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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. "We heard you like tomes..."


    And the tome needs to hold tomes, because I have a LW3 Tome and it would be nice to put that in the big Tome.


    And while we're at it, let's let it hold all the other books and just call it a library, which you can visit permanently in your home, guild house, cities or using your portable tome. :)

  2. I picked Vanilla since it was an option (though, not an expansion). It's hard for me to compare HoT and PoF at this point because PoF is so new, and my head was in a very different place when HoT came out, and I effectively left for 15 months. When I came back, I had a really good time playing through HoT. Basically, when HoT came out, I was in 'maintenance mode' with GW2, and my attention was focused on another game. It's initial difficulty, and the fact that it now was taking my time away from the other game, frustrated me. I've since left that game, and had I not been playing it, I would have had a great time with HoT the same way I'm having with PoF.


    Since it was an option, I picked vanilla, because nothing is as awesome as the first (several) time(s) through! Leveling up crafting. The first time I ran by when Jormag was up and I had no idea what it was and it looked totally scary so I just kept running! Orr was my only 'meh' feeling. A little burned out on the whole 'LotR' progression of zones, where they start all sunny and happy with mild nemesis and end in the Goth/Emo/Metal zones. Always the same arc. Moar sunny end game zones! Learning jumping mechanics, open world non-party shared play, shared resource nodes, vistas. Awesome inventory system.


    One more thing about HoT and PoF. To me, as I enjoy them both very much, the fact that they are so very different I think makes them much more replayable. If PoF was HoT, there would be no reason to HoT, and that would be sad. I find myself setting aside time and characters to do a little of both every week.

  3. Well, like, everything that's not on my 'bummed about' list, which is pretty short?


    It's a toss up between 'server tech' and 'social evolution'.


    Server tech would be things like the mega-server system, virtually no down time. There's a lot of back end tech that we take for granted that I've never seen done before or since, at least in the MMOs I've elected to try and/or play over the years, which are quite a few.


    Social Evolution would be for the way everyone has their own resource nodes in the world, and everyone can just 'share' in fighting whatever is around without competing for 'tagging' (more or less, I know min-max, dollar/hr, get the most keks for my pews folks would disagree). This was something that grabbed me right away in the first beta and release. The idea that we are all just out there and can jump in and participate in whatever.

  4. There isn't really a pick for me.


    I made a Bifrost before HoT. I didn't like all the rainbow trails off my character as it obscured me as I was running. And honestly, it was a bit busy for me just standing around, so I use ascended staff skins, usually white, but I have a red/orange one now to go with my Halloween colors.


    I prefer simple looking sets, and pretty much always hide everything I can (head, hand, shoulders). I have a character or two with a back piece showing. Most recently, the inviso-book went nicely on my Mesmer who uses the Myst-looking weapons (sword/sword and sword/shield) plus a ghost cat mini. Put Aurora on her as well, so she has a ghostly look about her. Have a Revenant in a Monk outfit with a 'walking stick' (staff) that has a low(er) level leatherworking back pack on, the small one with the bear pelt on the cover flap.


    I also generally prefer simple looking weapons, as all my characters are small, and surfboards don't look much like weapons for them. My Guardian's two handed sword is a newbie skin. Maybe not quite the newbie-est, but maybe the 2nd skin you come across. It's really small, but it actually looks like a sword to her, and not wall paneling.


    Generally don't like glowing things, as I then don't get to see my character behind a myst of goo. The Mesmer being the exception, largely because she's a Chrono, and ends up 'lighting up' pretty regularly in combat. Aurora isn't 'too' glowy out of combat, not much more than the myst-looking (i can't remember what they are called, you create them in the mystic forge with a lot of mats and ectos?) swords she has.


    So with a hidden Bifrost, it's hard to justify working towards more legendaries, really. I don't really take advantage of the 'swapping' aspect, b/c it doesn't do me much good without changing the sigils. I carry a healing set on my main elementalist besides her zerker set, and just made an ascended healing staff to go with it, rather than swap stats on the Bifrost. So there it sits, reskinned and not really used to it's full potential.


    But on the brighter side, it allows me to get things like Griffons and work on the new specialist weapons without batting an eye when they are made available. :)

  5. > @Llyweln.3078 said:

    > you can craft grievious using fractal grandmaster marks. did it last night, grievious etc are in the drop down list to choose.


    Interesting, thanks. I don't really do fractals, so I probably don't have any of those marks. :)

  6. > @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

    > When your group gets full, please remove yourself from LFG.


    I can see how it would be a pain to manage, zones fill and open constantly. In the case of something like Teq or AB, I like seeing the full groups where you can join and keep trying to get in. More often than not, I get in after repeatedly trying.


    A nice option, which would require some effort on their part, would be a check box to keep your raid advertised, but show/hide based on the status of the instance you are in. Then you can just forget about it. Would be useful for Lab, but then raids like Teq or AB could 'not' check that feature, as they see fit, to let people try to get in.

  7. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I don't believe it's 'unacceptable' nor that ArenaNet 'needs' to change anything. I understand some players would appreciate more or different features to come standard in ArenaNet's game, but, after all, it _is_ ArenaNet's game and I believe they can monetize certain features as they see fit.


    > Just like with many things in life, we have the _choice_ to pay extra for improvements over the basic model.


    > Good luck.


    Agreed. I'd maybe like to see a set of skins you can buy just to get the dye channels without changing how they look too much. I'd love the extra dye channels, but not excited about having skeleton mounts. :)

  8. Thanks everyone. I guess I'm leaning towards salvaging blues (or half blues) and opening greens and yellows. Salvaging them does give PoF mats, which you don't seem to get if you open them and then salvage what's in them. Now, I haven't used a 'lot' of PoF mats yet, so not really sure how important it is to hoard those. I supposed the eyes would at least be nice to collect to do some Spearmarshal gambling, which I haven't done a lot of yet.

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