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Posts posted by notebene.3190

  1. They are great, my first mount pack!


    I was playing with the dyes, and you can really color out all the designs. You'll still have the snowflake effect, but if you did red or black or something like that, it looks pretty trippy (<- sorry auto-correct, trippy is real). I guess like the hat on the raptor can't really go anywhere though. I might use the griffon afterwards. Probably the rabbit too.

  2. I picked gem store. I guess personal story would be fine, but since I completed it already, it would all just be unlocked for me? I've done it 9 times, nearly, don't want to buy a character slot and level a character again just for that.


    The tonics were all created from clothing that was purchased in the gem store. Now, people are getting to roll the tonics on the TP for gold. Let us buy the outfits with gems, as they were originally intended.


    Oh, and I have some suggestions for pairing some old pieces to make an outfit. :)

  3. They were introduced last week? I had no idea. Not much fan fare? Was it a patch note?


    I got the old town clothes (which I agree with the OP, the channels have some 'interesting' choices, not to mention the 4th one, in the bottom right, doesn't seem to do anything), and I got the old Khaki one back, which cost me like 190g, which won't take more than a few weeks to get back, and I don't really spend my gold on anything, other than the occasional surprise hidden mount or non-raid/pvp centric accessory collection, like Aurora. The Khaki suffers from some interesting pairings of color channels with the shoes as well.


    They really need to come up with far more channels to dye. The top of an outfit should have 2 channels, the bottom two channels. The shoes 2 channels. The head (if applicable) 2 channels and then a channel (or 2) for some common adornment across the entire outfit. Like fittings or feathers or that sort of thing. So what, that's like 10? We have 4. Sometimes 3.


    I hope this is a sign that they might be willing to piece together some old things that didn't make it to a tonic. I'd really like the sleeveless, non-fancy hoodie I used to have with the khaki shorts and some boots that are 'smaller' than the town clothing boots, like the old witch outfit boots.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")


  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


    > It's still time-gated because your health drops over time from the chill effect, but it's much more forgiving than it used to be and you can use that extra time specifically for the bits you have trouble with because the platforms don't disappear.


    > Edit: I just managed to do it within the time limit using only keyboard-turning which is probably the slowest way you can realistically do it. Especially since I never use keyboard-turning so I'm terrible at it. I had to stop and adjust the angle I was facing for several of the jumps and I still made it in time which would never have happened the way it used to be.


    > It counts for the Leaping Above the Snow and Winter Wonderland Mastery achievements but I can't check the others because I've already done them. I assume it does, just because Anet would probably have said if it didn't.


    Thank you. It doesn't matter, I can't seem to get past the presents anyways, even on the Quaggan path. I sadly don't do well on puzzles with any 'push-go-faster' components. I can make jumps, but I like the ones where I can do a little bit of puzzle, pause, watch a little more video, copy what I see in the video, pause, watch a little more, repeat. :)

  5. I got one as a drop today. Been awhile, to the point where I forgot they could drop, or maybe assumed they just stopped doing that.


    But it got me wondering. There used to be a chance to get a key as you opened a chest, like a chance that it didn't use the key. I'd call the frequency 'uncommon', but hardly rare, as I got them quite often. Then that seemed to stop. Did that stop altogether, or did they just make the drop chance super rare, like the chance of getting a key as loot?

  6. I bring her mats for all 7 mirrors, just enough for 1. Different instances. Tried the first day I opened the collection; the second day. She has 'no' dialog that offers me any mirrors. I can ask her for mirrors, I can ask her what mats she needs, and that's it.


    I salvaged the exotic astral weapon I created to open the achievement. I gave her the letter (and have that item in the collection completed).


    Update: DEU. 'Ingots' not 'Ore'. :)

  7. > @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"LeMy.3826" said:

    > > > After making all of the mirrors needed for Astral Purification achievement ...

    > >

    > > How do you 'make them'? The wiki and the information 'reads' like all you have to do is take the required mats to her, and she will make them for you. But she won't talk to me. :(


    > I think you must have Yasna's note with you to talk to Quissal for the first time and unlock the achievment?


    I did that. Now when I try to bring Quissal the ingredients for mirrors, and talk to her, there is no dialog option to exchange materials for mirrors.

  8. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > Not necessary, that's already taken care of in your options by choosing to show only events and not your personal story...the indicator disappears the minute the event is over...not hard to use at all, and with mounts it's so much easier to move around maps this isn't even needed.


    It just shows the closest things to you, or 'some' bosses sometimes that they have flagged zone wide.


    I'm talking about sitting at the gate by Divinity's Reach in Lake Doric, and seeing 'all' instances of a skirmish happening on the map, mouse over, and it shows you the progress bars. That kind of thing.


    Another example. You are at Shatterer. You mouse over the collection standing way over at the WP where we all wait. It tells you [count/total], and if completed, the remaining 'count down' time left before he finally waddles off.


    The daily is 4 events in Brisden? Show me every single event currently happening across the entire map, regardless of where I'm standing, complete with useful detailed information about each one's progress when you mouse over.

  9. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > I heard from guildies that the mirrors are VERY buggy and require several relogs.

    > > > So nothing I can say but ‘good luck’ until anet fixes it.

    > >

    > > I'm not even at a mirror. :(

    > >

    > > Best I can figure, she will make me 7 things, and then I use those 7 things at mirrors, and then get my prize?


    > Afaik you have to craft mirrors and then take them to locations.

    > Im not too sure, im just forwarding comments of guildies here.

    > I just finished thevresearch achievement myself.


    > We’re talking about this, right?

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Purification


    I have all the mats, it says to take it to that person and 'she' will make the thing for me?

  10. Which I have dibs on if the ever add creating bands.


    If something, usually an event, is a daily, it is something that should show you where it is on the map, no matter where you are on the map. It shouldn't be something that only shows when you are close. And things that have counts and/or timers and things like that? How about having that in the mouse over UI, so we can decide if we'll even make it there in time before going? Progress bars on mouse over? You bet.


    Example: I'm in Lake Doric. I need skirmishes. Richard Dawson, "Show me...'Skirmishes!'"

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