in an object. You're just grasping at straws with pedantic arguments here.


    It actually does make sense. Dante is now going to be paranoid in the future with Anet releasing content, that he is quickly going to rush through the episode, much like what had occurred with the following episode.


    It’s a legitimate fear to have and I’m honestly in the same boat because, I have a feeling that something like will repeat itself, where I’m gonna rush and skip things just to make sure, I’m not screwed over after the first couple hours the episode is released.

  13. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > Personally I had already decided to curtail my RL spending after the KFT issue, this content just reaffirmed that. I have more than enough in game wealth to of just bought up the remaining sigils I needed or burned through enough tomes to offset using in game or RL coin, but doing so would simply just be saying, this is ok for the game when imo it is not.


    I’m in the same boat and haven’t bought any gems and refuse to buy gems, until I’m satisfied that this sort of thing won’t happen again. If this a common pattern then I won’t bother with RL spending. I will get the armor if I naturally obtain the sigils, but that is about it.



  14. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > >

    > > > Maybe it hasn't occured to you that they don't think it's a bad decision. Why does everyone assume Anet didn't intend for this? Anyone could see it a mile away. I**ndicates to me it was intended. This isn't new; Anet has done it before, they will do it again.** What we have here is not exceptional.

    > > >

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > >

    > > > I'm saying it has nothing to do with a calculation or prediction at all. It's **obvious** what happens to a mat on the TP when it's included in a thing people want, especially when it's as worthless as this mat was. Yet, Anet implemented it this way regardless. **There is a reason for that, even if we don't know what it is.** It's not just some random content generator they have cranking out content in their storage closet and they have no idea how it will work. That's silly.

    > > >

    > > > You know the best part; as much as you and other continue to paint this like some sort of tragedy where Anet need to intervene and fix everything, everything we predicted is happening, which is basically status quo, nothing to see here, working as intended. Believe what you want, this isn't some accident of content design and implementation. It's pretty amusing actually; to see people skirt around and dismiss ideas that neutralize their arguments. The truth is that the second anyone acknowledges this was done intentionally with obvious consequence, the only logical conclusion is that there isn't a valid complaint. **Even if the effect is disastrous and implemented for malicious reasons, it was implemented with intent and obvious impact to the game.**

    > >

    > >

    > > I highlighted some of the most interesting statements. If what you say is true, then ANet by an intentional change brought frustration and discontent to a lot of players in its own game. This, by itself, is a very irrational move, **UNLESS** they already have a follow up for this.

    > >

    > > Do you remember the leather in the past? Cheap, ultra cheap, almost worthless. What was the follow up? A change in the drop table, a change in the salvage ratio and a LOT of recipes involving leather. The result - a raise in price and a lot of frustration and discontent players. As in the actual case. And after? Some tentative to address the situation (mostly only to show that the devs know about the issue) and finally, THE SOLUTION: The gliphs you can put on your gathering tools giving you a chance to acquire leather when harvesting. So the algorithm is like: Take a situation - create a problem - face the wave of criticism - pretend to work to a solution (a solution for the problem you created in the first step) - then find something solving somehow the problem and **sell** it to the players.

    > >

    > > If what "Obtena.7952" said is TRUE, then, the only reason ANet (at its own will) created such a source of frustration is that they want to turn this into a source of profit (not a new opinion =) - it was already debated here). I advise the players to not be surprised if we will see in the future a "Gliph of weapons" for example, giving you a chance to drop a random sigil (according to the map level) when harvesting. If a rune will be involved in the future (usually a not demanded rune with a ridiculous low droprate) in a recipe demanding a LOT of that rune, we can expect a "Gliph ow Armors" - giving you a random rune when harvesting.

    > >

    > > What I don't understand is why we don't have yet a "Mystic Gliph" - with a chance to obtain Mystic Coins (and a very low chance of a Mystic Clover directly). :)

    > >

    > > In conclusion: If this was an intentionally change, taking into consideration all the consequences, then the only explanation is that ANet is trying somehow to gain real money from this situation - again this intention has been debated here but some posters rejected it saying that the change has been NOT calculated till the end.


    > I am waiting for a precursor glyph


    You’ll be waiting a while. ?

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > Whether a calculation or not was completed isn't the question here. The fact is that a Rhesus Monkey could anticipate the effect this implementation would have. Therefore, your opinion that Anet didn't see this result happening when the game is DESIGNED to work this way and has done so for 6 years is not an informed one.

    > > You are saying it as if they haven't done bigger miscalculations in the past.

    > >

    > > > Anet doesn't need to tell us why they did this, though as I said, objectively, there are some reasons they might have done it.

    > > Sure. Not all of those reasons require them wanting and/or predicting the outcome, though. In fact, in some of the most probable ones they _haven't_ predicted it.

    > >

    > >


    > I'm saying it has nothing to do with a calculation or prediction at all. It's **obvious** what happens to a mat on the TP when it's included in a thing people want, especially when it's as worthless as this mat was. Yet, Anet implemented it this way regardless. There is a reason for that, even if we don't know what it is. It's not just some random content generator they have cranking out content in their storage closet and they have no idea how it will work. That's silly.


    > You know the best part; as much as you and other continue to paint this like some sort of tragedy where Anet need to intervene and fix everything, everything we predicted is happening, which is basically status quo, nothing to see here, working as intended. Believe what you want, this isn't some accident of content design and implementation. It's pretty amusing actually; to see people skirt around and dismiss ideas that neutralize their arguments. The truth is that the second anyone acknowledges this was done intentionally with obvious consequence, the only logical conclusion is that there isn't a valid complaint. Even if the effect is disastrous and implemented for malicious reasons, it was implemented with intent and obvious impact to the game.


    I get what your saying and have no real argument with it. It’s just bad design in my opinion, with the item in question. People should have every right to be upset and voice their frustrations.

  16. > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > You do realize you're not really contradicting me here, don't you. The very fact you consider 4000 people to be a vast amount speaks volumes.

    > Oh, I'm aware it didn't really contradict you.. that's why I mentioned "Granted, the population OF raiders is VERY small in comparison to open world, pvp, wvw...", but even with that said, it still doesn't prove that raids need an easy mode, it just says the amount of people who sought out training for raids to start them, there's even more that are not in a server. Also, that's only ONE server, a single server. There's 5 that I'm in currently, (a lot of crossover though). That's also 4,000 in NA alone. EU has even more.


    > An update on that baby raider group a friend is helping with, in a single week, they have killed every boss except w5, deimos, and xera. That said, that's people who have NEVER RAIDED, gone on to kill almost all raid bosses. That to me says that raids are easy enough to do, what about that suggests we need an easy mode? 16/22 bosses from never seen, to killed, in a week. Seems easy enough to me. What good would an easy mode do, if people who don't raid and have never raided before, can clear them like that?


    > Edit: Forgot to add in, Raids are built for the people who want to push the limits of the game, the ones who WANT challenging content. It's been said all over the place, they're not for everyone. Some people just don't enjoy it. So I tend to remove those people from the equation when calculating player base.


    Glad to hear your baby raid group is making great progress. ??

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