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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. In WoW LFR system you get a buff for every time you wipe. A similar feature could be implemented, reducing damage to players and increasing the damage a player does. Some group might require 1 stack while others maybe 5. If your group is constantly killing the bosses first go, you might be ready for normal mode.


    On the other hand, some players might just be happy with just doing the easy mode and leave it at that.

  2. > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:


    > >

    > > People who don't raid or are put off from raids are never even going to check the LFG or venture into the aerodrome as they have no reason to.

    > > For the most part they've given up on this area of the game.. if they heard a easy mode was coming it would rekindle that interest, even if there were no rewards.

    > > >

    > If people cant even be bothered to open LFG then they cant be bothered to experience the lore that much. If they really were interested they would at least be looking for all welcome parties.




    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:


    > > Some people who've been turned off raids have never beaten a boss or had much time to fully experience one.

    > > They usually get kicked before they get the chance or struggle to find enough people because some group members don't like their build, class, their gear isnt full ascended (which it doesn't need to be) or in general is completely unwilling to play with a noob anyway.


    > > And many more are turned off just by hearing those kinds of negative experiences.

    > >

    > Like i said before, noone will be kicked for running off meta as long as their build can meet the role they are taking in the raid. However far far too many players jump into a raid group with a random open world build and utterly fail to meet that roles needs, causing problems for the whole team so ofc they will be kicked. This isnt being elitist, this is find a team that can clear the content, and if people dont want to spend time understand whats needed from them in a raid they shouldnt be there.



    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:


    > >

    > > Because they either can't do that or feel like they can't do it..

    > > As I said an easy mode should be little more than the exact same boss with less health and maybe slightly less dmg.

    > > Mechanically it would be identical to a normal raid


    > >


    > If they cant do that, and cant meet the basic needs of a group in a raid then no they shouldnt be in a raid, unless its an all welcome run in which case they can enter, see the 1 line dialogue and then die. You advocate for less damage and same mechanics but for 90% of raids, the challenge comes from being oneshot if you fail mechanics. It wouldnt be an 'easy mode' raid at all if you still wiped 100% if you failed gorse updraft, failed green on dhuum or failed mind crush on deimos. However take away these oneshot punishments and the raid becomes even easier than fractals. Damage is not what causes raids to be hard, its execution of mechanics. Please explain how anet can nerf these mechanics without creating the problem they have in fractals. Where people learn in t1/2 to facetank aoe and not bother dealing with CC, then come into t3 and fail non stop. Its well known t3 is the hell because people still havnt learned what to do by that stage, even though they have 'easy mode' fractals to teach them. How would raids be any different?



    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > You say nobody is unwelcome in raids and while that is technically true a lot of people still feel unwelcome there because of the elitist reputation the content has.

    > > They don't feel like they are good enough etc and they don't want to get yelled at for not knowing what to do.

    > > It's the whole need experience to get job.. need job to get experience conundrum.

    > > You need to play raids to get experience in raids but if you feel ostracised from raids because you don't have experience in raids.. how can you ever get that experience?


    > There are tons of training groups which will create exactly the type of group they are aiming for, one where you wont be yelled at for failing mechanics. Probly is people dont want to put in any effort to join these. Crossroads Inn in EU is an open for all discord where you can sign up for any boss and have someone patiently explain and teach yo the boss. They dont ask for ascended gear either, only correct builds for the content.


    > I cant see why devs should invest in easy mode, taking 2x as long to release raids, which often only see new content once a year. when

    > 1. it wouldnt actually prepare or teach players anything about normal raiding

    > 2. There are already plenty of opportunities for people who seriously want to try and learn to raid available if they are motivated enough to use them.


    Here is the thing. Have an easy mode for people to play an easy mode raid and leave it at that. I would bet that clumps of people would play an easy mode and only an easy mode to see some of the boss fights. If those only want to do the easy mode and would never do the normal mode, that’s fine. That’s still bringing people into the raid content and actually gives Anet more bang for their buck.


    In terms of taking up more time to design etc. I

    Surprised that no one isn’t up in arms on the CMs. Which can’t be repeated and is a one hit content, now that is truly a waste dev resources.

  3. > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

    > > "it's a very boring story about a high-stakes bet and a lost city in the sands."


    > hidden city of ahdasim anyone? *hype intensifies*


    > or something in riverlands since we already know of at least one city "sinking" into those sands.... (less hype for this one)


    I would put my money or gold in this case on Ahdasim. Zommoros Lair is surprisingly very close to that location as well.

  4. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > Crystalline Dust, ectos, AMA gems. These too also skyrocketed in price. Wait a second, that’s odd.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Lol not to those kinds of levels and their supply was upped for that very reason and because the items they are intended for had permanent continuous in game function and requirement add to that they could be traded.. hence why upping supply and adding the fact they are guaranteed through various methods was one of those checks and balances to help the market avoid out of whack manipulation of the end items.. leggy trading would be just as obscene otherwise... now they have supply and demand checks and balances in place to allow the market to work as it should. Sure they are not cheap but then the time effort and quantities are far greater than this collection.... in theory :)

    > > > > > These armour skins are a one off, made up of account bound pieces created via story steps.. the collection steps have no other other purpose in the game after that. But knowing that they already had to fix the problems before.. well as I said, this collection based on an arbitrary item with a known inefficient viable supply in the game, unlike what Obtena seems to think, is a step back to those dark days they already looked to plug.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sorry sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text unfortunately. These items didn’t skyrocket, yet the sigil did, why? Because someone identified the lack of ways to acquire these things.

    > > >

    > > > Why are your referencing me to your post or was that sarcasm :)

    > >

    > > My original post was stating what didn’t actually happen. The other items in the collection didn’t sky rocket like the sigil mainly because someone saw a chance to make s bunch of money off the players expense, due to the lack reliable acquisition.


    > Where was my post making sarcasm at that fact.. or have you referenced the wrong post :)


    Sorry I was being sarcastic in my original statement. I wasn’t sure if you thought I took the original post as fact.

  5. > @"Digit.1823" said:

    > > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > > B) no Legendary Armor items, LI etc. Exotics and rares would be fine for this.

    > > If you want it to end up as dead content that is, otherwise reduced rewards like how it is for fractals would be the way to go.


    > Wait what? I thought people were here to just ask for story/easy mode so they could experience the story and train for raids in a more casual setting. You now also want the easy version to give you all the shinies for less effort?!?!?!? Nobody could have ever seen this coming!!!1!eleven


    > On a more serious note, you should look up the explanation of "philosophy of fairness" which basically tells in excellent detail that it is only normal that the more work you do (or the harder you work) the more you should be rewarded. And the less you do the less you should be rewarded. This is actually such a basic logical thing that i'm a bit aghast that people still think easy mode version should give everything normal mode does.


    > I mean back in high school when you did 90% of the work in a group project and the other person(s) did only 10% i'm pretty sure you would have felt a bit cheated if they just got the same grade as you for basically all the work that you did alone.


    > I'll just repeat this again for everyone to read, not just for you alone, (ad nauseam) that most players who are anti story/easy mode are only against it because it would either:

    > A: Take away resources to make raids which means it would take even longer to release. If they can release raids at the same pace AND also add story/easy mode most of the players here would not object because the wait time for new content would not be increased.

    > B: As i explained earlier the story/easy mode version should not give the rewards normal mode does (main issues being LI and Legendary Armor). There is some debate over if story/easy mode raids should give magnetite shards or ascended armor/weapons which i won't dive into right now but again it is at least fair that story/easy mode has reduced **main** rewards because you literally have to put in less effort then normal mode. (And then we get back to the "philosophy of fairness").


    > (This next bit is directed to everyone equally, not you personally Tails but feel free to reply)

    > If story/easy mode raids ends up being "hurr durr ded cantent" because it wouldn't give the max rewards like normal mode does then you've basically been making a very poor argument in case of it's implementation. Because how on earth are you going to justify people getting everything like normal raiders have been getting for the past few years but for half the effort. And don't start with things like "yeah but a full clear on story/easy mode would only give 1 LI per wing and not per boss" because the only thing that does is time-gate it more. It doesn't make the effort of killing the bosses and doing the events any harder or more challenging. Time-gating =/= more challenge.


    I agree with many points of your post. I wouldn’t want a story mode to chew up additional resources and make the raids take longer to develop. That being said we have two more LW releases which contain Legendary Weapons, which potentially could mean freed up resources after LW season 4 is finished.


    In terms of rewards for a story mode. It shouldn’t contain any LI, mag shards, Armor collection stuff either. I’m thinking rewards skin to T2 fractals orcsomething of that nature. What should be in there is achievements though. The book collections, notes etc. maybe 1ap per boss encounter on story mode.


    If this happen, I suspect a large portion of the complaints would disappear. There would still be the person would say, I want Legendary Armor from easy mode.

  6. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > Crystalline Dust, ectos, AMA gems. These too also skyrocketed in price. Wait a second, that’s odd.

    > > >

    > > > Lol not to those kinds of levels and their supply was upped for that very reason and because the items they are intended for had permanent continuous in game function and requirement add to that they could be traded.. hence why upping supply and adding the fact they are guaranteed through various methods was one of those checks and balances to help the market avoid out of whack manipulation of the end items.. leggy trading would be just as obscene otherwise... now they have supply and demand checks and balances in place to allow the market to work as it should. Sure they are not cheap but then the time effort and quantities are far greater than this collection.... in theory :)

    > > > These armour skins are a one off, made up of account bound pieces created via story steps.. the collection steps have no other other purpose in the game after that. But knowing that they already had to fix the problems before.. well as I said, this collection based on an arbitrary item with a known inefficient viable supply in the game, unlike what Obtena seems to think, is a step back to those dark days they already looked to plug.

    > >

    > > Sorry sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text unfortunately. These items didn’t skyrocket, yet the sigil did, why? Because someone identified the lack of ways to acquire these things.


    > Why are your referencing me to your post or was that sarcasm :)


    My original post was stating what didn’t actually happen. The other items in the collection didn’t sky rocket like the sigil mainly because someone saw a chance to make s bunch of money off the players expense, due to the lack reliable acquisition.

  7. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Crystalline Dust, ectos, AMA gems. These too also skyrocketed in price. Wait a second, that’s odd.


    > Lol not to those kinds of levels and their supply was upped for that very reason and because the items they are intended for had permanent continuous in game function and requirement add to that they could be traded.. hence why upping supply and adding the fact they are guaranteed through various methods was one of those checks and balances to help the market avoid out of whack manipulation of the end items.. leggy trading would be just as obscene otherwise... now they have supply and demand checks and balances in place to allow the market to work as it should. Sure they are not cheap but then the time effort and quantities are far greater than this collection.... in theory :)

    > These armour skins are a one off, made up of account bound pieces created via story steps.. the collection steps have no other other purpose in the game after that. But knowing that they already had to fix the problems before.. well as I said, this collection based on an arbitrary item with a known inefficient viable supply in the game, unlike what Obtena seems to think, is a step back to those dark days they already looked to plug.


    Sorry sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text unfortunately. These items didn’t skyrocket, yet the sigil did, why? Because someone identified the lack of ways to acquire these things.

  8. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Crystalline Dust, ectos, AMA gems. These too also skyrocketed in price. Wait a second, that’s odd.


    > Odd that there aren't threads complaining about those you mean . . ?


    > It makes sense if you consider that the price is not the issue, but rather the lack of access. Dust, ectos and gems can be purchased on the tp OR produced for yourself through regular play. It's not really odd that such different circumstances would produce different reactions . . .


    Exactly, they didn’t skyrocket up in prices, because there are ways to obtain these things without Lvling a character to 64, do rng in the mf or hope for a certain exotic weapon to drop from a champ bag.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Dedicant.6820" said:

    > > > > The major issue and why a lot of people are pissed is how things like this are going to be detrimental for the enjoyment of future living world chapters. You can no longer enjoy the story and take in all the details of the new map. Now you have to open yourself up to potential spoilers and rush through the content in order to make sure you won't be left at a disadvantage just in case the patch contains another little nugget like the sigil of nullification as a requirement for the content. Or you can play at your own pace knowing it may end up costing you later while others got it done for almost free comparatively.

    > > >

    > > > I don't get this statement at all. You can completely enjoy all those things if you don't get the armor. I mean, that's rather deceptive way of thinking ... linking armor availability to the enjoyment of doing the content in the map ... LIke, 99% of the content isn't linked to the armor, but you're going to try to say you can't enjoy new maps because of 1% of content you have to 'rush' to get done. That's ridiculous.

    > >

    > > I get what he’s saying. I kinda thinking the same thing. Next episode, in the back of my mind, I’m thinking so I got to rush through this to make sure I don’t get screwed over again, like this sigil scenario. This might not be everyone, but definitely see myself falling into this trap.

    > >

    > > If the content is like the griffin. The price is set, so I can take my time and not get screwed over by it.


    > Yeah but ... the price is set by the market anyways ... the difference is only where the gold goes.


    > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > That's not true for everyone and the fact is that there are going to be instances where people get some advantage by playing the game more than someone else. You aren't going to make an argument here that makes sense because it's just natural that people that can play more will have an advantage over those that can't.

    > >

    > > Ofc ppl who play more get advantages. They get stuff sooner and more of it. What they shouldn't get to do is deprive subsequent players of content. If the first hundred players to finish the new raid wing were permitted to charge an access fee to subsequent raiders, you would see similar discontent. But they didn't all they got was earlier access to raid goodies by virtue of finishing the content sooner, so you have seen no discontent . . .


    > You aren't deprived of content because of the market. That's absolutely silly ><


    > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > That's not true for everyone and the fact is that there are going to be instances where people get some advantage by playing the game more than someone else. You aren't going to make an argument here that makes sense because it's just natural that people that can play more will have an advantage over those that can't.

    > >

    > > It dépends on the advantage. If the advantage is "you are going to make a ton of money on the back of other players", that advantage is not good for the game as a whole.

    > >

    > > On the other hand, look at the griffon mount : players who played more had the advantage of getting the mount earlier than others, that advantage is ok, unlike the previous one.


    > Every time someone buys something from the market, someone gets gold from a player, but for some reason this one is different? That's not sensible. That's how the game works. This isn't new.


    > The bottom line is that people just don't want to pay the market value for the mats. That's unreasonable. It's what they are worth. Anet stands behind the market and the benefits it brings to players. It's all sour grapes to complain about it.


    I get it, however why did Anet add precursor crafting. The similarities between this and precursor weapons is very interesting.

  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Dedicant.6820" said:

    > > The major issue and why a lot of people are pissed is how things like this are going to be detrimental for the enjoyment of future living world chapters. You can no longer enjoy the story and take in all the details of the new map. Now you have to open yourself up to potential spoilers and rush through the content in order to make sure you won't be left at a disadvantage just in case the patch contains another little nugget like the sigil of nullification as a requirement for the content. Or you can play at your own pace knowing it may end up costing you later while others got it done for almost free comparatively.


    > I don't get this statement at all. You can completely enjoy all those things if you don't get the armor. I mean, that's rather deceptive way of thinking ... linking armor availability to the enjoyment of doing the content in the map ... LIke, 99% of the content isn't linked to the armor, but you're going to try to say you can't enjoy new maps because of 1% of content you have to 'rush' to get done. That's ridiculous.


    I get what he’s saying. I kinda thinking the same thing. Next episode, in the back of my mind, I’m thinking so I got to rush through this to make sure I don’t get screwed over again, like this sigil scenario. This might not be everyone, but definitely see myself falling into this trap.


    If the content is like the griffin. The price is set, so I can take my time and not get screwed over by it.

  11. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > The jackal actually makes more sense on being branded and tameable since it’s resistance to the corruption. The other creatures make less sense, but like you said they are only skins.

    > I would argue that it makes less sense, given their resistance to corruption means they shouldn't be corruptible at all (djinn are only resistant due to what makes up a jackal, after all). This is just another part where the branded mount pack are lore-breaking for players to have them (still the first real lore-breaking unless we force the headcanon of "they're just mimicking illusions made to look like branded" or something).


    > Though just as I am disappointed there's no awakened using the outfit or mounts, I remain disappointed there are no branded riding the branded mounts out there.


    Probably why they are just for fun. Though, I get your point. It irks me as well when I play the Beastmarshall mission in Vabbi and the awakened are riding on live raptors, when the awakened mount, although coming out after PoF, make way more sense.

  12. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"Fleebag.1384" said:

    > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.

    > > > >

    > > > > So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?

    > > >

    > > > If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.

    > > >

    > > > This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.

    > >

    > > They look so good though. ?

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Jackal_Skin


    > They're probably like the djinn; incredibly difficult to corrupt but not entirely impossible.


    > Though to be sure the branded mount package is just Black Lion Aesticians having fun and being artsy. Your branded mounts aren't actually branded. There's no evidence of sand jackals getting corrupted as of present.


    The jackal actually makes more sense on being branded and tameable since it’s resistance to the corruption. The other creatures make less sense, but like you said they are only skins.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Fleebag.1384" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.

    > >

    > > So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?


    > If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.


    > This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.


    They look so good though. ?



  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Zawn.9647" said:

    > > World of Warcraft already solved this problem years go...

    > >

    > > LFR - pugs can raid, its very easy and doesnt rewards are less desirable

    > > Normal - as the name implies

    > > Heroic - a little more difficult with a few tweaks in the bosses skills - higher reward

    > > Mythic - very difficult, only hardcore players try it and the rewards are pretty strong

    > >

    > > why cant we have something like this? we dont need those 4 'levels' but 3 would be awesome...

    > >

    > > the one we have could be the "normal"

    > > one easier doable by pugs and another one for hardcore ppl


    > LFR lumps players together and removes all skill. It also makes sure that x amount of tanks and x amount of healers are present. Finally it gives a stacking buff up to 40% to make even the most kitten groups able to succeed.


    > Now let's take that apart for GW2:


    > A.) we need to now some how decide which classes and builds and on what basis these classes and builds get added to raids (or we dumb down the content so much that literally any combination of classes should be able to succeed. That would be possible I guess)

    > B.) rewards would have to be reduced significantly. Way more than in WoW since WoW continually devalues gear. Thus we would have to either not offer gear, or just very low grade gear like rares

    > C.) difficulty would have to be reduced significantly so that half the people participating could go afk and success would still be possible with the other half just auto attacking.


    > Come to think of it, there is content like this in the game already, it's called OPEN WORLD EVENTS AND BOSSES.


    A) Don’t do this, no reason for the automatic set up blah, it’s not needed.


    B) no Legendary Armor items, LI etc. Exotics and rares would be fine for this.


    C) difficulty, yes obviously reduced, they could introduce a stacking buff for this as well upon each wipe. Some players may never see it, some people might have max stacks.

  15. > @"Genesis.8572" said:

    > It seems like an "easier mode" (with adjusted rewards) would serve as a more appropriate training ground for raids. It seems more intuitive to have people "train" for raids in raid content they can experience. It would reduce the sheer number of threads here and on reddit trying to convince casuals to support this game mode. Fractals have scaling difficulty with scaling rewards. I can jump into a low-level fractal to learn the ropes of the map and then actually work on improving.


    You would also have others that would never move to the normal mode either, which is fine, because it’s still traffic into the raids.

  16. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > > > But yes it's all about opinion and now just comes down to a choice.. do you make the armour or wait until it becomes less relevant or less impactful to you over time... or pass on it entirely of course.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That was always the choice which it came down to. Some people are simply unsatisfied with having to make that choice.

    > > > >

    > > > > And some ppl are incapable of understanding that the choice is anet's to control . . .

    > > >

    > > > No it is not, Arenanet can affect the parameters but the choice is and always has been a persons personal one unless Arenanet changes the parameters to literally make it impossible or close to impossible to achieve a desired result. Affecting choice =/= making it, unless as mentioned the choice given is a farce, which it is not in this case.

    > > >

    > > > An expensive (and not even most expensive at that) choice is not impossible, far from it. So it comes down to personal choice IF you want to spend the required amount of gold.

    > > >

    > > > By now price has been quite stable and the flipped stock will likely have been consumed (actually a few days ago probably) so players can now decide: do they want to spend x amount of gold on these skins or not. This choice was always available at every point in time at different price points. The fact that no hot fix was implemented indicates that Arenanet are fine with the total price, at least enough to not address it. Now live with that fact and deal with it, it's not going to change in the near future.

    > >

    > > Like I said before, it comes to supporting Anet, if this sort of stuff angers you, you have the choice to either buy gems or not by gems.

    > >

    > > Personally, I don’t like this sort of behaviour to be supported, hence they won’t be getting my money(which they did before). The players do hold a considerable amount of power. If the community becomes unhappy, they will refuse to spend their hard earned RL money to support these sorts of things. In the long run that hurts Anet.


    > True, and it makes sense to vote with your wallet. I'm not some one to tell others what to like or dislike, I just don't like having hyperbole thrown around with incorrect use of terminology.


    > It makes fact checking murkier, understanding what is happening harder and in general leaves less experienced or knowledgeable people at a disadvantage or with an incorrect opinion.


    > It is fine to be angry or displeased with how this collection was added if you feel that way. It is fine to assume things like Arenanet wanting to encourage gem sales. But please understand the difference between cause and effect and the terminology used (not you specifically but in general).


    Yeah, it comes down to player choice. Everyone has an individual choice here. For me, I don’t want Anet to get the impression that I support this type of design. Hence I won’t fund them.

  17. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > But yes it's all about opinion and now just comes down to a choice.. do you make the armour or wait until it becomes less relevant or less impactful to you over time... or pass on it entirely of course.

    > > >

    > > > That was always the choice which it came down to. Some people are simply unsatisfied with having to make that choice.

    > >

    > > And some ppl are incapable of understanding that the choice is anet's to control . . .


    > No it is not, Arenanet can affect the parameters but the choice is and always has been a persons personal one unless Arenanet changes the parameters to literally make it impossible or close to impossible to achieve a desired result. Affecting choice =/= making it, unless as mentioned the choice given is a farce, which it is not in this case.


    > An expensive (and not even most expensive at that) choice is not impossible, far from it. So it comes down to personal choice IF you want to spend the required amount of gold.


    > By now price has been quite stable and the flipped stock will likely have been consumed (actually a few days ago probably) so players can now decide: do they want to spend x amount of gold on these skins or not. This choice was always available at every point in time at different price points. The fact that no hot fix was implemented indicates that Arenanet are fine with the total price, at least enough to not address it. Now live with that fact and deal with it, it's not going to change in the near future.


    Like I said before, it comes to supporting Anet, if this sort of stuff angers you, you have the choice to either buy gems or not by gems.


    Personally, I don’t like this sort of behaviour to be supported, hence they won’t be getting my money(which they did before). The players do hold a considerable amount of power. If the community becomes unhappy, they will refuse to spend their hard earned RL money to support these sorts of things. In the long run that hurts Anet.

  18. > @"Svennis.3852" said:

    > Yeah I couldn’t quite put into words why E3 was so disappointing. Boring map, boring meta, killing Joko way too soon, zero impact from the scarab plague...


    > It never even occurred to me how needed Tahlkora’s involvement was, after everything Joko did to her... that would’ve been an amazing moment If she contributed to his defeat in a concrete way.


    > I don’t think we needed a lot of major deaths because that becomes lazy after a while, but the scarab plague should’ve been insanely dangerous and impacted *at least* Elona.


    > They really needed to give this whole plot more time to ripen. :/


    Episode 3 whether by the lack of events or by design, though I think the former, felt like a barren wasteland. I was alright with this given that the area was a true moment of suffering and torment as described by the occupants of this once lush place.


    The area was full of life, water and bridges in Gw1 and now it’s just dried up river beds and sulphuric markings.

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