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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. Is there another path to go into that zone to the north? I happen to be on that story step, but looking at what I'd need to do to complete one of the achievements, it suggests getting the Springer before doing it. Does that mean I'll basically have to do that story step again if I want the achievement (which, is fine, I guess, I can think of many other times in HoT and LW3 where achievements were basically mutually exclusive)?


    Edit: I went ahead and did the story step, and realized what I was concerned about was 'after' the instanced area anyways. So never mind. How do you delete a post? :)

  2. It seems like it lets me stay logged in for a lot longer, which is great, thank you.


    I did encounter a weird issue today after it 'did' log me out. I had a page opened which I [ctrl-click'd] into a new tab out of one of the profession forums. It was a discussion on some build ideas for one of the new specs. Because it was opened in the manner it was, there was no history to it. When I was logged out, it seemed as though I was redirected to an 'auto sign out' page, and the forum cleared the history of the page I was on getting there. In theory, after I signed back into the main forum, I should have been able to go 'back' to that tab with that one page and refresh it and I'd be logged in on it, but that didn't happen. I was stuck on that seemingly static page, with not even a 'back' history to return to that page. So now I have to go find it and open it again.


    I personally open a Chrome window for each major game I play, and each window has tabs related to that game, be it wikis, forums, main site, build generators, specific builds, or other fan sites. I think it will be problematic to have to find and re-open any page from the forum I might have had open in a separate tab each time I'm logged out.

  3. Technically, I'm 'enjoying this one better at launch', but only because my head and attitude were not in a very good place when HoT launched. Returning last December and playing HoT through, it was very enjoyable to me, and I wish I hadn't taken a break. So thinking of the HoT release being this past December (for me), and PoF now, I really enjoy them both. I suppose if my big HoT play through were 2 years ago, I might say I enjoy this one more?


    I think the HoT lands ended up being great. They were intimidating at first, and TD can still be tricky to get around in, but overall, they are great. VB's overall flow and meta. AB's meta. Dragon Stand. I had a lot of fun with it. The good news is, because HoT -n- PoF (H.R. Pufnstuf?) are so different, I think it will help with HoT's replayability, because that's the place to go do that sort of thing. The big vertical zones and zone wide meta events. It might also be interesting to go back with some of the new Specs and try them against some of the mobs that might have given us grief at the time and see if some of them fair better than the Specs we had at the time.

  4. Confirmed. Though, functionally, I'm not seeing right away how it would be helpful, unless for movies or an action screen shot?


    I turned Free Camera on for the first time at the beginning of the year when I realized it would be helpful in situations where I was gliding and had combat abilities, like in Bloodstone Fen or at Shatterer.

  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I'm guessing Unidentified Loot will only be acquired in Path of Fire, and subsequent associated maps.

    > Still, the other features mentioned are available game-wide.


    > Good luck.


    I hope that's how it works. Would give me incentive to continue my daily routines in the old lands in addition to PoF to keep my influx of ectos and free 30s weapons, along with the few exotics I get in a week for those mats (also free).

  6. For every new material we add to our material collection, create one for sale on the auction house for whatever price Chip McEcon thinks is fair.


    That way, I can keep what I found (and earned), and there are some available for the flippers.


    Or, add a material storage tax on new items. Take 10%. For every 10 I deposit, take one and put it up for sale using Chip's price.


    I don't like to sell things until I've got a full hoard for myself, in the event you create something like, oh, I don't know, Aurora, I'd like to have plenty on me and be as 'little' impacted by economic games as possible. I sell things only after my hoard is full (I have a 1,000 stack capacity). If you want to 'tax' me for a few months, by automatically taking a little from me while I go about my usual game depositing until full, then do that. Why burden us with inventory issues?


    I mean, we're already being subjected to a tax on getting rare and exotic items in the new world. At least, that's what I assume is happening, based on what others have reported in limited testing and a complete lack of official explanation for that mechanic.

  7. You can support them with an optional subscription now. :)


    For I'd say the first 3 years of the game, I bought $10/mo in gems, regularly (later I quit for about 15 months when HoT came out, but then started up this past December, and while I didn't buy 'consistently', I have dropped at leave $100 in gems).


    I'd save up the gems to buy things I wanted, more bag space for my main, alts, bank spaces. Every so often something would come out I'd really want, and I'd push another $10/20 in gems to get it before it left the store.


    You could, I suppose, spend $15/mo on gems, then spend them on things that in your mind might be useful things they might tag on as 'sub only' items. Maybe a few packs of keys each month, few 2-week port passes each month, transmutation charges. Or, do like what I used to do and spend them on bigger things.


    I don't think it really has to be a thing, does it? Just...buy gems. :)

  8. I'm waiting for it to return too. I saved off all my old posts, and am waiting for it to return so I can add all of mine back. :)


    I bookmarked one that someone created, but it fell off the front and other people started making posts with QoL in the title, so now it's just all over the place again.


    I see she added the Store one back. Hopefully she'll add the QoL one back.

  9. There is a set amount of RNG in the world, so for every game that makes strides to reduce theirs, another must pick up the mantle. I've been reading ArcheAge is reducing some of their RNG in the future, so GW2 must have drawn the short straw and are adding more to their game. :)


    In all seriousness, rather than creating new forums in the hopes the long post in the old forums would just go away...


    Ok, this time, _really_ in all seriousness, it would all save us a lot of trouble if they just came out and explained all the details of it to us, so we can remove all the speculative posting and just post about facts. It could be something totally fine, and it could be something totally nasty. We're missing a lot of information.


    If the cost of IDing is 'purely' a new gamble mechanic to roll on potentially 'more' rare/exotic items, then it makes perfect sense. It's a roll 'beyond' the normal amount of rare/exotic we get from quests, DE rewards, meta rewards, chest rewards, etc.


    If all rare/exotics were sucked out of the world, and we must now 'pay' to have 'any' rare or exotics, then a Lucy...?



  10. I seem to recall this was a bug a long time ago that was fixed. It seems to have appeared again very recently (either the last big patch, or a small post patch).


    Sometimes when I zone, or login, or maybe come out of being transformed, or maybe other things, the UI does not indicate which of the attunements is currently active. If you switch to another attunement and back, it’s fine, until whatever causes it happens again.


    I mean, we know because of the abilities we have, and even the ‘color’ of those abilities, just a minor annoyance, so I raised my hand. :)

  11. While it was originally reported that all 3 of the Unbound Magic tools caused you to unsheathe you weapons when used (even though not in combat), only 2 of the 3 were eventually fixed.


    The Logging Pulse still forces you to unsheathe your weapons when used.


    There is an 'odd' sort of work around. If you take off running as soon as you get your goodies from the final chop, it won't unsheathe your weapons. :/

  12. I don't like being logged out even more than I used to. Seems like every time I alt-tab back to see what's going on, I have to click login again, then scroll down, then come back into the forum. It was actually easier before hitting F5 and then speed entering my user/pass, at least it put me back where I was. Now I might not remember what forum I was reading when I alt-tab back to the forum.

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