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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. When I buy gems, I sometimes buy more than 800 now. It depends on how many I need and whether I think I might spend them in the near future? Not sure which poll option I should pick.


    Do I think they should have a volume discount? Yes. I would then always buy the biggest bundle when I'm out, and govern my spending over time. For better or worse, this game doesn't have 'all' that much I like to buy from the gem store. Glider here or there, bank space, shared inventory space. I like the multi-tools. I got the home nodes.


    I would spend a 'lot' more if there were outfits I were interested in, but this game pulled away from that direction a year or two into the game and they never looked back. And that's fine, they drew a line in the sand, and I respect that. Just...not much for me to spend on moving forward.


    Sadly, there are a few other games I tried that I 'really' like the options they have in their store, some I played longer than others, but at the end of the day, they had something about their game play that finally frustrated me and I quit. But, I probably spent more money on them than I have here. Which...is weird, but there you go. :)


    If you build it, they will come. Except they won't have bats. Or walking in from the field. Or in uniforms.

  2. Pretty much.


    1. We need a building that is our 'home' in the home instance.

    2. There should be a bookshelf or library in our home that we can put all our books into.

    3. There should be a stables for our mounts

    4. We should be able to enable up to 3 minis that we own to 'loiter' around our home


    There should be libraries around the world that allow us access to our books, as well as serve as a way to research, learn about, books we haven't collected yet.

  3. > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > GW2 is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.



    I know people aren't supposed to post goodbyes, but I'm actually always a little curious as to why people go. They should have 'Departures' forums so people can say their peace before they go. Moderated, of course.

  4. > @Asum.4960 said:

    > You might want to have a look at some of the fan made Trailers that are out there, they are some of the best Trailers for GW2 I've seen.

    > If you want to approach absolutely new players, I don't think just telling them _"Hey, there is a new expansion out there and we think it's amazing!"_ is enough.

    > A lot of very good points have already been brought up, but I'll potentially repeat one of the most important ones:


    > Tell them about the Features! The game being subjectively good to the established players is great and all, but why should _"I"_ play Guild Wars 2!?

    > Pique their interest with WvW, the special functionality that mounts in GW2 have, Gliding, Fractals, Raids, non toxic/communal open world experience.

    > You have to sell new players on the core gameplay first before they are interested in an expansion, then tell potentially returning players what's new.




    As I was reading up to this point, I was thinking, "How can you highlight some of the great social evolutions that this game has, like how there's no mob stealing, node gather stealing, etc. How you can just join one or more people fighting things and everyone gets experience and loot?" I like the one shot in this video where they show two people mining the same node. That's a great idea.

  5. > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > I.... don't even know what you guys are talking about and I've 100% the map two times so far.

    > > What exactly is a brandstone and where or how do I get a scanner?


    > There's a Volatile Magic vendor at the Astralarium. If you talk to her, she'll give you a scanner, and offer to sell some upgrades so it has more skills.


    > Then, when a brandstone falls from the sky, it will create a crater when it hits the ground, spawing some enemies. You have three minutes to get there, kill the enemies, and use some of the scanner's skills to get the content from the brandstone. Apparently those are crafting materials; people think we will use those to craft the Astral and Stelar weapon (you can see those in the wardrobe).


    > The thing is, you have to wait until a brandstone falls from the sky. If you are at the top of the Astralarium, people will talk about it and you can hear it, but it's **extremely** boring to just stand there waiting for them. A reddit topic mentions that one brandstone falls more or less each 15 minutos, so it's a considerable wait if you have just entered a map.


    I don't suppose anyone has a screenshot as to how this looks? Do they start high up in the sky? Where it's darker? Lower on the horizon? Do you sit on the telescope and scan from looking East to South? Do they always fall over in that area that has all the holes in the ground?

  6. I'm a little bit concerned with it in respect to feeling 'forced' into new specializations to do the newer content because one of the older specializations, or a 'base class' combo, has trouble doing the content, but you enjoy whatever class you've built better than the newer specializations.


    That is my only real concern with it. Power creep in general isn't a horrible thing. It serves as a selling point in the early days of an expansion, but I think there is a responsibility to then come back around and let the older specs and base classes 'catch up', and sometimes knock newer specs down, to balance things moving forward.


    It would be nice if it was mechanics alone that made new specs shine and be fun, but power creep helps sell it at the end of the day.


    And my concern is mostly with just general PvE, and being able to play new expansions and LW with older specs and base classes. If there was a way to couple earning (key) power with respect to fractals, PvP (WvW?) and raids and it was 'only' applicable to those areas, I think that wouldn't be a terrible way to introduce some verticality to areas of the game that generally look for that without impacting the rest of the game.

  7. I'm on the last step of the story. The boss I just fought was kinda hard, but I finally won.



    Really enjoy the map (wide and tall), lots of ways to move around. The grass and colors in the SW corner are great, and the ruins. Love pirates. Good mix of sunny stuff and 'emo' lands, something for everyone. The metas are fun and rewarding. The story (up to First City, I think it's called, something like that) is great. I especially love there are lots of achievements, as well as hidden achievements, so you aren't 'pinched' to get the meta done. Compared to something like Bitterfrost Frontier, where you pretty much had to do everything on the list, even if they were things you weren't so good at.


    Key chain, awesome...but then...


    **Not So Much**

    Pretty minor things. I find the bosses a little hard, personally. Actually, I had a good time with the first one, and was able to do the achievements okay (except 12 minutes). I failed the "don't let him heal" achievement on the 2nd (?) boss, but he wasn't too tough. The woman where you are in the personal story where that one meta takes place (the last thing I did before where I'm at now, which is First City, something like that), she was super tough. And it was maybe that I didn't understand the mechanics, but she took me a really long time to kill. I can help with breakbars, but I'm not like Captain Breakbar, and I'm just never going to make a character like that. I like the abilities I like, and the weapons I like, and apparently, that leaves me with 'some' breakbar, but not a lot, and more passive than active. Oh well.


    I don't like that you made a LW4 portal tome. If you needed/wanted to 'in-game monetize' it, so it was something to work for with the new currencies, then you should have 'also' introduced a Portal Library or Portal Volume book to buy, that holds the books. Because we need 'one' portal thing. We don't need 2, and then 3, and then ?. A Portal Volume could have an entry for each book, and when you pick that, then you see what's in each book. Since it's one per expansion (at this point), I don't envision you'd end up with so many expansions they all wouldn't fit on the first page (8-10).



    Other than the new tome without a volume, and still wondering why Personal Story bosses have to be so tricky, I really enjoy everything so far! Assuming I'm still breathing, looking forward to seeing the synergy the person with the new role in keeping the LW4 stories tighter brings to the table.


    Update: Finished the last step of the story, and that was a really fun area, including and especially the last fight. So reflecting back to the whats-her-name fight, I guess it was all fine, and the difficulty was maybe a bit nitpicky in "Not So Much". :)

  8. I must admit, emotes are pretty skimpy when it comes to offerings. I always thought emotes (and idle animations) would be great things to offer in the gem store (ducks).


    I think most of the bigger games have many emotes, no? Even going back to Anarchy Online, which came out around the time fire and the wheel were discovered, had lots of fun emotes. I specifically recall a back flip being one of my favorites. :)

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